A Whole New World To Transform

Chapter 7: 6 – Growth of a Dungeon

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Point of View: “Darius”

I watch Gloria as she gets used to her imprisonment, ‘Looks like the cell I bought has come in handy.’ Not only did I buy that but I also bought and placed a kitchen and a cafeteria near the front of the dungeon. While technically my monsters don’t need to eat to survive, they do enjoy eating some nice food, or any food in general for the goblins, plus I need to keep Gloria fed until her transformation completes at least. Speaking of the cafeteria that is where all my minions were at.

Each table in the cafeteria was fit to seat twelve people so one could easily hold all my monsters plus three. Despite that Busta sat separate from the goblins as she stoically enjoyed the steak dinner that was prepared. Meanwhile, the goblins were all hooting and hollering as they made a ruckus on the table on the opposite side of the cafeteria. “Thanks for the meal, magic hands!” Klags, the clubbing goblin who dealt the finishing blow to Gloria, thanked the goblin sitting next to him.

“You’re welcome, you’re all welcome! Even you, Dark Lady!” The aforementioned Clerd, the magic-wielding goblin, shouted back. Despite probably being the most intelligent of the goblins he gnawed at his steak dinner as he held it aloft with his hands, strangely he prepared the meals in a professional manner with gloves and everything. “Couldn’t have done it without my talkative assistant Drir!”

Drir, who has been silent ever since he has spoken to Gloria, merely scoffed in response as he continued slicing his steak into bits with his trusty knife. “Come on, our resident rogue-like goblin, stop being so grouchy and live a little!” Oneegs, the naked female archer goblin, said as she slapped Drir on the back. Currently, she is resting her feet on one of the unoccupied seats as she tunes up her instrument having already finished her meat. Since Drir decided not to fill the dead Throf decided to instead.

“So tell me how our resident new guest got defeated?” Throf asked the table, since she was the hammer-wielding goblin that first went down she didn’t get to see how Gloria fell. Currently, she was trying to build some sort of trap to present to the Dark Lord and Lady as her steak lay forgotten. “Actually, better yet, tell me how soundly she beat old Bafz here!” The Bafz she mentioned was the third goblin to go down who liked to fight without a weapon.

“What are you implying!?” The female Bafz yelled as she slammed the table, the steak still in her mouth ripping in two by the sudden force. Bafz was a bully and frankly unlike her fellow goblins. “That’s it! I am pounding you into the ground!” Before Bafz could make good on her threat however the warning of their goblin chief shut her down.

“Enough, I will have no fighting between goblins while we eat!” Afasa declared. She stood at 4 feet 5 inches tall as she stylized her red hair into a ponytail. She wields a long knife that she wields as if it were a small sword. She is the sturdiest of the goblins within Darius’ dungeon and their default chief. Bafz, not wanting to anger the chief just yet, sat back down.

“Come on, let's all get along and we can deal with our grievances after we all finish eating.” Fieltia tried to calm the highly uneasy situation. Afasa is a green goblin with messy, long, cinnamon hair and she stands at a small 3 feet 1 inch. She wields two knives as her weapon of choice. Acts as Afasa’s closest confidant and second in command. As silence filled the table she decided to fill it with a question, “So Drir how are y-? Drir!”

Drir was walking away from the cafeteria, his steak left half-eaten on his plate which was quickly scooped up by Oneegs, his destination unclear to his fellow goblins. He of course knew full well where he was heading. I found out soon enough myself as well as he dashed across the hallway. As he passed the hallway that leads to the cells I was now fully convinced as he stopped just outside the Dungeon Core room. “Open the door!” The goblin rogue shouted.

After considering just calling Busta to deal with this, who was trying to block out the noises of the goblins as she ate, I decided to handle it myself. With only thought the large doors slowly opened as the goblin barely 4 feet tall goblin walked in. He stopped as his eyes found my floating core which has only grown brighter and larger since Gloria’s defeat. “Why do you seek an audience with your lord Drir?” I asked the goblin to play my role of Dark Lord.

