A Whole New World To Transform

Chapter 18: 17 – Divine Warning

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First Point of View: Dungeon Core

“You and the former angel Lise has committed a grave crime against His will.” An unfamiliar voice said as what looked to be an angel descended into my view. “The name given to me by He is Satan, follower of His will, and I have been sent here to ask that you plead for forgiveness and He might forgive you.” The angel now known as Satan introduced herself and her reason for being here. She said with such a deep but still somehow feminine voice that seemed out of human range.

I looked around me at the frozen-in-time world and answered with utmost sincerity, “No, I will not plead for my life or rather an afterlife. I have heard it from Lise herself, how foolish this plan of hers was and how much she fucked her former, I presume, boss over.” I had no fear of her so I spoke in unwavering confidence. “I am not blind and I see how evil my actions have been and will continue to be, but I see it as a necessary evil to preserve this world and admittedly to pursue my own selfish dream.”

I was honest in that and I wasn’t ashamed of it, ever since I have been made a dungeon, and especially after I learned of my ability to make ordinary people my loyal monster I knew I would be considered evil. “So you express the sin of Pride and Greed? Then I am glad that you weren’t taken to Heaven like you originally were and even happier that I have already gathered your punishments.” Satan said before three figures appeared behind her. “Your punishers and next challengers shall be the champions of these three: Artemis, Apollo, and Mephisto.”

Apollo was the first to step up with his bronze skin and sun-colored hair. “Sorry man but no hard feelings alright? We got a mission from the guy upstairs and we have to complete it.” He explained as he pulled out an instrument from seemingly nowhere. “Know what this is? It’s a Lyre and I am going to write up a song for when my champion conquers your dungeon.”

What was most likely his sister stepped up next to him before shoving him aside. “My champion will be the one to hunt down your core and stomp it out.” Artemis spoke up as she and Apollo wrestled. “Not my idiotic brother or this dark-loving demon behind me.” She said before the two shoved each other back allowing who I narrowed down to be Mephisto to speak next.

“I presume you are Mephisto?” I ask as much as the dark silhouette walked up, assuming their figure is always devoid of light. “What declaration will you make? That you will crush me beneath your heel so hard that I will never see light again, something which you might yourself enjoy.” The dark figure merely chuckled at my words, their voice too distorted for me to determine anything about it.

“You are correct in that I am Mephisto and that I enjoy the darkness, or rather that I do not enjoy the light.” They began. “However you are wrong in that I will make a declaration or even a promise of your eventual fate. For I do not make such bold claims as I only speak truths or half-truths.” Their words were vague but they were serious I realized, still they were an enemy so I shouldn’t take their words at face value.

“So you are sending the Greek gods of the Sun and Moon and a demon of Faust legend? I know I and Lise have defied your boss’ plan but isn’t sending these three against me too much?” I asked Satan who merely scoffed at my question. “I know you and I are enemies but I ask that you do not disrespect me.” Satan then narrowed their eyes in anger before deciding to respond to me.

“It seems you have been sorely misjudged.” Satan said after she growled at me. “Still, I will answer your question: To set an example. The one true God hasn’t seen such a betrayal since Lucifer, so you must be sorely punished to the furthest extent His law could muster. Just be grateful your former angel friend hasn’t been punished as harshly as you will be.”

I am thankful to hear that Lise hasn’t been punished gravely. Still, I must not show her that I think that at all. “Is that all? Surely, there is more to the reasoning behind such a punishment that you handed down upon me.” I asked her genuinely curious.

Before Satan could answer, the distorted demonic voice of Mephisto spoke up. “I will leave you all to your arguing as I must look for a suitable champion that shares my ideals.” They said before they seemingly fell back into the dark corner and disappeared out of the Dungeon, something I knew since I knew when and who enters my Dungeon at all times. The twin Greek gods looked between each other and back at us. “We are going too.”

They then disappeared in a bang of light and a veil of darkness respectively. Satan turned to me with even more anger in her eyes. “Your rampant questioning has made me look childish to those three! This is all your fault!” They shouted before unfurling their wings and flying straight up phasing through the roof.

It took me a few seconds to realize they didn’t answer my question and to even fully comprehend what just happened. It took what felt like minutes before time slowly continued and the doors to the Dungeon Core room opened as Busta and Gadra entered together. They were unaware of what just happened and were talking to each other happily without a care. “So have you looked at your new forms yet hubby?” Busta asked me when she entered.

I decided not to trouble them with the news just yet as I pulled the screen up. I pulled up the screen of possible transformations and shared it with them. “Here are your possible options.” The voice of the Dungeon Helper announced. “Let me explain each one for you all.” She continued before informing us of the traits of each one.


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This form attacks with strong physical attacks and almost no magic. Intelligent minions have a lower cost. Use this form to crush your enemies. “The Emperor has escaped to the shadows to plan to reconquer the world.”



This form creates temporary minions to aid her in battle and some magic but no physical attacks. Mindless minions have a lower cost. Use this form to outnumber your enemies. “Once outcasted by her neighbors for her magic the Summoner has massacred her former village and now attacks anyone who dares to adventure to her new home.”



This form uses mainly magic and almost no physical attacks. Traps have a lower cost. Use this form to make your enemies go mad. “After cutting down the royal family one by one the Jester was locked inside the castle with his mad laughter being heard around the world.”



This form uses magic and physical attacks in equal measure. Expansion of your dungeon has a lower cost. Use this form to confuse and then destroy your enemies. “A once peaceful king has now chosen to expand their kingdom wishing to gain ultimate power.”


“Strange it seems you can’t return to your true form.” Busta commented seeing that none of these choices felt familiar to her. “Is some type of spell preventing your full return?” She then began walking in circles murmuring to herself. I began to fear this would prove to be a problem.

As I did so the Dungeon Helper whispered to me so that neither of the two women with me could hear. “Do not worry. After the transformation is done Busta will remember your new form as your ‘original form’.” She explained to me. “Now, which one would you most prefer?”

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