A Way to Return Home

Chapter 17: Chapter 16 – A Tactical Approach

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Ilos: Ennervae: Los Magian 16th Knight Battalion Headquarters

The afternoon was bright and cold, snow settled on the streets of Ennervae. Children were playing around and people were continuing their daily routines. In the Western Quadrant of Ennervae stood the Los Magian 16th Knight Battalion Headquarters was a building large enough to accommodate at least 300 personnel from the inside and 600 on the outside. The building was adorned with many statues of the past generals of this battalion and many paintings depicting great battles.

Anderson looked around at the medieval base, adoring everything he saw. Beside him was Aqruila's second-in-command (2IC), she was wearing a neck brace but with materials unknown to Anderson's knowledge. 

"Many recorded historical events in one place," Aqruila's 2IC said to Anderson 

"What gave that away?" Anderson joked around while glancing at her

She had a slender figure and was taller than most people Anderson had met, but he was still taller than her, She also had nice short black hair and a skinny waist.

"For a man that leads a team of effective, efficient, and highly trained soldiers, you surprisingly have a sense of humor," the 2IC said while smiling trying to hide her laughter

"Well if your job has a very high chance of death, your sense of humor might be the only  thing that can keep you sane on the battlefield"  Anderson replied with a hint of a sad tone 

The remark made Tyra, Aqruila's 2IC, silent. She wondered what battles looked like in their world, and soon she would see how deadly battles fought on Earth was. 

"Tyra, how is your neck?" Benjamin asked, walking up to them. With him were the rest of his team and the foreign SFs.

"Still hurts if I try to move it too much, but if it wasn't for you guys I would probably be dead," Tyra said, slowly turning around her neck because of the pain

A little later they entered the base and proceeded to a conference room. Tyra, Anderson, and the other foreign SF team leaders entered the room. Inside was Lady General Aqruila and other Los Magian Military officials surrounding a table with a paper map.

They were arguing about something until Aqruila saw Anderson and stated "Oh you are here, we are discussing our plans" 

"Well then, we are all ears," Anderson said, lifting the mood in the room as he and the other SF leaders walked over.

"Okay, as you can see this is the map of the Serpents Guild's main base of operations. It is a city fortress, called Otero, one of the wealthiest cities of Los Magian. Home to at least 30000 people. Since it is their city fortress we did not bother putting any knights in the city" Aqruila said sitting down and crossing her legs

Another military official slipped in "Because of that we didn't know of their illegal activities until now. We already sent knights to investigate but were intercepted before even reaching the Otero. Luckily for us, we had a survivor and confirmed it was the Serpents that ambushed them giving us confirmation that something is fishy going on"

Anderson took a closer look at the map before saying " What's your plan of action? are you going to assault  the city? So" and he put his hands on the table

"Well, the Serpents are alerted to our plans, stocked up supplies and food, and fortified the city fortress, so we plan to send in the Shadows to first weaken the city's defenses before storming in, and if that doesn't work we will set up a siege," Aqruila said while setting up small wood carvings of knights surrounding the city. 

"Sorry, Shadows?" Anderson asked

From the shadows came out three men covered with robes. 

"Shadows are the official assassins and special operatives of the Los Magian. Specializing in infiltration and assassination they are to be feared and respected" Aqruila explained

 "I am Zorin, the Director of the Shadow Ops and this is my comrades," the middle man said

He then continued, not letting Anderson speak "My men have already started reconnaissance around and in the city. We've marked their barracks, food, and supplies storage. We also have discovered underground passageways throughout the city and the main Headquarters of the Serpents but there were guards patrolling it from time to time" Zorin then marks the buildings on the map

Suddenly the Archmage Magos along with his daughter and Maxwell entered the room

Everyone stood and greeted the Archmage but Anderson stayed quiet while looking at the map and mentally creating a better plan. He smirked and Aqruila noticed it.

"You have something to say, Anderson?" Aqruila asked unnerved by his facial expression

"As a matter of fact, yes," he said before putting a holo-device on the table showing the A.I, Anna.



It was dusk and the night was rapidly approaching the city fortress, Otero. Civilians hurriedly returned to their homes to rest and Serpent Adventurers were patrolling the streets and the wall perimeter. It was freezing due to the season but Serpent Adventurers litter around the city anticipating the knight's attack.

