A Sociopaths Multiverse Travel

Chapter 8: After a year of suffering rescue came in the disguise of a ‘ secret organization ‘ .

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( 3rd pov )

In the bushes a little distance away outside of the cave where a young boy and a baby dragon is held captive , 4 figures can be seen couching down and planning something . Two of them are human , both are wearing black clothes which have a red star and five white stars surrounding the red star in a circle on the chest area , though upon closer inspection the stars are slightly crude indicating the work of an armature . Both of their faces are covered leaving only the eyes to see , one has a pair of reddish-brown eyes while the other has a pair of black eyes . The other two figures look like cats but something seems special about them , both are coved in charcoal that hide the color of their furs .

" Get ready . "

A few moments later slight vibrations started happening right underneath where the 4 individuals were crouching . The human with reddish-brown eyes who seems to be instructing the others stood up as the vibrations stopped and some sounds of highest quality magic items indicating they are broken started sounding from and around the cave . The two cats disappeared into the darkness and the other human with black eyes stood up after folding up the handkerchief he was using to clean his blade, and putting it in his pocket .

" Lets go . "

As the human with reddish-brown eyes said those words the group started making their way towards the cave with unknown intentions .

( 1st pov - Romen )

Its been a little more then a year since I came in this world , and looks like the time to leave this hellhole behind has finally come . I can sense four new presences coming towards this cave , two human shape and two in the shape of small animals .

One of the two humans has some kind of wood attribute power in him , I guess he's Kim Rok Soo or Cale Henituse now , after he took his first ancient power from the black lifeless tree in Henituse territory . Cale would later end up getting the embarrassing nickname of ' young master silver shield ' because of this ancient power in the novel I had read . After finally getting to meet him , I really want to ask how he can just stare at nothing for hours and sleep all day without getting bored or if he gets bored how he copes with it , but that would have to wait for much later as my situation isn't the most ideal to ask such questions for now .

The other human seems to use ' aura ' of the despair attribute while knocking out the solders and knights guarding the cave . I guess he's Choi Han , even though he is masking his aura I can still sense the despair his aura is emitting , guess the years of survival in the forest of darkness really fucked him up big time , as the ' aura ' of this world is basically the expression of ones inner self while using the life force they generate in solid form around their body . 

The other two small animal shaped presences must be ' On ' and ' Hong ' . On and Hong seems to be in their beast form as small cats and are creating a paralysis poisonous fog together , with On creating fog around her and controlling the fog , and Hone creating paralysis poison from his body and spreading it in the fog . I wonder why the elders of the fog cat tribe would ever want to kill them because they think both of them didn't have any abilities ? The poisonous fog is paralyzing anyone within its reach and is quite deadly , just imagining their potential in killing people if they get stronger is mindboggling . On and Hong had to run away from the eastern continent and came all the way here in the western continent to not get killed by their own tribe's beast people just because of that kind of a silly reason , which doesn't even seem like to be true . 

Anyway , I wonder what their reaction would be when the see me for the first time , I guess I'll find out after some time when they get here but what made me wonder this is the state I'm in right now . I look like I'm literally about to die in a few hours with only my breathing being the only signal that I'm still alive to the baby dragon who is quietly crying beside my body right now . As the year went by Venion came in occasionally a few times in a month to enjoy watching our usual torture sessions that happened every single fucking day . After each of these sessions I made my body look like I am slowly losing the rest of my vitality slowly as time went on . As the year passed my body slowly became skinnier then it already is , the time to recover getting longer and longer ultimately leading to me not being able to heal anymore , the scars and wounds accumulating so much that there is hardly any skin left , and many open wounds where the bones in my body can be seen don't even have blood coming out of it because there really is nothing left to even come out . Basically I look as close as a human corpse can be while still not dying , a really disgusting site that even the torturer increased the intensity of the torture today after Venion ordered to kill me already because of how disgusting I looked . 

" …Please don't die…"

The baby black dragon said while quietly sniffling beside me . The dragon had a lot of wounds around his body as well . As I became skinnier and skinnier I was able to cover less and less of his body , which resulted in him getting injured more as time went on . 

