Chapter 1: Chapter 1: A wish

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Get out of the house you do not belong here at all. You wastrel you can’t do anything and all day long you just lie down eat and sponge off of us. You don’t even have a degree , a job any money you stay all dirty all year round we can’t even say to anyone that you are related to us and now that we are moving we don’t want to stay with us we have already sold this house and we are going to move to a new town and we don’t want anyone to know you are related to us get out and go away don’t ever meet us the man who was cursed and shoved out of the house by his brother and sister in law was a man in his thirsty who if you look at will notice that he was dead inside there was no will to live in his eyes, he was overweight, had long hair and long beard unclean dirty clothes and though the vestige of beautiful page had almost faded if one with experience looked at him they will notice that he was quite handsome in his youth but there was no handsome man present now just a husk of his former self, someone who was dead inside and someone who didn’t have the will to live or do anything to prove himself. Anyway as the couple kicked him out of the house he didn’t complain at all he just took his phone and slowly went away from the place after a while no one could see him anymore. As he kept walking aimlessly he received a call from his only two friends who remained with him till today everyone else gave up on him left him cut ties with him, cause in their eyes he was not worth their time. Hello Maash where are you it’s been a week since I have been trying to contact you why did you not reply to me? As he said this some guilt some joy some regret can be seen in Maash eyes cause in this life he let everyone down his family his friend. As he thought this he replied I am fine brother it’s just that I have been busy with something, he did not tell his friend anything, cause he didn’t want to bother him anymore. Even though his friend knew he was lying abut he still said ok it’s fine let’s meet tomorrow at the usual place ok. Sorry Ryan I can not come tomorrow I have to go in a family gathering. To Ryan this was odd cause  Maash has not attended any family gathering for years and also did not go to meet anyone in years but he didn’t say anything and thought that  is finally going to get better after all that has happened cause even if Maash was somewhat not focused and didn’t avail many important opportunities but he was not a quitter but all that changed after his mother died Maash truly closed his heart that day and never moved forward after that day it’s like he just stopped living. Ryan thought as he said ok let’s meet up later! Bye take care. As he hung up the phone ring again it was his only other friend  Lily which has been with him for years now they started talking to each other cause of common interest in anime and manga but after years they gave truly become best friend, they also like each other a lot but Maash backed away cause he knew he can never provide her with the care she deserved he thought heck I can’t even provide of myself how can I ever make her happy and give the care she deserved I am already dead inside. How are you Maash it’s been a while you never called me or anything did you forget me? She said as she pouted. How can it be like that lily you know I am not someone who forgets my friends I just forget to text them it’s just that I have been busy lately and couldn’t text you. Hmm ok I have to pick my son from school so I need to go I will text you later, reply me ok! Yeah I will. Take care! Now go and pick your son you are going to be late. Saying that Maash said goodbye and hung up the phone then he turned it off. Sigh he visibly sighed and thought this is the best she still has some feelings for me but I can’t indulge on it and cause her to grieve. Anyways I should not think about it anymore.

Reminiscing about the past when he was young full of potential his back then, he remembered his student days when he used to study had many friend his grades were good his body was fit way different from how it is now he kept walking as he remembered how worried his mother about him even as she was on her deathbed and he was still an incompetent didn’t finish his study and didn’t have any job. Looking at her like that something broke inside him he was very sad about it. He was regretting his life decisions, even at death he could not give her the comfort she deserved. He remembered about his mother as tears kept running from his eyes and he was going further away from home, from this city, He remembered all the dotting his mother did on him all the encouragement all the love and affection. He kept walking when he got hungry he ate the food he bought with the last of hid money when he was tired he would rest anywhere where there was space to lie down as he kept going like that thinking about his loved ones mostly mother and his regrets of his life he kept walking at one point he ran out of food and didn’t know where he was but still kept walking in the wild. After three days he fainted as he was there in the wild his friends Ryan and Lily were frantically looking for him they couldn’t find him in his house and his brother and her wife said he took some money and ran away three days ago. After not finding him they filed a complaint but they couldn’t find him turns out his phone was found at the entrance of the jungle and it’s a wild area so the experts assume that is already dead even the search team couldn’t find him. As everyone was looking for Maash he woke up after a long time and began walking aimlessly to water as he heard the sound of water he hurried to the that direction and found a fantasy like river from which many beautiful deer were drinking water and energetic fish were swimming. The water was so clear that he could see the bottom, the water was falling from majestic waterfall and it was running along the river as it went as far as the eyes could see. Either way he was thirsty so he went to the river and drank water from it. As he was drinking the water he thought I wish I would be younger like 10 years old and have another chance to live a new life not in this world where you can’t do what you want but another where I can get stronger by myself and not to bring only sadness to all my loved ones and I will work hard for my dreams become successful and would marry the girl who appreciates me not the ones who wants me as a dog to pass some time as I was thinking about these things that will never come true the river became illusory and gradually fading-- To my horror I was also fading with it and disintegrating with the river, at first I panicked but then I thought this is for the best I don’t have anything to live for anyways. After making peace with my coming death I closed my eyes and relaxed thinking about my childhood my mother and random good memories and vanished from the face of the earth.

                                                                        Ah so this is death it’s so peaceful.

After who knows how much time has passed Maash’s eyes fluttered open and he saw a vast expense of beautiful land. Hah so I didn’t die it was all a dream thinking that he cupped his face to realize that he didn’t have that long beard and wrinkly face that he remembered clearly no one would give him a shave when he is out in the wild passed out thinking that he went to the nearby river to drink water but he was surprised to see his younger self looking back at him after the initial shock he was dumbfounded to realize that it was not his past self but himself Thoughts ran in his mind how can it be? Is it because of that dreamlike state where I was disintegrating with that fantasy river where wished I was young again. Also if that’s true is it not earth because this is not where I remember losing consciousness he pinched himself to know that he can still feel pain and is not in a dream.. After thinking over and over again Maash decided to calm down. I guess I should go by the river and try to find a settlement or a city. Reminiscing deeply about his past Maash thought “I guess my wish really got answered”.

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