A Way to Return Home

Chapter 16: Chapter 15

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Ilos: Ennervae: Vertoak General Hospital

While Maxwell, Anderson, and Lanrey were at the Grand Halls talking with the different Kings of Ilos, the rest of the Delta team was at the hospital with Peterson. After Peterson was wounded by Jyn and was given first aid, he was then brought to the hospital just to be safe.

"Thanks for the first aid done by your friends, you won't be suffering any permanent and lasting damage," the doctor said to Peterson.

The doctor was a male human 5'11" in height and wears a green robe than the white doctor's coat they were used to back on Earth.

"Thank you, doctor," Peterson said while caressing his scar, surprised that the wound healed quickly leaving a mere scar.

"But, I do have to warn you, we may fave patch up the outside wound but the inside is still healing. So I recommend you to rest" the doctor suggested

The female knight they were with was standing beside the bed of Peterson said "I am surprised. After receiving that severe wound you weren't screaming or gritting in pain"

Benjamin the team's medic then commented "Well we were tortured during training so we can somehow withstand pain a bit. So a wound like that feels more like a small cut"  hiding the fact that he also used morphine on Joshua to ease his pain.

Surprised at his comment the knight then taught that they were tougher than they looked.

"Yep, Physical torture was bad but mental torture is f*cking hell. Almost didn't pass the test because of that. And those CIA boys, they are good at it" Roger said with a hint of fear in his voice which scares the knight even further.

While the group was conversing, Kyeala and Vaela accompanied by a dwarf enters the room the American SFs were in "Robert, you must leave the Serpent guild is after you"

"Aye, lad, the guild set free Jyn and he wants revenge," the dwarf said which Michael previously didn't notice due to his height

"If so, Why are you helping us? Aren't you also a Serpent guild member" the knight said with suspicion in her voice

"Please believe us, We even left the guild," Vaella said and Roger saw that the patch of cloth with the head of a snake was not present on their hips.

Just as they were talking a loud yell can be heard below the floor they were in.

"Where are they?! Come out you low lives" a man said in a deep voice accompanied by objects being thrown on the floor.  

"I guess that's them," Robert said already having his weapon in hand

"No, you stay here, the other knights and I will take care of this" the knight said before storming off with her comrades.

Seconds later the SFs can hear guild members and the knights confronting each other in a heated debate before the sounds of swords clashing and screaming can be heard.

From what they can hear the fight was intense with swords still clashing and magical spells chanted. Robert wondered what a medieval battle looked like in a tightly confined space.

The battle soon ended after the SF can hear only silence "Welp, looks like the knights won" Peterson said before a loud cackle can be heard.

"You just have to jinx it, haven't you," Michael said with his arms crossed 

"All right, on me, those knights need our help," Roger said walking towards the door.

"Shouldn't we radio the others first?" Peterson said after getting up from his bed ignoring the doctor's plead to rest.

"Nah, Maxwell is in an important meeting, and since after first coming to this world, we are stuck to only one radio channel. R&D is still working on a solution" Roger then responded

The 5 SFs left the room with their weapons at the ready. Bystanders saw them hide in nearby rooms after being ordered by Roger. They tactically swept the floor they were on and soon reached the ground floor and saw the dead bodies of either knights or Serpent guild members.

They entered the hospital's lounge only to see a large burly man holding a mace in one hand and the female knight's neck in another. It was obvious she had difficulty breathing because of this.

"Put her down, or we'll shoot" Roger yelled out pointing his gun at the large man.

More Serpent Guild members then poured into the lounge "So these are the 'other-worlders' everyone was talking about" the large man said with a grin.

"I F*cking Said PUT THE LADY DOWN" Roger repeatedly yelled but the man didn't care.

The large man tightened his grip on the knight further strangling her.


Roger fired a shot aiming at a glass of water which immediately shattered "The next shot will be right in the middle of your eyes" he said successfully intimidating the guild members.

The man just grinned and threw the knight towards them "Let's see what you got" before sprinting towards them.

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"SHOW ME HOW YOU FIGHT!!" the large man yelled out as he was jumping towards them but before he could land, 3 6.68x50mm NATO rounds straight to the chest

The man dropped down dead and blood starts to seep out, in an instant he was immediately killed but the Serpent Guild members seemed unfazed. 

