A Thousand Reincarnations : Overcome My Destiny

Chapter 18: Vol. 2 Chapter 1 : First Encounter on the Road

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The village that Revlo lived in was located at the northernmost edge of the Southern Continent, which means that he has to travel south to arrive at the capital city of the Freedom Empire, The Eagle City, the place where the Freedom Magic Academy is located.

After passing through the village, Revlo looked back at the mountain behind him, at the back of that mountain, that is where the village was established and the home that he spent the last nine years in.

After stopping for a moment to look back, he continued to walk forward.

'Those villagers, even though I rarely met them, they gave me a sort of a huge farewell'

He had to walk through the village so that he could leave the mountain, so it was inevitable that he had to meet the people from the village.

Seeing an unfamiliar face walking by through the village, it didn't take them a lot of thinking to know that the unfamiliar face was the mysterious son of [The Lightning Demi-God] and [The Berserk Devil Angel], some of them saw him when he dueled against Elvina two days ago.

Revlo's appearance was a hot topic in the village.

Revlo expected to pass through the village quietly since he barely knew any of the people of the village despite living in the same place with them since the beginning of his 1001st life.

He was surprised that they threw a celebration for him, gave him gifts, and congratulated him for enrolling in the academy.

With the skills and power that he displayed in his duel two days ago, the villagers already knew that it was pretty much guaranteed that he'll enter the academy unless the academy is blind and somehow rejects him for some random reason.

As for the children of the villagers aged 8-10 years old that wanted to go to the academy as well?

Other than the fact that the academy is too far away, just the travel fees alone that you have to pay is already too much for those villagers to afford, not to mention there is also the tuition fees from the academy and also Vorne or Celine sometimes gives magic lessons to the villagers for free if they have the time or in the mood to do so, the children there also don't have much ambition in becoming champions themselves and there is also the fact that there are other magic academies near their area.

The Freedom Magic Academy doesn't care about anyone's social standing and advocates social equality meaning for those that who came from excellent backgrounds were not allowed to use their influence to bully the commoners or those without any status otherwise you'll risk getting expelled no matter how talented or how high your backgrounds are.

But the 'commoners' and 'the people without backgrounds' who entered the academy are usually on the richer side and the place they lived in is much closer to the capital.

On a continent that has a landmass that is much bigger than the surface area of our Earth, the people of the continent are spread far out, and traveling is a hassle and expensive, so most just settle for the nearest magic academy in their area.

Of course, the farther out someone is from the capital city, they would immediately realize that the population density becomes lower and lower, the land that the capital city covers alone is already much bigger than Africa, and approximately 30% of the population lives in the capital city and its neighboring cities, also known as the 12 Mega Cities.

He tapped his side bag that has a strap on it that he wore over his shoulder and then glanced at the yellow and silver scabbard that contained a powerful sword that his father had given gave him on his waist.

He had a flashback for a moment when his parents gave him these items.

Celine shook her head and then handed out a small brown side bag to Revlo, the bag looked like it was made from expensive materials but it had no fancy designs on it and its appearance is similar to the millions of bags sold to any regular store.

But Revlo knew that this was a dimensional pouch imbued with spatial magic, it looked much smaller on the outside than it was on the inside.

"All your stuff is in here, this bag has a storage space for up to a hundred thousand cubic meters, so this is a high-grade item that even most nobles would be unable to get, this bag also contains about 100,000 Gold, if you spend your money wisely, this is enough to last you for about 10 years" Celine said.

Revlo then received the dimensional pouch, just as he was about to put it on, his mother immediately hugged him.

"Stay safe out there" Celine said, tears came dripping out of her eyes.

Feeling his mother's embrace, Revlo didn't hug her back, he suppressed the strange feeling of warmth welling up inside him, even though he got along with his parents in his 1001st life compared to his other lives, there was no guarantee that he could successfully repel the curse that plagued him for his entire life.

"Me too" Rena said and also hugged her brother once again.

