A Whole New World To Transform

Chapter 2: 1 – An Angel Named Lise

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As I heard those words vision figuratively returned to me, I say figuratively because as I looked down at myself I saw nothing but an endless void. I didn’t have eyes but I could “look” as if I did, nor did I have a body or even something to even look at. At first, it was all dull but soon reality caught up to me and I remembered what happened, I nearly screamed but I held it. I instead shouted out back to the voice, “Who are you!? Where am I!?”

The voice returned and this time I recognized it as a feminine authoritative voice booming as if from every direction. “You are in Limbo, the stage between life and death where souls are usually taken if they could neither go to Heaven nor Hell of the Damned. If I hadn’t called out to you you would be forever in Limbo without ever regaining feeling again, floating endlessly as if you were in space.” The voice explained. “As for me? I am an angel that your world has no name for, one it hasn’t imagined in its entire existence. My angelic name is unpronounceable to humans so you may simply call me… Lise.”

Before I could respond to all this information a bright light appeared suddenly heralding the arrival of the angel calling herself Lise. She did look like what I thought of as an angel, a humanoid figure with wings coming out of their back. A trail of blue sparkles like stars seemed to follow her wherever she moved which gave her an almost celestial feeling as well. "Normally humans such as you formerly were would die if they saw an angel with the naked eye, however in Limbo that precaution is unneeded." She explained as she inched closer to where my "body" was. "Consider it a rare honor, Darius Levy."

Finding my words again I balked in surprise and growing sadness. "S-so it's true then? I-i am dead?" I said as my voice shook with emotion.  Lise, who up until showed nothing but stoic indifference, face fallen as well in empathy. "D-does my family at least live a happy life...?"

Lise looked like she didn't want to answer the question but she forced herself to anyway. "I can not say with 100% certainty, most angels know as little of the future as humans do. However, I can say that they have good karma and thus would most likely not die a brutal or too needless death." She said trying to comfort me. "If you wish to see them however there is only one way, take my offer."

I looked up at her, only now realizing I lowered my elevation as I grew more saddened, with mixed emotions. "Y-you could just revive me? Like *snap* that?" I asked her to which she merely nodded her head. "There must be a catch somewhere... What is it?"

She cocked her head at that as if not understanding questioning of her offer. Then realization must have struck her as her eyes lit up as her head snaps back to normal. "Ah yes, well there are a few 'catches' as you called it." She begins. "First off, you won't be reborn as your body or even really human."

I nodded my head at that. "That's alright, all I want is to see my family again and maybe even help them. So what will I be? A fish, a mammal, or maybe even an insect. I will take anything if I could see them again." I said quickly as the thought of seeing my family again excited me. Lise looked downcast at my excitement and I stopped realizing I should let her continue.

So she did so. "You won't be a moving breathing animal... Technically. You would be reborn as a dungeon to aid me in my mission to transform mortals into an even greater form." She began to explain to me. "Ever since the Pyrocene Eruptione we-"

"The pyrocene what!?" I interrupted her in both confusion and recognition. I then continued and asked, "Isn't that the name of the epoch Larisa told me about and what caused my death?" She gave an irritated look when I interrupted her at first but her face mellowed out and turned more empathetic as she decided to answer me.

"Yes, the tragedy that began with your death caused a massive chain reaction across the globe, eventually being the cause of death for over 3 billion people." She explained to me if I had a face I am sure it would have paled with shock and fear at that news. She then continued without stopping, "Though as I said your daughter, step-sister, and even Larisa and Annalise's mother survived the disaster. Anyway, as I was saying ever since then more mana than ever has entered the atmosphere however it is unstable, and if left unchecked it would cause an even greater disaster within a few decades. That's why mortals must be stronger and dungeons need to be born."

"S-so dungeons are needed to help humanity?" I asked with my voice unsteady. At that question, the angel named Lise nodded her head. "And while I help humanity I could try and find my family even if I can't move to search for them? Then... I am in."

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Lise smiled at that as she outstretched her hand for me to shake. "If that is your wish then I will gladly shake on it." After a few more seconds of silence as I deliberated further I took up her hand and shook it firmly.  "Then it is official, I will send you on your way to be reborn as a dungeon to push mortal life further than even the gods thought possible when they began. See you in ten years, Darius."

That last sentence shook me. "What?" I asked in confusion before I felt my senses fade as Lise disappeared and everything grew dark. After however long, I couldn't tell at this moment, feeling began to return to me. Much slower than before in Limbo, my vision returned to me slowly to see that I was hurdling toward Earth. Before I could further dwell on this my vision faded again as I entered the atmosphere.

My name is Gloria Foreman and I have just watched a blinding spectacle. I recently returned to my old stomping grounds helping around the farm and I was doing some chores well into the night when I witnessed a meteorite crash! I was always an adventurer at heart, ever since I was little I explored the grasslands and forests near the farm, so of course, I decided to go looking for where the meteorite landed. Putting on my militia clothes I began my trek through the familiar territory from my childhood as I searched for the crash site.

It landed with a blinding flash so it etched itself into my brain so I knew the direction and general area it landed at. It should have landed along the path where the forest and the grasslands meet so I hiked towards it with great interest. I have been told countless times that my adventuring was simply childish, something that should even be punished when I joined my local militia. But how could I stay still when there is such a wide world out there!? Especially one that has greatly changed ever since the Pyrocene Eruption in my childhood.

As I got closer and closer however the air thickened and it got harder to breathe. Deciding to fight through it I continued on anyway. 'Gosh, I hope this shit isn't toxic or anything. I don't want to get nuclear sickness from some bright rocks.' I thought to myself as I stepped closer, finally catching sight of the crash site.

"Jackpot!" I shouted excitedly as I hid behind one of the trees next to the crash site. Better to be careful than dead you know? "Now that I found it I should..." I trailed off as the air around me grew even heavier as I tried to breathe. Eventually, I couldn't stand it anymore so I leaned against the tree and slid down, and sat next to it. Seeing as I was getting tired I decided to take a nap and investigate the meteor in the morning as it only shined brighter behind me.

I awoke again in a different void, this time white in color, before looking around again. "A-am I still in Limbo?" I asked the void expecting Lise or some other being to answer. Instead, I was only answered by silence for a few achingly long minutes. "H-hello!? Is anyone there!?"

It was then I heard a loud beep as a feminine high-toned innocent sounding voice answered me. "Hello former human once known as Darius, I am your Dungeon Helper. I will teach you the basics of dungeon keeping and aid you from this day on." The voice explained. "It is only then that we can make a few choices before finally, you could return to the world that you left ten years ago."

That couldn't be right, but is that what Lise meant? "Ten years ago? Is that what Lise meant Ms....?" I asked before trailing off as I realized I didn't have the dungeon helper's name.

"My name is unimportant for now." She quickly addressed. "But yes that is what Lise meant. It has now been ten years since your unfortunate death and the Pyrocene Eruption. Now if there are no more questions I would like to explain what it means to be a dungeon in this world."

I stayed silent showing my approval for her to explain it. "Good, then let us begin."

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