A Restart with Harem System?

Chapter 7: Chapter 7 Forbidden fruit 1**

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It's been more than a week. A few things happened IRL, so I could only wrote like 100-200 word per day. Maybe tomorrow or later i will post discord server on the comment or profile. It's for uncensored visual scene, not just 1-3 pic but more of it. It's like interconnected ilustation.


"It's your fault....! I've been trying to hold back my feeling. But with this, I can't. I can't do it anymore....." Helena said with trembling lips after breaking the kiss. 

"I know. I was too." He said with a smile while wiping a drop of tear that came from her eyes. 

"You are not teasing me right? Do you really love me?"

He slightly nodded, "I do." He gave her a peck.

At this moment, the morality about loving someone with the same blood was out of the window, and all she could think was to have Alan for herself. "I want him to be mine." the word that kept repeating in her mind.

"My Brother....." She called him before she took the initiative to kiss him.

"Hmm, we should stop here and go to sleep, or I won't be able to hold back." 

She heard him and knew the meaning of his words, but she ignored him. She was overjoyed and didn't want this moment to go away and only responded by tightening her hug, clutching his neck like a koala.

"You are playing with fire here... Hey, did you lock the door?"

"Yeah...." she said as she nodded.

"You forget something. I'm not your brother anymore, Helena." He whispered, and before she could do anything, he placed both of his hands on her rounded springy buttock, kneading her butt and pressing it down. 

"Ahhmp~ Your thing is rubbing my Ohhmp~." She squealed.

She begged him to stop as she felt her crotch getting pleasured by his manhood, but he didn't stop and kept rubbing it, causing the heat to concentrate on her crotch. Although Alan was fully clothed, his manhood was already hard, and she could feel it throbbing and grazing her clit through the fabric.

She felt itchy, and at the same time, her moan became more coherent and enticing. Even though the night was cold, their body was hot, heated by their desire, and the sweat kept coming out, dripping from their pores.

"Don't get too loud... do you want everyone to hear your voice?" He said with his playful smirk.

Upon hearing him, she realized she was making an obscene sound and immediately locked her lips with him again. Only this time, her lips were forcibly open by his tongue, knocking on her teeth like wanting to enter. Slowly, she opened her teeth and let his tongue invade hers.

He moved his tongue inside like a slithering snake, poking and coiling her tongue with his. To her surprise, she felt pleasured by it. Although she hadn't experienced this kind of kiss, her instinct told her to do the same thing as him. She shyly mimicked his movement, combining and intertwining their tongue together. 

As she felt the joy of combining tongues, he suddenly stopped. He retracted his tongue from her mouth, causing her to feel lost. Not knowing why he did that and not wanting to give it away, she chased him into his mouth. And again, she discovered something new that made her feel good. He occasionally bit her tongue while sucking it with mild suction. 

He was teaching her, and she diligently learned from him. They exchanged saliva, tasting each other. And they only stopped the kiss when they needed to catch a breath. As the pleasure kept building up in her core, she unconsciously moved her own hips, matching his rhythms. 

"Hmmp~.......... chupoo....... Hngmmm~...... cuhpssss." With both of them succumbing to their own lust for each other, they made the entire room echo with only their muffled moan and sloppy kiss. 

After a while, he stopped the kiss and switched their position. "It's so lewd...." He said as he looked down, not only her flustered face but also her erotic curve. Her nipples were stiff and made a small bump on her bosom.

"N-no....D-Dont Look...." Embarrassed, she turned her head to the side to avoid his gaze. 

Looking at her adorable act, he chuckled for a while before he took off his long sleeve cardigan. Then he leaned down into her neck and lightly bit her a few times, filling it with his kiss mark.

"I want to see the things inside this dress." He whispered while pressing her stiff nipples with his thumb through her clothes.

"Hmmp~.....N-no... It's embarrassing."

"It's too late for that..." He said with his usual smirk. Then he began to pull her nightdress from her thighs to the top. Even though she was saying no, she lifted her own butt and stretched her arm to help him undress her.

She was wearing a set of plain white underwear. Without waiting any longer, he removed her bra by unhooking the hook on her back. Revealed her voluptuous plumps that immediately feasted by his gaze. 

"N-no~" She cried out. She tried to cover it, but his hands were already on them.

With both hands on her plump, he kneaded and squeezed them lightly, wobbling them and feeling the softness that made him addicted. And with his fingers, he played with the stiff cherry on top of it, twisting and yanking her cherry. 

