A Way to Return Home

Chapter 14: Chapter 13 – Lady General Aqruila

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Ilos: Ennervae: Plaza

Anderson and his team were eating breakfast at the tavern located just below the inn they were staying at.

They were wearing the combat uniform they brought with them which they here various comments about by locals. They left their gear and weapons behind only bringing their sidearms just in case

Maxwell decided to eat per group and not to eat everybody at the same time.

This is to lessen the attention they would get from the residents who are curious.

But still, it doesn't help them because they can feel the glares of the people around them curiously looking at them.

They were waiting for someone to take their order so they could eat.

"I really want to go back. I don't want the attention we are receiving" Joshua said

"You can say that again," Michael said

A small elven girl came near their table. It was a waitress and she was about to take their orders.

"Umm, Hello Sir... C-Can I take yo-ur o-orders" the elf said nervously while stuttering

"Umm yes, Do you have a menu we don't know what to order?" Benjamin asked  trying not to sound intimidating

"Y-Yes, we have," the elf said before giving them a sheet of paper

Anderson gently took it and noted that it could crumble at any minute if he handles it too rashly.

The team gave their orders to the waitress which she writes carefully before hastily departing towards the cooks.

"She looks cute," Micheal said

"Okay, buddy just keep it under your pants," Robert said jokingly which earns him a little giggle from the others

They watch the waitress enter behind a counter towards the cooks. They can hear laughter and hushed voices but can't make out what they were saying.

"Okay after eating we change shifts with Itami's team so they can have their turn to eat" Anderson reminded the others

"Yes boss," Roger said

Suddenly a group of people entered the tavern which caught the attention of the people inside.

The group consisted of 5 people. They were wearing various armor and armed with different weapons. 

What caught Andersons' attention was a patch of cloth with a design of a head of a snake printed in them located on their hips.

Curious he eavesdrops on a nearby table.

"So the Golden Team of the Snake guild finished their mission," a man said

"Seeing them with no injuries looks like killing a hundred werewolves is child's play to them," another man said

"Gabriel looks so handsome in his golden armor" a woman nearby said

The conversation piqued Anderson's interest. He was informed by Sisilica about the Guild system and the so-called adventurers.

This reminds him of some Role Playing Games that he used to play when he was a kid. Now he wished to play again just to feel that nostalgia

The human in the group walked closer in the middle and suddenly yelled "Beers on me" 

The crowd suddenly erupted in cheers hearing they would get free beers.

"I like the guy already," Robert said hinting that he wants a taste of other worlds beers.

"We're on a mission," Robert said "No Drinking but if you want to get reprimanded then be my guest," Roger said

"Jeez I was only joking" Robert answered

The tavern suddenly filled with joy, laughter, and singing as free beers were being distributed by the staff.

The elven girl returned to them with beers in hand.

"He-h-here's your beers, Sir," the elf said still nervous around them.

"Thank you but sorry. We're not allowed to drink. We don't want to get scolded by our senior" Ranger said

"I-I see. I'm sorry to bother you" the elf said before giving it to the other customers.

"I think we can bring our food upstairs. Things might get too rowdy here later" Anderson said

"Agreed. Better not to get involved if something happens. Especially if we want to make a first good impression." Michael said

If there would be a riot sparking in the tavern Anderson's team could get caught in it which could worsen the impression of the people on them even though they did not start it.

"Hey Boys, You look new here. Mind if I join in?" a busty woman with the ears of a bunny suddenly said. She also has a Snake patch on her curved hips and beside the patch were 2 short swords. 

"Hey, Don't disturb these fine gentlemen. I apologize Sirs. But indeed it is my first time seeing you people" a tall female elf said, she also has a patch on her hip

"Yes, Maam we just arrived yesterday," Anderson said trying to give little information as possible

"Are you perhaps the rumored 'Soldiers from Another World'" the female elf said

"Maybe," Anderson said while taking a sip of water

"So you are," the bunny woman said

"So you people own those metal beasts at the plaza," the elf asked

"We'll tell you if you tell us your names," Michael said

"Where are our manners," the elf said "I am Kyealla Teal meanwhile my bunny woman friend here is Vaella Seck" she continued introducing themselves

After the girls introduced themselves Anderson then introduced his team to the girls

"I see, then its a pleasure to meet you Sir Anderson" Kyealla said

"Wait a minute. Are you perhaps related to Sisilica Teal?" Anderson asked the woman

Surprised, Kyeala looked at Anderson and asked "Yes, She's my little sister. How do you know her" she said

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"Well she was captured by bandits and luckily one of our boys saved them. Currently, I think she is being interrogated by her superiors" Anderson replied

"Ohh, Well thank you for saving my sister. but I should visit her since she is here" Kyeala said

Suddenly Joshua felt a sudden shift in weight on his sidearms holsters although it was subtle he felt it.