In the middle of the city stood a manor where Gautier Honecock, leader of the Serpent Guild resides. Sitting in a chair and in front of him was a long table filled with food and around him were his friends, and many women. 

Gauntier yelled "Friends, Acquaintances, Thank you for gathering today. Today we celebrate our victories and the future of our guild. as days pass by we grow stronger. Today we hide our operations in the shadows so well that the Los Magian Shadow Ops can't replicate them. Today we are a guild and Tomorrow a thriving Empire. Los Magian higher-ups and their dogs discovered our activities but it is all too late. We have grown so strong that we could rival their forces. Now feast for our destiny starts now"

The crowd inside the large dining hall cheered and clapped. The party started and the music played, Gauntier was greedily eating while a beautiful lady sat in his lap.

"Lord Gauntier, I have something to report," a man with heavy armor said "The 16th Knight Battalion has arrived, but weirdly enough they are just waiting outside the walls. Our forces are ready to fight but they haven't taken action yet, not even setting a siege" he continued.

"Indeed it is weird for them to feel threatened by our forces, but it shows our superior might," Gauntier said arrogantly.

He then stood "Everybody, the Los Magian knight have arrived but they are afraid to attack our forces. Our path to greatness glows brighter than ever" and the crowd cheered and clapped once again. 

But as soon as the commotion slowly died a lone slow continuous clapping could still be heard.





Everybody in the room looked at each other looking for the person clapping but to no avail. It gave everyone the creeps but the clapping persisted.

The table of Gautier suddenly rocked, scaring everyone around it. Gautier stood from his chair only to see a weirdly shaped x symbol glowing blue; the most bizarre thing was that it was floating.

"What the..." Gautier mumbled as he realized the clapping was directly in front of him.

Starting from the head down a man slowly materialized. 

"Major Alexander Anderson of the United States Army. As per orders of Archmage Magos of the Los Magian Empire, Gautier Honecock is to be arrested and the Serpent Guild dissolved due to illegal activities. So be kind now and come with me quietly" Anderson said while dropping down from the table and crossing his arms.

Gautier laughed "You..? will arrest me? It is impressive that you manage to sneak through here without being detected by our mages but you'll be dead before laying your hands on me. Guards kill him"

Slowly armed men approached Anderson but he didn't move at all. He even yawned and stretched his arms out to show that he isn't afraid.

Insulted a guard ran towards Anderson but one suppressed gunshot killed him and was followed by more gunshots. The guards were swiftly eliminated and partygoers frantically tried to escape the dining hall but Benjamin blocked the only exit.

"Sorry, but you will be staying here until further instructions" Benjamin smugly said

The other SFs then came out from their active camouflage and proceeds to 

"So you are the 'Other-Worlders' rumors talk about. Strange men with advanced weaponry and rode on flying metal beasts" Gautier said "Tell you what, get me out of here and work for me. You will get riches and women, anything you desire" he proposed to them.

"A very enticing offer Mr. Gautier but that won't work on us," Anderson said before tying Gautiers's hands.

"Pity, but how will you get out now? My men will notice and will soon surround the manor" Gautier said with a smile

Outside the manor, Serpent Adventurers enter the building in an effort to save Gautier but the SFs came prepared. Inside the building is filled with hidden cameras the SFs installed, they taught of setting up traps and explosives instead but innocent civilians might trigger them which they don't want. Knowing the enemies' position throughout the manor they started the hunt.

Anderson turned around to his men "Alright, Delta Team, I'll secure the package, Talon 2, 3, and 4 will clear all enemies in the house. Talon 5 and 6 secure our exfil point. You got your orders, Let's rock"

"URRAA" the SFs chanted but before they could leave the room, explosions can be heard far off the night.

"Looks like the Philippine Scout Rangers are having the time of their lives," Michael said before activating their active camouflage

"Alright double-time people were on a schedule the Japs might already have secured the Artifact Vaults" Anderson barked out


(Talon 2: Roger's POV)

After Anderson ordered us out, Robert, Benjamin, and I checked the camera footage using our helmet's HUD. I checked the kitchen's camera and saw 7 armed men, 8 in the large guest room and 20 in different parts of the manor.

