A Thousand Reincarnations : Overcome My Destiny

Chapter 17: Chapter 16 : Setting Off

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"Ah, but the human race is rated to be the race that has the highest potential among the thousands of races in the Fallen Star World, the fact that humans have the only remaining living World-Class champion left and also the fact that humans occupy the largest abundance in the numbers of powerful champions proves it" Celine hurriedly said.

'So [The Almighty Celestial] is a human' Revlo thought.

It was a fact that humans doesn't possess any special characteristics among the myriads of races, during the ancient times before magic was discovered, humans belonged to the bottom of the food chain, compared to the monster's claws and tough bodies, humans were fragile in comparison.

Back then, humans lived lives no different from livestock, often waiting for death and to be slaughtered, it wasn't until the founder, the one who discovered magic and also the first-ever self-made god and had reached World-Class appeared.

The founder was given the title [Progenitor of Magic], his actual name had been long forgotten, even their gender was unknown, even to historians, that person was only ever referred to as their title.

But one fact about [The Progenitor of Magic] that has not been forgotten is that person was a human, that person also discovered the Magic Core Method, the mainstream development method for others to learn and utilize magic.

The progenitor led the human's rise to prominence, slowly getting rid of their livestock race status that they had until humans eventually became one of the major races of the Fallen Star World, of course, this process was arduous and it took many generations to achieve but the historic rise of the humans was forever commemorated in the annals of history.

Obviously, the other races followed suit and touched upon magic and the magic core method system and had risen in power as well but the humans were the ones who benefited from it the most.

After the end of the ancient era approximately one million years ago, the progenitor suddenly disappeared, this revelation shook the whole world because World Class champions are basically no different from gods, which means they are basically almost immortal.

At that time the progenitor was the only World-Class champion to have existed until 9000 years after his/her disappearance, another talented champion has risen and became the second World Class champion, 50,000 years after that, another World Class champion had appeared and 80,000 years after that, another self-made god had been produced.

The gap of time between World Class champions being produced is around 20,000 years at the minimum and the most at 150,000 years.

Fast forward a million years, only 12 self-made gods were produced with the most recent champion to have achieved the coveted rank is [The Almighty Celestial] who ranked up from Mystic-Rank to World Class just over 10,000 years ago.

It was not that the people in this world are that incompetent, it's just that it was that hard to achieve godhood, there had been many monsters of talent that had appeared in the period of a million years but only 12 including the progenitor had reached that final rank.

And out of those 12, five of them were from the human race!

Think about it, 8 major races, 1000 minor races but 5 out of the 12 who achieved godhood came from a single race, the race that used to be labeled as 'a livestock race'.

There had been speculations that the magic core method that the progenitor developed was more suited for humans, placing the other races at a disadvantage but throughout countless experimentations, no one could prove nor found any evidence of any sort of bias and preference towards any race that the magic core method possessed.

There was only one conclusion to be had, the human race amongst the many races of the world had the best growth potential, this was their race's exclusive characteristic.

Angels had their magical sense, seafolk had their extreme affinity for water, beastmen had their unique physical attributes, demons had their tough bodies and extreme regeneration, and humans ... had their high potential!

Vorne just smiled dryly, he never really cared if his race was insulted right in front of him, he was not that hot-tempered or narrow-minded, he just sighed at his wife's loose tongue that got her into a lot of trouble in the past, even to this day, her personality never changed at all.

Vorne turned to look at his son was then reminded of something and said.

"Revlo, the entrance exam for the Magic Academy is about 3 months away, are you gonna go there now or stay here and take you there myself when the time comes?"

The Freedom Magic Academy was pretty far out, for normal people it would take them many months of traveling in the carriage just to arrive there, its location was on the west side of the Capital City of the Freedom Empire, Eagle City, located in the exact center of the continent and their village was nearly at the edge of the continent, Vorne could travel there almost instantly but for Revlo it would take months for him to get there by himself.

