A Way to Return Home

Chapter 4: Chapter 3 – Transportation(2)

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Earth : Washington D.C: Pentagon

December 12 2080

3 Hours before the Operation

The President of The United States of America, President Ron Hathaway, is in the Pentagon. With him was the Vice President Rony Chase, US Secretary of Defense and other High Ranking Military Officers. 

During the Early and Mid stages of the war the room was always busy and the atmosphere was tense from all of the stress and work they had to do. Lately it was a bit more relaxed compared to the other days since the war was almost coming to an end. 

Currently the President was on a meeting with the leaders of the countries that took part with the operation through a secured and encrypted communication system. 

President Ron was sitting on swivel chair trying to get on a comfortable position.  His butt was numb after having to sit for hours. "I'd happily pay a million dollars just so I can stand for a moment" Ron thinking to himself.

Currently the Japanese President is voicing out his concern that the Chinese would launch an all out nuclear assault after all ready losing this much. "President Ron, What is your opinion on this matter although unlikely there is still a probability that the Chinese would launch a nuke." the President of Australia said taking the threat seriously.

Ron noting their concerns finally said with a reassuring tone "Yes there is a possibility but during the Mid stages of the war we managed to cut the connection of China to its major sattelites making most of their long range weaponry and communication almost impossible. Also if they still manage to bypass past this problem launching one of their nukes will be a lengthy process allowing us to deploy Special forces to delay or completly stop these said launches.". The leaders seemed content with his answers and remained silent.

Suddenly a woman enters the room and said "Mr. President the Chinese president wants to talk". Everybody on the room stopped on whatever they were doing shocked on what the woman have just said. With a serious tone President Ron said "Alright Patch them through".

Earth: Unified Korea: Fort Minick

2 hours before the operation

Anderson is with his unit preparing their gear along them is the Philippine Scout Rangers. They are armed with different guns most of them are armed with Silenced M5 Rifles some with sub machine guns and lastly enhanced snipers.

Anderson can see his men quietly preparing any necessary equipment like explosives, medical equipment and ammunition.He looks at the faces of his team. 

Private Joshua the new member to his team.

Private Michael their radio operator.

Private First Class Benjamin their team medic.

Specialist Robert the demolitions expert.

First Sergeant Roger his second in command.

"What the??" Robert suddenly blurted which caught everyones attention. He was trying to activate his exoskeleton but failed everytime. "Hey am I the only one with this problem?" Robert asked looking at everyone. 

"Yea same here with me" said one of the Scout Rangers then everyone hurried to check their respective exos but reach the same problem

"I'll go get someone to check on the problem hold on" Roger said.

"That won't be necessary First Sergeant" Maxwell said while entering the room. Everybody was suprised but they immedietly stand in attention and saluted at the general. "At ease" Maxwell said acknowledging their greetings. With him what seems to be scientists with long white robes own.

"All of you know your going to an high risk mission with a low chance of going back" Maxwell said "So DARPA and other foreign scientist and engineers made new gears for all of you" he then added. The soldiers looked at each other with confusion and excited expression.

One of the female scientist stepped forward with a clipboard in hand said "As you can see your current exos has been deactivated and decommissioned and will be replaced with the latest Mark 4 Exoskeleton models.". 

12 robots carrying what seems to be 6 feet tall boxes entered the room. The same boxes were placed in a straight line facing towards the men standing curiously. Suddenly the boxes opens revealing the exoskeleton inside. The soldiers stared at it with amazement and awe as the new models were presented to them.

"So what are you waiting for try them on." Maxwell then said. Eager to try the new exos the Delta and Scout Rangers put them on.

"This is suprisingly light" Anderson commented on the new exos "So whats new features to this exos Maam" asked Benjamin.

"Glad you asked, Well for starters its light compared to the other models but still retain its capabilities to enhance a person physical attributes and retain its armor, second it has enhanced version of the jet booster system allowing you to jump higher and more quiet when utilized lastly the newest addition to the exos is the Cloaking system which you guessed makes you invisible" the scientist said in a proud tone. 

The soldiers are testing out the new features of the new exoskeleton and showing signs of.being impressed and excitement."I noticed that the control panels for the exos are missing it should be on the right arm" the leader of the Scout Rangers asked. 

"Well we removed the panel and replaced it with loadout attachements on both of your arms. So you can attatch things like grapling hooks, mini drones and if you want a control panel" the scientist answered the question.

The lead scientist then nods to the other scientist. They then proceed to press a button on the boxes that once contained the new exo models. Suddenly a hidden compartment opened showing them a advanced looking helmet.

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It reminded Anderson a game he used to play when he was a kid. It was fairly old for its time maybe even older than him but it made his childhood a lot more great.         

"It remindes me of a game I used to play" Anderson finally said. The female scientist can't help to smile and said "Because it is inspired from the game". 

Anderson was shocked from the answer. When he was a kid he used to dream of wearing this and riding badass giant robots. "Sadly there are no giant robots with huge guns have been created Yet" the scientist added giving emphasis to the word "yet".

Disappointed Anderson took the helmet and wore it while the others followed his lead. At first it was dark when suddenly a blue light emitted from the top of the helmet and scanned his face. After that a message appear in the screen which writes

Registration Complete


Major Alexander Anderson

Delta Unit

The text then disapperead and now he can see outside the helmet. Not only that there was a also a HUD (Heads Up Display) that shows his his name and unit on the top right. On the bottom right was his Jet booster energy and three blank spaces with the words 《No Attachments》.

The scientist suddenly talked knowing they are going to ask questions "The helmet has a HUD system, Mapping system and Advanced Communication system allowing you to talk to your teamates, HQ and other military assets with out the use of a radio and other communication device" 

"All right then can't wait to use this thing in the field" Joshua then said all giddy. He looked like the a kid that got a new toy from his parents. "Hold your horses private there is one more thing" Maxwell said while walking up to them briefcase in hand.

The General then opened the briefcase showing them 12 microchips. The Delta and Scout Rangers were confused as they took one microchip from the case. It took some time but the soldiers manage to find the slot to put the microchip in their helmets.

"Hello" a female voice eminated from the helmets that only the soldiers can hear.  Confused and suprised the men look around the room searching for the voice. "Just checking Am I the only one hearing voices in my head" asked Roger. "Nope" Anderson answered "Ahh Okay good I taught I'm going crazy" Roger then replied.

Maxwell and the scientist looked at each other giggling. Then the scientist took Anderson hands and opened his palm. Suddenly a blue glow eminated vefore revealing a hologram of a small woman in Anderson palm.

"Finally you noticed me" the woman said. The scientist then went to the leader of the Scout Rangers and did the same thing showing a hologram of a woman.

"Alright everyone meet Elsa and Anna" Maxwell said "They are your team's personal A.I (Artificial Intelligence). Elsa is assigned to Delta and the Anna is assigned to the Scouts here" he then added.

"They're job is to assist you to your mission objectives on todays operation." Maxwell said. "These A.I's are still a working progress. After your mission we will retrieve and take them back for evaluation" the scientist added. 

"Any questions" the scientist asked and was answered with silence "I'll take that as a no then".

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