"Alright I'll take the Kitchen, Robert in the guest room, and Benjamin you're at the entrance" Roger gives orders the three parts way while Michael and Joshua head for the Manor's backyard. I activated my Night Vision and Camo before proceeding

I walk towards the guest room slowly and quietly. I peeked around the corner towards the kitchen and saw 4 men leave the kitchen through the tight corridor. I grab my silenced pistol and my knife and I waited for them to come closer. As soon as the 4th man comes around the corner I deactivated my Active Camouflage and sliced his neck open. The other 3 didn't notice their friend's assassination so I shot the third in the head and the body fell forward, scaring the other two.

"What the..." the first man said catching the dead body but fails to recognize me since it is dark. The only light source was the torch being held by the second man but it wasn't bright enough to illuminate me. An idea came to my mind and I stepped forwards to the light.

"Who are you?!" the man yelled out

I raised my right hand over my head and slowly brought it down. I also activated my active camouflage starting from the head downwards slowly following my lowering hand. It took a second for me to be completely engulfed by my Active camo but the two men just watched me.

"G-Gho-Ghost" the man with the torch yelled before the two ran with their backs behind them. I shot them in the head before they can round the corner.

The yell alerted the three men still inside the kitchen and slowly exits the room with their weapons ready. 

"Okay that's enough fun for the night," I said to myself before shooting the last three men in the head. I checked the kitchen making sure there are no enemies left. I checked the camera again to determine my next move.



(Talon 3: Robert's POV)

I neared the door of the guest room and checked the camera, sure enough there 7 of them. I took a 9-Bang Grenade and slightly opened the door. I chucked the grenade in and closed the door immediately after.

"What is that?" I heard the man say before the explosions erupted



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"Aghhhh!!! What the F*ck" 

"I can't see"

I opened the door and swiftly entered only to see the men disorientated. Pointing my silenced gun, "One" I muttered before shooting an elf, "Two" I said before killing another, this goes on until I reached the seventh. I squeezed the trigger but stopped after seeing the seventh adventurer. It was a boy, at least 15 years old and he was crying in the corner.

"Guys? Guys?" the boy cried out between sobs

I hesitate to kill him but I can't let him roam around with a weapon so I knocked him out with the gun and placed him on the bed.

"This Talon 3 to Talons, there are kids among them. Check your fire, Over" I radioed in, warning them

"Copy that, Talon 3, proceed with the mission"

"This is Talon 4, the entrance is secured proceeding to sweep the First Floor"

"This is Talon 2, same over here"

"This Talon 6, the backyard is secured. We also discovered a secret underground passage, Talon 5 is currently investigating it"

"This is Talon 1, Good find, I already radioed for exfill, BlackHawks ETA 20 minutes"

The built-in radio in my helmet crackled with notifications from my comrades.



(3rd Person Point of View)


Outside the city, the 16th Knight battalion set up camp. White tents were erected around the snow-filled ground. A larger tent was among them; inside were Macador, Eliza, Emilia, Aqruila, Zorin, Lanrey, and Maxwell. The tent was acting as the main command center for the operation.

"Are you sure your men can handle this" Aqruila asked concerned that Maxwell authorized Anderson's ridiculous plan to send only 18 men to sabotage, weaken the city defence, secure the Artifact Vault of the city, and apprehend Gautier.

"Of course General," Maxwell said confidently "Special Forces are capable of operating with or without support. They usually operate deep behind enemy lines"

"From your tone of voice, it seems you have high confidence in your men," Zorin said while playing around with a knife

"The SFs have already gone through countless very high-risk - high-reward operations. For example, the Delta team, the Team of Anderson, went through 36 high-risk - high-reward operations before getting transported to this world. Only one mission led to the death of one of their members but nonetheless, it was successful" Elsa said who was on the Holodevice

While the three were talking Macador, Eliza, and Emilia were talking on their own.

"Although Father has allowed their plan, they become arrogant," Eliza said not accepting the fact that Maxwell's forces are powerful after seeing the Apache Gunship

"I agree only sending 18 men for 4 different objectives is ludicrous especially since the city is on high alert. Even the Shadow Ops can't possibly do a feat like that with only 18 men"

Suddenly Maxwell's radio crackled to life and a barrage of radio chatter came out

"This is Talon 1, Gautier is secured, come pick him up"

"This is SR(Scout Rangers) 1, Food and Supplies Storages are rigged with explosives as well as the wall's gate. Detonating in 3... 2... 1..."


