A Super Saiyan in One Piece

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Garp and Marineford

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Yeah, I've decided to begin slow. I don't want to fall into the trap of sacrificing the natural transition and reactions of entering a new world, just so I can get started with the action sooner...

It should turn out pretty great though, when I eventually accumulate a decent amount of chapters. And I'll keep them short like this one, 1500-2000 words.


I open my eyes to a grey-ish tiled ceiling overhead. A boring, monotone color, but comforting for wary eyes. 

There's a window resting on the wall to my left, gently giving way to no more than the desired amount of light. It's opened slightly, inviting a tender, considerate breeze into the room.

The walls match the ceiling in color, but the pattern is different. They're-

My attention is broken by a striking pain unlike anything I'd ever felt, - unlike anything I'd ever be able to feel without succumbing to the mercy of death; a painful way to remember I'm in a different body, a much more durable one at that.

Remember- memory-

'It's all there. I remember.'

Through an excruciating pain, a pain so terribly unforgiving I could feel it warping my mind, - I remembered.

I remembered everything. I remembered how I'd subconsciously turned off my alarm this morning, panicking an hour later when I found I had overslept and was unavoidably going to be late for work. It wasn't the first time I had overslept. I remember trying to come up with an excuse, desperately shuffling through the most plausible options I could chose from, of which all seemed to have been exhausted already.-

-I live alone, in an apartment not 5 minutes from the nearest station. I have no family to speak of, none that I would like to speak of anyways, and my co-workers are pretty much up to speed on my personal situation at this point. It was inevitable, and I remember apologizing profusely to my peers when arriving 30 minutes late to a 30-minute meeting I was responsible for leading.

I remember who I was; a 27-year-old project manager for an advertising agency. A dull white-collar job that drained away my energy and subtly chipped away at my dreams and aspirations. I was meant to quit-I can't quite remember when though, but I could tell it was a resolve long lost by now.

'I remember... everything?'

There was something oddly out of place in my memory. I couldn't quite grasp at it without losing my direction; which irritated me, as it seemed so essential and defining. Like something deeply rooted in me had been tampered with, and I couldn't figure out what it was.

With another mercilessly painful reminder of the current state of my body I snapped back to the present and physical world. The pain was so deafening I couldn't tell if I was screaming or just gasping for air.

'I've always been prone to losing myself in daydreams and fictive realities, but this is insane...'

'This feels more real than real life has ever felt-'

'Wait... If I'm really in a different body... then wouldn't that also mean that-... that conversation with that strange child actually happened...'

'Did I really see Marineford before?'

'Hold on... so I actually hit the ground at terminal velocity?! But even with his body there's no way I could-'

The pain once again killed off my trail of thought. I could hear my own voice at this point. Well, not really a voice so much as a horrible deafening sound. A constant shriek of agony, pausing every so often to allow for my lungs to recuperate.

"Arrrgh! FU~UCK! ~ AAARGH-Agh... ~"

But I had realised something just then.

Instinctively I lifted my right arm, or rather dragged it, as best and as quick as I could towards my face, eventually working my way towards my right ear.

~and just grab them from behind your right ear like this~

The pain shot up to new heights, and not just in my right arm, but all throughout my body.

I pinched my thumb and my index finger desperately together behind my right ear, hoping the instruction I had received earlier was sufficient. A smooth and solid bean formed in-between my two strained fingers, and I didn't waste a single breath or thought to the occurrence before putting it between what remained of my shattered teeth, swiftly biting down-


A wonderful rejuvenating warmth surged throughout my entire being. An indescribable delight and satisfaction beyond anything I ever thought it possible to achieve.

I wasn't sure whether it was solely due to the power of the Senzu bean by itself, or if it was coupled with the insufferable agony that had plagued my body prior to the consumption of the bean, - but the incredible feeling I had just felt is one that I will never be able to properly convey through the sheer simplicity of words.

I shot up into a seating position.

The sudden absence of pain gave way for thoughts to form freely. I could now comfortably and accurately take in the surrounding information.