" …I...t...s...o...k...a...y... "

My voice sounded hoarse as I tried to comfort the weeping dragon while patting his head with my skeleton like hand , though I guess it didn't work as he started crying even more . The little dragon mellowed out a lot as the year went by because of me , though he still hated humans to a certain extent it is still a lot less then his state in the novel I had read . Though the little dragon seems to became somewhat attached to me , I do wonder the implications this might have in the future but I honestly don't give a fuck anymore . I just want this farce to end by now , eat some food , feel my body healthy again , sleep on some comfortable bed if possible , and just forget about everything and relax for some time...

Looks like the time is finally arriving , as I see a red colored fog coming in from the entrance of this area of the cave and a man waring what looks like the ' secret organization ' outfit . Damn , it almost made me laugh out loud thinking about the exploits these guys did while waring these fake ' secret organization ' outfits while saying they were the real ' secret organization ' , hah fun times .

The torturer was panicking after hearing the fight happening outside the cave , and tried to use a crystal ball looking magic item Venion told him to use in emergency situations , but it looks like the magic item is not working . I guess I can't kill the torturer when I go out of here for now , Venion put a lot safety measures in this place and one of them is that , If the torturer received a attack higher than an average person’s strength , he would instantly blow up , the strength of the blast would make the prison key and the prison itself blow up with the torturer as well . 

It looks like Choi Han was outside guarding the entrance of the cave while Cale came in with On and Hong . Cale made his way to the torturer and took the key of the prison after the fog created by On and Hong paralyzed the torturer . As Cale made started coming towards us in the now useless magic prison , the black dragon turned away from facing me to facing the entrance of the prison , seems like he is trying to protect me from what he assumed is someone trying to harm us , I don't know how this kind of behavior will change the story but I just couldn't care any less about it by now . Cale still didn't notice me or the baby dragon as the cave was mostly dark in the corner where we were kept , he used his torch to confirm On and Hone were okay after they jumped down from the ceiling of the cave when they heard Cale snapping his fingers . 

As Cale moved the torch he was holding in our direction after coming in front of the prison , I can clearly sense how chaotic his emotions became after seeing me behind the black dragon , though it didn't take him long to clam his emotions as he started opening the prison after a few seconds of initial surprise . I guess it makes sense , in the ' novel ' Cale had read in his past life , there was no one else besides the black dragon who was inside this cave being tortured , the black dragon in that ' novel ' was killed by Choi Han , the dragon caused a huge mana explosion using his own lifeforce as fuel to be free of his lifelong captivity , but after that the dragon went berserk and blew up the surrounding mountain and threatened the lives of the villagers at the foot of the mountain , Choi Han was staying at that village when this incident happened , Though feeling pity for the crazy dragon, Choi Han ultimately decides to put him out of his misery by killing him . Even though Cale thought in advance that the world might be different from the ' novel ' he had read , this situation most likely caught him off guard a bit too much .

" Let's get both of you out of here first . "

Cale said as he unlocked the chains binding me and the dragon to the prison . I can see the stench of blood was making Cale uncomfortable but he continued on and brought us out of the prison . Cale first took out the dragon who seems to be oddly cooperating well after hearing what Cale said and put him in front of On and Hong , then he came back and lifted me up but I can feel clearly how much his was trembling because of the weight of my body , I was basically only skin and bones but the density of my bones added a lot of weight to my body , that's why even though Cale was somewhat healthy at this point in time he had a lot of difficulty bringing my out of the prison . My and the dragon's blood got on Cale but he didn't seem to care as after putting me down in front of On and Hong , he started heading towards the opposite side of the prison , the location the torturer seemed to be guarding and started patting the cave wall with his hands in different places after kicking the torturer out of the way . 

On and Hong were circling around me and the dragon without saying anything , making the dragon show his teeth and growl at them until both of them came closer and started softly rubbing their paws on me and meowing sadly like normal cats , the dragon calmed down after seeing they don't want to harm us . As this was happening Choi Han entered this area , looks like he knocked out the rest of the guards Venion and his father the Marquis stationed here to tame the dragon . 

" All done ? " 

Cale asked when he noticed Choi Han came in . Looks like Cale found the secret passage he was looking for from the ' novel ' he had read . Venion had made this passage for emergency situations and only he knew about it , that's why the torturer wasn't even able to use it for escaping before .

