A Thousand Reincarnations : Overcome My Destiny

Chapter 8: Chapter 7 : Duel Request // The Power of a Demi-God

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Seeing a boy running towards them that had an appearance that is 70% similar to [The Lightning Demi-God], the guest all raised their brows, and with their vision, they scrutinized him up and down.

They had visited this place on several occasions before but they rarely would get a chance to see the eldest child of the Mason household.

They already knew that he was born with a saint-rank spirit power and became the youngest champion to ever exist at only 5 years old, with the previous record held by [The Almighty Celestial] at age 6.

They also knew that he was supposedly lazy, likes to read books, lay around, and sleep all day. However, despite his monstrous talents, it seems like he had no ambition to become a great champion whatsoever.

As of right now, he was still a novice rank and he barely improved since then.

They all felt this to be a pity, such a talent was being wasted just like that, they can't help but show no good feelings towards him even though this was their good friend's child.

But they never showed their dissatisfaction on the surface and continued to examine and inspect him thoroughly as if he was right in front of them.

They just realized that the speed that he was running at was not something that a normal novice-rank would be able to do, they were a bit surprised and thought to themselves.

'Hmm, he could already do physical enhancement magic as a novice-rank, as expected of a genius, wait he seems to have applied three of them, hmm.. agility, stamina, and endurance? .. it looked like they were casted at the time.. triple casting?? at age 9, he could already do triple casting??.. Impossible!'

With their level of strength and possessing high statuses that most would have to look up to, they also possess a vast amount of knowledge and wisdom that most don't have, so they were very acute when it comes to analyzing magic.

'What a monster! He is even more of a monster than his old man!'

Also, multi-casting was something that only international-master ranked champions and above were able to do, some geniuses could achieve it at the expert rank and master rank but that was only limited to double casting, even though they knew that this child before them was a monstrous genius, they were still shocked.

Despite having no change in their outward facial expressions, Vorne could see the surprise hidden deep within their eyes and he smiled smugly.

Even though he left behind his days as a hero and retired here to live a normal and peaceful life, it doesn't mean he cut off all of his connections in the outside world, so he never bothered to hide information regarding his son.

Although the general populace didn't know that one of the great heroes of the world was now living in retirement and now has a family, the higher-ups of the social rankings of society and the people with great statuses in the continent were privy to their information.

And as for the enemies that he made during his time as a hero having the possibility of targeting his family as revenge for the past?

Well, good luck with that.

The wrath of a Mystic-rank champion is not something that most people could afford to take.

In the Fallen Star World, out of the 10 billion active champions alive today, there exists only a bit more than 20 Mystic-ranked champions.

This means there are only a bit more than 19 other people that could match [The Lightning Demi-God] in terms of combat prowess in this world.

We say 'a bit more' because there could be hidden mystic-ranked champions that didn't reveal themselves to the world. Other than that, there are 20 known demi-gods including Revlo's father.

Most of the mystic-ranked champions are reclusive and retired as well, just like Vorne.

Plus their detection and sensing range could nearly cover an entire continent, so they would know what is happening to the world most of the time, of course with the pretext that they actively and intentionally use their magical senses since they could not constantly activate it all the time.

Unless other mystic-ranks interfered or an angel with their high senses interfered, they are considered to be pseudo-omniscient.

The only people in the world that Vorne knew that he couldn't sense and avoid his detection, are other mystic-ranks, the angel and dragon race that are at least legendary-rank, and finally his son, Revlo!

In a world where demi-god level champions rarely interfered in worldly conflicts, legendary-ranked champions are the strongest combat power that any of the top organizations in the world can deploy.

Most gods resided in the divine realm and rarely goes down into the mortal realm, so mystic-rank champions reign supreme in the mortal realm and are no different than a god in the eyes of normal people.

The size of the Fallen Star World is already over a hundred times larger than Earth, that is why they could accommodate over 100 billion people and still not suffer from overpopulation, you could already imagine that the size of a single continent possesses more land mass than the entire surface of the earth.

If they were determined, a single attack from a mystic-rank champion alone was already enough to wipe out an entire continent.

That is equivalent to wiping out an entire planet with ease, which is why there is another name for those who reached mystic-rank other than 'demi-god' and that is World Destroyer.

Of course, if there was someone mad enough to destroy an entire continent, he would become the public enemy of the world and be chased and hunted down by the other mystic ranks.

At this moment, Revlo arrived before his father and his guests, he looked at the table and saw beer, alcohol, snacks, and some meat, they looked like a bunch of low-class adventurers having fun at a bar trying to get drunk after a successfully finishing a quest or hunt, they didn't possess the flair of bigshots at all.

Revlo's face was as lifeless as ever, facing the bigwigs of the southern continent, he bowed respectfully to them and while they were eyeing him, he was also observing them.

"Greetings to your majesty, Headmaster George"

He didn't greet the 2 imperial guards behind the emperor and the unknown person, who seemed to be a woman, there was also a little girl that looks like about his age beside her, she seemed to be her pupil.

They weren't offended by this, the imperial guards had a certain strict discipline and it was proper etiquette to not greet them alongside the emperor because it would make it seem that they were of equal status.

It was also beneath them to get angry at a 9-year-old just because he didn't greet them, they had their pride as knights that personally serves the emperor.

The unknown woman just continued to stare at Revlo and didn't take any offense as well, she just smiled at him while the little girl beside her had her eyes sparkling like stars when she saw Revlo.

