A Way to Return Home

Chapter 8: Chapter 7 –

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Ilos: Guan-Tuan Plateau: Fort Able

December 15 145 AA

The girls followed Lanrey outside the barracks. They will be meeting the man the leads the whole fort and it sent shivers in their spines. They wondered what the man look like and they taught he was an atrocious large burly man. After walking for 15 minutes they arrived at the front door of the Command Station. The door was made out of a high-grade metal that requires the person inside to manually open it. Outside the door was guarded by five MK Irons better known as "Battledroids" and in the arms of these bots are M5 Rifles. 

"Okay wait here I'm going to talk with the doorman," Lanrey said to the girls

The girls watched as the man walked up to a panel beside the door. While waiting they looked at the "Battledroids" with curiosity. They approached near one analyzing it. To them, they taught these were weird-looking armor but then realized their mistake. Each MK Irons has the words "MK IRONS "BattleDroids" 0-2". 

"It is not an armor more like a statue. Besides no man can fit in these and the insides are filled with God knows what. " Mathilda said

"What's a Battledroid? Based on its name it is used for war, but what can a statue do?"  Sisilica aked Mathilda.

The two girls jerked their heads toward the metal door after a low metal creaking emanated from it. The door opened showing a short hallway at the end was another door but this time it has a silvery shine to it. Beside the door was a receptionist doing his work. 

"Come on follow me," Lanrey said

The two girls looked at each other and after contemplating they decided to follow.  The three walked toward the receptionist. The man looked at the girls then at Lanrey and gave him a smile.

"Oh F*ck off just get the lift here," Lanrey said

"You got it, Boss," the man said

Sisilica and Mathilda stayed quiet during the interaction between the two men. When suddenly they suddenly heard metallic footsteps and turned their heads. Behind them were two MK Irons marching towards them. The two got scared and hid behind Lanrey.

"The statues moved" Sisilica yelped as she held Lanrey's arm tightly.

"What? Oh uhh, Don't worry we call these robots. These things are made up of metal and inside them are electronics and parts that make them function." Lanrey said reassuring the girls.

The lead robot stopped in front of Lanrey and spoke in a robotic fashion

"We will be escorting you throughout the complex" the lead bot said

"No worries I can take care of it" Lanrey protested.

"Negative, Protocol states any unauthorized personnel entering the Command Center should and would be escorted with at least one  MK Iron unit" the lead bot explains.

"Ok Fine," Lanrey said

<TING > The door behind them chimed and opened. The girls saw the room inside and it was spacious, it could fit at least ten people but there was nothing in it. Lanrey entered the room and assured the girls nothing bad will happen. After a bit of convincing, the girls entered the room followed by the bots. Lanrey pressed a button and the whole room suddenly shake and starts to move which scares the girls. 

"What's happening," Mathilda says while frantically looking around the room.

"Don't worry, We call this contraption an elevator it allows us to go up and down a building without the help of stairs, and currently we are descending" Lanrey explained to the girls.

"If that's the case, Just how deep does this goes?" Sisilica asked

"Don't know never occurred to me to asked anyone" Lanrey hastily ansered

"It is about 20 meters below ground" the lead bot answered.

"Well, now you have your answer" Lanrey replied.

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<TING> The elevator once again chimed and the people inside exited.  The girls were surprised that it was more packed and bustling with activity than the surface. People carrying stacks of paper and individually working. The three walks past all of them and approached a group of six men. Sisilica watches Lanrey salute at one of the men and salutes back. 

"Sir these are Sisilica and Mathilda. They are the knights that the other saved girls said to be."  Lanrey said.

The general faced the two girls and gave his hand for a handshake. The two girls only watched his hand in confusion not knowing their foreign custom. The man noticed this and retracted his hand back.

"Sorry somerimes I forget we're in another world" the man stated.

"Anyways I am Brigadier General Steve Maxwell. I am the one who is in charge in this fort. I'm pretty sure you girls have a lot of questions so ask away." The general said

"Who are you people?" Sisilica said not waisting any time. 

The general answered her question all ready knowing that its the first one she'll ask "We are soldiers from the United States of America. Some of the soldiers here are from other countries such as the Philippines, Japan, Unified Korea, and Australia".

Sisilica hasn't heard of this kingdoms and she assumed he was lying but she remebered Lanrey saying that they were from another world.  She even wondered if they truly are soldiers because of the lack of or better off no armor and swords can be seen. They only had this weird black metal weapons. But their sudden appearance and bizzare occurances thus further support their claims.

"One of your men said that you people were from another world is it true?" Mathilda turned to ask the general.

"Although unbeleivable, yes everything that we said and will say to you are true," Maxwell said.

Maxwell called out for a person and telled him to play the recording. He then pointed  to a black screen.showing the girls to it. Suddenly the screen flickered to life which scares and astonished the girls.

The screen shows a devastated landscape. Destroyed buildings can be seen and some were even on fire. Sisilica was disturbed at the sight. She also asked herself why they are showing her a picture. Suddenly she noticed the fire and smoke on the picture was moving. A hand then appeared in the corner of the screen pointing at the street . 

She now just realized she was watching someones point of view. She watches as men popped up in the screen all holding the same weapons though varies in size and design. Sisilica watches as the men navigate through the rubble and destroyed buildings. She watches as a large metal carraige passes the men.

Huge explosions suddenly appeared in front of the convoy. Sisilica hears the man in the screen screamed "Ambush". Flashes and bolts of light strafed toward the soldiers. She watched as men desperetely hid behind cover and behind the metal carraige but some unfortunate enough to get hit and killed. The men and the carriage in the screen retaliated by shooting back with their weapons.

The battle went on and both Sisilica and Mathilda were on the edge of their seats. Both were having difficulties to breathe as the scene unfolds upon them. They wondered just how destructive their wars back in their world. The footage then froze in place as if time has stopped.

"You just watch a footage on the early weeks of the Taiwan Campaign were we fought and liberated Taiwan from China" Lanrey explained to the girls

"Before the fort along us got transported to this world we were fighting a war. Thankfully it has now ended but hours after the China surrendered we got transported here. How? We have no f*cking clue," Maxwell continued.

The screen now depicts a different scene. It was night time but people were seen to be partying. Sisilica noticed the setting and concluded that it was Fort Able the fort they are currently on. The difference is beyond  the fort shows that it was surrounded with two mountains as opose of the plateau the fort currently stands on. Lanrey explained to them that these were the events occured minutes before getting dragged to this world.




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