He ran his tongue down to her and showered her body with a kiss mark. Stopping at her stiff cherry, he sucked it insatiably like he was thirsty for milk.

"I Hmmp~ feel MMph~ something...."

His action drove her crazy. Feeling multiple electric shocks on her sensitive body, she kept wiggling her body like a worm while her hand clenched his hair. All she could do was bite her own lips, trying her best to hold her moan. But her moan just became sexier and resounded like a melody that rang in his ear and caused his excitement to keep getting higher.

He slowly moved one of his hands to the bottom, creeping into her crotch inside her panty which was already wet by her own nectar. He gently flicked and twisted her swelling clit before inserting his finger inside. 

"Ahhm~ No..... Not There~~" Feeling the wave of pleasure from her flower and bosom, she was overwhelmed by it. She couldn't hold back her moan, and it was getting louder. 

He skillfully played his finger inside, massaging the tight walls and making her continuously ooze out her nectar. Increasing his pace every second, he brought her to the tip of the peak.

"It's~~ Coming~~," She curved her body while trembling. Her toes were curling, and her hand clenched his hair harder than before like she wanted to pull it from his head.

A few seconds later, her body stopped trembling, but she was still panting for air and tasting the overglow from her orgasm. It was her first time, and she was feeling heavenly.

"How is it? Does it feel good?" He asked as he stared at her drunken face. 

"Hmm mmm" She nodded. Her mouth curved upward as she opened her arms, asking for a hug. 

As they embraced each other, she felt his manhood throbbing on her crotch. "Alan..... Are we going to have S-sex?"

"I want to, but if you are not ready for it, then that's fine. We have a lot of time. So I ask you back, do you want in or not?" He asked as he stared at her face.

"I-i......." Paused for a moment, she thought about it. From now on, she would sleep with Alan every day. She would not let Leona to take her place. She knew sooner or later she would be doing it with him. 

"I want it too..." She said before she locked her lips with his, kissing him intimately, tasting each other sweet saliva. 

"Hmmph~ Alan...Your thing is so hard. can, can I t-touch it?" 

Without answering, he lifted her body and made her sit on the bed in the empty space between his wide-open leg while he leaned back with his elbows on the bed.

Looking at the bulge on his pant, she consciously moved her hand to it, rubbing his manhood through the pant. 

"I remember sometime Alan having this bulge after I cling to him. So it's true he was holding back too. But why is it bigger now? What do I need to do to please him?" She thought.

Closing in, she slowly pulled down his pant to his thigh and revealed his stiff manhood that stood proudly. "It's big. Can this thing enter my pussy?." She thought. 

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She was amazed by the change in his size. The last time she saw his manhood was when he was nine years old, and it wasn't big like this but more cute looking. Looking at it closer, she could smell his manly scent, and for an unknown reason her crotch felt itchy. Her lusty desire heated again.

"Let me help you." He said to her when she averted her gaze from his manhood to him. He lifted his butt and moved her leg to take off his pant, "Now do what you want to do." 

"W-what should I do?" She nervously asked.

Chuckling for a while, he said. "Move your hand up and down, and the rest is you should figure it out yourself."

She grabbed his manhood with her small delicate hand. With his manhood firmly in her grip, she gently stroked and yanked the hot shaft, causing it to throb with anticipation. 

His precum kept oozing out from the glans and lubricated his manhood.

"Yeah...Like that~" He moaned, feeling the pleasure coming from her hand. Lying on the bed, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment.

As she heard his moan, she increased her pace, making his precum to keep oozing out from the head and lubricating the shaft. While one hand stroked the pulsating shaft, she moved the other hand to explore other parts of his manhood, massaging his scrotum and rubbing her palm with the tip of his glans. 

She continued furiously stroking his manhood, making him to keep releasing a pleasured groan. At the same time, her breath turned ragged as she felt her crotch become more itchy. With the manly smell that amplified her lusty desire, she wanted to rub her own flower.

"Ughmp~ Helena... that's enough...." He said as he looked at her.

"Am I not good?"

"No, you did good, I was at the edge, but I want to release it inside you." He intentionally said it to her so she wouldn't worry about it later and just focus on him.

"Inside me?" She widened her eyes, surprised. As much as she loved him, she couldn't get pregnant now. "Nooo. We can't. If you release inside me, I will get pregnant."

"No, you won't." He said as he gently pushed her to the bed and rested her on the soft pillow.


"Just trust me."

