A Thousand Reincarnations : Overcome My Destiny

Chapter 11: Chapter 10 : Revlo Mason vs The Elven Princess 3

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After Elvina chanted her spell.

A familiar scene happened before Revlo as thick roots and vines headed his way to attack him, but the difference was that the roots and vines that made up the spell looked bigger, stronger and was faster.

Revlo did not use the same spell to counter Elvina's last time and said.

"Death Spell : Wither"

After he said that, the roots and vines started to wither and decay before they could even reach Revlo but not all of them were affected, at least 70% of the spell lost its power.

He had a different approach this time, instead of fighting head on, he was gonna play smart and one of which was to use magic that is effective against nature magic.

Since he had the advantage of having a large variety of magic that is not limited to a single attribute, then he'll firmly grasp this advantage.

Seeing that his opponent's attack got weakened..

"Enchantment Effect, Fire Resistance - Heat Resistance - Cold Resistance"

Revlo was then surrounded with three different glows, one was red, one was orange and one was sky colored, oddly enough, it didn't layer on top of each other instead they mixed together to form a unique three colored rainbow.

Triple casting with enchantment magic!

Physical enhancement and enchantment are completely different magic, the former gives a boost to a person's natural existing physical characteristics, such as their physical strength, speed, endurance, dexterity.. basically it is a magic, like its name.. enhances any physical aspect of the body.

While enchantment, basically gives magical effects to either an object or to people that is not possible with bodily enhancement.. like an increase in heat resistance, cold resistance, poison resistance and it's not just limited to resistance, when you use enchantment magic to an object or a weapon, it could give that weapon extra attack damage or add weight to an object to make it heavy or make a sword more durable, etc.

Some champions who don't get the specifics often confuse enchantment and enhancement magic as the same thing.

When Elvina heard the magic that Revlo had just casted, she already figured out what plan that Revlo had in mind.

Her guesses were confirmed when she heard him casting yet another spell.

"Flame Wheels"

Three spinning wheels made of fire appeared and started cutting the remaining roots and vines like a lawnmower cutting down grass.

The spinning wheels of fiery death never slowed down in momentum and was headed towards Elvina.

"Tree Guardians" Elvina chanted.

Two nearby trees suddenly came to life and grew limbs, walked towards Elvina and with their wooden arms, tried to catch the incoming flame wheels.

"Thanks to my rank-up, it looks like I can summon 2 tree guardians now instead of just 1 previously" Elvina said.

"But... its not enough"

There were three flame wheels headed her away and her tree guardians could only intercept one each.

There was still one remaining flame wheel.

"Nature's Shield" she said.

A green transparent shield with a tree symbol in the middle was formed.

Normally when it comes to clashes between the different elemental attributes, the fire element would always beat the nature element which is why Revlo kept using flame attributed attacks, just like how water would beat fire, each elemental attributes have their own respective strengths and weaknesses.

But since Elvina is an Intermediate-Ranked champion now and has her nature attributed magic strengthened by her phantasm, her nature shield was enough to block Revlo's flame wheels without breaking.

Elvina sighed in relief at this sight but then looked at her tree guardians each holding down a spinning disc made of fire, their arms were burnt and sliced, so they sacrificed their bodies to block the flame wheels from reaching Elvina.

There was fire everywhere, the scene looked no different from a forest fire and Elvina was sweating due to the heat, unlike Revlo, she couldn't use enchantment magic to grant herself heat resistance.

She looked around and couldn't see Revlo, she guessed that he was probably hiding in sea of flames since he had heat and fire resistance on him, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

"Revlo, do you really think that I only know nature magic?"

Elvina didn't panic but instead had a confident grin on her face, of course as someone who is labelled as a genius among geniuses even among the academy, she wouldn't just be limited in just having nature magic.

"Do you know? Even though water magic and nature magic are considered to be two completely different elemental attributes by most people, water could still be considered as a part of nature"

Her phantasm doesn't just strengthen her nature magic, it also increases the potential of anything that is part of nature ...be it animals, plants, water and even the earth were part of nature.

"You were not the first person to come up with this strategy to get an advantage over nature magic users"

"And since I knew that you have fire magic, I already prepared myself beforehand"

"Magic Array Activate : Mini-Tsunami"

Magic circles appeared on the ground that contained strange shapes and symbols, it slowly grew bigger and bigger until the entire area lit up into a blue glow.

Magic arrays are completely different from magic spells, since magic spells could be activated almost instantly after some chanting and magic arrays would only start up if the person who created the array personally activated it themselves or was activated with some sort of trigger.

Usually the power contained in the magic arrays are much stronger than magic spells itself since arrays had time to be fueled by more mana thus the spells receive more power.

There is a downside to magic arrays though, it needs a solid medium, a solid ground or surface was needed to engrave the shapes and symbols that contained the contents of the array unlike magic spells that you only needed to wave your hands in the air.

At the start of the duel when Elvina chanted her vine graveyard, she actually used it as a distraction so she could immediately put down a magic array in case of an emergency because she had a feeling that she would need it.

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And now that feeling actually came true and after her magic array on the ground finished glowing, which took about 3 seconds, water started to accumulate around her and formed some sort of tidal waves and came crashing down in the area with great intensity.

Huge waves that reached the height of a normal house appeared and started putting out the forest fire pretty quickly but as a result the trees were knocked down, the mini-tsunami that she summoned had enough force to topple a sturdy wooden house.

Elvina was surrounded by a muddy and wet floor and some burned wood and vines, their color resembling charcoal.

But Revlo was nowhere to be seen!

Elvina who was calm and collected earlier was startled.

She touched the ground, closed her eyes and scanned the earth beneath with her magic sense.