Vorne also walked forward, his hands were holding an ordinary-looking sword on his right and a yellow and silver scabbard with unimpressive designs on his left, he put the sword back in its cover, and without any words, he quietly handed it over to his son.

The sword itself looked nothing special and looked plain but Revlo could feel that this sword was anything but ordinary.

"It's made out of Fantarium" Revlo muttered and was a bit surprised.

Fantarium is a type of magic metal that exists on the Fallen Star World that is more powerful, denser, and much more durable than other fantasy metals in this world that Revlo knew of, even Adamantium, Vibranium or Mithril cannot be compared to it.

It was truly indestructible and has a 100% mana conductivity, meaning you can apply any type of magic on it and it won't break or become dull like most alloys and metals.

The Mason Clan and the ancient dwarf race are the only ones in possession of its forging method.

Most Legendary-Rank champions didn't even have the honor to possess such a weapon made out of pure Fantarium and the metal itself is rare and difficult to find or create, much rarer than winning the lottery a hundred times in a row.

"You must've pulled a lot of strings in the clan for them to forge a sword made of Fantarium just for a Novice-Rank like me" Revlo said.

His father was treated like a god in the Mason Clan as he is one of the two Mystic-Rank champions among their clan members but even someone like Vorne could not just order the Mason Clan's blacksmiths around to create a Fantarium sword for him, decisions that concerned Fantarium would require the approval of many clan elders and high-ranking members.

"Don't mind the details, it's yours now"

Revlo had no reason to not accept it and took it away from Vorne's hands.

"Oh wait, I forgot, lend me that for a sec" Vorne said.

His fingers skimmed through the entire sword, lightly touching it, dozens of small magic circles suddenly popped up and then disappeared.

"Here ya go" He gave it back to Revlo.

Revlo once again received it and knew that his father applied some magic that made it hard for people to identify the value of this weapon.

Revlo carefully looked at the sword and on its hilt, an insignia of a lightning bolt and a hammer with an ornate background design on it could be seen.

"The Mason's clan emblem huh" Revlo said.

"Well, it's so small that I bet no one would notice it if they don't look at it carefully" Vorne assured.

"I was just speaking to myself, I wasn't complaining" Revlo said then put the sword on his waist.

"So what are you gonna name it?" Vorne asked.

"Fate Destroyer" Revlo replied after some deliberation.

"That name is kinda ... " Vorne made a weird expression.

He sighed and said.

"Whatever, it's your weapon"

Revlo already noticed the side bag that his mother gave him and his father's sword were items that most people would salivate over but their appearance was a little unappealing considering their value, if one doesn't have a discerning eye, it would look no different from an ordinary bag and sword.

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Revlo knew that his parents purposely gave these items simple-looking appearances to protect him from greedy people, these items looked ordinary on the outside so no trouble would be brought upon Revlo because of people's greed.

Focus returned to Revlo's eyes as he ended his flashback, he was no longer looking at his sword that would cause most people to go insane, he was looking at the rocky road ahead.

"I don't detect any monsters in this area, I guess they wouldn't dare go near here since my dad casted warding magic to protect the villagers" He said and then started sprinting.

"Plus a monster's survival instinct is dozens of times stronger than most, even though they would be clueless of the reason, their instincts must've kept telling them to stay away from here after detecting father's magic"

"Cast barrier type68" He said then a series of thin layers of lines that perfectly outlined Revlo's body covered his figure, then disappeared as if it never existed.

Meanwhile in a certain wooden house...

"Ah, I lost him" Celine said.

"Me as well" Vorne sighed.

"That brat just doesn't want us to spy on him" Celine said with an angry expression.

"Hey! no one would like it if anyone were to spy on them" Vorne said with a helpless face.

Celine snorted coldly, turned around, and walked away.

She looked outside the window and saw that her daughter was training earnestly with a serious expression on her face, her childishness that she would usually show to Revlo was nowhere to be seen like it was an illusion.

