A second chance as a dungeon

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

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More traffic for Adrians dungeon would also mean more danger for him and the second floor would help him to feel a bit more secure. His monsters were really weak right now and would need time to grow by completing their own quests. 


Every living being in the universe got offered quests and one would mainly get stat points as reward. Sadly you couldn’t grow forever by just using quests, as you could only have about 100 stat points per level. Leveling was more like increasing one's own potential. For Adrian it meant that his first floor monsters would get a lot stronger as they fought.


He got back into his trance again. Being a dungeon seemed to include a lot of waiting, but he didn’t mind as long as he didn’t have to wait actively for all this time. That would have been boring, at least until he could watch people fighting against his creatures.


The next day in the afternoon Adrian unlocked his second floor, which excited him as he now had something to do again.


Dungeon Interface

Floor 2

Choose a theme


  • forest
  • wasteland
  • desert


Rooms 0/6

Monsters 0/12

Traps 0/1

Puzzles 0/0


In his core room a stairway started to grow downwards and then opened into a new entrance room. Adrian wasn’t sure if he should be offended at the theme choices he received. They should have been random, but the desert was there again. He didn’t want a desert floor dammit! As wasteland was a lot like desert he chose forest again and zoomed out to plan his floor.


He added a by 45° rotated cubic room after a short straight corridor. From the bottom right side a corridor would then lead to a hexagonal room. Adrian would position ratlings in these two rooms.


The hexagonal room would exit into a left curved corridor that would be straight for a short distance and then curve sharply left again into an elliptical room. Adrian added the tear gas trap to the straight part of this corridor. 


From the north side of the elliptic room a corridor would lead to the west into a room that narrowed down to the next hallway. The hallway led south to one of his basic rooms, followed by another in the same manner. To enter Adrians core room one had to leave the last room through a hallway that led west.


Satisfied with his plan he changed his view back to normal and watched his new floor grow. He could see everything in his domain if he wanted, but everything would look really blurred if he did this, so most of the time he narrowed his field of view down.


With Adrians increased mana regeneration his building speed had increased greatly and it would only take a little longer than a day for his next floor to finish. If he was lucky nobody would come to visit during that time, but Adrian was not one to count on his luck for obvious reasons.


He wished he could at least look out of his entrance, but this was something he had to unlock somehow. It was a stupid rule in Adrians opinion, as you really only had the need to look outside in the beginning of your live as dungeon. There would be so much to look at inside himself later that the ability would become redundant. 



Caroline stepped before the council of Erheim. This small town was mostly populated by older people as the younger generations wouldn’t find any excitement out here. Or they wouldn’t until now. She was 23 years old and upon the appearance of a dungeon near their town she had proposed to found an adventurer guild that would manage things related to the dungeon.


There had been an adventurers guild in the coming of mana, but with the founding of other organizations it had slowly died. Nowadays the adventurers guild was mostly known because of a 3 dimensional mana game created by the origin herself. The game is still really popular and has sparked the creation of a new industry.


Anyways Caroline had proposed to create an adventurer guild, that would take 10% of your loot taken in the dungeon as a tax. 3% of the 10% would go to the town and the rest would be used to pay employees and provide a place for groups to form. Other people could issue quests to adventurers through the guild to collect certain materials.


Caroline had enough money to get a guild going and to hold it above the water until the dungeon grew, but to found it in this town she had to get the approval of the council. She had stood in front of them for a minute now and they still hadn’t said anything, which made her fidget nervously

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Finally an old man spoke up. “We approve of the idea you have, but not of the name. You will have to choose something else, the adventurer guild stays dead.”

That… It honestly was great, but what the man had said last indicated that there was something Caroline didn’t know of. That was honestly nothing surprising, as for all she knew the guy could be ten times as old as her. Mana made a lot of things possible and living longer was one such possibility.


Now she needed a new name. Caroline had liked adventure guild as it was catching. She immediately discarded Dungeon Army and Dungeon Guards. They were possible names but that wasn’t the true nature of the organization she wanted to found.


She sighed, “How about Dungeon Agency?”. The man just nodded and a woman to the left of him spoke up. “Approved. You will have to pay the money for the land in the next month or give the glerk outside permission to do it, then it will be done by the end of the week. Now go and good luck with your new organization!” Caroline was dismissed, but the council had obviously judged her idea as sound. It was good not to start on the wrong foot with the local government.


She gave the clerk outside permission to take the money via a magical contract and then went into the town. There she hired a group of builders and discussed her plans with them. They changed some things here and there until they had a possible plan.


Around the dungeon entrance a distrikt of empty workshops and some other buildings would be built in the next week. The whole district would then be surrounded by a large wall with a gate in the direction of Erheim. In the center of the district near the dungeon entrance the builders would construct the main building or guildhall. Caroline would have to renovate a lot in the future as the buildings were rather small for now. She also had to build more as a lot of the space she owned would stay empty for now.


Once she was finished she got the system message she had waited for.


You have created the organization Dungeon agency.

As leader you get access to the leader interface and quest series.


The interface would make management a lot easier if she completed the quests. She would even have enough time to go dungen diving herself and heighten her level by absorbing the mana of the monsters she slaid. Caroline then got a message that made her very nervous.


Your idea has greatly amused the archive operator. She approves.

Take care of the guy, he had a hard life! (Wink)


New Quest: True nature

You got a hint to the true nature of dungeons by the archive operator. Try to find out more!


You don’t get messages from the operator and if you did you often had trouble coming your way. Caroline’s bright future just got a bit darker by all the possible stress of having to deal with strange things. She would have to prepare for the worst, not that she knew what that was.



When Adrian’s floor finished building, people had started building the Dungeon agency outside his entrance. Ignorant of this fact he did the thing he wanted to do and looked at his new monster options.


Choose one of two monsters!

Horned Rabbit

This kind of rabbit grows a horn on their head to impale its enemies. They are not really strong and more an annoyance than anything else.


Rabid boar

This boar has lost itself to rage and attacks anything it sees. They tend to tire themself out fast, but become stronger the more injured they are.


Now having to make a not so hard choice between a useless bunny and a raging mass of flesh Adrian chose the boar. As planned he put a ratling each in the first two rooms. The next two rooms would have two of the boars each and his last two rooms would have three boars each.

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