A Yandere Novel

Chapter 2: (Chapter 1… Chapter 2? Eh, who cares.) Chapter 3: The Delinquent Student Bullied Me!

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"You there, glasses boy, I have an assignment set for you."

The student council president one day called out to me as I entered the student council room.

"I just came to get some ice cream sandwiches, and I have a name." I remarked, but she ignored me, sliding a single file with a clipped photo in front of her desk, as she continued to explain.

"This here is…"

"Oh, I know her, she's—"

"Do not interrupt."


"This here is Eldora Lily, she's a freshman, making us her seniors. If you aren't aware, she's become rather notorious among the delinquents. Ever since she transferred, she's been getting into fights on the daily. She's not only beaten up her peers, but also her seniors, the worst part is she's winning, every single time…" The student council president said disgruntled, seemingly upset at the wrong issue.

"Do you want me to beat her?" I spoke, amused.

"Hmm, what, no…maybe. Shut up." The student council president shook her head. "What I'm trying to say is all this fighting isn't good for her, mentally and physically speaking. At first we believed it was the delinquents who were provoking her, but it turned out to be the other way around. She's been outcasted by her classmates as they naturally fear her…blah blah blah."

At that moment, she lost whatever facade she had as her eyes turned to complete disinterest. Sliding a second piece of paper that looked sort of like a contract in front of her desk, she spoke in a rushed manner, "Just have her sign this piece of paper as proof that we as a school care about our students and are doing our best to help them or whatever."


"This paper just means she's made a friend. Her rich-ass daughter-obsessed dad is insisting she signs it."

"Who's her friend?"

"I don't know, you maybe, just have her sign this paper."


"If she doesn't sign this paper, than our already shitty school will shut down, forcing us to live in shame as dropouts all while Lily's already stupidly rich dad makes bank suing us."

"That makes sense, I guess." I nodded in semi-understanding, but I had to ask, "Why me?"

"Hmm, ah, right, you're one of *those* people…" The student council president seemed caught off guard before she pushed up her glasses that glimmered in calm intelligence.

Standing up from her desk, she walked towards me and placed her hands on my shoulders, speaking to me in a weirdly patriotic voice.

"Because you, and only you, are the only one I can trust upon, for this important task." Her expression was sincere, as the bright yellow sun kissed her back and gave her entire figure an aura of sanctity, but I wasn't buying it.

Removing her hands off my shoulders, I asked her with a flat expression, "What's my name."

"E-Excuse me…?" Caught off guard, her expression turned flustered.

"My name. I've been a part of this student council for three years now, what is my name?"

"...I don't think there's any need to joke around right now, we're currently discussing *very important* matters right now."

"Just tell me my name."


"You don't remember my name, do you?"


"Not even close. I'll be leaving." I said as I was about to turn around, realizing I myself didn't even know her name.

Giving a strained yet pleasant smile, she put her hands back on my shoulders, and dug her red-polished nails deep into my shoulders, causing me to wince as she ordered with gravity in her voice, "Just do what the dean told me to do."


Leaving the student council room, I couldn't help but sigh as I massaged my aching shoulders.

'Do I really have to do this?' I wondered, debating if I should walk away from "my" assignment or leave it to someone else.

How the hell does the student council president expect a lazy snob like me to "befriend" a delinquent who'll probably kick my ass the moment I look at her funny?

I'm completely unqualified for this task if I'm being completely honest. Although I've been a student council member for almost three years already, it's in name only. I rarely participate in their meetings and keep mostly silent when I do, the errands I'm given are never done or never done right. I'm shocked I haven't been kicked out yet. Hell, the only reason I ever joined was because they had a minifridge and I was allowed to skip classes for said meetings.

I jolted as a hand pressed hard against my sore shoulder, letting out a short groan of pain. I looked back to see the hand belonged to some forgettable-looking nerd (even more forgettable than I am).

Smiling, the forgettable nerd, Regular-eyes impatient l asked, "Did you get the ice cream sandwiches? Took you a while."

…Crap, I forgot about that.

Giving Regular-eyes a despondent look, I shook my head as I whined, "The student council president wouldn't let me. She actually had the gall to impress her assignment upon me."

"Damn, that sucks. What's the assignment?"

"Nothing much, I just have to befriend the, um…" I was hesitant to answer, as I wasn't really sure if I should tell him the truth. "Lonely kid." I cryptically answered.

"You're going to befriend yourself?" Regular-eyes exclaimed.

That took some damage, but it was nothing I couldn't brush off.

Letting out a disgruntled cough, I murmured, "Something like that."

"Well, you seem busy. See you later, I guess." Regular-eyes waved goodbye as he left me in the dust, as usual. Damn weasel.

