A Way to Return Home

Chapter 5: Chapter 4 – Transportation (3)

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Earth: Unified Korea: Fort Able

December 12 2080

1 Hour before the Operation.

The fort was packed with activity as men and women hurriedly completed the preparations for the operation. Soldiers waited anxiously and did random things to keep their heads occupied. Whatever they do to pass the time nothing can hide their nervousness and fear.

MK IRONS or nicknamed "Battledroids" can be seen marching in large formations. Armored vehicles can be seen lined up by the hundreds and roared as their engines come to life. Aircraft can be seen taxiing on runways showing off the heavy payload that they carry.

The war is coming to an end but the Chinese refused to acknowledge that. This operation determines if the war would continue on or would end for good. That what was the soldiers at Fort Able think. Never once were they taught the war would end that very day.

As minutes passed by the ops was about to start. Soldiers did their final checks on their equipment and formed to their respective groups. Dread filled the air as they start to silently load up to APCs. Suddenly the speakers around the fort chimed. Soldiers expected a speech from the general to raise their morale but they were shocked at what they heard.


The silence dominates the fort apart from the engines of the vehicles and aircraft. They can't believe it, they taught that it was a joke or maybe there is a catch and waited for a while. Without a response, they finally started cheering and crying tears of joy. Finally, the horror and suffering they endured for years have now ended. The men and women that fought in the war can finally come home.

(Maxwell's POV)

It was 2300 and Maxwell was at a window by the control tower watching his men having a party below. The US and Foreign Soldiers mingled with each other having a good time for a long time. Barbeques and alcohol were served to the weary soldiers. Currently he was at a meeting with President Ron about future plans in China.

When Maxwell received the news he was surprised that China finally surrendered. He taught that they were arrogant bastards that would fight to the end. In the middle of his meeting, his connection to was starting to weaken which was unlikely because it was a secured military connection unless something or someone is interfering it.

Raising his voice he said "Elsa, Anna" calling out for the two A.I. who are conviniently attached to the Command Centers operating systems. The two A.I then appeared in a glass panel attached to a table. 

"You called us" said Elsa and Anna simultaneuosly. "Yes, can you connect me back to the meeting with the president" Maxwell ordered looking all frustrated. After a few seconds Anna broke the silence "It seems we can't connect to any signal Sir. Nothing is interfering our signal its just that we can not find any other signals. The only signal we can see is the satellite currently on top of us but any progress to connect with it failed but Elsa is still trying."

Deep in his taught, Maxwell taught of any logical explanation to this strange phenomena. He noticed the noice from the party below has stopped. He looked outside and noticed the people below were pointing at something.

He looked beyond the walls of the fort and saw a blue bright light. Since he was at the highest point in the fort; Maxwell saw that the light wasn't just on the Western Side of the wall it was surrounding the whole fort. Fear and confusion hit him like a truck and he shouted to the two A.I "Alert the whole fort sound the alarms".

Alarms blared from the speakers around the the fort. Confused soldiers started running toward their barracks to wear their exos and arm themselves. 

(Andersons POV)

"What the f*ck is going on I taught the Chinese surrendered" yelled Joshua while hurriedly wearing his exos. 

"I don't know I was talking to my parents when my connection was weakening until it complety disconnected from the call. Minutes later the alarm sounded." said Roger.

"Hey less talking more working come on double time" Anderson ordered the group. Donning in their new exos and getting their weapons the Delta team rushed out the barracks and went to the CP.

After reaching the command post Andersons team waited outside while he walked in. He saw Maxwell and other officers standing.

"What's going on" Anderson asked Maxwell. "I don't know but two thing is clear. One we can't connect to any signals outside from this fort and second the mysterious blue light seen outside the western wall isn't limited there but surrounds the whole fort." Maxwell answered with a serious tone.

Confused at this strange things happening Anderson can't utter a word out. Beside him is the scientist that gave them the new exoskeletons observing the situation. 

"Doc do you have any idea what is doing this" Maxwell asked the scientist. "Only theories but the most logical one is the blue light might be the cause of the interference with the signal but it needs further study" she answered.

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A man stationed in a computer terminal shouted "Sir the taskforce you sent to investigate the blue light is nearing the AO(Area of Objective). Connecting the body cam of one of the taskforce to the main screen".

A large screen suddenly opened showing a soldiers point of view. "This is Marksis 1-1 to HQ do you copy" the soldier said holding a radio. "This is Maxwell to Marksis 1-1 we hear you, proceed to the blue light with caution protect the scientist at all cost also try to find a signal to contact other bases" Maxwell answered. 

They watch the Marksis team and the scientist approach the blue light. When they were infront of the light they see Marksis 1-1 held up his hand in an attempt to touch it. To their horror instead the hand going through the light instead it was blocked by the light as if it was an invisible wall.

The footage started to became more and more static to the point it was disconnected. "This is HQ to Marksis do you copy, I repeat  do you copy" Maxwell shouted on his radio while everybody else starred in disbelief.  While waiting they only hear from the Marksis team was silence and static.

Suddenly the footage was reconnected and they saw the team lying on the ground unconciouss. No visible wounds can be seen  but it still made them worry. 

Anderson was about to speak when a loud thud was heard. An officer suddenly dropped to the floor unconcious then another and another. Everybody in the room was unconciouss including the general and himself. Outside the CP everyone is in the same situation lying on the ground unconcious.

Ilos: By the border between the U.B.K and Eswart Kingdom: Anowa Town

December 15 145AA

(Emilia's POV)

Emilia and her party was walking to the town square for the meeting. Macador and Ronnie are leading the group while the girls followed them.  Stoping by a pastry shop to buy some food and drinks.

Once they reached the town hall they saw the amount of people are participating the investigation. "Wow I didn't know many people would be interested in the investigation" Laluna said. "Well the reward for participating is a huge amount" Ronnie ansewred.

Soldiers of the three kingdoms can be seen in standing in large formations in the town square. Meanwhile adventurers roamed around near the town square adorned with different grand armor and weaponry ranging from swords to bow and arrows. 

In front of the town square was the town hall. It was the largest building in the Anowa town. From there exited a dwarf along him were three generals. The dwarf is named Galoa a famous person that many people knew. Currently he was the Guild Master of the Guild Post in Anowa Town. 

During Galoa's younger days he was a famous warrior. Fighting many wars against the Undead and Demonic forces, had many adventures and incredible feats in his belt. When he retired he was given the position as a guild master which he accepted.

The Dwarf and the generals stand on a platform. Galoa then raised his arm signaling the meeting was about to start. People around stopped on what they are doing eager to listen to the guild master.

Emilia looked around seeing other adventurers are gathering around near the square. 

Galoa then speaks to the crowd "Since all of you are here for the investigation you might probably heard of the stories and rumors. For those who doesn't let me explain." he paused the continued "These past three days there were reports of loud sounds and explosion were heard. These occurances were recorded that happened between the territories of the U.B.K and the Eswart Kingdom. "

One of the generals stepped up and added to what Galoa said "So as a response the U.B.K and the Eswart militaries led joint force to locate whatever or whoever are doing this. This consist of twelve people seperated in three groups. Sadly they never reported back so we sent a search team to find them and we learned that they were ambushed by bandits. We recover eight out of twelve dead bodies. The other four are most likely to be prisoners."

The meeting went for another hour. Discussing what is their plan of action and directives. The investigation will last for atleast five days but if nothing still have surfaced the next step was to  heigten security around the area. 



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