A True Rhombic Comes in Time

Chapter 34: Chapter 30

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I protested weakly, “But you haven’t taught me any attack skills.”


For the past two weeks, I have been focusing on my defense just as Ryder insisted. As I said before, it did end up making me stronger, but I had hoped that he would teach me a thing or two more before I had to take this test. 


“You did just fine all morning.” Ryder shrugged, which didn’t reassure me at all. This was my life we were talking about, so how could he be so meh about it? 


He added, “Listen. The fifth-floor test is the easiest test in the Door. You’ve heard about this, right? All the other tests occur on every 10th floor, so I’m not even sure why this test exists at all. Anyway, it will be a breeze, so just get on with it.”


I had heard the same thing before. It didn’t make any sense, but the fifth-floor test was supposedly easier than the first one. Since I had gotten much stronger after passing the first-floor test, logically speaking, I should ace this test. 


In fact, I probably should have taken it much earlier. 


Ryder echoed my thoughts. “You could’ve done this last week, but I just wanted to make sure that you won’t die. You’re my ticket out, remember?” 


When I still looked hesitant, his voice became tinged with annoyance. “Nowey, you’ll be fine. I passed this test after a week I got marked. Most people take it within the first month, okay? Trust me.”


Said the guy who was stretching his arms leisurely as he nudged me toward a possible death trap. 


I wasn’t sure about this. More accurately, I didn’t know how I should feel about it. I have been complaining that I wasn’t climbing the floors fast enough, but now that I was standing in front of the test chamber, I was scared. 


What do you think, Gomi?’ I asked the question in my head. She had been very quiet while we were hunting all morning, and I wanted to hear her opinion. 


-I wouldn’t trust that boy, but I do think you’re ready for it. The fifth-floor test is the easiest one, and most importantly, I’ll be with you. You should go for it, but only if you feel ready.


That doesn’t really help me. I’m obviously asking because I don’t know if I’m ready. But…’


I had to do it sooner or later, and I decided to choose sooner. 


“But not today,” I announced, ignoring the small frown on Ryder’s face. “I’ll do it first thing tomorrow morning.” 


“Suit yourself.” 




After selling my booties for the day, I normally headed to the restaurant for my shift or to the hospital to see Sofia. But today, I had another place I needed to drop by. 


It was been a long time since I was in a bank. The money I made from the gems was automatically wire transferred to my bank account, and Uncle Bob paid me through email transfer. So there really hasn’t been a reason why I would need to visit a bank. 


Until today.


“I would like to withdraw everything please.”


The teller, a middle-aged woman who didn’t bother making eye contact with me, asked, “Are you closing the account?” 


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This all depended on if I made out alive from the test chamber.


“I’m not sure. Probably not yet?” I replied hesitantly.


“Then I suggested you leave a small balance. Maybe 10 dollars? Just to keep the account active.” 


“Sure, that sounds okay,” I replied, praying that I would be back here soon enough and be glad I didn’t have to go through the hassle of opening another account. 


It would have been so much easier if Sofia and I made a joint account. Then, I wouldn’t have to go through this trouble. Unfortunately, even if I passed the fifth-floor test, I would have to do this again every time I needed to take the test inside the Door. 


I needed all of my money to be available to Sofia in case of my death.


I had been saving for a long time. Not a lot before I became a Rhombic, but since I passed the first-floor test, I have been working diligently. To many people, what I had was likely nothing more than a chump change, but it was going to be enough for Sofia to get by for a while. We were pretty low maintenance after all. 


Perhaps, it wasn’t so strange that I felt peaceful about preparing for my demise. I was more upset about the fact that I had no one who I could trust with this money for Sofia. I certainly couldn’t give it to Uncle Bob for safekeeping. I wouldn’t trust him with my dirty socks if I had a choice.


But I had a plan. I have been thinking about this for a long time, and I had everything prepared well in advance. Several weeks ago, I bought one of those cheap safe boxes online and placed it in Sofia’s hospital room. 


I told her I was going to keep all our important paperwork here because our home wasn’t safe. Sofia didn’t question my logic because we did have that fire a few years ago in the restaurant that spread to our place. 


Plus, although she rarely spoke ill of Uncle Bob, she knew as well as I did what kind of man he was. If he walked into our place and saw a safe, I could see him grabbing a hammer and going at it with vengeance.


I gave her the spare key, but I asked her not to open it. I told her my diary was in it, which was a complete lie, but what was one more small lie when I had been deceiving her for months now? I had to do this because being an honest loving sister, I knew Sofia would keep her promise and not open the safe unless it was absolutely necessary. 


And it was going to get necessary if and when she heard about what happened to me. 


I visited Sofia at the hospital as usual. While she was in the washroom, I placed the money in the safe. The thickness of the envelope felt comforting. 


If something happened to me, I knew she would be notified. I was certain of this because Ryder would report it to RAC. 


I also included a short letter I wrote to Sofia a few weeks ago. I didn’t want to be emotional, Sofia had enough tears for the both of us, so I kept it short and business-like. It was half letter and half will I guess. I explained what had happened to me and that I’m sorry for everything. 


And I really was. I initially began this journey to save her. To get her the Miracle Potion, or at least make a lot of money so she could get better medical care. 


But I had failed her so far, and if I didn’t pass the fifth-floor test, I would be leaving her all alone in the world too. 


I hoped that she would understand why I had to do this. One thing I did emphasize in the letter was that I did this not only for her but for myself too. This wasn’t just to make her feel better. It was complete truth. I wanted something better for myself and I have accepted the great risk that came with this chance. 


I kissed Sofia on the cheek like everything was fine and said goodbye. 


“See you later, Sof,” I said, and I walked out, praying that I would get to see her again. 

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