" Yes . "

Choi Han said while lightly swinging his sword in the air to get rid of the blood on it and then approached Cale . Choi Han's gaze soon turned towards this direction and he started to frown . It was a natural reaction I guess to seeing such a scene of basically , a physically nine year old boy looking almost like a corpse with open wounds showing even the bones inside of his body and a small black dragon with various new and old wounds around it's body . As Choi Han turned to look at the torturer , the glare in his eyes was vicious to say the least . If Cale didn't give say beforehand the cave will blow up if the torturer is hit with too much force Choi Han might have skewered the son of a bitch with his sword a few hundred times already .

" Choi Han . "

Cale called out Choi Han because he just stood there glaring at the torturer while not saying anything .

" As you ordered , I left the escaping workers alone . I also made sure that all of the strong individuals would not be able to fight. "

" Good job . "

After hearing Choi Han's report Cale praised him and pointed to a flat area on the wall behind where Cale was standing and said , 

" Punch this spot . "

" As strong as I can ? "

Choi Han's question seems to stop Cale's thinking for a second and I can clearly see the disbelief in Cale's eyes when he heard Choi Han asked this question . 

" No . Control your strength . Just pretend you are creating a 10cm dent in this wall . "

" Mm . So , very lightly . "

" Sure . "

Cale quickly stepped away from Choi Han after hearing Choi Han say he only needs to ' very slightly ' punch to create a 10cm dent in the wall . Choi Han might have misunderstood that to be Cale telling him to hurry , and immediately punched the wall with his fist . Hah , yeah these are the moments I liked the most from the novel and its even more hilarious to see it happen personally .

Boom !


" Choi Han carry the boy . "

Cale said while picking up the dragon after a chilling screeching noise came out of the wall , and an area the size of an adult male appeared to one side of the cave wall . Choi Han carefully picked me up because of my current physical condition , he didn't seem to need much effort though he did seemed a little surprised at first because of my heavy weight but he was pretty strong so it wasn't that much of a problem for him . The kittens got on Choi Han’s back as Choi Han held the torch in his right hand even while carrying me and started heading into the tunnel first . Cale followed closely behind Choi Han . The dragon remained quiet in Cale’s arms and surprisingly I didn't hear Cale say something to the dragon about not staring at him viciously , hmm changes for better or for worse , only time will tell , oh well whatever . After a few minutes Choi Han called out to Cale as he saw a wall blocking our way outside ,

" There is a wall in front of us . "

" Hit the center of the wall with your fist with the same strength as before . Then we will continue to run as discussed . "

" I understand ! "

Choi Han shifted the torch to his left hand after hearing Cale's instructions . On and Hong jumped off of Choi Han’s shoulder and started to run . After reaching the wall Choi Han shifted my weight to his left hand as he put some strength into his right hand and hit the center of the wall with the same strength as earlier .

Boom !

The wall almost instantly collapsed , and we could see the night sky . We were finally outside of the cave . This time , Cale took the lead as he looked around . Choi Han followed behind Cale and used his legs to make new traces of our presence , or erased some traces as we passed . After surviving in the Forest of Darkness on his own for so long , Choi Han seems to be an expert at creating and following tracks . After exiting the secret tunnel entrance for about two minutes , Cale called out to Choi Han ,

" Stop . "

The alarms that were going off in the area suddenly stopped blaring . Looks like The Mana Disturbance Tool that Cale had planted via On and Hong the other day had stopped working . The tool had to be planted 27 hours in advance , it disrupts the mana in the range of about a mountain after the 27 hours have passed , for 40 minutes . Cale paid a lot of gallons just to rent the device and some other things from Billos , the bastard son of Flynn Merchant Guild , when Cale was in the Henituse territory . 

" Huuu ~ . "

Cale took a deep breath after he put down the dragon on the ground , Choi Han similarly put me down next to the dragon as well while On and Hong sat down beside us . I slowly looked at the small dragon beside me to see what he's doing only to see him just staring at me intently , I just smiled a little while shaking my head a for a bit pointed at the night sky , he seems to understand my signal as he looked up and became mesmerized by it . This truly is a beautiful world , with the night full of stars , the wind softly brushing past my broken body , and the smell of nature all around me , all of this after a long time makes me feel I'm truly alive again . If I have this kind of effect for being in a claustrophobic dark ass cave being tortured for a year , I can only imagine the effect all of this can have on a dragon who has suffered this fate ever since he was born .

