Chapter 2: Chapter no 2: Discovering a new world

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After thinking over and over again Maash decided to check for himself rather than speculating things so he decide to go in the direction where the river was flowing.

After walking for about two hours the river led him to a medieval looking city which had a large city wall where soldiers were stationed in armor and further away there was a city gate where a huge line was made for the entry of the city so he went to get on the line but he was both excited and shocked to see not only human but beast kin and a other not human species.

So it is indeed a new world other than earth, I wonder what it’s called and which races are there? I hope there are elves as well thinking that a mature and busty image of an elf formed in his head because back on earth he was a man of culture. Hehe I should better get on the line it’s rather long. Maash got on the line but it was quite awkward because he was the only child who was alone. After an hour long wait he arrived at the gate where  2 city guards were positioned. One of them asked hmm are you alone kid? What’s your name and where are your Parents? You don’t even look like an adventurer. Where are your belongings. We know that there is not an age limit but mostly every kid normally registers at 15 after they are of age and legally considered adults. Hi umm I am an orphan I went to collect some herbs for the first time  from the jungle but got lost and now after following the river I have found my way back. Hmm ok show me your id and the 2 silver is the entry fees the guard said. Sorry sir I don’t have any money my money was stolen by a bandit and I don’t have an id mash replied. Hmph it keeps happening these days these damn bandits. Ok kid you are in luck the mayor is kind and he supports poor victims like you so only this time you don’t have to pay anything, oi Richard come take this kid to the administration hall and have him get a new id.

After that this Richard guy took me to the hall he was 17 year boy who just got a job as a city guard he was quite talkative so I got much needed information from him so it seems like 100 copper is 1 silver and 100 silver is 1 gold coin and then there is platinum coin only super rich people have that is equal to 100 gold coins  and it seems usually 10 silvers is enough to live for the poor farming and other worker type people but there are high paying jobs offered by  nobility and also there is always an option to become an adventurer but that comes with high risk to reward. Also this world is called Eoloria and we are in the city of orlen of Edinburg kingdom one of the 4 kindgom this continent of Velora continent has. Velora is the northern continent in this world. This world has 5 continents namely north south east and west and there is a central continent as well which is supposed to be a cultivation paradise but all the five continents are far apart from each other so normal people cannot travel to other continents but there are big merchant groups who organize an eleven month round trip to the nearest continent  of east continent for trade of items unique to their continent which sells like gold and pretty much only high class people like noble and rich business men buy them.

Anyways back to the present it was relatively easy to get a new id for myself because of mayor’s generosity and because I was an orphan at least in this world so I was not investigated for not having any prior data of myself living here. After all the legal things were done I was free to go also I was given 100 copper as a means to survive until I find some work. Good to know that will not have to starve till I make some money. The first thing I did was to ask for directions for a cheap and safe inn and adventurer’s guild as well as basic rules of the city. I thanked the soldier and went off my day.

The first thing I did was to go to the inn the soldier pointed to I will go visit adventurer’s guild later first I need to fill my stomach as a 10 years old boy after walking so much with an empty stomach I am starving. The inn was not far away it was just down the road named Fiona’s inn. It was a nice two story building with about rooms and a tavern on the ground floor for food and drinks I entered the place it was still not past noon so there was no one except me I sat at the counter table across it was beautiful woman in her mid-twenties she had a hourglass figure and beautiful face with long brown hairs it was hard to believe she was someone who worked at this simple inn. After looking at her for a moments I realized that I was embarrassing myself with only watching her and not ordering food or saying anything.

Hello I said politely, miss i am hungry what do you have for lunch and also I would like to book a room for myself would that be possible? I asked her. Yeah we have rice and stew for now it’s still 1 hour till lunch time so we only have that right now will that be alright also we have a  few room available so you can book one at the reception after you eat lunch she replied. I ordered stew and rice for lunch and it was really delicious and for 5 coppers at that. After eating I went to the reception and the lady followed me it to the desk.

Alright so you want a room or yourself or are you with someone else. No I am alone I replied. Ok and what is your name she asked I told her my name and details which led to me telling her how I ended up here in this city as we kept talking she introduced herself properly turns out her name is Fiona and she is the daughter of the owner  the inn is named after her.  after talking to her for a bit she led me to my room I couldn’t help staring at her all the way because she was so beautiful perfectly my type it is my secret that I have always liked mature women and she looks both beautiful and mature. Anyways the room was fine it was fine it had a single bed a bathroom and window and a desk , for  110 coppers a night it was amazing with how clean and fine  it was even though everything was old. Ok now maash you should rest now I have to get back at the counter you can call me if you need anything ok, oh and also I forgot to ask you what do you do for a living , I am going to register as an adventurer tomorrow I replied. Oh ok but be careful it’s a dangerous job, I know that there is no age restriction to this job but you are so young. I assured her that I will be fine and she went downstairs.