He took off her drenched panty, exposing her pretty pale pinkish pussy that was twitching like it was breathing. On top of her clit she had long thin blonde pubes.

With his hand on her knees, he raised her legs and spread them open. He rubbed her pussy lips and clit with his penis, causing her to squirm. It would be her first time, and he knew she would feel pain from her hymen, so before he began, he moved one hand to her crotch. With one of his thumbs on her clit, he lubricated his penis with her juice before slowly inserting it into her cave.

Helena was biting her own lips, getting ready for the pain she would get from the first intercourse, but unexpectedly, she barely felt the pain. The pleasure she got from her clitoris overwhelmed the pain.

"Ahhhm~ Why... Ohhmp~"

"Uhhmp~ Mmphh~Too big..... "

It was all because of his skill. He activated his golden touch as he pushed his penis inside, exploring the deep of her moist pussy. It had been like an eternity since he felt a woman warm. Feeling the tight wall shrouding his manhood, he tried his best to control himself. 

Breaking her hymen, a stream of blood was gushing out from her cave, but he didn't stop and kept pushing in until his penis was entirely inside her.

As she felt his penis poking the womb entrance, her body jerked while her hand clenched hard on the bed sheet, "Ahngg~ Alan... Haaaaa~"  

"You are too loud, baby." He said before leaning down and kissing her lewdly. He stayed like this for a while to let her inside to get used to his size.

After a couple of seconds, he began to move his hips back and forth, pounding her. With a gentle movement, he poked her womb every time he thrust forward, causing them to moan in delight. 

Helena, on the other hand, became more aggressive with her kiss. Her shyness had gone away. Being able to feel this kind of pleasure with someone she deeply loves, her lust won her over. 

She clenched on his back, occasionally grazing his skin with her nail. She glued her being with him and didn't want to let him go even for a second. 

"Ngggmmm~ Alan..... Its feeeeeels Ahhh~ good......"

If someone was standing at the door outside, they could hear and guess what Alan and Helena did by the sound of clasping flesh, erotic moan, and creaking bed.

As time went by, he slowly lost control. With his penis over and over penetrated her womb, and repeatedly without pause, he brought her to the seven clouds.

"Cuppps~ Ahhhh~ Unhgggg~ Alan~ I'm close...." She said after breaking the kiss and leaving the thread of their saliva.

Without her saying it, he knew about it since he felt the wall inside her pussy tightening and twitching. With one last thrust, he slammed her harder, causing her to experience a violent orgasm.

"Ahhhmmmmh~~" She cried it out. Her face was in a drunken state, with her tongue that hung out from her mouth and her half-open eyes.


Her body was trembling while her pussy was pulsing. Feeling that kind of sensation on his penis, he couldn't help but also unleash a blast of his cum inside her, painting and filling her inside to the brim.

"Aggggghhh~ No... Wait Ogghh~."

Although he just orgasmed, he didn't stop his hips and kept hammering her inside, prolonging his already ridiculous orgasm, making more cum flowing out from her overflowing pussy, and creating a puddle of cum below them. Even Alan himself was surprised by the amount of cum he had.

Eventually, their orgasm stopped, but the bed was pretty messed up, and the room filled with a sex scent. Their body was wet because of the sweat.

"How is your body? I'm sorry I lost myself for a moment there. It feels too good." He said to Helena while caressing her lips with his thumbs.

She couldn't really answer him and only stared at him. She just had multiple orgasms in a row and was breathing hard.

And after waiting for a while, she finally answered. "Hahhhh haaaa I'm fine. It's felt amazing for me too... To think that I will feel this every day... Ahh. It's your fault! You are so bad."

"Haha... I guess I'm worried for nothing. Well, don't worry. I will take care of you from now on." He said before giving her a peck on the lips.

"Hmmpg~ Alan.. How can your thing is still hard? I can feel it. My inside is already filled with your cum. Are you sure I won't get pregnant?" She said as she felt his penis still stiff inside her.

"It seems like I need to release a couple more to make my little brother calm, and yeah, you won't get pregnant because I can control my fertility, but let's talk about it tomorrow, yeah? I promise I will tell you."

She nodded as a confirmation. Then she shifted the topic. "D-do you want to do it again?"

"This is your first time. You should sleep and rest your body."

"I'm not that weak! You know that I'm stronger than you."

With that said, he kissed her intimately and lit their desire for each other again. "Alright, but this time we should keep quiet. Even though the others should be already sleeping this late, we still need to be careful."

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