The gray-clad room I found myself in was clearly some sort of room for patients. 'An infirmary?' The bed underneath me was comfortable enough but cheaply made. About what you would expect from a regular hospital bed.

Light as a feather I leapt out of the bed down on the floor to my left. I wasted no time familiarizing myself with the new body I was wearing, stumbling and awkwardly wobbling my way towards the window, having to jump up to close the gap due to my shrunken constitution.

Then I saw it. The brick-laden fortress, clad in in a gradient of white and gray, towering upwards towards the clouds; reaching just short of contact.


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I was completely taken aback, awestruck at the confirmation. I mean, the revelation had already happened, and I'd come to terms with the realness of the situation, but the view amazed me no less.

I let myself linger for a while, marvelling at the sight, before deciding to pull myself together to really-genuinely and thoroughly address the situation.

A mirror caught my attention on the wall over to my right, and my body was already in frame.

I could see it clearly now. The unrelenting spiky black hair fixed on top of a warm and familiar appearance. A small but not at all frail body, seemingly donned in a desperately thick wrap of bandages from head to toe.

My eyes widened, pupils dilating. I was staring intently, taking it all in. Shock turned to bemusement, which lead to a burst of all sorts of emotions. Mostly positive ones I think-

I reactively opened my mouth, allowing for the wind to carry my thoughts- "I-...I'm Goku... It's real..."


"Bwahaha~" a strong and hearty laugh filled the room. It's origin, sitting cross-legged against the wall-opposite of the window that I was still hanging onto. The man was old-judging by the gray of his hair, but not by his physique which would render him mountains above what could be achieved by the most impressive of humans back on earth.

He held a near-empty bag of rice crackers in his left hand, and half of a rice cracker in his right hand. The other half was partially in his mouth and partially spat out on his uniform and across the floor in front of him.

"You're impressive kid! Never seen such a resilient brat-"

It was Garp.

It truly was. As true as anything else that had occured, and as real as the Marineford I had seen out the window.

He munched down on the rest of the half-eaten rice cracker that occupied his right hand, as he got up to his feet and put the bag in his left hand away into his coat's pocket. Standing tall, arms crossed, he mused at me intently.

I had lost myself in thought somewhere along the way and didn't notice my grip loosening.


I hit the ground head-first, tail-bone second- 'Wait... There's no tail back there... Wouldn't I have a tail at this point?'

My thought was interrupted by another batch of Garp's hearty laughs.

"Bwahaha~ Well, alright brat. You're the first person I've seen arrive at Marineford from up above. What made you so eager that you couldn't enter through the docks?"

His grin didn't fade, but became more reserved. His eyes-sharper and more focused, questioning... no, commanding was more like it. An answer was due, but I didn't feel pressured. He still had an aura of patience to him, maybe driven by the fact that he was addressing a child.

My head once again started accumulating thoughts and questions of all sorts, not allowing room for much else-but I stopped myself this time. Jumping to my feet and facing the much taller person in front of me, I had my answer ready-

"Hit me."

'What?! What the fuck did I just say?'

I wholeheartedly meant it. I could feel that I truly did, that this was my readied answer, and it felt like the most appropriate thing to say in the moment. 

Garp's expression turned to a confused one. Brows frowned, eyes narrowed, with a puzzled stare. His arms no longer crossed, he seemed to be in the middle of a thought, the cataclysm to a certain action-

At this point I must've seemed more puzzled than him, as I was trying to come up with an actual response-to replace the nonsensical one I had just blurted out.

'How could I possibly explain falling from the sky? Oh, I was just relaxing on this cloud before suddenly falling through...'

'Hmm... Maybe a devil fruit could explain it? Or a fight with Kuma... Maybe a blimp? I know those exist in this world, but-'

Before I could get any further in my own thought I could see that Garp had already completed his own; his resolution steadfast as he cocked his fist. His face sported an ear-to-ear grin, but not a pleasant one-given the situation.

I knew what was coming, but I was powerless to stop it.


My body broke through the wall like a hammer thrown against glass, making it shatter and crumble as dozens of pieces went flying just as rapid and chaotic as I did-through the air above the Marineford ground. 

Once again, the world around me faded away into darkness...





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