A Thousand Reincarnations : Overcome My Destiny

Chapter 9: Chapter 8 : Revlo Mason vs The Elven Princess

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If Revlo were to be honest, he would've just ignored this arrogant elf's duel request.

It was too bothersome and its not like Revlo doesn't like to fight or anything, he just had nothing to gain from this and as someone who usually has a limited time to live, Revlo treated every bit of time he had as precious as gold, every second, every minute worth of time and even down to the millisecond.

As he was about to say no and deny her request, at the corner of his eyes, he saw his father who was looking at him with shining eyes, with a gaze full of anticipation.

Its not like he was excited watching a battle between two novice-ranks or even a battle between geniuses. He was excited seeing Revlo use magic in battle.

The majority may call him hero but at his core, he was a crazy magic enthusiast, when he was in his younger days when he was still weak, he would get excited everytime a topic about magic pops up.

During their magic 'training' sessions, whenever his son performs magic, he was always learning something new from him, like different types of magic that he never saw before, sometimes he would get enlightened by his vast magic knowledge and theories and he even improved a bit after the 'lessons'.

It's funny how the teacher and student roles got reversed, wasn't he the one with the higher rank? how come a novice-ranked champion surpassed him in this aspect, he, who is technically at the peak of this world.

As for why he never showed any suspicions nor inquired anything about his son being abnormal? Even if he read books all day and even if he read every books there is to read, his magical knowledge shouldn't have surpass his.

Well, Revlo already told him his secret.

His secret that he was a reincarnated person from another world with his memories intact, of course he couldn't tell anyone about his curse because he will feel immense pain, he can tell them that he was a reincarnated person but he was not allowed to divulge to anyone about his curse.

What about the parent's response?

They sighed in relief and said.

"So that's how it is"

Yes they felt relief, no dramas about their original son died or anything and got replaced by this impostor, no overreaction of the sorts, they did not treat him any differently and continued to love him like always.

They always felt that their son was too abnormal and too knowledgeable, no matter how many books he read, no matter how much of a genius he was, the situation with their son was too unfathomable that they couldn't find a reasonable explanation for it and they felt relief that Revlo told them his secret on his own volition. Revealing his secret meant that he showed his trust in them and this gave them a happy feeling.

Plus they already had their own suspicions.

They didn't ask further about what happened in his previous lives, though they don't know anything about the curse Revlo was suffering in, they were acute and smart enough to know that by looking at their son's current personality and behavior, he didn't enjoy his previous lives all that much and he looked like he was awaiting his death.

They didn't give him empty words of consolation and just told him how much they loved him and just wanted him to enjoy his life and apologized that they couldn't do anything with his current predicament.

They weren't fools, they could tell that Revlo lived for much longer than them so they couldn't act like adults in front of him and based on his magical knowledge they guessed that he was someone powerful in the past, though they were shocked to hear the existence of other worlds.

Their guess that he was someone powerful in the past is completely wrong, he only had 15 years to live in each world that he gets reincarnated into, that is not enough time to become the strongest in those respective worlds, at most, with the time that he has, he could only reach the middle ranks of the power hierarchy.

Revlo smiled from his parent's understanding and a tear came out of his eye which stunned the parents since they were used to seeing Revlo wearing a poker face all the time, this was their first time seeing him smile and showed emotions.

The family continued to chat and Revlo told his various experiences, like how the original world that he lived in called Earth didn't have magic and they have things like science and whatnot.

Both Vorne and Celia were fascinated by this and listened intently.

Though they were mostly confused on what science was and argued that it is basically not that much different from magic.

It was a happy memory and they chatted all night, this was the first time in hundreds of reincarnations that Revlo spent a long time talking with the family that he was born in and enjoyed it.

While Revlo was recalling about the event mentioned above that happened a year ago..

The elf girl got a bit impatient and said.

"Will you accept or not?"

She got so absorbed in her request that she ignored the existence of the emperor and the headmaster who just smiled bitterly right behind her.

But they never really minded her actions, they had visited the elven forest multiple times and met her many times before whether in the imperial palace or in the elven sanctuary, they knew her on a personal level and watched her grew up, she even calls them her uncles and the tone she speaks with them is usually casual, only when in public that she addresses them formal manner.

Obviously with their relationship, she had no qualms at acting impolitely and informally with them since she treats them no different from family, she is a little arrogant and haughty but that is common among children who are born with high statuses but at least she doesn't look down on anyone without a good reason.

Plus they were also curious what Revlo, the son of the one of the four heroes was capable of.

Revlo stared blankly at her, his tone was calm and said.

"Your request, I accept"

Seeing his father's pleading expression that just basically telling him to accept the duel, Revlo had no choice and might as well stretch his muscles since it has been over hundreds of reincarnations since he last participated in a fight.

'In any case, I don't want to dull my fighting skills'

There is a good chance that he might have to clash with the entity that gave him his curse sooner or later, in preparation for that day, he didn't want to be rusty.

'But first, system scan her!'

Then a holographic display appeared in front of him that showed the stats of his would be dueling partner that only he could see. But for the emperor, the headmaster, and his father, they felt a faint spiritual fluctuation headed towards Elvina but since no harm befell on her, they vaguely figured out that Revlo was gauging his opponent's strength.


Name : Elvina Yule Voir Amadeus Reto Greenlight

Age : 10

Race : Elf

Magic Core Progress : Novice-Rank (SSS+)

Strength : Novice-Rank (E)

Agility : Novice-Rank (B)

Magic : Novice-Rank (SSS++)

Spirit : Intermediate-Rank (D)


Looking at the screen and then looking at his cute little opponent, Revlo praised her in his mind as someone who is worthy to be called a genius.

