A Way to Return Home

Chapter 18: Chapter 17 – A Tactical Approach II

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Ilos: Ennervae: ???

(3rd Person Point of View)

The night sky was bright since the two moons shone upon the ground below. The citizens of Ennervae were fast asleep while guards patrolled around the streets. Meanwhile, a ghoul stealthily avoided the guards and made its way to a large building in the Southern Quadrant of the city. It soon entered the building and removed the snow from its robe. Inside were other ghouls, Undead, Demonic Knights, its master, and the Demon Lord Galeroth.

"My Lord, Demon Lord Galeroth" the ghoul catches their attention "We have reports from our spies that the 16th Knight Battalion is currently fighting the Serpent Guild at Otero. Prince Macador, Princess Emilia, and Princess Eliza also accompanied the Knight Battalion and are not expected to return for 5 to 7 days"

The ghoul's master then sit on a chair and crossed his legs "Interesting, with the knight battalion gone it is easier for us to lay siege on the city"

"What are your plans now Duke Almar?" the Demon asked crossing its arms

"The plans remain unchanged but I will send a detachment of a mix of undead and demonic force to destroy the 16th Knight Battalion. I'll also send my third in command to capture the 3 royals at Otero" Almar said 

"Tomorrow at dusk, Undead Attack Group B will arrive at the Eastern Quadrant, While Attack Group A, the main attack group, will arrive at the NorthWest Sector of the city, Am I correct," the Demon asked while pointing at the map

"Yes, you are correct and I have my subordinate gather enough forces to create another Attack Group but will arrive 2 days from now. So for now I'll have to cut our meeting short. The other royals from other kingdoms just arrived. I'll have to go greet them and prepare the surprise we have in store for them" Almar cackled before gathering his belongings and leaving the vicinity.


Ilos: Guan-Tuan Plateau: Fort Able

(Lieutenant Maria's POV)

It was the middle of the night and I was sleeping peacefully dreaming before being woken up. I was pissed because I was having a wonderful dream and I can't remember it now after being rudely disturbed. I groggily opened my eyes and looked up to see Doctor Clara with two cups of coffee in hand. 

"Wake up Maria, You have something to see," Clara said before offering me the cup of coffee

I then covered my head with my blanket "Five more minutes" 

I then heard her placing the two cups on a desk and felt her hands gripping my blanket. She suddenly yanked it out and I immediately felt the cold air making contact with my skin.

"Hmm, I did not expect you to wear such cute panties despite your reputation for being ruthless," the doctor said examining my undergarment.

"What's the problem with liking teddy bears besides even though I'm a soldier I am still a lady. Now get off my room, I'll meet you at the Command Center" I replied before pushing her towards the door




I entered the command center and saw Clara along with  High Ranking Officers staring at the large screen. I approached and placed the coffee Clara offered to me at a table.

"What's going on?" I asked

An officer pointed at the screen "See for yourself"

It was the live footage of the [INSERT FUTURISTIC MILITARY RECON DRONE] we sent hours ago to give Maxwell a tactical advantage in a battle they were participating in a city called Otero.

I saw a large army consisting of what looked like rotten and decaying people. Their numbers range from two hundred thousand to three hundred fifty thousand. Some were armed with weapons and others wore ominous robes while others resemble knights but there are heavily damaged portions in their armor and are full of rust.

In the middle of the rotten mosh pit was a banner and it was a gruesome one. The banner was colored purple and printed on it were a skull and a snake coming out of its eye socket the eye-catching detail is that there was a person mutilated beyond recognition tied to the banner. What was sickening is that it was still breathing implying the person was still alive

"What the F*ck" I muttered under my breath

"It looks like they are heading towards Ennervae judging from the direction they are walking. Their ETA is tomorrow at dusk around 6 to 7 Pm" an officer said

"I already called one of the girls, maybe one of them knows what we are seeing" Doctor Clara stated 

After some time a girl entered the command center escorted by Peterson and 2 Battledroids. She looked a bit nervous but she looked around the place with amazement.

"Miss Victoria, isn't it?" Clara asked the nervous girl

"Y-yes, Yes, Maam" she stuttered

I walked towards her and comforted her "Don't be nervous we're just gonna ask some questions"

"O-okay then"

"Miss Victoria, do you have any idea, what is that?" an officer asked pointing at the large screen

She turned her head toward the screen and her expression turned from nervousness to fear and horror. I noticed the change of expression and pressed her for answers.

"That's an undead horde" she exclaimed in horror

Hearing the undead gave me chills down my spine and everyone agreed it wasn't good news. When I was a kid I watched many zombie movies and it was one of my fears but as I grew up I knew it was just fiction. Now it is a reality in this world.

"We got to report this to Maxwell" 


Ilos: Los Magian Territory: Otero

(3rd PPOV)

A group of knights was taking refuge inside a building after being surrounded by a large group of Serpent Adventurers. The knights were being bombarded with flaming arrows and they hurriedly take out the flames while returning fire with arrows and magic.