The goblin merely sneered at me before devolving into a fit of laughter. “This, this is the feared Dark Lord!? Hahahaha!” Drir laughed as he looked upon my form. A rage started boiling up inside me, I never liked being looked down upon and now I especially abhor it when the one doing the looking down upon me is my minion. Drir must have realized this as he asked, “What are you going to do, huh!?”

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“Oh, I could do a few things though there is one thing I want to test out.” I said with a barely concealed rage. “You see I wanted to get a kobold but after expanding my dungeon I only had enough to buy one and so I didn’t because I thought it wasn’t worth it. However, it is much cheaper to change one of my already existing monsters into a new one so…” Drir was quickly catching on but instead of turning tail and running like I expected him to, he just stretched out his arms and seemed almost proud.

“I humbly accept this promotion.” He said with his voice laced with sarcasm. I supposed it would be considered a promotion being promoted from the cheapest monster to the second cheapest. This isn’t what I expected and to be honest, I kind of want to still punish him for his lack of respect so I decided on a slightly altered course. “Now give it to me!”

My doubts were fully erased by this point. I gladly did so. “Here you are, I hope you do well in your new role as a Kobold healslut.” I said with the deepest and most authoritative voice I could manage. The goblin’s eyes widened at this as he then felt an itch all around his skin. As I watched his bones twist and meld, his fat both thickening and being overtaken by green scales, and his entire form twisting in fascination.

By the end of it, he was a petite green-scaled female kobold. “Pull up your stats.” I ordered the new kobold as I too did so. “See your class? You are now a level one Healslut, meaning you heal others by committing sensual and sexual acts. You could do this for any monster though I am sure you will now greatly enjoy the company of your fellow draconic kin which is why you will be perhaps grateful for your transformation I still have enough left over to buy a kobold to keep you company.”

Then I did so confirming my purchase for a kobold, this time I clarified the gender as male as well. The kobold I purchased begun materializing from foot to head, with the female kobold in my room gaining a red tint on her green scales as the process passed over its waist. The brown-scaled kobold kneeled to his new master which caused the female kobold to follow in his lead. “Heh, that’s better. You, brown-scaled kobold, will be named Ohsoss and the green-scaled one’s new name shall be Dreepy.”

The now-named Ohsoss bowed even further in thanks. “Thank you, my Lord, for both the new name and a partner to satisfy me.” Ohsoss thanked which I noticed with amusement causing Dreepy to redden even further as her tail lightly wagged. She was taken out of her stupor when she was nudged on the shoulder by her new partner who then pointed his nose at me. Realizing what she did wrong she bowed even deeper as she offered her own thanks.

“Thank you for the ‘promotion’ and the new partner to satisfy me with!” She quickly thanked me, I decided to let the clear sarcasm in the first half of her thanks slide for now. I then urged the two to stand as I looked over them. Dreepy was now slightly taller at 4 feet 4 and judging from how Ohsoss constantly had to sneakily take a peek at her was the epitome of petite kobold beauty.

Her new partner on the other hand had brown scales and stood eight inches taller at a clean 5 feet. His jagged claws and uncleaned teeth seemed to do little to mitigate Dreepy’s clear attraction as she tried to not be seen leering even though Ohsoss was now openly checking her out. After I chuckled in amusement which caused both of them to stand at attention I allowed them to leave. “I dismiss you both, have fun.” The duo needn’t be told twice as they scampered off to have some fun.

I pulled up the map of my dungeon and made sure I put them in the correct place. Two new dots were lighting up in the new prison hallway where Gloria was kept. ‘Yup right where I want them, not only can they now guard Gloria and any new prisoners since it is now their “room” they can also… Give them a show.’ I chuckled again to myself.

Not only at my frankly ingenious plan but also at how it will be fitting for Gloria at least. To hear, and maybe even watch if she is ‘lucky’, two kobolds fuck. Not to mention one of them is one of the goblins she fell in her siege attempt. It shall be fitting for her currently ongoing transformation into a descendant of a kobold’s master… A dragonkin.

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