"OI, If you don't want to end up like your friend over here I suggest that you drop your weapons" Roger yelled out confused by their reactions

Suddenly the killed man stood up surprising the SF "That hurts you know?" he said with a smug

"What the f*ck" Benjamin said dropping his jaws

The man ripped off the armor he was wearing and showed the three bullet holes were slowly shrinking "As long as I have this Necklace of Life on me. I won't die now matter the damage". He showed off the necklace on his neck bragging that nobody can kill him.

"You know you're a dumbass for showing that right? As long as we destroy that you'll die" Roger said aiming his gun at the necklace

"All right, Everyone knows what to aim for" Robert then said fixing his aim

Soon all SFs were pointing at the man's neck. Realizing his mistake he tried to get a shield nearby but the SFs were faster, pulling the trigger, a shower of bullets impacted the man's neck. The bullets completely shred through the man's neck allowing it to disconnect from the body.

Now the other Serpent Guild members were now acting scared and surprised. 

"Now then I won't be repeating this again. Put your weapons down and your hands in the air" Roger said shooting warning shots toward the armed men.

But then again to their surprise, the Serpent guild ran toward them waving their weapons around. Seeing this as a hostile provocation the American SFs switched their firing modes from Single Fire to Automatic and opened fire.

Soon enough Los Magian Knights and Holy Knights entered the building only to witness dozen upon dozens of dead adventurers from the Serpent guild laying on the floor. From the entrance, they saw one of the SF tending to the wounds of a knight while others were cuffing any fortunate survivors.

"What happened here?" Lucien asked himself after seeing the carnage

"Head Knight Lucien," the female knight called out after noticing him.

"Stop moving around, Maam, Your neck is in a bad shape," Benjamin said before applying first aid

"What happened here?" Lucien asked again but this time it was directed to the female knight.

"Sire, the Serpent Guild caused a ruckus demanding the heads of the 'other-worlders'. My platoon and I confronted them but we did not expect them to be strong. Especially they have the stolen artifact, The Necklace of Life" the knight explained while benjamin was still tending to her wounds.

"I see but if they have the Necklace how did you kill him?" Lucien asked.

Roger points at the headless body of the large man "Well we are not sure how the necklace works but apparently if you detach the head from the body it won't save them"

Ilos: Ennervae: Grand Halls

Anderson was bored, he was at this surprise meeting for at least three or four hours now, or at least he thinks he lost count a while ago. He was still hungry after the adventurer ruined their breakfast but he doesn't think much of it, he was trained to not eat if he have to. He looked around the hall and was surprised by the structure. It looks similar to the famous cathedrals in the Vatican back on Earth 

Suddenly the Grand Halls only entranced unlocked, the silver doors opened wide while the creaks of it can be heard.

A Holy Knight walked in "Reporting from the Northern Quadrant. Serpent Guild has attacked the Vertoak Hospital where an injured 'Other-Worlder' rests with his comrades. A platoon from Lady General Aqruila confronted them and was defeated by the high-ranking adventurers. Only one knight was saved thanks to the swift intervention of the 'Other-Worlders'. 34 Knights were killed while the Serpent guild suffered 46 deaths and 4 critically wounded. High Knight Lucien has also confirmed that one of the Serpent Guild members possesses the stolen artifact from the Ennervae vaults, Necklace of Life" 

Everybody in the room went silent and looked at Maxwell.

"I apologize for the incident General. I'll order more security for your men" the Archmage sincerely said

"Dont worry about it besides I should be the one apologizing for the troubles" Maxwell responded 

The Archmage stood from his chair "Well you see General, the Serpent Guild is a large guild and lately we discovered some illegal activities that could possibly be tied to them" 

"If so I'll offer my men to help. They have experience in combating large criminal and terrorist organizations" Maxwell offered while looking at Anderson.

"Thank you for the help. Please coordinate with Lady General for more details" Magos said

Aruila then spoke "If that is all I shall take my leave"

Aqruila then left followed by her personal knights and Anderson. Maxwell and Lanrey remained at the Grand Halls with the kings.

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