Though the moment was ruined when Cale took out a pair of gloves and some scissors-shaped cutting tool from what seemed like a magic bag . The scissors-shaped magic tool had a lot of magic seals on both of the blades for cutting , and the gloves were electricity-resistant gloves from what I remember . Choi Han was looking at the cutter with chaotic eyes , while the kitten siblings had moved away from us and were hiding behind Choi Han .

" Tsk . "

Cale clicked his tongue as he saw this happening and came towards me , the dragon tried to come in front of me to protect me from this supposed ' attack ' , but I stopped him by slowly putting my hand on his head and rubbing slowly while I shook my head a little to indicate it was okay . When Cale came in front of me , he grabbed my neck and brought the scissors-shaped cutting tool towards the mana restriction chain on my neck , though to others it most likely seemed like it was coming directly towards my neck as I hear On and Hong take a deep breathe and Choi Han holding his breath completely while the dragon beside me was trembling a little from what I can sense . Even though all of this was happening , I only had two words in my mind that I wanted to say , 

" ..T...h...a...n...k...y...o...u...  "

As my hoarse voice reached Cale's ears his peaceful and emotionless eyes shook for a moment , and his movements stopped momentarily before continuing again and finally he cut off the mana restraining chain around my neck .

' Sara will there be a problem if I absorb the mana of this world ? '

[ No master . The primordial incubus bloodline that gave you the { Energy } ' Mana ' would allow you to absorb and use any ' Mana ' categorized energies in existence , though the conversion rate of the energy will depend on the quality of ' Mana ' in the reality you are in at that time . ]

That's good , less headaches for me . Now I just need to play this right...

As soon as the chains came off , I slowly moved a bit away from Cale and got on all fours as I started releasing a bit of my aura , which made me looked like I have dark red colored condensed energy around my body while my shoulder length dirty wild hair floated upwards . As I did that , I started regenerating and absorbing the surrounding mana to make it look like I am using the mana to regenerate .

I stopped regenerating after I closed off all of my wounds leaving only countless small or large scars behind on my body for now intentionally . I filled my body a little so the muscles that were dried up now are barely visible because of the countless scars on my body though I still look a little malnourished .

As my ' transformation ' finished up I retracted my aura and just laid down face first onto the ground taking deep breaths after moving my face towards the dragon while making it look like I'm extremely exhausted by releasing some sweat to make it look more believable .

You are reading story A Sociopaths Multiverse Travel at novel35.com

When my ' transformation ' finally ended , the black dragon was the first to move as he started coming towards me slowly , this seems to brought the others out of their stupor as the also slowly approached me as well . Though the cold sweat and goosebumps they had didn't escape my senses . It was inevitable as even Choi Han who is the strongest among them is still a lot weaker then me , and my aura brings instinctual fear in anyone who is weaker than me , so its quite commendable they are coming to me even after feeling death so very close to them because of me . 

" … Are you o-okay now ? "

The dragon hesitantly asked after he reached me . I smiled a little and nodded my head as I slowly sat up . The little dragon seemed happy now after seeing my health somewhat recovered . As Cale came near me he took off one of the gloves and handed it to Choi Han , Choi Han put the glove on and Cale handed the now cut mana restricting chain to him before taking a glass container with glowing liquid which is most likely a highest quality potion out of the same magic bag from before . Before Cale could open the lid of the glass container , I lifted up the dragon in front of me and turned in Cale's direction , and started speaking hesitantly though my voice didn't sound hoarse any more ,

" … I c-can heal though it might take some time , p-please use it on him . "

" Tsk . "

Cale just did his trademark ' Tsk ' and handed the potion to Choi Han and came in front of me to cut the little dragon's mana restricting chains after taking back the glove from Choi Han . Guess seeing me basically coming back from a almost corpse like state Cale decided to take my word for it . I put the little dragon down so Cale could do his thing , and just sat beside the dragon while getting ready to enjoying the scene that is about to happen . 

