A Whole New World To Transform

Chapter 8: 7 – Gloria’s Escape Attempt

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Third Point of View

All was quiet as most everyone was asleep. Throf, Oneegs, Bafz, and Clerd were all blackout drunk in the cafeteria. Busta was resting in the Dungeon Core room which she personalized into her living quarters. Klags was napping in the hallway while Afasa and Fieltia were both standing guard outside the Dungeon Core room. Then there were the two kobolds who were currently exploring the other’s bodies.

‘It was the perfect chance.’ Gloria thought to herself. Ever since she arrived in this cell she has been changing, she noticed. First, it was beneficial like her growing more and more muscles, then it was strange like her nails and hair growing faster, and now it is downright annoying with her itching all over her skin. That combined with her just wanting to go home has pushed her near the brink and now she has decided to leap over it.

‘Time to put what I learned in drama class to the test.’ Gloria thought to herself. She then lay on the floor and began itching herself violently as she screamed, “Ahhh, it hurts! Someone, please help me!” That snapped the two kobolds out of their exploring and after a few words were exchanged Ohsoss walked to the cell door irritated.

“What in the hell-?” He began before he was interrupted by his dragon-like head being pulled against the cell bars. As he was restrained against the cell Gloria fished out the key on his belt before letting him go allowing him to fall dazed. Quickly she used the keys to unlock her cell door and shouted in victory. “Dreepy, back me up!”

Dreepy then performed a sultry dance which thanks to her healslut magic healed Ohsoss until he was fully healthy. “Thanks!” Ohsoss thanked his partner which caused the green-scaled kobold to blush. As they were distracted Gloria performed the tried and true tactic of any RPG, go for the healer. Sprinting headfirst she threw all her might into this one attack and it landed true knocking the distracted kobold into the air before she landed with a thud, knocked out in one hit.

Ohsoss, blinded by the rage due to his partner and healer being knocked senseless, flew into a rage. He screamed as he leaped towards Gloria who ducked down out of the way. Gloria tried to strike back with a roundhouse but was easily dodged by Ohsoss. Not wanting to delay this any further she then turned tail and ran until she was face to face with Afasa and Fieltia. Ohsoss screamed as he jumped towards her, “We got a runner!”

Gloria shuffled to the side causing Ohsoss to miss as he landed near the two goblins. “Are you the one who attacked poor Dreepy!?” Fieltia asked her. Instead of answering in words, Gloria answers in an action as she body shots the goblin closest to her which happened to be Afasa. Afasa was the sturdiest of the goblins and their chief yet even she gasped in pain at Gloria’s enhanced strength.

Still, she was called the sturdiest for a reason and stayed standing on his two feet despite her reeling. In retaliation Fietaltia with her two knives and Ohsoss wielding Drir’s old knife strike at Gloria in tandem but miss as Gloria leans back. Regaining a bit of her strength Afasa steps up and tries to slash at the militia woman and only managing to cut off her bikini and graze her drawing a bit of blood. Still, she considered that a victory and smiled as she shouted, “You like that!? Get back in your cell and you won’t get any more of it!”

Gloria however was not backing down as she would rather die than stay locked up in that cell for who knows how long. However, as she stepped forward to try and dash past them she stopped in pain. The itchiness was getting even worse and this time it seemed entirely focused on her arms. She screamed as she scratched her arms with the other yet even that seemed to do little to hamper it. “Stay back, it's a trick!” Ohsoss warned the others thinking this was the same trick she pulled to get the key to her cell.

This, however, was no trick and as the scales seemingly overtook the skin along her arms it became abundantly clear. Her arms were now scaled like a kobold and her formerly long nails that could be called claws were now actually dragon-like claws. “Arggh! You’ll pay for locking me up!” Gloria roared, for now, a human roar. She then jumped high as she then pounced on her foe.

That foe was of course Afasa as she used her new claws and tore into her before she was slashed by Fieltia which caused her to leap away, her arms still being nicked by her knives. “Thanks for the assist.” Afasa thanked her friend as she struggled to her feet as watched Ohsoss try and fail to strike Gloria. ‘I am supposed to be the chief yet I am being shoved around like I am some young goblin.’

In an effort to get both revenge and to prove herself, Afasa performed a downward slash on her enemy. It struck true as her large knife embedded itself into the changing shoulder. “Ahhh!” Gloria screamed in pain this time rather than rage. “Get off my back you green fuckers!”

