A Way to Return Home

Chapter 13: Chapter 12

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Ilos: Fort Able: R&D 

The Research and Development Center wasn't originally supposed to be built in the fort.

 But after the Chinese used new weapons and technology during the war, the U.S President decided to build one at the fort. The technology in question is the 'Drone Swarm', where soldiers were assaulted by flying drones and exploded when in close proximity. 

Now rather than investigating Chinese technology, the scientists busy themselves studying magic and monsters.  

Some of the girls saved by Lanrey's team are magic capable which the scientist is interested in. 

The girls were glad and cooperative to help the scientist with their research on magic due to how well they were treated. 

Meanwhile, some large monsters assault the fort but time and time again they were killed.

Doctor Clara Romas, the scientist who gave Anderson's team and the Filipino SFs their new exoskeletons, was outside observing a corpse of a monster being towed by a tank. The monster looks like a rhino but larger and its horns look like a trident. 

Beside her was Lieutenant Maria and on the other side was Peterson who was also watching the dead monster.

"Tank Gunner said the monster shoots fireballs out of its horn. He also saw the fireball gets bigger the longer the rhino holds it" Peterson said

Clara didn't answer and just looks at the tank. It only had burn marks but no lasting or severe damage.  

"Order them to remove the horn and bring it to the R&D . I'll have it examined by the Korean Biologist" Clara ordered

"Will do" Peterson answered

Clara returned to her office at the R&D Center. As she entered she saw scientists performing experiments on the tissue of the deceased monsters while others are observing the saved girls perform genuine magic. 

Clara sits on her chair and reads the stack of papers on her table. It was reports of findings and discoveries the scientist made in various experiments. She read every report given from the increased healing abilities of a monster to various ways how magic can help them. 

For every report, she read, her smile grew bigger. This world is a treasure cove of discoveries. She imagines all the potential of every discovery they make.

Suddenly a triangular device on her table lit up showing Anna, the A.I.

"Doctor Clara, Elsa has finally connected with the Sattelite above and Lieutenant Maria wants to tell you the UAV sent to Ennervae finally arrived at its destination and real-time footage is being recorded" Emilia reported

"I see, Thank you, Anna. Tell the Lieutenant I'll check it out later" the doctor answered


Ilos: Ticarean Forest: Altitude 3000Km

Two F - 22 Raptors were patrolling the air space of the Ticarean Forest. 

They were ordered to hunt down a dragon after satellite images show the beast burning down a town and killing the residents.

It was last spotted in the forest seemingly taking a rest after having a field day on defenseless people.

Although it was far from the fort Maxwell didn't want to take any chances. 

This is because after being transported to Ilos, many operating systems were knocked out. This includes the Air Defence Systems around the fort.

The 2 were here for a considerable amount of time yet they have not encountered the dragon.

"This is Falcon 1, We spotted a number of broken trees but no sign of the Dragon," the pilot said excitedly that they might see a Dragon for the first time.

"This is Falcon 2, I'm getting no Radar contact... Scratch that!!, 8 Radar contacts have been spotted. Approx. 1 km away" the pilot yelled excited

"Falcon 1 to HQ, It must be the dragon but there are 7 bogeys detected, Please Advice," the Pilot said

"HQ to Falcons, identify the 7 bogeys before engaging the dragon" the radio crackled

"Copy that, Wait for a minute for visual Identification" Falcon 1 replied

The 2 Raptors then went to their top speed resulting in a sonic boom toward the direction of the radar contact.

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"This Falcon 2, Radar contacts reduced to 5 maybe they are fighting" the pilot commented

"Copy that, Falcons proceed with a mission" the radio operator at the HQ replied

Minutes later the 2 Fighters approach the Dragon from above.

It was chasing a flock of wyverns, which were trying desperately to escape the dragon.

"This is Falcon 1, We've identified the dragon. It's chasing a flock of wyverns" the pilot reported

"Wait a minute are those? HQ, there are people in the back of the wyverns." Falcon 2 immediately said after noticing it

"Copy that Falcon 2, Try to save those wyvern riders. You have green lights to attack the dragon but refrain from using your Air-to-Air  Missles. We don't want to risk hitting the wyvern riders" HQ ordered

"Wilco, Engaging Bandit," the Pilot said

"All right let's show this Dragon, Whose King of The Sky," Falcon 1 said before accelerating

The 2 Raptors descended and leveled with the altitude of the dragon. Falcon 1 is lining up for a shot, using the F22 Raptor's M61A2 20mm Gatling gun the pilot took the shot.

A burst of  20mm rounds came out of the gun scoring hits on the dragon.

The beast roared in pain as it flew higher to avoid the Raptor's attack

That was the last mistake the dragon will make because Falcon 2 was waiting for it to deviate from its current path of flight away from the wyvern riders.

Falcon 2 already had a lock on the dragon and launched 2 AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles. The Sidewinder Missles are the dedicated Air-to-Air missiles used by the Raptors with a top speed of Mach 2.5.



The 2 missiles found their prey and made a direct hit causing a fiery explosion. 

The dragon didn't stand a chance as it stumbled down from the sky.

Before the dragon fell from the sky, Falcon 1 noted that huge chunks of its flesh were obliterated as soon as the smoke cleared.

"This is Falcon 1, Bandit splashed," the pilot said

"Good job, Falcons, Can you confirm the identities of wyvern riders? The R&D requested it. We will be also sending recovery teams to secure the dragon's corpse" the HQ requested

"Copy HQ" Falcon 1 replied

The Raptor slowly approached the wyverns while the other stayed at a distance to not intimidate them.

Meanwhile, the wyvern riders witnessed the events unfold.

They were scared, Dragons are a beast that rules both sky and land yet it was easily defeated by 2 sleek metal beasts.

Now those same metal beasts are getting closer to them and their body froze with their mouth agape.

Falcon 1 had trouble imitating the speed of the wyverns but the pilot eventually managed to.

The Raptor flew directly beside the wyverns allowing the rider and pilot to lock eyes. 

"Hey, Falcon 2, How about we flex on this guy a little bit," Falcon 1 said as he flew on top of the wyvern rider but upside down.

The Raptor's pilot now upside down waved at the rider and he saw the person slowly raising their arm and waving back.

The man chuckled, not wasting any opportunities he took his phone out and took a picture.

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