A Yandere Novel

Chapter 3: Chapter 4: The Student Council President Blackmailed Me!

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I’m experimenting with 3rd POV, I might make it permanent depending on if I like it or not.


Ferris staggered to get up.

Immediately upon standing, he felt lightheaded, tripping on an unconscious delinquent and falling back down. This action repeated itself for what felt like eons before Ferris finally gained enough of his equilibrium to barely lean against the wall, squeezing the abhorrent cauldron of lunch, dinner and breakfast out of his stomach.

His expression was pale and queasy, sweat pored as he panted in excess.

He felt horrible, absolutely horrible.

Every movement, even the most miniscule of miniscule, made his body roar in pain.

And yet…

‘Why am I smiling?’

Throughout it all, an unsettling and perverted smile stretched across his bloodied and beaten face.

It wasn’t his first time getting hit, both by a girl and on the brink of death, but this one just felt…different.

He wasn’t sure what this strange emotion emerging from deep within his heart was. It was the first time he had felt like this, it was felt weird, very weird. A small—a large part of him actually—knew what it meant, but he vigorously shook his head in denial.

Cracking his jaw back in place, Ferris made his way back to the student council room, ready to whine to the student council president in the state he was in.


“You got beaten up?” The student council president spoke in surprise, unsuccessfully hiding her Gameboy behind a stack of papers in a flustered.

“No shit, Sherlock.” Ferris said in resentment as he slumped onto the sofa chair, rubbing the blood from his bloodied nose onto the armrests.

“Then what the hell are you doing here? Go to the nurse’s office!”

“What for? So she can hand me a small ice bag and a kiss on the booboo? No thanks.”

Ferris completely ignored the student council president’s urgent pleas to leave, until she eventually gave up, staring at the ruined armrests with a despondent expression.

Letting out an exhausted sigh, she asked, sinking into her chair, “What happened?”

“What do you think happened? She kicked my ass!”


“She kicked my bottom!”

“You…” The student council president paused, looking at Ferris as if he were a retarded child. “You didn’t happen to enter her “turf”, did you?”

Ferris jerked, lowering his head as he inaudibly murmured, “…No.”

“You idiot.” The student council president removed her glasses and proceeded to massage her brows. “You were supposed to confront her when she outside her “turf”!”

“You never told me that!”

“Because it went without saying! What kind of idiot would just waltz into a lion’s cage!”

“I didn’t think she’d be so aggressive!”

The student council president stood up from her desk.

“I thought you said you knew her!”

Ferris stood up from his sofa chair, only to immediately regret it and slump back in.

“I never said I knew her personally! Which you would have known if you hadn’t interrupted me!”

“You interrupted me! Why wouldn’t I interrupt you!”

“Because you interrupted me!”

“No, I did not!”

“Yes, you did!”

“No, I did not!”

“Yes, you did!”

Shouting their throats out, both panted at looked at each other with hatred before both finally calmed down and rested back in their respective chairs.

Cleaning the fingerprints off her lenses, the student council president solemnly spoke as she put on her glasses, “I take it you’re out of commission?”


“I see.” The student council president nodded in understanding.

The student council noticed Ferris’ hesitant answer, but she didn’t care to put much thought to it. Instead, she retrieved a small black USB from her breast pocket and slid in front of desk.

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“What’s that?” Ferris dumbly asked, growing a pit in his stomach as he garnered some idea on what it was.

Placing her cheeks on her palm, the student council president smiled as she sweetly spoke, “Blackmail.”

“W-What kind of blackmail?”

“Take a gander.”


“……You really know how to suck the joy out of me, don’t you?”


The student council president sighed, turning around her computer as she inserted the USB into the computer, displaying a myriad of evidence for Ferris to see.

“It’s your search history, all the way from the beginning of middle school and last Thursday, 3:13am. Oh, and by the way, there’s no use taking this USB away from me, I have multiple copies.”

Ferris’ body shook as his expression immediately turned pale.

“H-How did you—”

“I have my ways.” The student council president winked. “I’m the student council president after all~.”

“Student council presidents don’t have that kind of power!”

“Do I look like other student council presidents?”

“If you have that kind of power, why can’t you have Lily sign the papers yourself!”

“Because it’s beneath me, and Lily…she scares me. It’s only proper for an errand boy to do the work for me.”

“Errand boy?!”

“That is your rank, isn’t it? Ferris E. Weal~. Although, I’m shocked you’re still part of the student council considering you do literally nothing for us.”

Ferris was left speechless.

If there was anything he hated most, it was extortion.

His fists shook in anger, but he knew there was nothing he could. He had been defeated, and it didn’t matter if wanted to or not, he had to have Lily sign the papers.

Unless he was shameless enough to have the world see his search history, but let’s be honest, no one could be that shameless, not even you.

“Ferris, before you leave…”

Getting up from his sofa chair in anger, Ferris was about to leave when he was stopped at the door.

“What’s my name~?”

Ferris shuddered.

“Well, what is it? Please do tell~.”



Three days later.

Solemnly walking back to Lily’s turf, Ferris found her next to another pile of unconscious delinquents. She had her back against the wall as she smoked a cigar.

“I thought I told you not to come again.” Lily spoke annoyed, not bothering to look in Ferris’ direction.

“I know.” Ferris gave a strained smile, his sweaty hand extending a paper and pen as he continued, “It’s just—”

“I don’t care.”

“I know.” Ferris sighed, stuffing the items into his pockets.

He had spent the past few days attempting to confront Lily anywhere but her “turf”, he sadly had no luck. Every day after school had ended, she would be escorted by a maid into a limousine along with a bunch of well-dressed and well-built guards, the mornings were just the same. While Ferris had the choice to follow them, he feared becoming sensationalized news after being found in garbage bags the next morning.

What’s worse was the student council president, Candy, gave him a two-week deadline, leaving him with little choice but to enter Lily’s turf.


USA: "Have the prez blackmail mc"


Hantaros: "Idea 1

"The mouth says no, but the body.../Closeted Masochist Route": [Main Character](please give him a name) finds himself again inside Eldora's "turf", his body trembles and his bruises sting as the smell of cigarettes bring back the memory from the beating he received, he wonders again why he's here, it definitely isn't because of how powerful she looked while kicking his ass or how casual she was while exerting her dominance over him...Her cold and dismissive gaze finds his frightened eyes and a shiver goes down his spine..."


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