A Thousand Reincarnations : Overcome My Destiny

Chapter 12: Chapter 11 : Revlo Mason vs The Elven Princess 4

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Revlo with a sword in hand, continued to barrage Elvina with continuous attacks and Elvina kept raising her shield up to block.

Elvina was also in a pickle, receiving Revlo's unending attacks one after another, she couldn't find enough time to cast a spell to retaliate, she needed to create some distance away from Revlo.

But Revlo didn't give her that chance and all she could do was continue blocking with her Nature's Shield.

'My mana is draining fast' Revlo thought.

Revlo already applied physical enhancement on himself beforehand but Elvina's shield possessed a weird characteristic to reduce force upon impact, Revlo felt like he was hitting a soft cushion.

'This shield is really troublesome'

'Her proficiency with the shield isn't bad either, I can't find an opening'

He then glanced at his sword that he made out of pure mana, it was had a blue glow, it looked no different from a lightsaber if you looked at it from afar.

'As I thought, a sword technique from a cultivation world doesn't work here since things like Qi does not exist'

He tried to apply sword techniques that he learned from his previous lives, but unfortunately each worlds has its own sets of laws and principles that sets them apart from other worlds.

He knew for sure that these various worlds exist somewhere and each has their own different branch of logic and reality completely different from the concept of realms and dimensions.

He felt that these worlds were like leaves in a huge tree connected to a branch, each branch represents a similar set of laws like how his first life and his current 1001st life are both magical worlds, meaning they belong to the same branch but if it is a cartoon world, it is now on a completely different branch since they don't have any similar laws and principles. Each branch was connected to a trunk, the passageway which in turn was connected to the roots, the origin of reality and creation.

In a nutshell, his understanding was like this.

Leaves of the tree ----> The different worlds.

Branches of the Tree -----> The laws and principles that governs those worlds.

The Trunk of the Tree -----> The passageway.

Roots of the Tree -----> The origin of creation.

Things like magic doesn't exist on Earth so even if Revlo tried to use magic there, it won't work, this rule similarly applies when he uses cultivation techniques in a cartoon world or in a star wars world.

Even Revlo himself did not understand the reason why such laws exist, he felt a vague and indistinct barrier was blocking his contemplation whenever such topics came to his mind.

But as Revlo's soul gets stronger and stronger, he felt that the huge tree, which symbolizes his understanding of reality and the multi-verse as we know it, was slowly dying.

He felt a sense of crisis like his very existence was in danger.

He tried to shake off those pessimistic thoughts but couldn't, so he just buried these feelings.

'There is no point in thinking such things right now, that is for the future'

He had a gut feeling that understanding these laws and principles might be the key to unlock godhood, he also felt a similar barrier when he tried to get his soul to reach god-level.

But that was all it was, a feeling, he wasn't exactly sure if that was the case and he didn't had the opportunity to verify it.

'It's not like all the things I learned from previous worlds cannot be used'

Like his 'Soul Nourishing Scripture' that he received in a cultivation world, since this technique could be used, why can't he do so for others?

"All Splitting Sword Technique"

A sword technique with the concept that it could slice through anything, even the air itself was not excluded, obviously Revlo doesn't have high attainments in this sword technique and his mastery wasn't even close to have the ability to split the air.

'But it is enough, even that weird damage reduction property won't work'

Following that, Revlo made one more swing with his sword but the aura around him was different, Elvina could feel it too, she could feel a sense of crisis but all she could do is continue blocking with her shield.


The shield that had held on for so long was finally split in half.

"Nature's Shield is not just an ordinary defense type magic, it could also reduce the force of any attacks by 50% percent, there is also the boost given by Elvina's phantasm, so the damage reduction further increases.. I expected it to break much later" The Headmaster said.

"Was there something in that sword that caused it to snap in two?" He further added.

"No, its just a sword made out of pure mana, I think a sword technique was responsible for it" The Emperor replied.

"Oh really? Even though I'm not a swordsman, I've never heard such a sword technique that can ignore damage reduction though?" Olivia said.

Then she a thought of something that not just shocked her but also the rest of the crowd as well.

"Did he create that sword technique?" They all said in unison while looking at Vorne and Celine with questioning gazes.

In response, the couple just smiled bitterly.

"I don't know, since he usually goes outside a lot, that is possible" Vorne said.

They obviously wouldn't tell that Revlo was actually a reincarnated person from another world.

"But isn't he only 9? It is already unfathomable if he knows how to perform multi-casting, knows many different types of magic, has incredible magic control and even knows how to wield a sword but creating an entirely new sword technique, that takes time and effort, just talent alone is not enough, it also takes a lot of experimentation, I don't know how he has the time to study magic and swordsmanship at the same time" The Headmaster said.

"Yeah that is too incomprehensible, Vorne, Celine, what on earth are you teaching him?" Olivia added.

'We didn't teach him shit!' Celine yelled in her thoughts.

Revlo's parents didn't give a reply and just continued to smile.

The crowd didn't inquire further but the Emperor had a strange gleam in his eyes as he looked at Revlo.

