A Restart with Harem System?

Chapter 8: Chapter 8 Harem points and Harem mark**

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As their tongues intertwined and their sex remained connected, they shut their eyes, concentrating on each other and savoring the moment. Their already slightly subdued passion began to run wild once more. 

Helena's legs were wrapped around his waist, locking his body before pulling him in and pushing his cock deeper into her honeypot. At the same time, the soft wall inside her was reacting to it, tightening and squeezing his raging bone like it was craving for it. And it caused him to groan in pleasure. 

Alan's hands weren't idle either. He kneaded and squeezed her bosom, which felt like a soft marshmallow. Moreover, within her perky nipples on his hands, he occasionally yanked and twisted them. 

"Hnnng~ Alan......" parting their lips, Helena looked at him with unfocused eyes. She called him while nudging her legs as if she signaled him to move. 

"Eager aren't we?" He said with a grin as he retracted his body from her, towering in front and below her, in a missionary position. 

"Huuu... don't tease me~" She shook her head. "Move your T-thing."

"What is this thing?" He grinned.

 "Ahh, I hate it when you make fun of me!" She said as she lightly punched his chest. Then a second later, she shut her eyes and said, "Your C... penis~ push it inside me!"

His smile widened after hearing her, "Haha... You're so lewd. I'm looking forward to seeing you in those obscene underwear."

Without waiting for her response, he held on to her waist and raised it upward. "Don't close your eyes. Look, you can see where we are connecting." He said while slowly moving his hips, pulling his cock in and out of her slick pussy.

She glanced at it and saw how lewd her pussy was. It was wet with their juice and made an obscene sound, but she immediately shut her eyes again. "Aghmmm~ N-no~ I don't want to see~" She grunted which made Alan chuckle.

Moving like a snail, he shuddered from the pleasure. He could feel it every second, the warm, slick, and soggy sensation. It was their second time, yet it felt the same as their first time.

Getting deeper inch by inch with each thrust, his penis sloshed her inside, mixed their love juice, and created a foam on her pussy lips. 

"Ughm~ Hmmnp~ Y-yes.... faster~" She moaned in delight. Her body gradually curved upward as she clenched on his wrist, causing her tits to push to the center, allowing them to freely bounce up and down erotically.

Although they said they would take it easy, they quickly got in with the flow like a heated rabbit. Their actions quickly became more intense as they filled the room with an obscene sound.


He repeatedly pounded her with a fast but steady pace on the same spot, which appeared her cry would match his thrust as if they were in sync. 

Her body was feverishly hot, more sensitive than before. She kept squirming as she felt the continuous wave of pleasure coming from her sensitive spot. "Ahgggg~ Hnnnng~ So~ Good......"

A few minutes later, The soft wall inside her repeatedly tightened on a different level, clamping his cock. She couldn't hold it anymore. With the last few thrust into the entrances of her womb, she couldn't hold it anymore. She streamed an outburst of water like a broken dam.

"Ohhhng~ I-its..... Comingggg~" *Pssst* *Pssst* 

She was not a squirter, so for her to be like this, she must have been in ecstasy. And as for Alan, not like the last time kept pounding her on the edges. He didn't lose himself. He managed to hold back and waited for her to catch her breath.

A minute later, while Helena was still tasting the aftertaste from her violent orgasm and strengthless, he grabbed her legs, freed himself, and pulled his cock out from her pussy. He turned her limp body to the side before finally flipping her over. 

"W-what... are you going to do?" Helena asked. 

"What else? I will bring you to the cloud nine." He grinned.

While Helena lay prone, he grabbed one of his pillows and put it under her belly to support her. Then with her bottom slightly raised to the top, he crouched below her two big peaches.

He put his hands on them, kneading and squashing them like he was grabbing an air balloon, elastic but amazingly soft. He spread her buttcheeks wide open, revealing a small cute hole and drooling pussy, which he spent a few seconds admiring them before he moved his cock to her slit, rubbing it.

"Ahh~ Wait... I'm still sensitive." She cried it out as if she knew what Alan was about to do.

"Just stay still. I will do the work." 

Then without waiting any longer, he rammed his cock inside with one swift stroke, causing her to fidget like she was being electrocuted by his cock. 

He began to move his hips like a hammer hitting a nail. Slowly but strongly, causing her juicy ass to bounce every time he thrust forward. 