Without thinking and looking he immediately placed his hands on his pistol only to feel another smooth hand.

He looked up to see Vaella on his back with her arm extending towards his pistol.

"For a supposed soldier you have a fast reflex," Vaella said with a gleeful smirk

"Please don't do that again," Joshua said trying to warn her

"We'd really hate to see you riddled with holes" Roger calmly said threatening her

Confused at his threats she simply giggled at the man "If you're trying to threaten me you have to do better than that" she said before winking at Roger

Meanwhile, the man with the golden armor saw Kyeala and Vaella talking to Anderson's group.

He has his eyes on Kyaelle and Vaella for a while now and the whole time he was jealous that he wasn't getting their attention.

He gulped a large mug of bear and walked towards the group.

"Kyaela, Vaella,What are you doing here? You should be having fun with us over there" the man said

"No thanks, Jyn besides we are enjoying the company of Sir Anderson and his friends over here," Kyealla asked

"They are the rumored 'Soldiers from Another World'" Vaella excitedly said

Jyn was pissed because the girls he liked would hang out with strangers instead than him. 

To look good in front of them Jyn decided to talk sh*t at Anderson's group

"Don't make me laugh Vaelle, Them? Soldiers? I'd believed you if you said 'Beggars and idiots from another world'" Jyn said belittling and humiliating them while the laughter of the crowd continues

"Vaelle, I could beat the 6 of them blindfolded" Jyn proudly and pridefully said

Meanwhile, the waitress exits the counter carrying trays full of hot soups ordered by Anderson's group.

She was visibly struggling as she tried to carefully navigate through the rowdy customers.

Because of this she fails to notice a foot sticking out.

The waitress trips on it causing to spill the the soup on Jyn.

"THAT'S F**KING HOT" Jyn yelled in pain as the hot liquid made contact with his skin.

In a drunken stupor and blind rage he yelled out "YOU DUMB B*TCH" before pulling his sword and bring up high on his head then bringing it swiftly down.

The crowd went silent as they watch the events unfold

A voice from the crowd suddenly yelled out "STOP" but Jyn continued his actions.

His sword stopped right on top of the waitress' head just barely touching the girl's hair.

It was Joshua and he was able to catch Jyn's arms just in time before any harm could be done. 

While the other SFs points their guns at the man while  spreading out.

"DROP YOUR WEAPON" Michael ordered but Jyn didn't heed their warnings.

Jyn then again swings his sword to the waitress and Joshua thinking on his feet suddenly lunged at the girl removing her from the blade's trajectory.

Ultimately he saved the girl but he was the one that got hit instead. Joshua was struck below the abdomen and was bleeding badly.

Anderson who was the nearest to Jyn, grabbed then pulled the man's shoulder causing Jyn to look at him.

"PICK SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE" Anderson yelled a one liner before punching Jyn in the face.

The punch has great force in it that it broke Jyn's nose and cause him to fall on the ground.

Roger toss away the sword and since he does not have any cable ties on him to apprehend Jyn, he then holds him pinned on the ground

Benjamin then rushed to Joshua's side tending to his wound.

After seeing that Joshua's wound was severe he provide pressure on the cut and ordered Michael to get help.

"This is Talon 1-5, Talon 1-6 is wounded somebody get us a First Aid at the tavern" Michael yelled at the radio.

Vaelle then took the crying waitress far from Jyn in order to keep her from harms way while Kyeale was asking for forgiveness for her friends actions from Anderson.

Maxwell along with the Japanese and Filipino SFs arrived at the tavern with guns in hand and a medkit.

"What the F*ck happened?" Maxwell asked 

"Drunk Bastard tried to kill a waitress" Anderson said "Luckily for us Joshua here decided to be a hero" he continued

"Hey F*ck you, besides it doesn't hurt that much its just like what the Filipno's say Its far from the gut" he said before groaning in pain when Benjamin put more pressure on his wound.

Suddenly abeutiful blonde woman appeared in full knights armor.

Behind her an enturage of knights followed her steps and the crowd slowly exits the tavern not wanting to get invloved.

Jyn recognized  her and called out "Lady General Aqruila... Please help me. Get this bastard of me and arrest them for punching me" he yelled out

"Take him away" the Lady General simply said

Two knights then came to Roger sides and took Jyn by the armpits.

"Wait you must be mistaken, they started it" Jyn frantically said

Aqruila walked closer to Jyn and slapped him in face "Idiot, I saw everthing. Go take him away from my sights" she said

The 2 knights followed her orders and fled with Jyn in hand. 

Now all that left in the tavern was was Lady General Aqruila's group and Maxwell's team.

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