"Brother, look I can use magic now!" The little sister, Rena said excitedly while trying to show off her magic to her brother.

"Light" she said.

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She just recently reached the liquid state, the 2nd stage of the 4 steps of the tutorial and she was now qualified to cast magic now.

Unfortunately, her control was terrible and her mana was lacking, she may be a genius at magic but she is only 4 years old and needed more time to develop herself.

When she chanted a simple light spell, a ball of light the size of a marble appeared on her fingertip but disappeared just a second later.

Seeing this, Rena was not discouraged at all, she was still smiling happily and looked at her brother with eyes trying to tell him 'praise me'.

A small smile appeared on Revlo's face and praised her.

"Good job Rena, soon you'll be able to maintain it for a longer time if you work hard"

Hearing the word 'work hard' from his lazy son, Vorne just gave a bitter smile, within his mind he yelled 'Why don't you also work hard!'.

Of course, no one could hear it.

He then remembered something and snuck a glance at Headmaster George.

"Ah Revlo, we were talking about you just now" He said.

Revlo then turned his head to look at his father.

"Didn't you say that you wanted to enroll at the Freedom Magic Academy?" Vorne said.

When Revlo said to him that day that he wanted to join the best academy on the continent, his parents were surprised, usually, their son looked like he had no ambitions at all, so when he asked to enroll there, they suddenly remembered his love for reading books and studying grimoires, they immediately knew the reason he was interested in joining the Freedom Magic Academy was because of the academy's library that was filled with millions of books.

Usually, students would go to the academy in hopes of a better future, becoming a champion, and getting stronger but their son was a weirdo and wanted to get into the academy just to read books all day.

They had a headache after having this line of thought.

But at least it was better than sleeping and reading all day ... maybe he could take an interest in getting stronger by being surrounded by people his age and make some friends there.

Since they had no reason to reject this request, of course, they would agree.

So when the headmaster of the said academy came to visit, the first thing Vorne talked about was to recommend his son to him.

Attending the Freedom Magic Academy was very difficult, first of all, the school only takes people with amazing talent with them, so if you had not reached solidification by the time you are 8 years old, they won't take you in, it didn't matter if you are the son of the emperor, there is no backdoor for anyone to enter, this academy had a history of refusing bribes, no matter how high it was.

The majority of the population would become a novice-ranked champion at 13-14 years old, most of them entered solidification at somewhere 11-12 and crystallization at 12-13, you have to remember that the people who become champions are talented in their own right, remember that only 10% of the general population managed to become one and 90% would fail and be stuck at crystallization forever or become a cripple.

The minimum requirement of reaching the solidification state at 8 years old was already strict and hard for most to achieve even if you started training at a much earlier age than others.

Geniuses like Rena who reached liquid state at 4 years old is already a 1 in a million talent, if her rate of progress remains at a constant pace then she would reach the solidification state at 5 years old at the least or 6 years old if she lazes around in training, then she'll reach crystallization at 6.5 years old, according to Revlo's calculation with reference from her training speed.

Then at 7 years old, she would officially become a novice-ranked champion, just one year behind the former record holder for the youngest champion.

She would already be at the same level of strength as the people double her age!

Looking at his sister smiling innocently, ignorant of the fact that she would cause most people to lower their heads in humiliation and be ashamed of themselves.

Revlo didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he remembered the first time that he reincarnated, he was envious and had to look up to these types of people, he remembered how he would shout curses all day at all the talented people in the world that would get double the results with half the effort while he had to work himself so hard that he passed out just to barely catch up to them.

After a dozen or so reincarnations, now those same geniuses had to look up to him.

"Yes, I would very much like so" Revlo said.

"No need to be so formal young man, as long you meet our standards, no matter if you're a commoner or a noble, in our academy, everyone's status doesn't matter, if you have what it takes to become a great champion, we will welcome you with open arms" Headmaster George said with an amiable smile.

"Even though it is a request from an old friend, recommendations and backdoor entrances are not allowed in the academy, even an imperial heir is not an exception, you have to use your own abilities to enter our doors" He added.

Hearing this Vorne laughed.

"Old man George, are you doubting my son's talent? I know you are just as eager for him to join the academy as I am, don't try to act all cool"

'Plus if you can get him enrolled in the academy, he might stop his habits and start training properly to become a proper champion, even though he reads a lot of grimoires and has a lot of magical knowledge, knowledge won't help you if you don't have the strength and ability to use that and apply that knowledge for practical use' He said while he sent a message transmission to Headmaster George's that only he can hear.

At this moment, the little girl sitting next to the unknown person stood up and removed her cloak that covered her head and then revealed a shining silver hair that flowed to her waist, she had long pointy ears that revealed that she was of the elf race, her red eyes stared firmly on Revlo, she smiled and said.

"I heard so many amazing things about you and I have always admired the [The Lightning Demi-God], I want to see if you are worthy to be called the son of such a great hero" She said.

"Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Elvina Yule Voir Amadeus Reto Greenlight, princess of the Elven royal family and the personal pupil of Dean Olivia Moonstorm of the Nature Magic Department in the Freedom Magic Academy, forgive me if I made any offense but I humbly request the son of [The Lightning Demi-God], Revlo Mason for a duel"

She continued to stare at Revlo but now she had the fire of competitive spirit in her eyes "I wanna see what you are capable of"

In response to her request for a duel, Revlo just had one thought in his mind.

'What a long introduction, keep it in 20 words or less'

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