"If he is not below, then he must be above" She said then raised her head upwards.

A figure was floating in the air, there was a mini wind tornado below his feet, he used wind magic to fly in the sky and held something that looks like a lightsaber in his hands.

"Wind magic as well? How many types of magic does this guy have? Wait! Did he shape his mana into the form of a sword? What amazing mana control!! Does he know swordsmanship as well?"

The crowd commented while the emperor who sitting in his chair suddenly stood up, he looked at Revlo's 'mana sword' with sparkling eyes, as a swordsman himself, he was a fanatic when it comes to swords and he was immediately curious on what Revlo's next actions would be.

Elvina made no remarks, nor had the time to be impressed as Revlo came crashing down on her with his 'mana sword' in hand and he made a motion to slash downward.

Elvina reacted fast and the nature shield that she casted earlier immediately came to her aid and blocked Revlo's sword.

Since the nature shield didn't break from the flame wheels, it only made a loud 'pung' sound when they clashed.

"You're going for close combat huh?, not a bad idea if it was for ordinary elves with their weak physiques" Elvina said while smiling.

Olivia, Elvina's teacher grinned and continued her pupil's sentence "But Elvina is no ordinary elf"

Elvina then got into stance and bashed with her shield to push Revlo away, even though Elves had weaker physiques than most races, Elvina still had an S-rating in strength at the Novice-Rank compared to Revlo's E-rating.

But Revlo was no pushover either, he diverted all that momentum from his opponent's attack away from him, did a backflip with using Elvina's shield as support and managed to land just a meter away from her.

He landed on the muddy ground but it didn't mess with his footing and started charging at her, sword in hand.

"What incredible footwork!! He is as talented in swordsmanship as he is in magic" The Emperor praised.

"These two are complete monsters, especially Revlo, I don't know if there is anyone in their generation that could compete with them" The Emperor continued.

"There is though, one of the 7 stars, he belongs in the light department of the academy, the little star [Phecda], John Hancock and there is also Elvina's rival, also one of the 7 stars of the academy, Maria Mercedes, the little star [Dubhe]" Olivia said.

The 7 Little Ursa Stars of the Freedom Magic Academy, these are composed of the most outstanding students of the school, each one of them are geniuses among geniuses and furthermore, their achievements aren't any inferior to the current Elvina.

Elvina herself is also one of the 7 little Ursa Stars, she was called the little star [Mizar] .. there is no particular ranking among the 7 on who is stronger since they were all the cream of the crop, the best of the best among their peers and it was generally difficult to judge and compare them by mentioning their abilities and achievements alone.

Revlo's father during his time in the academy also used to be one of the 7 little Ursa Stars, it was a tradition passed down since the founding of the academy long ago and the tradition has continued on since then, it was mainly to promote other students to work harder as a goal that they could strive for.

Remember that the 7 little Ursa Stars of the academy only determined the most OUTSTANDING students of the academy not the STRONGEST but even so, the public generally acknowledged the people who got to become one of the little Ursa Stars as monsters of talent, in an environment where they stood out in an academy full of geniuses, you could already imagine how monstrous they are if you use Elvina as a benchmark.

The only ways to become one of the 7 stars was to have an overwhelming amount talent that people would acknowledge, have achievements that are generally impossible for people attain, defeat one of them and take their place.. of course this only works if they have the same champion rank or magic core development and lastly be titled as one by a dean or by the headmaster.

The last one was the rarest to occur.

But don't misunderstand, Elvina didn't get to be named as one of the 7 stars because her personal master was the dean of the nature department, it was through her own hardwork, achievements and talent.

There were plenty of personal pupils of teachers and deans but were unable become one of the 7 ursa stars.

She could battle anyone that is a rank higher than her and so could the other 7 ursa stars.

Of course, the higher the rank, the rarer the level skipping battles occurs.

For example, there were plenty of people in history who could defeat an intermediate-rank as a novice-rank but couldn't do the same for legendary-rank as a saint-rank.

(Note : Legendary-Rank is a level higher than Saint-Rank)

"Speaking of the 7 stars, I heard that the little star [Megrez], Ken Mason of the Mason Clan just graduated last year and the spot for [Megrez] became empty since then, looks like when Revlo enters the school grounds, it won't be empty anymore" the Emperor said.

Olivia and the Headmaster nodded and tacitly agreed, Revlo was more than deserving to become one of the 7 ursa stars.

There was no actual benefit on becoming one of the 7 stars outside of recognition, acknowledgement and admiration from others but plenty of students of the academy strive to become one of them no matter which year they are in, whether they were freshmen or seniors.

The title was that alluring which serves as a part of motivation for the students which the academy has set up since its founding, because of this there were plenty of era defining champions that emerged from the Freedom Magic Academy and eventually became one of the best magic academies of the continent, even the 'one of' could be discarded entirely.

Because since its founding the academy produced 10 Mystic-Ranked champions!

No other magic schools have managed to achieve such a feat even for the other 5 continents and even the schools of the ancient times were included.

There were currently 20 known mystic-ranked champions alive today and a single school essentially produced 50% of the current world's most powerful champions!

Of course, throughout history there were plenty of mystic-ranked champions that had emerged and perished. The total number of known mystic-ranked champions in history whether dead or alive numbered over 200 but it was still an impressive record that no other magic schools had achieved.

Even the Holy Grand School of the Holy Central Continent, that was formerly known as the best magic academy in the world only produced 8 Mystic-Ranks in total.

That is why in terms of the number of mystic-ranks in the southern continent, which was the continent that the Freedom Empire ruled in, this was the continent that had the highest number of Mystic-Ranked champions currently in the entire mortal world!

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