There was nothing Helena could do. She was at his mercy and could only succumb to the pleasure. As she felt a turbulent wave of pleasure hit her core, she dug her teeth into the pillow to muffle her moan.

"Hffft~ Mhhhhf~ ffffttmmmm~"

*Pakk* *Pakk* Alongside the sound of flesh, the bed was also shaking, making a creaking sound that matched his rhythm. 

A few minutes later, he felt the blood pressure rushing in his cock, he quickly increased his pace while leaning forward, pressing her body. 

"Helen..... I'm cumming..." He groaned as he gushed everything he had been holding within his scrotum inside her, making her half-full womb overflowing with his seed.

"Hmmmmmpmm~!" She squealed in delight while biting the pillow as hard as she could. Her body was shaking, and both of her legs folded to the top with curled toes.

Soon their overwhelming pleasure calmed down, but Alan was the only one who still had the energy to keep going while Helena was lying there helplessly. She was breathing heavily, and her eyes were closed. 

There wasn't any response from her when he called her. It seemed like she was either fallen asleep or fainted, exhausted by their battle. 

"Ha....... That was amazing." He muttered.

Then he kissed her cheek like he was saying goodnight to her before he pulled out his cock and moved away from her.

"Damn, even after this much, my penis is still hard. How many times do I need to do it to calm it down." He said while looking down at his cum covered penis.

At this moment, something stole his attention. Suddenly, Helena's body started to release a heat-steam. Her blood veins were also glowing with white light. Slowly her body levitated a few feets on top of the bed. Then a second later, condensed mana materialized, swirling in a circle around her, and was slowly getting sucked into her body.

Alan, who was sitting near Helena surprised to see her body, but he knew it wasn't harmful. "Ahh, It has to be because of the system. Right now, she's in an unconscious state." He assumed.

Eventually, everything stopped and her body slowly fell to the bottom like a feather carried by the wind. And so he moved closer to catch her body. Then he gently rested her on the bed with her top facing the ceiling.

"Hmm, nothing changes in her physical body." He said after carefully scanning her body with his vision.

"I guess she is the only one who will know the effect......" As he said that, he remembered something else. Harem point and the harem mark skill. He was so focused on her that he almost forgot about it.

Opening his system status, he was agape, surprised by the number of points that he got. "What? So many points! It's more than enough to upgrade the system." He muttered excitedly. "System, can you tell me where these points came from?" He asked, which immediately replied with a full detailed list of info.

[Kissing for more than 1 minute: 22 x 10 points =220]

[Touching each other erogenous zone for more than 1 minute: 20 x 15 points = 300]

[Intercourse 2 x 50 point = 100]

[User ejaculation 2 x 25 points = 50]

[Partner ejaculation 8 x 25 points = 200]

[User first experience 500 points]

[Partner first experience 500 points]

[Total harem points = 1870]

"Haha..... It's really about sexual activity. Well, it's not like I'm doing this just for the sake of point. This is just like throwing one rock and hitting two birds at the same time."

Then without further ado, he asked for more info about the system upgrade and the harem mark. 

The system upgrade would be automatic progress, and he just had to be in a sleeping state just like Helena, except he wasn't going to experience the same phenomenon as her.

As for the harem mark, it wasn't a spell, so like when he activated the Golden touch, he just had to have the intent for it while feeling his own mana.

For a moment, he wondered where he would put his harem mark, and after a while, he decided it would be better to put it in a hiding spot below her navel. It would be too suspicious for his family to see it now.

"Ohh, it's big, and not gonna lie, it's kinda erotic." He chuckled while rubbing on the spot where the black tattoo carved on her skin. It was a love symbol <3, with multiples of curved tribal lines on each side that almost looked like a wing, and below the heart symbol, there was one snake-like line pointing to her honeypot. 
(Picture of Normal state and Lusty state, you can join the discord to see full unc version.

After being satisfied with that, he cleaned up a bit and took a bath to calm his little brother before he lay beside Helena, chose to upgrade his system, and went to sleep. 

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A Couple of hours later in the morning, a little bit late from when they usually wake up. Helena who was lying beside Alan, woke up first. 

Normally, Alan was the one who woke up first when he slept together with his family. In fact, they were always alone in bed when they opened their eyes. If not, Alan was the one who woke them up, and that was after he had taken a bath and was ready to leave.

