A Super Saiyan in One Piece

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: A fight with Garp

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I opened my eyes to a familiar sight. It was the same room as before, albeit a little redecorated; the left-wall missing, parts of it scattered across the immediate floor of the room, with the rest of it spread across Marineford below.

An unpleasant feeling returned to my body. All throughout my body, but concentrated in my shattered arms and indented chest.

It was painful. More so than the first time I had awoken in this bed. But it was... familiar-

I was fine. Yes, most of the bones in my body had been shattered-again, and yes, I was screaming in agony-writhing in pain, but the feeling was just... ordinary now, and I could think perfectly clear thoughts.

My first thought was to reach behind my right ear to form another senzu bean, but the plan immediately fell through as I was reminded of the terrible state of both my arms. It probably wouldn't have worked either, considering what the deity had said-

~You only get one Senzu bean a day...~

'I must have reacted to it though...' The punch-it was swift, unbelievably so, but there's no other explanation for the current state of my arms.



A short silence ensued, followed by another-


The sound didn't come from me.

My eyes rolled as far to the right as I could force them, my head refusing to tilt any bit of the way.

It was Garp. Of course it was... Sitting in the same place and position as the first time. Only, he wasn't chewing down on rice crackers.

The bag occupying his left hand was smaller and made of fabric, so I couldn't directly spot the contents of it, but his right hand revealed three tiny green beans making their way towards his mouth.

I had stopped screaming some time ago, and I could see that Garp had now registered where my attention was directed-as his face morphed into a huge grin.

"Strange beans you brought with you-"

With a flick of his thumb he sent a bean flying through the air in my direction. I bit down the instant I felt it entering my mouth, once again triggering the warm surge of energy that steals away all pain.

"Do you have any more?" he asks shamelessly, his pinky buried in his right nostril.

A bit dumbstruck, I sat up steadily. My whole world had been flipped, whisked away, and re-drawn. I hadn't been given time to think about it yet, but- '...what was I supposed to do now? It's evident that the situation is real-but what am I supposed to do here?'

Garp rose to his feet, towering 287cm from the ground; almost three times the height of my new body.

"Alright brat, you've been sleeping long enough-"

'I wouldn't exactly call it sleeping...'

"-Now quit lazing around and put on some clothes."

He chucked a bag into my lap, and it's contents: One white short-sleeved button-up shirt displaying the Marine emblem, a simplified seagull, with "MARINE" underneath it on the back, and two horizontal blue lines around the collar; a blue neckerchief; dark-blue trousers; a pair of black boots; and a white baseball cap, aqua-green in the front, with "MARINE" written across it in blue letters.

The clothes of a recruit. 

I sat in admiration for a few seconds-marvelling at the uniform. But admiration swiftly turned to insult. The thought of becoming part of such an organization...

Memories of the mishaps of the One Piece Marines came to me like a flood. Far too much ineptitude and far too many bad actors had been revealed throughout the story.

To be fair, most of the major faults of the Marines throughout the series can be traced back to the World Government. The Marines honestly seem like an essential pillar of stability in the world; one could only imagine the level of havoc your average pirate would wreak if it weren't for the marines; but it's inferiority to- and servitude to the World Government is such a catastrophically detrimental flaw.

Unfortunately I can't simply blame it all away on the World Government. There were too many cases of ineptitude, power-tripping, and outright corruption in the Marines throughout the story-that were not at all related to the World Government.


* Zzzz-Hrgnnh-Zzzz . . . *

I turned my head back towards Garp who had somehow managed to fall asleep; a snot-bubble forming from his right nostril; arms hanging to either side of his body, his oversized Marine-coat swaying in the wind-that had entered through the missing wall; and he was still... standing... upright...

I decided to not dwell on it any longer and simply put on the Marine uniform.


Garp woke up abruptly, his expression-startled; eyes wide, brows raised-

"Oh no. I fell asleep."

I wasn't allowed even a moment of time to react to the bizarre occurrence before his attention was back on me, seemingly antagonized-

"I said stop lazing around and get up!"

Without warning or mercy he let his closed fist swing down into a painful connection with the top of my head, my body shattering the unfortunate bed underneath me.

The immediate floor gave way just as easily, and in an instant I found myself in a different room; flat-out on the floor below.