After a hectic day I decided to rest a bit and summarize what I know about this world, so it has four continents and I am currently in Orlen which is 2 cities away from the capital of Edinburg kingdom which is most powerful kingdom which is ruled by humans in the north continent and this world is like a fantasy world people get stronger and expand their lifespan and there are different races across the world of Eolora. Also there is no age restriction to do business or work or basically work as an adventurer but usually people start at 15 which is considered as an adult in this world. As I thought about what to do from now on I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up at late after-noon close to  evening so I decided to roam around a bit and see what this city is like so I went downstairs and I saw many people mostly adventurers having drinks and food and the atmosphere was bustling and there were waiters and a man close to 50 was at the main counter I think he was the owner also Fiona was nowhere to be found so I decided to go out and explore the city it was bustling right now there were so many people going about shopping and stuff and from various stalls and shops. I was watching observing and exploring stuff as went to walk about the city and after some time I stumbled upon merchant’s guild it had some people but it was not packed with people. I went straight to the reception, there was a professional looking lady with ample assets behind the desk. Hello customer how may I help you?

Um hi I would like to know about merchant’s guild and how to join it. To join our merchant guild you should own a simple business even if you don’t have a stall or shop but you should earn at least 40 gold from doing business every month also the fees is 10 gold per year and to join our merchant’s guild the admission fees is 5 gold. That is the most basic membership we offer. It sounds expensive to beginners but our merchant guild is a safe environment for business and you can trade you items anonymously as long as you are a member which ensures safety from malicious people and we always pays what’s the stuff is worth but by doing transaction through us we take 20 percent from the profit but for members it is 10%.

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This merchant guild sounds good I can sell stuff anonymously without gathering prying eyes but there is only one issue I will be in the radar of merchant group but I don’t think they will put their attention to a newbie 10 year old kid and they seems like a professional bunch.

Ok so it’s decide I will join when I earn at least 100 gold coins. Thinking that I told her I will join when I visit next and bid her goodbye and it seems her name is Julie what a gorgeous lady hehe and I can get away with staring at her cause I am 10 years old.

Since this is a fantasy world they would surely have all those magic items and potions. Thinking about what I could buy and sell from there I went to adventurer’s guild it was not too crowdy cause it was almost night when i got here but there were surely those who came for their rewards and payments for the quests and some loudmouths having gossips and mostly all the task are posted and taken early in the morning, so it’s first comes first serves. Straight from the entrance I found the reception desk there were many cute ladies there probably to attract hotheaded newbies and adventurers. I walked straight to the reception there was a cute girl there who welcomed me cheerfully.

Hello kid! Are you looking for someone? No I would like to register as an adventurer. She was a little surprised to hear that a 10 year wanted to register. Umm sorry but aren’t you a little young to be an adventurer and where are your parents? From what I know there is no age limit to be and adventurer and I don’t have any parent, so can I register now or do I have to come tomorrow morning for it.

No it’s fine you can register now I was just surprised I have never seen someone so young as an adventurer before. Well there is always first for everything I replied. Ok so let me tell you first there are different ranks of an adventurer it starts from F to all the way to rank S but there are only few of them present and the most rare are those who are SS ranks those are not present as adventurers anymore and they are all a country’s protectors and never appear in public.

Anyways you can start from F rank. You can take tasks from F and E rank and to rank up at E you need to take an exam or complete certain amount of E rank missions that clear. Ok so can you tell me your class? Umm I don’t know I can fight barehanded or with a dagger but I have never had it checked. Ok come this way but your hand on the crystal and we’ll know if you possess any magic at all so I did as she told me and to my joy it glowed which means I can do magic. But I registered as a fighter for now as I can’t be classified in any class right now and I certainly don’t know how to use magic.

After registering and getting a id card as an adventurer I went to the board and browed all the quest there were only a few of F rank requests there as most of them were taken by adventurers so ii browed them all and there were like herb collecting, tending to gardens , finding lost animals and other miscellaneous tasks. After browsing a bit I went on my way to the inn but before that I went there I took a longer route and browsed through weapon shops but they were all expensive even a kitchen knife was a couple of silvers so I went back to the inn and it was late but there were many people there eating drinking and stuff. I looked around but I couldn’t find Fiona so I got myself some food and head early to the bed.

As I laid there to sleep I thought about all that happened to me it still feels like a dream but even if it is a dream I don’t wanna wake up and then I thought about what to do and prepare myself for work tomorrow as I thought that i drifted off to sleep.

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