So when his face was in her view, she was weirdly happy. Just after a few seconds of staring at him, A heap of heat brushed her cheeks as she remembered the last night's event. The memory was still clear and fresh as if there was a picture of them inside her mind. She could remember every detail from when he said he loved her until the end.

"It seems like I fainted last night, but for some reason, rather than feeling weak and exhausted. I feel much stronger now. Is this what will happen after having a connection with someone you love? Ahh, I don't know." She muttered with a broad smile on her face.

Then as she glued her body with his and tightened her hug, she could feel that something poked her knee. Surely, she instantly looked down and saw something was towering beneath the blanket. It didn't take a second for her to guess what it was.

Last night, she was playing with it but only lasted for a few minutes. So now, knowing Alan was so defenseless. Her curiosity arose. "I can still feel it. All of his seed inside my womb. Ohh Alan, what do we do if we get caught." She said while rubbing her own tummy.

She glanced at his face again, and after seeing he was not showing any sign to awake, she slowly pulled the blanket away from them, revealing their naked body.

But before she could do anything to his domineering morning wood, she noticed a black tattoo on her body. She was confused and had no idea why she had this tattoo, but after she thought about it for a while, she assumed that Alan must know about it.

"Uggh, How many secrets does he have? Should I wake him up? Hmm, actually, I can wait. He promised that he would tell me everything today." 

She glanced at him again. "Hehe... MY Alan, I don't need permission to touch your things, right?"

With that said, she crawled to his manhood until it was only a few cm away. Her heart started to pound as she stared at it. She sat beside him with both legs laid and folded to the side like an M shape before leaning forward to touch his cock.

As she traced around the surface of his cock with her finger, She felt the same thing as the last time she touched his cock. It was hot and throbbing. Soon enough, a transparent liquid substance came out from the tip of the glans. 

Truthfully, this liquid wouldn't have any effect on their partner's body if it was coming from the other, but for Alan, it was different. The Goddess's blessing had amplified his male pheromone. For someone like Helena who already loves him, it would act as a small dosage of aphrodisiac.




Not long after, It was Alan's turn to wake up. He was in a half-sleep state, and at this moment, he felt a blissful sensation coming from the lower part of his body. Something soft and slimy coiled around the tip of his cock, and a small delicate hand was gripping the shaft, which gently moving up and down.

There was no way he could stay asleep. He looked down and saw Helena sitting between his wide open legs right below his crotch. Her body was leaning toward his cock. She was pumping his cock with both hands while sensually moving her tongue in a circular motion around the tip of his glans like she was licking a lollipop. 

Her face was already red, and her breath ragged, which kept blowing hot air into his cock. She was so focused on it that she didn't even notice Alan was staring at her and was only aware when she heard him calling her.

"Hngg~ Helen..." He quietly said. 

She immediately stopped and looked at him. "Eh..... Alan~, y-you wake up." She was indeed surprised by his sudden call. 

He slightly raised his body with both elbows on the bed to support his weight, "Of course. You make me feel so good. There is no way I can stay asleep. Helen~, can you put it inside your mouth?" He asked which she replied with an immediate nod. 

Nothing matters anymore. In fact, if Alan didn't wake up and asked her, she probably would do that on her own accord. She opened her mouth in an O shape and slowly buried the sensitive glans inside her warm mouth, causing a shudder in his spine. 

She began to please him, slowly sucking his throbbing cock while slithering her soft tongue around his cock, making more and more of his precum come out, which was immediately sucked by her. 

Slowly, she sank her head down, lapping her wet moist lips on his veiny-surface cock as if she was making out with it. She kept pushing it down until her mouth filled with his flesh, causing her cheeks to bulge.

"Slurrrp... Sscrppp~ Slurrtp~"

While doing so, she furiously yanked the lower shaft of his cock with her right hand while the other massaged his balls, pulling the elastic skin and gently kneading the balls in turn. 

Knowing what made him feel good the most and as if her instinct was kicking in, she took the initiative to bob her head, moving up and down. Slowly and carefully to not let her teeth graze him. 

"This girl, she really wants to please me. It's clumsy, but it feels amazing. I won't complain if I wake up like this every day." He thought as He laid back on the bed, giving in and enjoying the moment. 