Four new faces had appeared around me, all staring down at me in bewilderment. They all seemed to be wearing low-ranking Marine uniforms.

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Two of the Marines were completely unfamiliar to me, one of them curly-haired with a slight tan, and the other sporting a buzz-cut; both displaying slightly unimpressive physiques, and their uniforms-hardly distinguishable from my own. But the other two stood out, and they were impossible not to recognize-

Long and curly sandy-blonde hair, sporting flamboyant clothes, with his most notable feature being the red, heart-shaped glasses covering his eyes. It was none other than the infamous hypnotist, Jango.

And to the right of Jango stood a muscular man; his hair shoulder-length, pink and unkempt; a modest scar resting under his right eye; his shirt navy-blue and his pants orange; but his most notable feature-the bolts attached to his fists. The 'Baratie-fall from grace', Fullbody.

I had completely shattered and flattened an unsuspecting wooden table on my way down, and I could only assume this was the sole reason I had not broken through yet another floor.

The pain was mild, paling in comparison to the abuse I had suffered through twice already.

After the initial shock and a brief, pleasant pause, Fullbody was the first to speak-

"Who the fuck are y-"

He was interrupted mid-sentence as-, to the dismay and horror of all four Marines present,- Garp had suddenly appeared in their midst.

Every single one of them tensed up at once. You could almost hear it; the trembling, the worsening palpitations, beads forming-then trickling down their backs and foreheads. The atmosphere was so tense I could almost grab hold of it, squeeze it, and suffocate all four of them.

I decided to spare them, barely holding back a grin that would undeniably doom all five of us to another round of Garp's fists.

"What are you gawking at, never seen a proper scolding before?" Garp was the first to speak, breaking the deadly silence, unsettling all four of them at once.

'A scolding huh... That's quite the fucking scolding... And nevermind that-WHAT FOR?!'

A vomit of gibberish and excuses came spewing out of their mouths as they all rushed for the door and ran out of the room, leaving-almost as quick as I had entered previously.

Another moment of deafening silence came about, and I quickly caught on-as I understood that this was my cue and only chance to get up.

And so I did. I rose to my feet, standing at about 100cm tall, I craned my neck backwards in order to initiate eye contact with the 'Marine Hero' in front of me.

'Damn it he's tall... But even so... I'm comically short right now...'


To my annoyance-Garp erupted with laughter.

It lasted for a solid 10 seconds before slowly dying down.


"Hit me."

His facial expression morphed into an antagonizing grin-coupled with a maniacal stare, and his voice carried a cold and tantalizing demeanour.

"Hit me boy. I won't say it a third time."

The raging calm of his voice would've shaken me to my core if I was in my former body.

But I was a Saiyan. I could feel what that meant now. I could feel how it influenced my emotions, clouded my rational thinking.

I was excited, exhilarated, euphoric even, overflowing with energy from the mere thought of a fight.

The top of my head reached just short of his hips, so, without hesitation, I jumped about a meter and a half straight up. I clenched my fist and swung it with all the might I had, making contact with the centre of his chest.

The air around the impact trembled slightly, creating a small but noticeable shockwave.

Garp didn't move an inch, but his expression grew. His grin wider, more menacing than before.

'This can't be good...'

But I didn't budge. I didn't tremble or flinch or any of the kind. My expression grew to match his. This wasn't frightening at all... it was exhilarating!

I blocked his first punch with my arms, and it sent me flying through the wall-just like the first time; bricks flying everywhere, and of course, myself at the centre of it all, flying through the air above Marineford.

But this time I didn't pass out. I even kept my arms mostly intact, and I was ready-, I was eager-for more.

And I got exactly what I wished for. In no time at all, Garp appeared before me, in mid-air, striking me for the second time in the span of a second.

This time he aimed a little lower, but I reacted just in time to bring up my right knee before impact.

Nonetheless, I was sentenced to a plummeting defeat, crushing an entire brick house on my way down before the mercy of concrete stopped me from moving any further.

But I didn't pass out. I could barely move, but I was awake.

It felt good. A wonderful pain.

A... wonderful... pain?

'I might be loosing my mind...'



Now the journey can commence. The next chapters will likely move faster, I just needed to lay the groundwork: the introduction, proper characterization, atmosphere and exposition, and just a little bit of resolve for the main character to build further upon in the next few chapters.

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