A Whole New World To Transform

Chapter 6: 5 – Interlude: Gloria Foreman

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Point of View: Gloria Foreman

After who knows how long I began to groggily return to consciousness. Looking around I realized I wasn’t in my bedroom or even at the militia camp. Then, slowly but surely, everything returned to me. Finding the glowing rock, the strange castle that appeared, the goblins, and finally the final clubbing blow. I looked down at myself to see I was naked, it seemed I was stripped of everything after I was defeated and captured.

It took all my mental strength not to scream and shout curses at my capturers but I stopped myself by reminding myself that would do me no good. The best I could hope for is for someone to realize I am missing and round up a professional search party. Then I used all my physical strength to force myself up out of the uncomfy bed and stood up, looking down I saw the wounds I gained from all that fighting had been crudely healed by someone who was clearly a ranked amateur at medicine.

‘Looks like that magic user didn’t know any healing magic, of course.’ I thought to myself as I limped over to the cell door, now that I was out of adrenaline I felt every stinging pain that sounds out when I try to move. Arriving at the door I gripped the bars tightly so as I wouldn’t fall over and shouted out. “Hey! Anyone there, you have a guard watching me right!?”

“Down here you are an honored guest.” A new voice said from below me, looking down I saw the familiar face of the goblin that dealt the finishing blow. Anger rose up in me which must have been clear even to his dumb mind as his already present grin grew wider. “The name’s Klags and as you noticed I am the one who finished you, as such I got the ‘pleasure’ of guarding you. I do hope we get along at least enough to make this less dreadful for the both of us.”

I was admittedly surprised by the eloquence of his words, well at least compared to how I thought goblins talked. Ignoring that however I decided he will do well enough and questioned him. “Why am I locked up in here? And why am I naked!? I get deprived of my weapons but isn’t this a bit too far!?” I asked loudly, focusing my anger instead of trying to foolishly get retribution to instead shout at him.

His face grew sour and more serious which would be frightening if he wasn’t 4 feet 6 inches short. “You’re imprisoned here because you committed the crime of trespassing and killing five of the Dark Lord’s guards. Honestly, if they weren’t easily revivable your punishment would have been even more grave.” He explained to her. “As for why you are naked…?”

The large smile he must have been impressing came back in full force as he finished. “Because it is funny!” He snickered before falling backward in a fit of laughter. I wisely chose to stay silent and eventually he noticed as he returned to a standing position in a sour mood. “Ah, you’re no fun. Fine, the real reason is that we get more resources for the Dark Lord and his Lady this way.”

“Huh, how does that work?” I asked genuinely confused. “How does having me naked make it easier to gain resources for your bosses? I don’t understand that at all.” I will be the first to admit I am not the brightest but even I know that doesn’t make any sense.

At least in the mundane world but I just left the mundane past and entered into a magical future. “What you are imprisoned in is called the ‘Imprisonment Room’ so I hear, newly built just for you. Aren’t you a lucky one?” Klags began to explain though he couldn’t help throwing in an unneeded and unasked-for snide comment in there. “Not only does it keep prisoners from escaping it also drains them of a resource called ‘mana’, and has another use I am forgetting.”

I am still confused but I decided not to ask any more questions. Both because I was sure I still wouldn’t understand it and because I am unsure if Klags knew much more than that. “Changing gears then, who is your Dark Lord and Lady do you even know?” That must have struck some nerve as Klags gave me a frown before leaving my field of view in a huff. Deciding to rest my weary legs I hobbled over to the bed I woke up in.

Looking around the room once I saw two vents near the ceiling, one was sucking something towards it and another was pushing air into the room. ‘Strange that there are two vents. I guess one of them must be how they gain this ‘mana’. Just thinking about it makes my head spin.’ I thought to myself before moaning in pain as I held my head. Laying on the bed I tried to get some more rest but found I was unable to and only achieved it in passing the time.

Eventually, I was stirred by my attempt at slumber by another unfamiliar voice. “Rise and shine is a new fuel source.” A woman’s voice spoke, a voice that I just somehow knew didn’t come from any goblin as it was carried by a dignified beauty and power behind it. Jumping straight to my feet, and after wincing in pain, I hurried over to the door to see the woman. “I see those goblins have failed to properly fix you up, I might need to teach Clerd a healing spell. But first, let me fix you up good, can’t have my new fuel tank leaking now can I?”

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With a whirl of her hand, as if she was only flipping her wrist, and a graceful period of a few seconds of true relief I was healed. Looking down at myself I found myself completely unscarred as if I was never injured at all. “Thank you! W-wait, aren’t you the Dark Lady they have been talking about?” I thanked her without thinking before realizing who I was dealing with. “Let me guess, you are just going to torture me now that I am fully healed.”

Busta only laughed at that as if the idea was humorous. “Oh no dear, I simply can't have you injured if I want you to assist in my husband’s return. Especially if he is to conquer you.” She clarified after she finished laughing before finishing under her breath. A welcoming smile then grew on her face as she fit her arm through the door and her hand was opened. “My name is Busta, and yes I am the Lady of this here castle.”

I decided not to inform her that this castle had only recently sprung from a glowing rock and shook her hand. Instead, I decided to question another sentence she spoke and tried to whisper. “Nice to meet you lady Busta. What was that about conquering me?” I asked innocently.

Busta only smirked at my question. “You’ll understand someday. I promise you that…” She said with a strange seriousness in her voice. She then giggled at her own “joke” before finally putting on a serious face. “Don’t you worry about it, really don’t, and just be a good fuel source for my dear husband will you?”

It seemed she didn’t want to talk about it, or at least right now, so I decided to take her advice and drop it. Instead, I decided to ask a different question. “So, moving on then, what is your endgame here? How long do you intend to keep me locked up?” I asked her.

“Heh, honestly I don’t really have a definite timetable but I do have an end goal for you. As for what that is, I would rather keep that to myself for now.” Busta explained to me. She continued saying, “If you really want to know you should probably ask my husband, although as you are now you most likely couldn’t hear what he says in response.” That elicited another giggle from her lips.

Sulking my head at her vagueness I again decided not to press the issue any further. “Thanks for the healing at least. You know you really don’t fit the idea of the ‘Dark Lady’ in my head. Outside of using me as a fuel source you actually seem quite nice. Strange, admittedly, but quite nice.” I complimented her to which a hint of red appeared on her face as her eyes slanted.

“Hmph, we’ll see about that. I bid you farewell my dear fuel tank, and until next we meet.” Busta bid goodbye before she disappeared behind a veil of smoke. With that, I headed towards my new bed, unimpeded this time, and laid down on it. Before I could do anything more however I heard a series of bangs on my door, irate at being interrupted again and realizing this was most likely another goblin I returned to the door in a huff.

“Who is it!?” I asked loudly before I looked to see who it was. As I looked downwards I saw it was indeed another goblin, this one I knew the name of. It was Drir the knife-wielding one who was the only one to spout his own name when I battled the goblins before. “What do you want?”

The barely 4 feet tall goblin held up a pile of clothes. “The Dark Lord has graciously offered you some clothes to wear for your stay.” He then pushed them through the compartment usually reserved for food. As it landed I realized that it was all red bikinis. As I looked back the goblin seemed to be staring at me waiting for something.

Finally realizing what it was I said, “Thank your Dark Lord for me.” That seemed to be it as he smirked and then walked out of my sight. Now that I had no obvious watchers I determined now would be the time for me to put on the bikini they have gifted me. As I did so not only were the bikini even more revealing than I thought it was I also noticed that it looked like I have gained even more muscles since I last checked.

This is going to be long imprisonment, isn't it...

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