A Whole New World To Transform

Chapter 21: 20 – Lise the Human

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The person walked into the dungeon scanning the place with a hint of amusement on her face. Honestly, I couldn’t believe who it was even as I walked up to them. “Lise, you’re alive…? I thought you would be struck down for disobeying Him.” I greeted her with a smile as I walked up to her alone.

“Yeah, well, I can certainly tell you it wasn’t easy.” Lise began as she turned her eyes to me. “I had to ask for a lot of help from generous people, even the clothes I am wearing have been gifted to me by a nun. Speaking of clothes, I see you have gotten yourself a new pair along with a body with it, have you thought of a name for yourself yet?” She commented and then asked as she looked me up and down.

“Not yet.” I shook my head as I answered her. “Didn’t really get that far yet, determining the name I would be called for the rest of my existence is a lot harder than it looks.” I commented as I began leading her through the dungeon. She looked around to look upon my minions with an unreadable expression.

“I see you have been doing well, but this isn’t enough to halt three champions… You have boss monsters as well right? I remember before I was stricken down from Heaven you had already gained a dragonkin boss and you were dealing with two others. How did that go?” Lise asked me with concern clear in her voice.

“Ask them yourself.” I commented as Jeanette and Mota walked up to us. “Lise this is Mota the Satyr and Jeanette the Dark Knight. Jeanette, Mota, this is Lise the… Human?” I introduced them pausing in the middle as I determined what Lise was now. The three all shook each other’s hands in polite greetings.

“The name’s Mota the Satyr now, nice to meetcha Lise! I heard you talking about my sister Gadra, we may be different species now but if anything happens to her I will hurt you!” Mota warned with a feral scowl Lise nodded her head hesitantly. Mota’s scowl turned playful as she shouted, “Nah, I am just messing with you! The boss man trusts you so I figure I can trust you too!”

“I am Jeanette, protector of the training room in the basement. If you ever want to spar I am available… Basically whenever Mota isn’t messing with me.” Jeanette said succinctly as Mota just smiled with her hands behind her head at her comment. “I hope we can get along.”

“Truly a fascinating pair you make, I hope we get along as well.” Lise said in response to them. I then silently ushered them to get back to their posts which they both did after saluting respectfully to me, with Mota being a lot more playful at it than Jeanette was. “It seems the ‘Minion Brainwashing’ is working perfectly. I want to meet Busta and Gadra now, I like to meet the faces behind the stories I have been told.”

“‘Stories’? Oh, wait… The Dungeon Helper told you hasn’t she?” I realized as I began leading her toward the second floor. “As you can see we recently expanded, we have both a basement and a second floor now. I have been told by the DH that in order to destroy a Dungeon a party must first defeat all monsters and clear all rooms, so making it larger gives us less likelihood of being completely wiped out.”

I continued for a few more feet before the Gadra’s Boss Room when I noticed that there wasn’t a pair of steps behind me. I turned back to see Lise had stepped and raised an eyebrow at her in confusion. “You haven’t named the Dungeon Helper either…? Wow, you really are bad at names.” Lise commented before she quickly joined me.

“Sorry, I didn’t know you could give her a name!” I tried to defend myself as we continued. I then opened the doors revealing Gadra who leaped out of the stone chair she made and hurried over to us. “Here she is, the storied Gadra!” I introduced her as Gadra shook Lise’s hand.

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“Nice to finally meet you, Lise! The boss has told us so much about you, you know?” Gadra commented as she finished shaking Lise’s hand. Lise turned her head to me and eyed me strangely before returning to the conversation with Gadra. “You got to tell me everything!”

As Lise and Gadra began talking about the past I summoned the Dungeon Helper. “So I could have just named you all this time?” I asked to make sure to which I heard an audible ‘mmhm’ in affirmation. “Why didn’t you tell me!?” I asked her to which I didn’t allow her to answer and say the cliched ‘because you didn’t ask’.

“Now what do I name you…” I said out loud as I thought of the possibilities. Honestly, I didn’t know what to name the disembodied voice that has been aiding me for nearly as long as Lise so I decided to just name her after another aid that has helped me in games. “I will call you Navi from now on! How do you like it?”

I heard her shout in glee as a veil that has been covering my eyes seemed to slip away. The voice that I had thought was disembodied all this time was actually just invisible, waiting for a name that could be her own so someone could finally see her. “Thank you Mistress for giving me a name, Navi is a wonderful name!” The newly named and revealed Navi said happily. It seemed my name was even more fitting than I realized as she had the form of a dark fairy.

“I see you finally named her.” Lise said with an obvious hint of superiority in her voice. “Navi huh? I see what you meant when you said you were bad at names.” I frowned as Lise began giggling before I heard the doors to the room open Busta arrived at the scene with a glaring stare on her face.

“...Hello Lise.” Busta commented as a cold began to fill the room as she strutted over to Lise which caused Gadra to walk to join me away from them. A silence fell across the whole entire room as the two stared each other down. “I’m glad to see you are doing well…” Lise said back to her.

“Well, unfortunately, I have to say that I can’t say the same for you.” Busta stated as she looked Lise up and down. “First you were stripped of your angelic wings and now you must be turned into a monster. A shame, bad things keep happening to you over and over again.” Gadra and I were both perplexed as we didn’t understand what she meant by being turned into a monster but Lise seemed to understand as she nodded her head with confidence.

“Why did you think I came here? Now that I am no longer an angel the next best thing I can do is join this dungeon in hopes of repelling the invaders.” Lise said with a noted lack of fear or any negative emotions. “Speaking of, I must ask your spouse about that now. If you would excuse me.”

Busta stepped aside and allowed Lise to walk over and stop in front of me alone as Gadra joined the other two in watching us to see how this unfurls. “Is this true Lise?” Lise just nodded her head in acceptance. “If this is what you truly wish for Lise… Then I can’t refuse your wish and I must oblige.”

Lise then slowly closed her eyes as she waited to be turned into a monster. “I hope whatever you become causes you to not regret your previous decision.” I said with utmost honesty as I began the process of turning Lise into a monster to be my minion. “See you on the other side.” I didn’t know then but my statement then would prove to be far too literal.

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