"Sh*t were gonna die here," a knight said after removing an arrow

Suddenly a flaming arrow hit a curtain bursting it into flames. Luckily for them, there was a mage capable of water magic so they were able to remove the large flame.

"We have to wait until reinforcements come. Just hold on" the mage yelled after extinguishing the flame

They held for another 24 minutes until they heard the sounds of a helicopter. The adventurers outside panicked and focused their attacks on the menacing gunship. Their attacks were useless since the arrows can't hit the Apache because of the downward wind created by the chopper's rotors and any magic attack can't penetrate its light armor.

Inside the Apache was its occupants the pilot and weapons officer. They launched two unguided missiles at the large clumps of Adventurers and followed by its chaingun killing any survivors

"Yare, yare daze" the Apache pilot mumbled

"What?" the weapons officer onboard asked

"What!?" the pilot immediately responded

Back inside the building, the knights peeked outside after the Apache's barrage and saw the adventurers or what remains of them on the ground.  The surrounding buildings and pavement have damages that were so devastating the knights shuddered in fear.

"I'm glad that thing is on our side," a knight said peeking out of the window

"Alright it cleared our path let's regroup with our unit," another said

They all nodded in agreement and hastily left the area safely making it to their comrades.


(Roger's POV)

Robert, Benjamin, and I entered a house after a large number of Serpent Adventurers accompanied by a large monster. Usually, we would activate our active cloaks to hide but the monster somehow became aware of our presence. 

"How the F*ck did the monster knows we were here" Robert bluntly said before a loud growl can be heard outside

"Don't know but if it can sense us it is dangerous" Benjamin said slowly exposing his head to take a peek outside only to see the monster and the adventurers looking for them

"How far is the vault from us?" Benjamin asked

"At least, two clicks from here" I replied then suddenly a plate crashed on the floor behind us

Without thinking we pointed our guns behind us only to see a family of four. A man supposedly the father was holding a sword and behind him was a woman, the mother, hugging two children.

"Who are you" the father yelled

"SHHHHHHH" Robert shushed the man trying to shut him up.

"Don't worry, we're not gonna hurt you. We'll leave immediately after these guys leave" I said trying to calm the man down before ordering the others to lower their weapons

After showing that we mean no harm the man also lowers his sword. 

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Soon we arrived at the building that houses the Artifact Vault and saw it was already secured by the Knights of the 16th Knight Battalion. We closed the distance and enter the vault without being stopped or questioned by the knights after seeing our weapons and clothing. Inside some knights were carrying bodies killed by the Japanese SFs into a corner.

"These other-worlders really know how to fight," a knight said after dropping a dead body onto the pile.

"There are more bodies downstairs so we have to keep working," another knight said

The knights were about to leave when I called out to them.

"Hey, How many bodies are there" Robert yelled catching all the knights' attention

The knights turned towards us "Ohh, um, 28, at the pile right here and there's more downstairs leading towards the vault"

Before he could reply I pulled him away and dragged them toward the Japanese SF.  We arrived at the Japanese SFs location with the help of drawings on the walls in a form of a samurai mask guiding us.

"Well, well, well, If it isn't the Talon 2 of the Deltas," the Japanese said before we shook our hands. 

"Good to see you, Kashima, or should I say Samurai 2" I replied before letting go

I look past him to see his comrades, Kiranosuke Shirato, Momofuku Ukita, Masahiko Kumasaki, and Tomimitsu Sueda, and gave them a nod which they nodded back. 

"Is this the vault?" Robert asked

"Nope, this is the entrance to the vault. Inside is Maxwell and the lady general as well as..." he stopped and whispered to me because there were knights with them "the three royal brats"

"Aren't they the same age as us?" I asked

"Yeah but I am not sure about the elf  and besides they are assholes when we first met them," he said 

I just nodded and entered the room to see a large metal door. It was around 20 feet in length and 10 feet wide and was decorated with an assortment of jewels and has multiple carvings of snakes and people.

I greeted Itami, the Japanese SF team leader, in the form of a fist bump while I nodded at Maxwell and Lanrey.

"So, what is Princess Eliza doing?" I quietly asked Itami after noticing she was chanting

"Apparently the Artifact Door is protected by a powerful magical barrier. So Princess Eliza is trying to break it" Itami explained while Eliza continued her chants while glowing cryptic runes appear in front of her.

We waited for minutes before Itami got bored and whispered "Things would be a lot faster if we open it American Style"

I chuckled at his joke but Princess Emilia suddenly spoke "Tell me what is this American Style you speak of Major Itami?"

We were caught off guard because Itami whispered it to me so I am sure nobody else heard it until I remembered Emilia was an elf who has an incredible sense of hearing.

"Sorry, ma'am, it's just a joke in our world" Itami recovered

I saw Emilia scoff and shake her head in annoyance. I punched Itami in his arm while giggling. 

