A Whole New World To Transform

Chapter 17: 16 – Mota & Jeanette

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Third Point of View

The fighting continued as Busta taunted the others. “I see you all are slowing down!” It was true, Joseph was still recovering as he tried to fire at Busta but missed terribly. Melissa was only slightly better off in that she is still trying to swing her ax down on Busta. Connecting as Busta was trying to dodge the bullet causing it to connect down on her, despite the grave attack Busta stared back at Melissa with mere contempt.

Silently Busta fired another bolt of dark magic in point blank range at Melissa causing her to fly back. “This fucking sucks… But I won’t give in!” Joseph yelled as he pulled his pistol to fire at Busta. As he goes to pull the trigger he is stopped by a sudden chill. “W-what the hell!?”
Joseph looked down to see his body from the shoulders down completely encased in ice. Busta walked slowly to him before enveloping her hand over the frozen pistol. She then magically enhanced her strength to crush the pistol letting the frozen pieces of it fall to the ground. “You’ll pay for that!” Melissa shouted as she leaped towards Busta.

Her attack again landed where she did previously causing Busta only to moan in pain. The attack seemingly only mildly inconvenienced her. As the ax tried to dig in deeper Melissa looked over to see Joseph's eyes closed as he was still trapped in ice. “That’s for Joseph.” She growled towards the sorceress.

Melissa pulled her ax back out before swinging downwards at Busta’s face. Her ax was stopped before it could meet it as it trapped her in dark tentacles. “You lose.” Busta said coldly before Melissa was thrown back by the dark tentacles. “Give it up and join your sister in service of my dear husband!”

“F-fuck you bitch!” Melissa cursed back denying her offer of surrender causing Busta to shake her head in disgust. She then made a tiny ball of dark magic in her head before dropping it on the prone Melissa. Landing directly on her forehead the small but powerful ball of dark magic hit her head like a gunshot causing Melissa’s head to bounce against the floor.

With the humans defeated and the raid officially over, all killed monsters were revived and placed back in their stations while Gadra was called to the Boss Room. Entering the room Gadra shouted, “Are they alright!?” Busta nodded her head.

“Of course, especially after they are transformed and join us.” Busta explained. “Did you really think I would hurt you or my husband by killing these fools?” Busta asked to which Gadra simply shook her head wordlessly. Gadra then walked over to Joseph and caught him as he was let go of the ice, catching him before he fell to the floor.

His eyes opened slowly. “I guess that means we lost huh?” He asked as he looked up at Gadra. After Gadra nodded back while Busta healed him and Melissa both he chuckled. “Heh, at least it isn't as bad as it could have been, at least we get to be with you.”

Gadra smiled down at him as Busta dragged Melissa to join the two. “Is it time?” Gadra asked Busta to which she nodded again. Gadra then gently placed Joseph down before joining Busta standing over the two before the two monsters turned away from the downed humans. “So… What will they be transformed into?”

They were talking to “Darius” of course. “That doesn’t depend on me. I just let it happen and allow whatever happens to happen.” He spoke before he began preparing the transformations for the two defeated humans. As that happened Joseph and Melissa turned to each other, still unable to get to their feet, and grabbed the hand of the other as they prepared for the worst.

Before the transformation truly began the two monsters turned to the imminent monsters seeing them holding hands and smiling. ‘At least this allowed my sister and mentor to grow closer.’ Gadra thought to herself trying to find the positives of the whole situation. ‘I can only hope whatever they turn into allows this to blossom even further.’ It seemed Gadra more than approved of their potential developing relationship.

Gloria was the first to show signs as the transformation began. She shouted as she felt her bones shift especially below her waist. Her knees bent completely as her leg extended backward as if she were half goat. ‘Ah, I see what is happening now.’ The Dungeon Core noticed with a chuckle to himself.

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Melissa continued to groan and moan in pain as she closed her eyes and shut them tight as patches of fur began to grow from the top of her waist to her ankles. Smaller patches of hair were also growing on her back and some on her arms but much shorter than the ones on the bottom of her body. While that was happening, both her left and right foot began to change color into a dark black as they turned into hooves similar to a goat.