The fight continued on, when Revlo split Elvina's shield in two, the force reduction was no longer applied, so she utilized the force of Revlo's attack to create some distance away so she could finally use magic.

"Seed Bomb"

Instead of backing away or creating a barrier to protect himself, Revlo charged towards the falling seeds like a maniac.

"Is he insane?" Elvina said, puzzled by his actions.

Just as those seeds were about to explode.


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The area turned chilly, the temperature dropped and the seeds got frozen, covered in ice, the seeds that were just about to burst suddenly settled down.

"Wait! you can do that?" Elvina was surprised.

"Doesn't matter, your mana is almost depleted while I have more than half remaining" She continued.

"Tree Guardians"

Two wooden golems appeared and started attacking Revlo immediately.

"Oh right, I've been saving this, I couldn't use this before because my rank was too low to use this particular magic" Elvina said.

"Now that I ranked up though..... Tree Guardian Armor!" Elvina chanted.

The tree guardians who looked no different from trees but with limbs now had a majestic green and gold colored armor covering their bodies, the armor itself looked like it didn't limit the tree guardian's movement either.

"My tree guardians are too flammable and their weakness gets exploited a lot in battles but now *she smirked*.. cast all the fire magic all you want Revlo Mason, I'm curious which is stronger, your fire magic or my armor"

Hearing her provocation, Revlo said.

"What makes you think I'm gonna tangle with these guys?"

"Physical Enhancement, Speed-Double"

And with that, every last drop of his mana was gone, it would take a while that he would be able to cast magic again.

'It's a gamble, looks like I need to take a risk'

As he finished saying that, he ignored the armor wearing tree golems and charged towards Elvina instead.

The speed he displayed was much faster than anything he showed before, Elvina was surprised but she reacted quickly.

"Nature's Shield"

Elvina quickly summoned a large floating magic shield in front of her.

"All Splitting Sword Technique"

He once again split her shield in half, it completely ignored the damage reduction quality that the shield possessed.

Elvina was not surprised and quickly chanted.

"Nature's Shield Quintuple"

Five large magic shields then appeared and layered in front of each other.

Revlo was stopped in his tracks, he can't use the sword technique too many times or his stamina might run out, he tried to go around but the Tree Guardians that were left behind earlier now caught up to him.

Facing its attacks, Revlo leaned to dodge and slashed his sword to cut off one of the golem's arm.

His sword and the tree golem clashed but the tree guardian was mostly undamaged due to the armor it was wearing.

Seeing this, Revlo knew he shouldn't waste his time clashing with these tree golems as he dodged another one of its attacks.

The tree golems were large, they were not particularly slow but their attacks were robotic and stiff, so it was easy to predict their attacks for those with enough battle awareness and experience.

But then he felt a cold wind on the back of his head, he turned to look, he saw an approaching Elvina holding two Nature's Shields while three followed closely behind.

She actually took the initiative to engage in close combat!

If any other elves were to see this, they would think that she was insane for getting rid of her advantage because all she had to do is to keep casting magic at a safe distance and she would eventually win and because of an elf's weak physique, elves were generally terrible at close combat.

But instead of doing what most people thought to be a normal course of action, she actually charged towards her opponent.

Of course, Elvina herself wasn't like other elves.

Revlo himself didn't think she was crazy either since he experienced up and close that she was not that bad in terms of close combat.

Elvina bashed Revlo with her shield.

Revlo made a defending gesture with his sword but was sent back a few inches away.

At the same time, the tree guardians weren't staying still either, they also sent a punch directly at Revlo.

Attacked from the front and back, the same strategy that Elvina used in the first round but this time it was working.

Revlo swerved, dodged the tree golem's blow by a small margin, he then tried to retreat.

Elvina didn't let him get away though, as the three remaining shields floating behind her suddenly twitched and moved to block his way.

Seeing the green shield blocking his path of retreat, Revlo tried to jump over it since his physical enhancement was still active, he jumped pretty high.

But the other tree guardian caught up to him and sent a karate chop over his head.

Revlo positioned his sword to block it, but was smacked into the ground, dust was flying everywhere, it was difficult to see what happened.

When the dust settled, the crowd saw the tree guardian had its hand, still in the form of a karate chop, pressuring down on Revlo.

Revlo had his feet buried beneath the soil and was stuck, he resisted with all his might and veins were visible on his forehead.

He was still holding up his arms, trying to lift up tree guardian's large hand while the golem itself was pressuring him down, he was forced to let go of his sword made of mana and it slowly disappeared, pieces by pieces.

Elvina already rushed over, Revlo's arms were occupied in dealing with the tree guardian and his legs were buried beneath the ground, he had no way to defend.

He got punched in the gut and spat out saliva, seeing its summoner landing a hit, the tree guardian let go of the pressure it exerted on Revlo.

Revlo looked at the tree guardian, he was not sure if it was his hallucination or not but he saw a victorious smug on its usual lifeless face.

Whether it was a hallucination or not, the pain he felt in his gut was very real and it reminded him of one thing.. he lost.

The victor of the second round, Elvina.

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