A Whole New World To Transform

Chapter 20: 19 – Change

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After a short nap, it seems that a minor drawback of this new body is that it actually requires rest, Busta and I awoke. Looking at each other we both smiled as we remembered what happened. Then my smile turned to a frown as I remembered what happened just before I gained this body. “We need to prepare for the next raid.” I said firmly as I got myself to my new feet.

“Oh? How do you know we are going to have to defend the castle again so soon?” Busta questioned as she too got to her feet. “Is there something you’re not telling me, my lovely spouse? Is there perhaps another woman in your life we can potentially conquer together again like old times?”

“I’ll explain later.” I said swiftly as I headed out of the room and towards the Boss room where we left the Dark Knight Jeanette and the Satyr Mota. As we entered it we found that the two were on the floor resting as they clutched each other. “Inform one of the goblins to introduce them when they wake.” I casually told Busta as I continued my walk.

We then exited the Boss room and into the main hallway where we were greeted by Gadra who was apparently waiting for some time. “So I-!” She began but stopped as it became clear I wasn’t listening as I continued my walk. She then hung her head as she was approached by Klags trying to make a move. The noises I heard as I continued walking told me it didn’t go well for the goblin.

We took a turn towards the prison hallway and stopped in front of it. “Are you looking to expand the castle, my love?” Busta asked me to which I nodded my head. “Do you want to watch it then? Admittedly you didn’t have a body back then but you never wished to before.”

“I suppose I want to stretch my legs.” I said vaguely though it was mostly true. I then pulled up the screen and made the necessary purchases I wanted for the prison hallway soon to be in the basement. “Walk with me dear.” She did as we continued forward as the prison cell began to descend and shrink away from us as if it was running from its master. I dragged my hand across the fastly growing railing as I marveled at the expansion.

The cell stopped at the end of a short hallway with four more rooms growing along the hallway. Two more dungeon cells grew near the original cell. Then a training room to the immediate left where I will likely assign the Dark Knight Jeanette to. Then the immediate right a large room grew in the shape of a chapel with a statue of an angel at the end in the shape of Lise. I looked at it all with pride as I said out loud, “Look how it grows!”

“Is that it then?” Busta asked impatiently. I shook my head before turning back and climbing the stairs to the first floor. I turned back and made my way toward Gadra’s Boss Room. When we entered the room I saw that Gadra was alone, it seemed Jeanette and Mota moved to their positions.

“So you expanded the dungeon yeah? If you expand any more can you inform me before then please?” Gadra asked me as we walked towards her. She looked none the worse for wear since Klags must have been stomped by her. As she looked at my face she figured out I had more in mind.

“I do have more expansion planned for… Right now.” I voiced what was in my head. “I plan to add a second floor along with the newly added basement. Unfortunately, I can only add a short hallway so for now only the Dungeon Core room will be moved there.” As I spoke, I made my small purchase and then pulled open the doors to reveal the lengthening hallway as it climbed.

“Let’s follow it!” Gadra said excitedly. Gadra then rushed to follow the fleeing hallway as Busta and I walked behind. As we joined her she had already rushed into the newly moved Dungeon Core room and seemed annoyed. “What, that’s it!?”

“As I told you before I had only enough to make a small hallway and move the Dungeon Core room up here.” I reminded her before she became dejected at being reminded of it and how disappointed she was. I then began again stating, “Besides that, I-” I was interrupted as an alarm blared before the Dungeon Helper piped up.

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“We have a visitor!” She exclaimed. I turned to where her voice was evoking anger before she continued. She clarified by saying, “It isn’t a champion or even a normal raider! In fact, I would say it is an ally you and I both know.”

I was intrigued by this and so I pulled up the view of the Dark Castle gates. What I saw gave me pause and I uttered an order for my monsters. “Monsters, be on your best behavior for our guests. Goblins, open the gates!” I couldn’t believe who it was but I had plenty of questions for them…


Point of View: 3rd Person

“W-who are you?” A woman who clearly hadn't had a good sleep in days and was wearing an unwashed tank top cried out as she looked upon a figure. “Just another drug-induced hallucination I bet! I swore I would go clean but I can’t-I just can’t!” The woman who has clearly just gotten sober after an episode began to cry as he shouted at the figure made of darkness.

“There is no need to cry Carol Robertson, nor am I just another of your hallucinations. For I am Mephisto, the one who is against the very light, and I ask for your aid.” Mephisto revealed as they looked down upon the distraught Carol. “Here I will prove my existence by beautifying you up dear Carol.” Mephisto then snapped their fingers causing a stream of air to surround Carol.

Carol felt a new sense of awareness as if she had gotten plenty of beauty sleep, her hair seemed to be washed, and even her clothes were cleaned. “W-what the- How is this even possible! Is it true then… You are Mephisto… A demon!” Carol suddenly shouted in fear as she scooted away from the demon.

“It is true I am a demon, yes, but you are mistaken in fearing me.” Mephisto claimed as they floated closer to Carol despite her efforts she couldn’t outpace them. “I am doing His will, a greater evil than any demon you humans have ever thought up is threatening both humanity and His will. I need your help in order to combat this great threat.” Carol stopped as she considered the demon’s words before Mephisto stopped in front of her.

“Is this true?” Carol asked, her mouth hanging open. “You can help me and I can help the world… Where’s the catch?” Carol simply couldn’t believe her luck as she looked at the figure with hope in her eyes.

“No catch, simply your assistance in dealing with this great evil.” Mephisto informed her as they stretched their hand for her to shake. Carol looked between their hands and their faces as a decision was being made inside her head. Eventually, she accepted the hand with mild trepidation. “You made a wise choice Carol Robertson.”

She was then pulled up by Mephisto and she felt a sense of power welling up inside her. She was however distracted by Mephisto as the darkness surrounding them pulled back due to her becoming their champion allowing her to see her true appearance. “Wow… You truly are a demon.” Carol voiced her amazement.

Mephisto didn’t answer her and just began to slowly fade. “I will call on you when it is time, until then use the gifts I have given you wisely.” Mephisto warned before they disappeared in a pulse of darkness. Carol stayed still for a few moments in amazement. She thought to herself, ‘Wow I just hope this isn’t a particularly great episode.’

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