It was clear to everyone now that Melissa was turning into another Beastkin like her sister, specifically a satyr in her case. Her transformation was completed as her ears elongated while gaining some brown fur of their own while brown two antlers growing out of her forehead. As they both finished her transformation into a monster was completed as she rested on the floor for a few moments. After recovering she opened her eyes and looked down at herself before realizing she had completely recovered and sat up, her hand still clutching Joseph which she eased her grip after the pain was over for her.

“I-I’m not feeling that shitty anymore? Or even as fucking disgusted at my own self as I feared I would be?” Melissa said both relieved and confused at her good fortune as she stripped all her still undamaged clothes feeling uneasy in them after her change. What she didn’t notice was that her mind also slightly shifted both to keep her aligned with her new race and class and also to make sure she wasn’t as against it as she probably should be. “I guess that means you’re next Joseph, squeeze my head if it hurts.”

Joseph wasn’t feeling any better about his future change after Melissa’s, in fact, if he was completely honest the sudden change in her mental state scared him even more. Still, he knew it was useless to resist now that he was surrounded by monsters and his only ally had already been changed. Besides he would rather be with the changed Gloria and Melissa than against them. So he lied and said with as confident a voice as he could muster, “I am ready.” Then he felt it again as he held her hand tighter.

Joseph’s transformation would prove to be very different compared to Melissa or even Gloria. His first feeling wasn’t pained like Melissa's or even a change unnoticed by the person being changed like Gloria. Instead, he felt a strange ‘pleasure’ if he could call it that. A strange series of grunts and eventual moans were all everyone outside of Joseph could hear for the first part of it. His body shifted under his skin but unlike the others, it was less turning into a beast.

The few fat Joseph still had after all his militia training seemingly disappeared and even some of his muscles and natural masculine figure also lost a bit of fat as they shrunk into more feminine proportions. The fat shifted to his behind, fattening up his thighs and butt, but most of it and newly appearing fat went to his breasts to grow large fat boobs. Joseph was changing into a female monster. “Oh, f-fuck~!” Joseph moaned in the middle of which his Adam's apple shrunk giving him a female-sounding voice.

The hair on his body fell away and his clothes also burned away as if it was a demon doused in holy water. This allowed everyone else a full view of his evershifting body. Melissa’s eyes narrowed as she tried to cover Joseph as much as she could, perhaps inadvertently placing herself above her as if the two were about to have sex. “Don’t look you fucking perverts!” She told the others off.

“T-thank you.” He said it too low for anyone but the intended recipient of his thanks, Melissa, to hear it. Joseph’s changes were not done of course as his skin paled and his face became less square and more female looking. His hair was also drained of its color as it turned from black to white before growing until it reached the middle of his back. Behind his, now closed eyes the soon-to-be woman's irises gained a red tint. It was only then as his transformation neared its end did his penis got sucked up into her body, changing into new female organs, as a new virgin pussy took its place.

Finally, her naked body was covered by new magical armor that appeared. A moment or two passed before Melissa noticed that she could move away and with a red face as if she had drunk a gallon of alcohol she did so. “S-sorry.” She apologized before Joseph told her not to worry about it shyly. Joseph got to know her feet looking down and feeling quite strange about her new body and look.

“Now that you two have been changed you two need new names, especially you my Dark Knight.” The Dungeon Core voiced as the woman mentioned silently looked away from everyone else’s stares that showed they found this sort of funny. “The Satyr shall be named Mota. As for the Dark Knight, her name will now be Jeanette.” Their new names are now chosen, the two turned to each other and in silence walked over to each other and hugged it out as both started welling up with tears in their eyes.

Leaving the two blooming lovebirds to themselves both Busta and Garda sneaked out of the room and towards the Dungeon Core room. Now that two more adventurers have been defeated the Dungeon Core has gained a new chance to choose a Boss form. Since the former human "Darius" learned of this he wanted both Busta and his first boss to join him for the important moment. As they opened the doors to the room however everything seemingly froze as everyone except the Dungeon Core stopped in place. The Dungeon Core in question felt a chill as he realized an angel has decided to visit him.

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