After cutting the chain from the little dragon's neck Cale handed the chain to Choi Han while doing the same as before . Cale took the potion from Choi Han's hand and poured about half of the potion onto the dragon's back , and poured the rest into the dragon's mouth . The little dragon meanwhile was just watching Cale curiously while he drank the potion pouring in his mouth . 

After a few minutes , the mana , which was the equivalent of a dragon's heart and the source of all of its power, started to move in the little dragon's body . All of the injuries on the dragon's body instantly disappeared , and a blue aura that seemed to be the dragon's mana surrounded his body like the wind . It seems the dragons of this world are truly overpowered , as even a four year old dragon has this kind of power . The mana around the dragon seems to become more active and welcoming him like a long lost friend .

As the little dragon's mana calmed down Cale asked after he put the scissors-shaped magic tool and the electricity-resistant gloves back in his magic bag  ,

" What do you guys want to do now ? "

After Cale asked the question , I just looked at the little dragon and lifted my head upwards a little to indicate I wanted him to say what he wanted to do now , but the dragon just shook his head and did the same thing I did towards me...

Okay so looks like the decision is on me , how the fuck did it even come to this ? I thought the little dragon will at least say something about what he wants , like freedom or something  . Whatever…

" … We don't have name's , we also don't have a place to go , besides staying alive and not being tortured anymore we don't really have anything we want to do . "

" Haaa... "

Hearing my reply Cale let out a long sigh while the little dragon nodded his head . I wonder what Cale will say next , in the novel I had read , Cale didn't want to keep the dragon around to pay back for Cale's help because there were too many potential headaches , Cale wanted to live the life of a peaceful slacker but keeping a dragon around that were less than twenty in numbers even with the eastern and western continent's combined would bring a lot of trouble , that was one of the reasons why in the novel after freeing the dragon Cale gave him some potions and told the dragon to live freely .

" … Tsk … Both of you can come with us if you want or just go on your own way . If both of you come with us , though you might have to do some work for us , both of you will get ample food and a home . "

I'm kind of surprised that Cale didn't just outright tell us to go away because of the potential trouble we might bring to him . I can't just decide immediately as it would seem a bit out of character for me to accept the offer of a shady looking motherfucker without even asking the dragon . Honestly , if I didn't knew behind the mask of the person in front of me was Cale , I would have ran away as far as possible from him if I didn't have enough strength to defend myself . 

" Do you want to go with them ? "

I asked the dragon beside me while looking at him , after hearing me he first seem to observe Cale , Choi Han , On and Hong for a bit one at a time , then he finally turned to me and nodded his head slowly...

So your just gonna nod your way out of everything huh ?

" … We would like to go with you . Please take care of us from now on , and thank you very much for helping us . "

Cale just nodded his head after hearing my reply and motion with his hands to follow him as he started walking in the direction of the base of this mountain . Choi Han came towards me to carry me again , but I stood up and started walking while waving my hand indicating I'll be fine . The dragon started flying a little above ground and followed behind me . Choi Han seeing I'm walking just fine started focusing on altering our tracks .

Meanwhile Cale told On and Hong , who were already following Cale when he started walking , to get the orb or I guess the mana disturbance device , after that both On and Hong started running in another direction .

As we arrived outside of the village the kittens came back with a pouch with a small object inside it and gave it to Cale , after checking the pouch Cale put the pouch inside his magic bag and started walking into into the village .

This world's setting confuses me a little sometimes . The village looked like a medieval village but a bit more advanced in some ways , like the buildings are made of wood and stone but the windows of some houses are made of glass , glass is hard to make without sufficient technological advancement , and having glass windows in a rural village like this one makes me think it is available to the common public without much difficulty . But a lot people of this world still ride horse driven carriages to travel long distance , other than that there are boats , ships , air-ships , Mages , and magic scrolls for transportation , but other than boats and ships , the three other options are unavailable for most people . I guess this world might be in kind of a transition period right before civilization becomes more advanced or something like that .

After arriving at what looks like the back of an inn Cale jumped on Choi Han's back while On and Hong started climbing and made their way to a open window on the second story of the inn , after the kittens got in Choi Han jumped and nimbly entered into the window even while having Cale on his back . I just shrugged my shoulders seeing the antics of the group , jumped and entered the window as well . The dragon entered right after me and sat by the window while looking at the night sky .

