A Super Saiyan in One Piece

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: A Saiyan in One Piece!

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"Wow, can’t wait for this one to be animated!" I think to myself as I lean back in my chair, hands resting behind my head.

I had just finished reading chapter 1049 of One Piece. "What a story! And Luffy’s devil fruit…"

I sit up-right, adjust my keyboard, and open a new tab in chrome. “I wonder what people are saying about the chapter.”

I hop onto reddit and open the chapter 1049 discussion.

As I skim through the many theories and reviews, I come across one unreasonably stupid discussion.

"Come on, you’re embarrassing yourself…"

Some random user had started an argument about how Goku could effortlessly beat both Kaido and Big Mom at the same time.

‘It’s people like you that ruin the reputation of Dragon Ball’, I think to myself as I glance over at the 42 volumes decorating my bookshelf.

"Who cares, no one asked", one user replied, and about 5 other similar ones popped up below it.

The original comment had reached karma in the double digits, although it wasn’t in the desired direction. -15 by the time I had come across it, and -17 a minute later.

As if the original comment wasn’t enough, the same person had doubled down and responded to every single reply.

Their responses were strange though, as they didn’t address the hostility directed towards them in the replies, but rather continued pushing for the original argument. It was as if they just wanted a genuine discussion about a ‘Dragon Ball x One Piece’ crossover.

I straighten my back and start typing as I decide to entertain the idea for a moment. ‘I mean, it’s not like I have anything better to do.’

About 10 seconds after I had sent my reply, I got a private message from the original commenter.

"Do you like Dragon Ball?" Was the message I was sent. I knitted my brows at how oddly random this message came across as I replied, - "sure".

" ‘Sure’ isn’t good enough", was the next message, quickly followed up with, - "What do you think would happen if a Saiyan were to be brought into the world of One Piece?"

‘Another strange and straightforward message…’ I decided to entertain the conversation again as I crafted a more nuanced response:

"Let’s say the spiritual energy in One Piece can be used in a similar way to how 'ki' is used in Dragon Ball. If the Sayian could learn to grow and manipulate this energy into flight and energy blasts and so on - just like in the show, then I think it could make for an interesting story.

Throw in some Senzu beans and the only thing missing would be a turtle hermit to whip the Saiyan into shape…"

'I mean, wouldn’t a Saiyan in the world of One Piece be a little too overpowered?' I think to myself as I send my reply.

"RIGHT?! It's just what One Piece needs! But anyways, before I get ahead of myself, would you want to start with the ability to grow Senzu beans as your devil fruit or do you want to leave that slot open for the time being?"

'Would I want to start with... What are they on about...'

For a second my mind wanders to the thought of munching down on Senzu beans for every time I receive the slightest of injury. For example, the papercut I got earlier today, or the obsessive aching pain in my back from slipping on the ice last week.

"I'll take the Senzu beans thank you!" I respond, as I lean back in my chair and close my eyes to the daydream that arises from the idea.

'Senzu beans and Saiyan powers, huh. Sounds a lot more interesting than going to work tomorrow.'

"Great! And I'll make sure to solve the martial-arts-teacher-problem for you, don't you worry one bit! Good luck, and give em hell!"

I open my eyes to the notification sound of the message.

'What a weird guy...' I think to myself as I decide to ignore the message and let my mind drift off again.

Suddenly I feel a chill breeze brush against my face. 'No, a mild wind, a violent storm, what the hell is this pressure?!'

I open my eyes to the most terrifying sight I have ever seen. Only for a brief second could I see what was going on before having to close them from the pressure.

I saw clouds, and more clouds, and no ground, just more clouds... 'Where was the ground?! How far up am I?!'

'A dream? A nightmare? Did I fall asleep?!'

"Hey, he---! How are y--? Are you r----? Can --- hear me?" A high-pitched voice spoke out of nowhere, startling me even more.

Once again I force my eyes open to take in my surroundings, which doesn't seem to have changed. The ground still nowhere to be seen, and the pressure even greater than before.

'But doesn't this feel way too real to be a dream?' I think to myself, forgetting all about the voice that spoke out earlier.

"Hey, I'm r---- here! Right i- --nt of y--!" Suddenly the pressure lessens as I no longer need to struggle to breathe or keep my eyes open.

"Alright, can you hear me now?"

My head snaps up to identify the source of the high-pitched voice in front of me. 'A kid?'

You are reading story A Super Saiyan in One Piece at novel35.com

"No, I'm not a kid! In fact, I'm much older than you mister!" the voice shouted out in an artificially lower pitch this time.

'Did he just read my mind? Why is he here? I mean, who is he? Why am I falling? And how long am I going to fall for?!'

My mind goes into overload as a million questions battle for my attention. 'Maybe I've gone crazy.' 'I mean, this might just be real, right?'

Finally I settle on one last thought, - 'If I'm lucky I won't have to go to work tomorrow...'

"Hey shut up will you!" The voice squeaked out, reverting back to the high pitched delivery from before.

'But I didn't say anything-'

"Okay, let's get the questions out of the way first, so that we can move on-

You're about 3 kilometres in the air, which means you'll hit the ground in a little under a minute. Look forward to it. It will be an amazing entry! -

You're currently in the body of 12-year old Goku, as I couldn't be bothered to make a whole new one... and you're in the world of One Piece. -

No you're not dreaming. Yes, this is real. No I'm not a 'he', I'm a deity. Call me 'your highness'. No, 'your greatness', or 'your greatestness'."

The childlike deity in front of me had finished speaking and was looking at me with a wide smile and intense penetrating eyes, as if expecting a response.

"Yes, your highness!" I blurted out instinctively, flustered by the overload of information and strange turn of events. 

"No! 'Your greatestness'!" The deity whined, it's smile whisked away and turned into an unpleasant frown.

"Yes, your greatestness!" I corrected myself.

I could see the face of the deity instantly reverting back to the most exuberant smile, filled with joy and enthusiasm.

However, it didn't last long as the deity seemed to realise something.

"Oh god! I mean, - oh me! No, that doesn't sound right... RIGHT! There's only about 16 seconds left until you hit the ground! I'll have to be quick with the rest of this stuff-"

And the deity wasn't lying. As I titled my head down, the ground came into view.

I mean, there was a lot of water, as far as my eye could trace the horizon, but I was definitely not going to land in water.

I could see ships, buildings, people- 'wait, is this Marineford?'

"12 SECONDS, LOOK AT ME!" The deity cried out, in an even higher pitch than before.

My head snapped back up, again- instinctively, "Yes, your great-" I stopped myself this time, preserving my dignity.

"You only get one Senzu bean a day, otherwise it would be unfair, but you can grow the original ones, only the originals though, and just grab them from behind your right ear like this-" The deity blurted out whilst reaching behind my ear and grabbing hold of a bean, waving it around in front of my face to make sure I had registered the instruction.

"Shit, there's no more time, I'll probably see y-"

The deity disappeared.

Just like that I was falling at terminal velocity about 2 seconds and a hundred meters from the ground. 

50 meters.

'Do I even survive this?'

'How long have I been screaming for?'

'Oh, I can almost feel the ground at this point.'

'How long is this second going to last?'

'Am I still screaming?'

'Wait, there's a person in my way. Move! Move out of the w-'



I'm just writing this for practice. Feel free to comment suggestions and criticism.


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