So he had to set out months ahead to arrive on time for the entrance ceremony.

At his father's question, Revlo raised his head a bit and was pondering, he tapped his fingers on his chin trying to make his decision.

'There is not much to be done here'

'Also I can feel that my soul had reached its utmost limit of being strengthened by the Soul Nourishing Scripture'

Even though there was no change in the value in his system for his spirit, Revlo felt that he had hit a bottleneck at how much his soul could grow.

It was like filling up an empty bottle with water, even if you try to put more water into the bottle, it would only spill out and overflow, there is a limit on how much that bottle could store water.

Revlo felt that he already reached this point, the situation with his soul was similar to a full water bottle.

He already felt this a week ago but continued using the Soul Nourishing Technique just to confirm it, and after a week, he could confidently make the conclusion.

'I have already reached the highest point that a mortal soul could grow and no amount of soul strengthening could make it grow even further unless I breakthrough that barrier'

There was a mystical and indistinct barrier blocking his soul's growth, Revlo figured that this was some sort of dividing line that separates a mortal soul from a godly soul.

Only, despite possessing plenty of knowledge, he doesn't have a way to break through this particular barrier.

Other than that, he also has one thing on his mind.

'Will this be enough?'

He was referring to those soul snatching hands, he wondered if the current strength of his soul was enough to repel them away and break free from his curse.

'No use thinking about useless things, I've done all I could'

In any case, it was true that his soul was stronger compared to his previous life where he could already rival the pulling force of those soul-snatching hands.

'If there are no unexpected events, I should be able to repel them or even destroy them entirely'

Revlo shook his head and admonished himself.

'No, don't be too optimistic, unexpected situations could always happen but I've already made preparations in case the curse was not going at full strength previously, if I fail, I'll just find a way to break through this barrier that blocks my soul's growth'

It may look like he was talking to himself for a long time but in reality, only a second has passed since his father asked him his question.

"I guess I'll set off immediately, tomorrow would be good after preparing my things" Revlo replied, there was nothing for him to do here, he might as well head to the academy and maybe explore this magic world in the meantime.

Vorne smiled a bit and nodded.

But when Rena heard this, she was frantic and said.

"I'll go with big brother too"

Celine immediately rejected this and said.

"Oh no you don't, you'll stay here, you can go to the academy when your older"

"But big brother can go but why can't I?" Rena said, she was starting to tear up a bit when she heard her mother's rejection.

"You are only 4 and the academy's entrance exam only accepts children at 8-10 years old" Celine said.

"That's unfair" the little girl yelled in indignation.

She then turned her head to look at her brother and ran up to him, grabbed the edges of his shirt, and with puppy eyes, she begged.

"Brother please take me with you, I wanna go with big brother"

Revlo shook his head and said in a mature tone.

"You can't go yet Rena, listen to your mother, you are too young to be accepted into the academy, so you can't go with me"

Seeing her tears welling up in the corner of her eyes, Revlo hurriedly said.

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"When you become 8 years old, you can go, so you need to be patient okay? if you want to reach solidification, patience is very important, or else you won't be able to do those cool things like I just did yesterday, alright?"

"But..." Rena said but was cut off when Revlo patted her head.

"Promise me you'll stay here and accompany mom and dad, if you and I go at the same time, they'll be lonely and sad, do you want mom and dad to be sad?"

"N-no" Rena shook her head.

"So promise?" Revlo said while raising his hand, holding out his pinky.

"Promise" Rena reluctantly said while holding out her pinky as well.

Their pinky fingers interlocked forming a pinky promise.

Vorne nodded to the side and said.

"Good job Revlo, Rena come here, if you want to go with your big brother in the future, you have to work and train hard so you could be accepted into the academy as well"

"Okay" Rena said with a peculiar mixed feeling of enthusiasm and despondence.

"Hold up, since she already sprouted her wings, I think it's better to have me teach her about magic" Celine suggested.