" Choi Han , call Ron to my room after leaving . " 

Choi Han nodded his head and went into what seems like a washroom and came out after changing his clothes to what I presume is old clothes he was wearing before going out to save us . Choi Han looked to be around 18 years old by appearance with black hair , black eyes , and a compact body that seems to cater towards a balance between strength and agility . Looks like the lifespan of a dragon that Choi Han received due to ' world-crossing ' really kept him looking young , even though he has lived a lot of years surviving in the forest of darkness . After coming out of the washroom Choi Han gave Cale the fake ' secret organization ' outfit and went out the window again after giving us one last look . 

After Choi Han left Cale got into the washroom and came back after some time waring comfortable looking clothes . Cale looked to be around 18 years old as well with dark red heir , reddish-brown eyes , and a slightly slim but fit body even though it seems like he didn't train his body in any way in his entire life . Cale sat on the bed and asked while looking at the dragon ,

" Can you become invisible ? " 

The dragon seemed to think for a moment and suddenly turned invisible to the naked eye , at least for Cale , I can literally see mana if I want to so it will be kind of pointless if anyone tries to use mana to hide from me . The dragon turned visible again and nodded his head towards Cale . Meanwhile On and Hong came out of the washroom when the dragon became visible again , after getting the charcoal out of their fur , and sat beside the dragon . On has silver fur and Hong has red fur , both of the siblings have golden eyes , they both seem like normal cats in their beast form . I do wonder how the fuck did they get all of that charcoal out of their fur so quickly...

" Become invisible when we are in the presence of others . "

The dragon nodded his head after hearing Cale's instruction and immediately became invisible , making Cale have a slightly confused expression momentarily before we heard a knock on the door . 

" The door's open Ron come in . "

A fit looking old man wearing what seemed like a butler's outfit came in through the door after hearing Cale's words . Choi Han was the only one outside the door and closed it after Ron came inside the room . Ron seemed like an old man with half of his original grey hair turned white because of aging  , brown eyes , and a fit body trained with the main focus being stealth and agility . I remember Ron being a former assassin and the patriarch of the Molan family , one of the five assassin households in the Eastern continent's underworld . Ron had to flee from the eastern continent with his son Beacrox in order to survive , the ' secret organization ' basically started massacring the five assassin households in order to take over the underworld of the Eastern continent , all of the members of Molan family were killed and only Ron managed to escape with a very young Beacrox at that time . Ron probably would have died that day killing the ones responsible for taking away everything he had in his life , if his wife as her dying wish didn't say to save their only child . After escaping from the eastern continent , Ron and his son came to the western continent and eventually managed to make a life for himself and his son as servants of the Henituse Family , Ron as a butler and his son Beacrox as a chief .

Ron's benign expression became stiff the moment he saw me , I guess either from how he can't tell how strong I am , or how I look at the moment , with only the remnant of the shorts I had bought covering my private parts and scars of different sizes all over my body , my current appearance will most likely unnerve or disgust a lot of people .

" Discreetly tidy the boy up and bring him back here . "

Hearing Cale's order Ron nodded his head and gestured me to follow him . I got up from the comfy couch and as I passed by the window , 

" Protect the human , he is very weak and needs protection . "

I whispered softly while directly staring at the invisible dragon's eyes , the dragon seemed a little shocked as he had moved to a different place after becoming invisible but slowly nodded his head seeing me waiting for his response . Seeing the dragon understood my intention I continued walking and followed Ron out of the door . Choi Han closed the door behind us and started coming with us as well . 

Most people of the inn seems to be either downstairs or asleep . After walking a little we entered another room , after entering I saw a man with brown hair , brown eyes , and a body trained like Choi Han but a bit more towards strength then agility , inside the room who seems have OCD for cleanliness as he was cleaning the room like there was no tomorrow . Guess this is Ron's son Beacrox , in the novel it said he was obsessed with cleanliness , always wears white gloves , and that he can be called a germophobe . Seeing him in person living like this looks really tiring , he seems to be tired as well but can't stop because of his nature . When Beacrox saw me the frown on his face couldn't become any deeper , the dirt and old blood on me might be the cause of this , or he didn't like seeing a kid with this many scars as I remember him having a soft spot for children . 

