A Vampire's Fated Curse

A Vampire's Fated Curse

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A Vampire's Fated Curse

Review: 9.4/10 from 6 ratings

The greatest witch in history once predicted that a new king would be born a hundred years later in the union of humans and the Kindred, overthrowing the reign of the Stuart family. The Moonstone is the key to the birth of the new king. It will point out where the new king is and awaken the new king’s power. Because of Isla’s prophecy, countless vampires that betray the Kindred are dismembered, pierced through the heart, burned and sprinkled with holy water. They are strictly ordered to sever their connections with humans.A hundred years later, Isla’s successor, Ashley, notices the strange activities of the Moonstone, indicating that the new king who is going to overthrow the Stuart family is about to become an adult. The heir of the Stuart family, Liam, sets off to find the new king with his most loyal guard, Reese. Isla said in order to break the prophecy, the new king’s flesh and blood must be sacrificed to the Moonstone. However, if the sacrifice fails, the new king’s bloodline will merge with the Moonstone and the new king will obtain unparalleled power. Liam must catch the new king alive!Evelyn grew up being pampered by her family. On her 18th birthday, she is lucky enough to meet Liam, the man she falls in love with at first sight. He makes her a real woman on her night of becoming an adult. Liam gazes at her with his beautiful blue eyes and says touching words to her. Her feelings for him come abruptly but immensely. She is like a butterfly being attracted to sparks, running into his arms regardless of her safety. Evelyn thinks she is lucky. She has family members who love her and a lover who feels the same for her as she does for him.And yet, when her brother goes missing and her parents die, she realizes that all the changes seem to have started since Liam showed up. Evelyn looks at the man she loves and asks, “Who are you?” The man holds her in his arms and comforts her gently, “Evelyn, I’m your husband, Liam Stuart!” On a lonely night after she loses her family, Liam holds her and comforts her. She thinks she can still rely on him. He is her lifesaver. She wants to hold on to the only hope she has. What Evelyn wants to do is to take revenge and make people who hurt her family pay their price, then conceal her identity and live a normal life with him like her parents did. But why? Liam is the heir of the Stuart family that destroys her family! Their encounter has been a conspiracy from the beginning! If you are so afraid of the witch’s prophecy, I will make the prophecy come true! This is to punish the Stuart family for killing the innocent!



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