Tyra walks towards us and asked, "I'm curious, what is this American style you joke of?"

I tried explaining the joke but somehow I kept stumbling on my words. I also felt my heartbeat rise and my hands felt sweaty then I realized that I was nervous. Luckily Itami noticed my situation and spoke on my behalf.

"Well, you see, the Americans have a saying, 'If explosives don't solve the problem, then you are not using enough explosives'" Itami explained

She laughed a bit and said "So you Americans are a fan of large explosions"

"You'd be surprised with the different kinds of explosives they got," Itami replied 

She bid her goodbyes and turned around and left the room.

"You really have to step up your poker face," Itami said this time with a far quieter sound.

"Oh shut up, Ever since high school, I was bad at talking to girls besides you yourself don't have a girlfriend" I answered to Itami

"Excuse me but I am happily married for 3 years now" Itami argued with a smirk after showing me the ring on his finger

I was dumbfounded by the information and I rebutted "Damn, I feel sorry for whoever married you"

He just chuckled "Well at least I'm not a virgin"

"HOLY SH*T, JOSHUA WHAT THE F*CK HAPPENED TO YOU!?" the unmistakable voice of Robert yelled out. 

This caught the attention of everybody in the room, especially Princess Eliza who almost lost her concentration on her chants. I apologized and hastily exit the room to scold the dumb*ss. As I exited the door I saw Tyra talking with Anderson and Joshua beside him. Joshua was covered with blood from head to toe and small pieces of guts around him.

I hit Roger's head "Don't f*cking yell, you can be heard inside the room"

"Sorry" he apologizes

This time I paid attention to Joshua "But yeah, Joshua what the f*ck happened to you!?"

He was removing the pieces of flesh around him and said "Long Story Short, I shoved a grenade inside a minotaur"

"Don't worry I got managed to record it with my helmet. I'll show you it back at base, or maybe I can send it to you right now" Anderson said before fiddling with his arms control interface.

Although our helmets come with a HUD and an Interactive Interface many of us still prefer using Exo's Control Interface.

Seconds later we received a video from Anderson I decided to watch it later since we were on the job. 

(3rd Person's Point of View)

Maxwell was with Lady Aqruila talking about their lives and their work as a general of their respective countries. As a general Lady Aqruila keeps her guard around Maxwell and his men. She has a duty to keep and fulfill to protect her kingdom from any dangers it faces. Lately, she starts to develop feelings toward her fellow general. 

Currently, she was nervous because she was about to ask Maxwell whether he is in a current relationship. She was about to speak when Maxwell's radio crackled to life.

"Sorry, General Aqruila but I have to answer this" Maxwell said

"It's okay but next time just call me Aqruila" she responded

"I'll keep it in mind, Aqruila" Maxwell said with a smile

As soon as Maxwell mentioned her name her heart suddenly beats faster and before she knows it her face was as red as a tomato.

Maxwell saw her reddening face and asked "Are you alright? Your face is all red" before placing his hands on her forehead.

"Y-Yess, yes! I am fine. It's just hot down here" Aqruila said

"Well, since you said so, I'll be taking my leave," Maxwell said

She breathes a sigh of relief and anger. She places her hand on her red cheek "I really need to get a hold of myself" she muttered quietly

Meanwhile, Maxwell exits the room and finds a secluded place

"Actual to Big Daddy, do you copy" the radio crackled and Maxwell regrets letting Anderson choose his callsign

"Yep I hear you" Maxwell answered back

"The recon drone we sent to assist you found something of interest while traveling there" 

Maxwell received a notification on his military-issued tablet. He access the file and witnessed the live footage of the recon drone circling around the Undead horde.  

"The mosh pit is en route to Ennervae ETA 45 Hours. Do we have clearance to intercept"

Maxwell asked HQ  "What are our available Aerial Assets?"

"First, all of our Attack and Transport Helicopters are fully operational as well as the AWACS and a number of our C-130s, and are ready for modifications. Meanwhile, our 6th and 7th Gen Air Supremacy and Multirole Fighters are still under maintenance so the Korean's 5th Gen F-35s are the only ones ready to take the skies" 

Maxwell chose his limited options carefully. Although he wants to send an AC-130 to eliminate the large threat, the problem was it was slow and people may discover the large Undead force before the large gunship reach its target. He wants to keep his full force and firepower a secret from this world so they wouldn't perceive them as a threat that needed to be eliminated. But if he doesn't act now people might die.

Suddenly he got an idea, before being transported to this world the Filipino Scout Rangers managed to find and confiscate Chinese Cluster Munitions, which was illegal, from China. Now is a good time to use it since the targets are the dead and there is no Geneva Convention in this world.

"This is Big Daddy, send in the F-35s and use the cluster munitions confiscated from the Chinese. Let's show the Undead why the dead in our world doesn't rise back from their graves" 

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