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Those words were Afasa and the others' only warning as Gloria regained her strength and used her uninjured arm to hold Afasa’s throat before lifting. Choking from the force Afasa dropped her knife causing it to slip out of Gloria’s shoulder and fall to the floor with a loud clang. Her now unhampered arm joined her other as she grappled Afasa’s throat with both her hands as her claws dug into her neck. “F-fuck you…” Those were Afasa’s last words before her vision went black as her arms limp.

An even louder thud followed as Afasa was dropped like trash by Gloria before being walked over as she stalked toward the others. His legs shaking Ohsoss attempts to slice at her unscaled legs which failed utterly as she merely lifted it and he slid across the floor. “Ohsoss, go get some backup! I can handle this!” Fieltia ordered the brown-scaled kobold as she too struck at Gloria landing in the still healing wound Afasa left for her.

Before Ohsoss could even follow her orders Gloria opened her palms revealing her still-growing claws before slicing at the goblin. Forced to leave one of her knives embedded she barely missed a mortal wound yet still took a heavy blow now bleeding rather heavily. Seeing this Ohsoss couldn’t run and he goes to stab her this time hitting true on Gloria’s thigh. “Argggh, get off shit scales!” Gloria screamed as she flailed around which Ohsoss ducked under.

Seeing her chance Fieltia leaped on Gloria’s turned back and twisted her still-embedded knife before pulling it free as she jumped back. “I told you to run and get the others!” Fieltia reminded Ohsoss to which he only smiled back. As the two were ready for the next phase of the fight they witnessed Gloria scream a more guttural scream as she became even angrier. “Uh oh, get back!”

Gloria was now seeing red and entered a ‘Critical State’ a state similar to when adrenaline rushes through a normal human only greatly enhanced. Not only does she now have a higher pain tolerance causing her to push through attacks that would otherwise cause her to flinch, she now hits even stronger than before. Gloria got onto all fours before leaping like a frog into the air and landing on the smaller goblin's hands first. Before she could even scream her feral claws found her chest and tore it open with her inhuman strength.

“First Dreepy, then Afasa, and now even Fieltia… You’ll pay for this!” Ohsoss screamed in a rage and shoved his knife into her other shoulder. However what before would reach deep inside her skin now only grazed it as her scales got rougher. As he tried to pull the knife back he saw Gloria begin to scream but not because of his knife. Looking down he saw the same scales on her arms now appearing on her thighs and traveling down transforming her feet into a more draconic look.

“Fuck-!” Ohsoss cursed before he and his knife were pushed free when Gloria swiped across his chest with such force it knocked them both prone. Seeing the writing on the wall he dragged himself to his feet and limped towards the somehow still napping Klags. “Hey, wake up you small oaf!” The kobold shook the goblin, his blood dripping onto the goblin’s chest forcing him to wake up.

While all of this was happening Darius was scrambling to awaken his Dungeon Guardian Busta. He has only now made significant headway as Busta flutters her eyes open signaling her soon arrival on the battlefield. Meanwhile, Gloria tries to strike at Klags before he could club her however her attack is redirected while he clubs at her stomach causing her to gasp for air. As she is preoccupied with recovering her breath Ohsoss stabs at her thigh once again this time her thigh was more heavily protected by her scaled legs.

Entering a rage and being frankly quite annoyed at Ohsoss’ still standing she goes to strike at him. Ohsoss, expecting an attack from her frightening claws, fails to notice her now fully clothed feet kicking into his stomach before they dig in her claws before pulling back. Now missing a chunk of his torso he falls down dead. As Ohsoss falls Klags swings his club at her thinking she is distracted, Gloria proves that to be wrong as she raises her arms and guards her face just in time. “Fuck you.” Klags cursed.

“No… Fuck you.” Gloria snapped back as she grabbed Klags outstretched arm and lifted him with ease causing him to scream in fear. She then slammed her downwards forcing blood out of his mouth. “Stay down you green fucker!” Gloria shouted as she slowly gathered back her humanity.

“Heh, I do fuck green.” Klags chuckled as he pulled himself and tried to bash at Gloria. She saw this coming and dodged backward causing her to be only grazed by his blow. Klags shouted, continuing his banter, “Don’t you forget it! For my name is Klags, and I am the one who clubbed you down before!”

Gloria frowned as she readied her next attack which she was sure would finish Klags off. However, she frowned even deeper as the doors opposite the castle entrance opened with a loud sequence of thuds. The two combatants turned their heads and one with great relief and another great frustration regarded the newcomer. “Stop right there Gloria!” Busta shouted as she arrived on the scene.

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