" Son can you get the boy some clothes his size ? "

Beacrox nodded stiffly and went out of the room while staring at me with unknow thoughts and emotions . I stopped sensing the emotions of people because it was becoming increasingly boring , its as if I was using mind reading on them except in a bit more complicated way . After Beacrox left , Ron guided me towards the washroom of this room , how in the world can the inn of a rural village have personal washrooms I don't even want to know . After entering the washroom Ron used what looked like a faucet to pour water in a big bucket while taking a soap off of a stand beside the bucket and saying ,

" Use the water to wash off the blood and dirt as much as you can , and use this to scrub your head but don't let the water get in your eyes right after using it . Come out after your done cleaning yourself . "

After filling the bucket with water Ron left the washroom , though he seems to understand I don't know jack shit about anything , he seems to overestimate my commonsense thinking I will wear the towel hanging on the stand in the corner of the washroom . Don't know if Ron did this intentionally or he just forgot to mention it to me , but I am not taking chances after coming this far , it will be annoying to restart all of this just because of a stupid mistake . So after cleaning myself I went outside the washroom butt naked with my hair still wet while wearing a clueless expression on my face . 

The reaction of the three once I went outside was priceless . Beacrox seems to have come back after getting some black cloth from somewhere and was making cloths for me , Choi Han and Ron were having a staring contest between the two of them for whatever reason . After hearing the washroom door opened they looked this way and all of them froze for a moment before Beacrox and Choi Han turned towards Ron with a questioning gaze in their eyes , Ron after noticing the gaze on him sighed deeply and went into the washroom again and brought back a towel and started drying my hair with it .

Beacrox seems to be done making my cloths and brought them to me after Ron was done drying my hair . Ron helped me with wearing my cloths because I just stood there like an idiot with a confused expression after Beacrox handed the cloths to me . 

" Kid , do you not know anything ? "

Ron asked me after helping me dress with what seemed like curiosity on his face , I don't know if he is truly curios or he has some other intention in asking this question , but I have to answer accordingly . Choi Han seems to be staring viciously towards Ron because of his question , but I cant really blame Ron for being suspicious of me , the worse someone is the more careful they are around others , and Ron being an assassin knows how people can be manipulated and is most likely more wary of others because of it .

I do wonder if it would have been better if I just simply went the mysterious master bullshit route , if it worked , it worked , and if it didn't , I could have tried to figure something out . Whatever , I don't give enough shit to go back in time because of my own stupidity , maybe in the far future when I'm too bored but not now...

" The old torturer taught me the language when Venion wanted me to know what he was saying while torturing me . Other than knowing how to speak I don't really know about anything else . "

Ron's expression became a little stiff after hearing my answer , Choi Han was staring even more viciously towards Ron and Beacrox momentarily released some killing intent towards no one in particular but quickly retracted it back and went to a longsword in the corner of the room and started sharpening it , guess Beacrox just like his father likes to do maintenance of his weapons calm his nerves . A few moments after letting out a deep sigh Ron started walking towards the door we came from ,

" Follow me , the young master is waiting for us to return . "

I just nodded my head and started walking behind him without saying anything else , Choi Han came as well while Beacrox stayed in the room sharpening his sword . As we returned to Cale's room Choi Han calmed down a little but he still seemed a bit pissed off at Ron even though his face wasn't showing much emotions . After we entered Cale's room , I went directly to the couch of the room and sat down while burying myself in it a little to get comfortable , Cale seems to understand that as me being tired ,

" You can leave now Ron , and keep his presence a secret .  "

" I will do as you wish young master but my son knows about his presence , as he was the one who made the cloths for the boy . "

" Its ok , just tell him to keep this a secret . "

Ron nodded his head , bowed a little towards Cale and left the room . After Ron left Cale turned to Choi Han ,

" You can leave for now as well Choi Han , I'll see you in the morning . "

" … Yes Cale-nim . "

It seems Choi Han wanted to say something but nodded his head and left after hearing Cale's words . And lastly Cale turned towards me ,

" Rest for now , we will talk in the morning . "

I just nodded my head and laid down on the couch , and without further delay started going to sleep . Even though I don't feel physically tired , after going through all of this and interacting with other people , I just want to sleep in this comfortable couch for now...

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