Her (SSS+) stat on her magic core progress and (SSS++) on the magic parameter meant that she could already reach the Intermediate-rank whenever she wanted.

Most people would be 13 or 14 years old when they become novice-ranked champions but she was only 10 years old and could already become an Intermediate-Rank! She is worthy as someone who is a personal pupil of a dean of the academy.

Revlo knew that once you reached the (SSS) stat on your magic core progress or any one of the above parameters displayed, it meant that you are already qualified to advance your champion rank.

Revlo guessed that she stayed at Novice-Rank on purpose so that she could duel with him, since an Intermediate-Rank fighting a Novice-Rank like him would be totally unfair.

As for her low strength stat, it was because elves themselves have the intrinsic characteristic of being physically weak but have strong magic.

'System' he said in his mind.

It has been a while since he checked his own stats, he wanted to know what is the difference between himself and his opponent.

Another screen that showed his stats popped out, now there 2 holographic screens in his vision that floated around right beside each other.

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Name : Revlo Mason (1001st life)

Title : none

Age : 5 ---> 9 (15000+ years)

Race : Human

Magic Core Progress : Novice (A+) ---> (S)

Strength : Novice (F) ---> (E)

Agility : Novice (F) ---> (C+)

Magic : Novice (S)

Spirit : Saint-Rank (F-) '''disguised''' '''Mystic (SSS+++)'''


His stats barely improved since he created his magic core and reached novice-rank when he was 5 years old.

He spent most of his time strengthening his soul and didn't bother to train.

Other than agility which had experienced a huge growth thanks to him running around frequently back and forth from his usual resting spot to his house and vice versa, and strength that had a slight increase thanks to his body growing up naturally as he aged, his magic core progress and magic are significantly rated much lower than Elvina's.

If Revlo was not a reincarnated person with a lot of magical knowledge and past experiences, he would be no match if he fought against the elf princess.

Although he was sure he wouldn't lose to a 10-year old child, he was not all that confident in winning against her either since it has been a while since he fought and other than spirit, the difference in the rating between their statuses calculated by his system was too far apart.

Don't underestimate the difference between E and F or S and SS ratings, it may look like its not that much different, but the gap between those ratings meant there is a large increment added to their strength.

To understand the difference, let's say someone with an E rank agility meant that they could run as fast as Usain Bolt in his prime but an F rank agility meant that they could only run as fast as the average person, an everyday joe.

Revlo then removed the 2 screens from his sight when he sensed the mana in the air was moving around strangely.

The duel between Revlo and The Elf Princess has now begun.

He got into a fighting stance and when Elvina saw that, she understood that her opponent was now ready.

She didn't hesitate for a moment and said.

"Blessings of the World Tree"

Then green light suddenly surrounded her body and a silhouette of a large tree appeared behind her.

The people watching were shocked.

"Looks like the rumors of her forming her own blessing phantasm was true after all, even though its still not tangible yet, it's still truly amazing" surprise exclamations was heard from the spectating crowd.

Revlo's mother came out when she sensed the abnormal mana movement in the surroundings and saw the elf princess and her son in a stand off, then her eyes glowed and showed excitement similar to her husband.

"Looks like she is going all out from the start" The unknown woman said, whose identity is obviously the dean of the nature department and Elvina's teacher.

Revlo raised one his eyebrows and said.

"She already has a pseudo-magic phantasm at the novice-rank, unbelievable"

He was a bit surprised because magical phantasms usually appeared or forms when someone reaches the saint-rank.

Even Revlo himself had not formed his own magical phantasm or pseudo- magical phantasm yet.

Magical Phantasms are the inborn magical artifacts that a champion has that is formed through their understanding of magic, each magical phantasms can have different uses depending on the user, you could use one as a weapon, defense, can bring an increase in your mana, can bring increase in your speed and etc.

A magical phantasm of a champion cannot be removed, discarded nor could be used by others.

The form of a phantasm can differ depending on a  champion's best elemental affinity, Elvina is best at nature magic, so her phantasm would be related to nature.

"This is gonna be much harder than I thought" Revlo said.

Even though it is a non-tangible phantasm that is incomplete, it still raised her overall abilities to some extent, he already knows that her phantasm increased the magic potential when it comes to nature magic and gives her increased mana regeneration.

Elvina brought her hands into a prayer, mana gathered into her palms and said.

"Vine Graveyard!"

A bunch of thick roots and vines that you would see on a large tree suddenly erupted from the ground and heeded towards Revlo like a tidal wave.

"Instant casting as well, are you really only 10?" Revlo said.

"Rain of Blades"

A dozen glowing swords that is made of mana appeared around Revlo and started slashing towards the roots and vines headed his way.

"Tree Guardian" Elvina said.

A nearby tree behind Revlo suddenly came to life and a tree golem with arms and legs appeared and immediately attacked him.

'Attacking from the front and back?'

'Not a bad a plan'

While the tree golem swung its wooden arms at him, Revlo already did physical enhancement magic on his legs and leaped to avoid its attack and at the same time in mid-air he pointed his index finger at the tree golem.


A giant fireball appeared and was then fired at the human tree.

The human shaped tree was then burned alive.

"gotcha" a voice of a little girl echoed.

Using the moment that Revlo was occupied dealing with her tree guardian, Elvina took this chance to attack.

"Seed Bomb" she said.

A bunch of seeds was thrown at him and started exploding.

The area where Revlo was at was then covered with tiny explosions.

The first person to receive damage was decided!

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