Although It was her first time to please him with her mouth, she tried her best to keep him well-pleasured. Even after feeling her jaw starting to feel stiff, she did not stop. 

She was in a daze, drunk by the sweet aphrodisiac. She occasionally reared her head as if she wanted to lessen her tense muscle.

"Slurrrp... gugg~ gock~ sluusp~"

Soon, the immense pleasure brought him to the edge, and it was about to explode. Alan warned her, "Helen... I'm close~ Finish it with your hand."

"Uggug~ slurrps~ Sluppps~"

Despite the warning, she didn't show any sign to stop. She continued to suck his cock harder than before while dipping her head, gobbled his cock until half of his length was inside her mouth, and poked the entrance of her throat. 

"Gugg~ Gook~ Slurrp~"

Soon, the inevitable came. The blood rushed to his cock, and the pressure caused the muscle to tense. "It's comingg~." He groaned. He folded both of his legs while clenching the bed sheet, holding back not to push his cock more deeper into her throat and harm her.

"Hmmmp!~ MMmmph!~" Helena was taken aback by a thick liquid that came out from his cock, but she wasted no time to swallow the seemingly endless stream of milk. 

*Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp*

She felt like she was drinking one mouthful of milk after another. But it was too much. Helena's mouth quickly overflowed, and it leaked from her inside through the gaps between her lips. 

Eventually, his euphoric groan stopped, and the only thing that filled the room was a loud slurping sound coming from Helena. 

While Helena sucked all the remaining substance in her mouth, Alan raised his body and sat on the bed. He moved his hand to her head, patting and stroking her hair. "Just in a few hours, you become a naughty girl. You even drink my cum. Isn't it too fast?" He chuckled.

Making a popping sound and making a thread of saliva, Helena took out of his cock from her mouth. She licked the remaining white liquid that dripped on her hand before raising her face to look at Alan who was smirking mischievously. 

As if she wanted to hide her face, she closed in and buried her face in his shoulder.

"I-I can't help it. I only wanted to play with it for a while, but you kept moaning in your sleep, so I just kept doing it. And my body became hotter and hotter. Without even realizing my tongue was already there, licking your little brother. Y-your things taste sweet like milk from Cowen and refreshingly cold like when I absorb the energy from mana stone. It's your fault to begin with!"

"Nee... why is it like that? And when I woke up, I saw this tattoo on my belly. It was black, but then the color in the middle changed, and it glowed. I didn't have this tattoo last night."

(AN; Want to make it clear, I said the livestock in this world is different, so this world doesn't have the same animal as the earth. But there is your usual fantasy creature, like a mermaid, drake, lamia, etc

Cowen= A Demi-Human cow kind. Cow-en: en is for the female gender) 

Hearing about the detail of his own cum, he laughed deep inside. The only thing that he could think of was his bountiful life essence. Even without asking the system, he was 100% sure about it. "It feels weird, but I guess it's good for them haa...haa. And it seems like she hasn't cheek her own status yet. If she does, she probably asks me about it." He thought.

"Well, the only explanation is because of the changes in my body, but Helen.... Isn't it good for you? You will be doing a lot of sucking, right?" He chuckled for a while. 

"As for the tattoo, I'm the one who gives it to you. This is one of my new skills. So basically, even without a telepathy spell, with just the intent, we can talk with our minds, you will be immune to a lot of things, and I can pinpoint your location. Also........."

He moved his hand to her belly, rubbing it for a while before slowly creeping into her groin, which was already dripping fresh honey. 

"It will change its color like this when you're horny." He said while stimulating her pussy, gently rubbing the wrinkled skin on her slit, causing her to squeal.

"I was planning to tell you as soon as possible today, but who would have thought that you would be this naughty in the morning? Look, just from sucking my cock. You're already this wet." He said while moving his hand like a crab claw in front of her sight, which was showing her a sticky wet thread on his thumb and index fingers.

Although she wanted to hear more information about him, her focus shifted to something else. She had been feeling pretty horny for a while, and now feeling his fingers tracing around her slit, she couldn't help but ask for more as the pleasure took over.

"We don't have a lot of time, so let's continue while taking a bath." He whispered into her ear, to which she replied with a nod.

With Helena clenched on him like a koala, he carried her to the bathroom. And as soon as they arrived there, they indulged in sexual activity one more time.


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