A large explosion came inside the city resulting in 2 large clouds of smoke bellowing out. The gates were also blown out which surprises everyone.

"This is Samurai 1, Artifact Vault is secured, preparing defensive perimeter..... Contact 12 o'clock *Automatic GunFire*"

The tent was then filled with silence after the last notification from the Japanese SFs. 

Maxwell breaks the silence while looking at Aqruila "Looks like Phase 1 is complete. Time to start Phase 2"



(Talon 1: Anderson's POV)

Back at the manor, I was pushing Gautier thru the corridors to the backyard. He was spouting nonsense and trying to convince me to join the Serpents. I hit him with the gun and eventually, he shuts up.

Arriving outside Anderson saw his team gathered around but Talon 5 was still at the secret passage. 

"Any reports from Michael?" Anderson asked

"Haven't come out" Talon 6 said

"Alright I'll notify Maxwell" Anderson said before reporting in "Talon 1 to Big Daddy, Gautier is ready to be exfilled but Talon 5 is still investigating a secret passage we found and hasn't reported back. Please Advice"

"Copy that Talon 1, Wait for the BlackHawks to take Gautier. After that move at your own discretion," his built-in radio answered


Minutes later I watched a BlackHawk land in the backyard and 2 Australian Airborne came out and secured Guatier inside the Helicopter. 

"Alright, Talons 2, 3, and 4 go help the Japs at the Artifact Vault. Joshua with me." I ordered out and they left the backyard. 

Joshua and I entered the secret passageway located behind a large statue. As we entered we saw a long corridor lined with torches on one wall. We were ready and aimed our weapons in preparation. 



Minutes later we arrived at the end of the long corridor. It was dark so we activated our Nightvisions before entering. The chamber was filled with jail cells and inside them were naked females.

"What The F*ck" I heard Joshua mumble "They're still alive" he continued

"Get them out, I'll continue and find Michael," I said but I haven't got far from Joshua I spotted my missing comrade lying on the floor with his back on a wall.

I was worried so I carefully approached him and checked his pulse. Luckily he is still alive but unconscious. Suddenly I heard footsteps and strangely enough, it was heavy and it didn't sound like a footstep a human would make. 

I radioed Joshua to stop whatever he was doing and activate his Active Camouflage. I grabbed the unconscious Michael and hid him making sure that he won't be detected. Our vision was clouded with a bright green hue because of the night vision giving us the ability to see in the dark and the hulking minotaur walking towards our direction.

It looks around having difficulty seeing but I noticed its nose twitch signifying it was sniffing around. It looked in my direction and roared before sprinting toward me.

"Shit, shoot it" I barked at Joshua and simultaneously shot at the raging beast.

Luckily for us, it didn't notice a large rock in front of it because of the darkness causing it to trip. Taking the opportunity both of us jumped closer and blasted it with lead point-blank to its head. Although we already spent 2 magazines of ammo on its head it still stood up as if we were our M5s were peashooters.

"This is gonna be a problem," Joshua said

"No Sh*t Sherlock" I rebutted

 We then ran for cover and I then took out my shotgun with incendiary rounds for emergencies like this. I took aim and blasted its chest with great effect. It roared in pain and it fueled its rage. The round exposed its chest cavity. 

Joshua then took the initiative and ran towards the rampaging beast. I provided covering fire and saw Joshua lept towards the minotaur with the help of his mini jetpack. He stabbed the beast in the shoulder and held on while jamming a f*cking grenade on its chest before jumping off to safety.

The minotaur let out a final roar before exploding into a mixture of gore and blood.

"HOLY SH*T, Joshua, That's hardcore as F*ck," I said in amazement and I wondered how he was walking easily with a pair of large balls.

At the same time, Michael woke up and groaned in pain while his hands is on his neck.

"You good, bud?" Joshua asked 

"NO, F*cking Minotaur threw me to a rock hitting my head bad," he said this time putting his hand on the damaged helmet

"You can still move?" This time I asked

"I'm pretty sure I got Brain Damage not Paralysis" he joked before Joshua helped him up

"Okay, Smartass, help us get these poor women out of here," I said turning around



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