Vorne looked reluctant as he stared at his wife.

"What's wrong?" Celine asked, she was confused about why Vorne was wearing such a look on his face.

Vorne hesitated for a second until he sighed and gathered up the courage to say.

"I'll be blunt about it, you are not exactly the best magic instructor, so I think it is better for me to teach her and besides just because Rena is an angel doesn't make you more qualified to teach her magic"

"What?! are you saying I'm bad at teaching? I dare you to say that one more time" Celine was visibly irritated and yelled.

Revlo didn't want to hear his parents bickering about deciding on who is more qualified to teach Rena about magic.

"I'll be giving her magic lessons for today, if you think it's okay" Revlo suddenly said.

Vorne and Celine immediately stopped their argument and turned their heads to look at Revlo.

They already knew that Revlo was a reincarnated person who possessed more magical knowledge than the two of them combined, so Revlo is probably the most qualified out of the three to instruct Rena.

"Are you sure? Don't you have to go somewhere and use that 'Soul Nourishing Technique' like you usually do? You also have to prepare for your departure tomorrow" Vorne asked.

"It's exactly because I'm gonna depart tomorrow that I want to hang out with Rena today, as a brother, I have always been neglecting her, this is the least I could do for her" Revlo said.

Hearing this, Rena immediately jumped up in excitement and said.

"I agree, I agree, big brother should teach me today"

Hearing their daughter's enthusiasm and Revlo's reasoning, Vorne and Celine couldn't possibly find any objections to this and nodded their heads in agreement.

"Okay, but can we attend the lesson too?" Vorne said.

Revlo's brows twitched a bit when he heard this and said.

"I am only teaching her about magic basics and fundamentals, with your current level, there is nothing for you to learn from listening to this type of lecture" Revlo said.

"Ah you misunderstand me, I just wanna watch you guys" Vorne said.

"Count me in as well" Celine suddenly interjected.

Revlo sighed at this.

'These are my parents' he said in his mind and just agreed to their demands.

After a while, Revlo and Rena sat down somewhere and immediately began the lecture while the parents watched them at the side.

The day passed in a flash, it was the break of dawn, the sun had just risen, and four silhouettes in the distance could be seen in a field of grass.

Vorne, Celine and Rena were seeing Revlo off.

"Heh, how long has it been since you woke up early in the morning?" Revlo's father, Vorne, joked.

"Exactly 1825 days" Revlo immediately replied in a flat tone.

"I was joking you know? furthermore, you actually counted it?" Vorne said.

"No I was joking, it was 1714 days"

Vorne shook his head and smiled.

"Is that your lame way of saying farewell?" Celine said.

Vorne shrugged at his wife's words.

Celine sighed and then looked at Revlo.

"Visit us once in a while, if you don't, I'll run over to the academy myself" Celine warned.

"We're gonna miss you when you're gone but it looks like the baby bird is finally leaving the nest" Vorne said.

"I'm technically older than all of you, you know, I wonder who is the baby bird here" Revlo smiled and teased.

"You brat, we're still your parents whether you are a reincarnated person or not" Celine said.

"We may not know what happened to you in your past lives but we just want you to know that we love you and we want you to enjoy your current life, so have fun and enjoy, as long as our son is happy we'll be happy as well, as parents that is all we could ask for" Vorne said then grabbed Celine's shoulder and pulled himself closer to her.

"Brother, we'll miss you" Rena said then hugged him as tight as she could.

Revlo sighed and looked at his current family one more time.

'This may be the last time I'll see you guys' he thought, he didn't dare say this out loud.

There was no guarantee that he'll be able to repel the curse, so Revlo tried his best to not get emotional as much as possible.

'Let's just hope everything goes according to plan' He said in his mind, a gleam passed through his pupils as his eyes turned sharp.


(A/N: wow he is finally leaving his house and is going off on a journey, and it took like 16 chapters, what adventures awaits our main character?)

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