The corner of her lips curled upwards and eventually sighed.

Revlo finally reached the outermost edges of Vorne's warding magic, even normal people could vaguely feel some sort of an invisible border existing here.

Revlo could already feel magic signatures that belonged to some monsters ahead, they seemed to have detected him and hid, lying in wait for an ambush.

Revlo sneered in disdain at this and without any hesitation, boldly stepped out of the invisible border.

Almost immediately, just a dozen of steps outside, crude arrows were fired at him and a flying spear was headed his way.

The accuracy of the archers was terrible, most of them missed and some landed on the ground that was not even remotely close to where Revlo was.

There were only a few that had slightly decent accuracy. Revlo, whose facial expression did not change didn't even have to chant and used some small wind magic to change the trajectory of the arrows.

With a gesture of his hand, mana gathered in his fingertips.


The sound of air moving could be heard as the arrows that were originally aiming toward Revlo suddenly changed directions a bit and landed on the ground near his feet.

Seeing that the arrows failed to hit their prey, the monsters that were originally hiding in the bushes and trees suddenly leaped out of their hiding spots wielding stone swords and crude spears, even the archers grabbed another set of arrows and started aiming at Revlo again.

"Goblins, classic fantasy monsters for beginners" Revlo said.

In the distance, a bigger and older-looking blue-colored goblin could be seen wielding some sort of staff, it looked like that particular goblin was some sort of leader, mana gathered at the tip of its staff.

"A goblin champion.. hmm.. only at the novice-rank" Revlo assessed the large blue goblin nonchalantly.

Says the one who is also at the novice rank...

Another series of arrows rained down on Revlo, this time it looked like their aim was much better than their previous attempt.

Revlo looked like he didn't care and snapped his fingers.


A small tornado suddenly appeared and immediately sucked in all the arrows, the surrounding trees were swaying back and forth and some goblins that were near the tornado lost their balance and fell due to the pulling force.

Revlo snapped his fingers again, the tornado instantly disappeared but the arrow's momentum didn't stop and arrows were fired everywhere, hitting the surrounding goblins.

Some got impaled in the head and died on the spot, some got hit in the shoulder, and some missed completely and were unharmed.

"gwaaaaakk" the goblins that got hit by the arrows screamed in pain but Revlo didn't waste time and immediately casted another spell.

"Rain of Blades"

Dozens of flying swords made out of mana hovered above Revlo's head and speedily fired at the surrounding goblins.

Some of the weaker willed goblins dropped their weapons and ran away while some didn't cower and tried to attack the flying swords in an attempt to swat them but their efforts were useless, the speed that the flying swords displayed was much faster than a goblin's running speed and how can poorly made swords and spears made out of stones and wood can be compared to magic flying swords made out of mana?

The expected scene played out and a goblin massacre happened, one by one, goblins screamed in pain and then perished.

The only one left alive was the blue goblin champion, its face was contorted, it was angry that its subordinates were slaughtered right in front of him.

"gruk grob gob srek shrek miku nu sa" the goblin champion chanted, it didn't run away despite seeing Revlo's strength, perhaps its judgment was clouded by rage or was just that ignorant.

"Language of the goblins?" Revlo said when he heard the blue goblin chanting.

"yu no ka ren ju tsu po tang ey na ka yo" the goblin continued to chant, it does not know how to do instant chanting like Revlo and Elvina.

Revlo just stood there and was watching this being played out, he was curious about what kind of magic a goblin champion will cast, he was making guesses in his mind.

'Hmm, there seem to be no elemental attributes contained within, non-attributed magic or miscellaneous magic?'

But to the goblin champion's eyes, it looked like Revlo was making fun of it and was ridiculing it, its angry expression intensified even more and increased its chanting speed.

"ki ri to as una je sus amo gus NU BA" with that last syllable, changes finally occurred, the goblin champion pointed its staff that was glowing at Revlo, with an ugly smile that showed its yellow teeth.

"That's..." Revlo said.

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