Pulling the folded piece of paper with Lily's photo still clipped on from my pocket, I skimmed through her information and learned she mostly hung out behind the school building, beating down delinquents/students who dared enter her "turf".

A memory buried at the back of my mind quickly resurfaced as I remembered that time Regular-eyes went to the back of the school building to take a piss because the bathroom was full of smokers, but before he could unzip his pants, he momentarily reunited with Jesus before waking up beaten black and blue.

For the first time, I really wanted to attend class.


The back of the school building and the front of the school building were like the Garden of Eden and the Temple of Hell.

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In front of the school, you have students who attend school like regular students should. I don't know much else about what it means to be a regular student as I spend most of my school days lounging on the student council room's sofa chair, but I know enough to be considered one.

And at the back of the school, were the students, or rather delinquents trying to be the next Muhammad Ali. They like to get into fights, a *lot* of fights, if they didn't keep their little scuffles behind the school building, we'd officially be labeled a highly insecure prison. There are even rumors going around that our school is a part of a gang union because of how fierce the delinquents are, but those are just rumors.

I passed by a few delinquents throwing fists and kissing lips, who ignored me thanks to my innate ability of looking like an npc, and eventually arrived at the side of the school building Lily claimed to be her turf.

I immediately sensed a change in atmosphere, for one, there was an apparent lack of delinquents inhabiting this area, and the ones that did were laying on the ground like corpses. I felt my heart leap from my chest just looking at them.

So why was I still walking towards inevitable doom?

Because it's not like I really had a choice, the fate of the school depended on me, and I am a really stupid child.

After walking around for a bit, I finally found her, on top of a pile of delinquents, smoking a lit cigar. She had a rather rebellious look to say the least. Sporting a gray mini-skirt and a large black hoodie, I could see an excessive amount of band aids and bandages on her legs and face, so much so, I could immediately tell they were for aesthetic purposes, especially that one band aid conveniently placed on her nose. Another she had going was her short pixie haircut which could barely be seen from the hoodie covering her head.

If that isn't edge, I don't know what is.

Giving out a cough to catch her attention, I began to introduce myself, "Hello Ms. Eldora, I'm—"

"Don't care." She rudely interrupted, not even bothering to look in my direction as she blew a puff of smoke.

"R-Right, anyways I came because—"

"I said I don't care."


Awkwardly scratching my cheek, unsure as to how to spark up another conversation, I pointed to one of the delinquents and stupidly asked, "Did you do this?"

"What do you think, dumbass?"


This is going nowhere.

I think I'll just leave. I mean neither of us wants each other's company, and it's not as if it's my responsibility to have her sign the BBF contract or whatever the hell it's called.

Yeah, it's probably best that I leave, for the both of us.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?"

"Huh?" I looked back in surprise, stopping my tracks.

"I said where the hell do you think you're going, dipshit."

"The student council room?" I dumbly answer.

"No. You're not."

"I'm not."

Taking another puff of her smoke, Lily matter-of-factly answered, "Because I'm going to kick your ass. For entering my turf."


I'm f*cked.

Not even thinking, I made a run for it. It was as if Usain Bolt's spirit had taken possession of me with how fast I ran, but I was apparently not fast enough. As Lily quickly subdued me by yanking my collar and tossing me to the floor in a calm yet horrific manner.

"Wait until I'm done with my smoke before you start running." She ordered.

"H-How long will that take?"

"About ten minutes."


Ten minutes later, I ran again.

But as before, she yanked my collar and knocked me to the floor. Not allowing myself to stand as she plummetes me with her legs and fists, I found myself falling both conscious and unconscious every time her fists connected with my face. Before I knew it, I was laying on the ground in a state way worse than the delinquents.

"Come for me again, and I won't be so gentle." Lily remarked as she spit on my face, lightly tossing my intact glasses that I didn't even realize were gone onto my heaving chest.

A slight shiver went down my spine as I wondered what went beyond her "gentleness".

After a while of laying on the ground with all my insides rearranged, it finally kicked in.

I got beaten up by a girl.

It was extremely humiliating.

But also… kind of hot.


Hantaros: "Idea 3/Violent Attraction: [Main Character], a class representative, is asked by the teacher to talk with the problem student [Violent Delinquent], despite his fear and doubts he tries to befriend her, without knowing she has a twisted way to show affection." 


I forgot to mention this, but as the story continues, you have to work off the established chapters and sequences have to make sense. Billy Boy can’t become God of the universe just because he ate forty twinkies he bought from McDonalds.


(P.S. I myself wasn't expecting that ending when I first started writing this.)

(P.S. it's like 4am when I'm editing this, I mostly likely half-assed it, so if there's any grammar mistakes or smth plz tell me)

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