A Whole New World To Transform

Chapter 5: 4 – My First Adventurer

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Point of View: Gloria Foreman

Sometime later I woke up from my nap much more aware that my sleep wasn’t due to everyday tiredness. With a newfound wariness, I looked back to where the mysterious rock was before what looked to be a medieval entrance to a castle. For a moment I weighed the options of just rushing straight in or retreating for backup. My recklessness won out and with a bit of effort, I pushed the newly made doors open. Despite them supposedly being new it creaked like a pair of rusted doors anyway.

As the doors closed behind me the hallway that stretched ahead of me was only lit by torches straight out of the medieval period which made it too dark for me to see much of anything. Despite that, I was able to see shortened humanoids under these torches and stalked myself closer to them. Apparently, these small humanoids were able to see much better than I in this darkness. As soon as I began to move they got ready to face me head-on.

As the closest small humanoid made themselves close enough for me to vaguely see them I realized they weren’t humans at all. Their skin was green and too unnatural to be human, not to mention they were short enough for most of them to be considered dwarves if they were human, yet they moved as if that height was only natural to their race. I was too stunned to act first so the closest of these goblins, the only word I could find to describe them, acted first. This one was a female I could tell trying to strike me with her hammer while a crazed smile was on her face.

Her hammer found her mark hitting the square on my forehead knocking me to the door nearly tumbling back first outside of the strange castle. “Motherfucker!” I cursed in pain as I held my forehead in pain. In retaliation I fished out my knife, good thing I decided to at least take my knife with me, and stabbed at the 5’ tall grinning mad goblin framed in her white pigtails. Finding my mark between her left and right breast her grin faded as she fell stiff onto the floor. “That’s what you get!”

As I was yelling in victory I felt an arrow pierce my shoulder to which I screamed out in pain once again. Looking over I saw a naked female standing at 4 '8 goblin with short dirty blond hair singing in victory at landing an arrow into me. In renewed anger, I rushed towards the goblin with the arrow still embedded into my shoulder as I brought my knife down on the distracted goblin. My aim proved true as it sliced through her breasts causing her to quickly bleed out as she crumpled to the floor.

The other goblins began to laugh at my slaughtering of their fellow goblins as if this was some game to them. One of the shortest goblins began to saunter over to me then looking to be the next one to take me on. Standing at 3’1 she had short pixie hair and didn’t seem to have a weapon. It became clear why though as she tried to rush me down a tactic that I failed to properly counter causing me to be shoveled against the floor knocking the wind out of me.

Regaining my strength I swiftly maneuvered my knife and then stabbed into the small of the goblin’s back over and over. Eventually, the strength left the goblin’s body as I shoved her aside ready to get up to deal with the other goblins. Before I could do so, however, the first of the male goblin standing at 4 '1 with short violet hair wielding a knife similar to my own tried to stab me while I was down. He seemed to be very bad at it however as he tripped and stabbed into the goblin I just killed.

Using the chance I tried to stab the goblin twice while he was down and while I grazed him with the first hit he used the blunt of his knife to block the second. “Oh! I ain’t going down so easily!” The male goblin said in a shrill voice as he knocked me back. “The name’s Drir, nice to meetcha!” He then tried to slash at me with his knife which I swiftly dodged out of the way.

Deciding not to take any chances for him to survive this hit I remembered my training and slit his throat causing him to quickly fall silent as he too fell dead. As I was trying to catch my breath I felt a burning pain only to look down and see my right foot literally burning! Stomping it out I looked up to see a cloaked goblin laughing his ass off at my pain causing me to realize he must have made the fire appear, which means this really is magic! “I didn’t expect my first experience with magic to be burned by a goblin mage.” I remarked as I made my approach.

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I then tripped as the building injuries began to visibly affect me. The 3 '9 male goblin with his golden hair tried to cast another fireball at me but I thankfully rolled out of the way of that one. Not liking my chances of surviving another strong fireball I leaped toward the goblin mage and arched my knife downwards. Unfortunately, this only left me vulnerable as the mage jumped out of the way and my knife stabbed into the floor. The mage began to cast another fireball however realizing my mortality I decided to leave my knife as I backflipped out of the way.

Returning to my knife I pulled it out of the floor, now blunted from the experience, and swiped at the fire-happy mage. Dodging downwards he cast another fireball from below me which forced me to jump toward above the crouching mage. Finally, I found my mark in the mage’s stomach as I stared deeply into it before making sure he was dead by dragging it upwards leaving a big hole in his torso. Turning my attention to the next nearest goblin he was much easier to find as he seemed to glow in the dark. He was the tallest of the male goblins standing at a “massive” 4’6 with boyish silver hair.

The goblin rushed me, swinging his club widely causing him to not put enough force behind it when it finally did find its mark and hit me in the side. Trying to return the favor I tried to stab at him which I missed as the goblin continued to try and hit me. This time he stepped back which caused me for a moment to think he was retreating. Oh, how wrong I was. Instead like a berserker he again rushed towards me before jumping high enough into the air that he was eye to eye with me.

Finally, with a deafening bang, the club felt like an ax straight on top of my head knocking me unconscious. As my consciousness began to fade my thoughts scattered like hay in the wind. ‘Damnit, I knew I should have brought backup. I was so close too…’ Those were my last thoughts before I landed with a thud on the floor.

Point of View: "Darius"

It was with a sigh of relief as I watched the adventurer fall to Klags' the Goblin Clubber's clubbing blow. It was a pity she had to be brought so much pain before she finally relented but it was something I had to do if I didn't want to die instantly. "So I can just bring back any monster that dies in combat correct?" I asked my Dungeon Helper as I felt her return. I had grown worried that if my monsters died they would never come back.

"Of course, we can bring them back but first we must deal with our first adventurer." The DH explained to me which made me give a quizzical expression. "After a dungeoneer fails to complete a dungeon you get the choice of how they should be punished. There are three options: permanent, catch & release, or imprisonment." She began to explain to me.

"A permanent punishment means they serve your dungeon as a monster or even trap, this usually involves a transformation of some kind so they could fit your dungeon. Catch and release meanwhile means you put a curse on a failed adventurer that could do any number of things but this must be left to go outside." She continued her explanation. "Finally there is the imprisonment punishment, this option allows us to imprison the adventurer. During their stay, we can drain them of Mana or DP or we could possibly even corrupt them into another type of minion different than the permanent punishment."

Taking in all these options I began to mull them over. While I didn't necessarily want to ruin her life it seemed the closest to that will be the catch and release however that will surely still fuck her life over and provide possibly no benefit to me. If I wanted to achieve Lise's goal the two other punishments will be much more helpful, either in providing a new powerful minion or a way to gain even more Mana and DP. Deciding to make absolutely sure I asked my DH a question. "If I choose to do either a permanent punishment or corrupt them with the imprisonment option, will they be happy at least?"

"Eventually." She answered vaguely. That answer only lessened my worry a fraction yet a fraction was enough. "Have you made your choice then?" She asked me to which I nodded my Dungeon Core as if it were my head. I then voiced my punishment declaring...

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