Chapter 10: Late Call

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The next night after Queen Safira takes the day to think things through she then decided what to do now, she needs help with her decision and who better to speak to them Drac…

After their bath Safira dresses the boy into PJs then she also gets into PJs, she sits at her dressing table so Fenris can brush her hair as she always does.

"My daughter I need to call Drac and ask him something after this do you mind looking after Damian ?"

Fenris smiles at Safira:" Of course not I would love to take care of him and play with him. What's the call about if you don't mind me asking, hope the young ones are all doing good "

Queen Safira nodes her head:" Drac messaged me this morning that they went out today. I need to ask him what I must do with Damian I'm torn between something so I need his help "

Fenris continues to brush Safira's long white hair before putting a play in it:" All done Safira, why don't you phone Drac while I do his hair now "

Queen Safira stands up and kisses Fenris's cheek while handing her the boy:" Thank you very much, daughter "

Queen Safira walks out to the balcony in her room, she feels the air through her face while looking out at the big city.

She thinks to herself for a bit I don't understand how he hurt me and yet Fenris did nothing, not even a tickle. She runs her fingers over her shoulder and arm and yet nothing comes to mind.

She then decides it's time to call Drac and speak to him and check up on the young one's day as well.

She pulls out a circular object from her ring, lifts the centre of it, then takes out the rubber goo that's in its centre and closes it, puts it into her ear then it suddenly expands over her entire ear.

"Call Drac," she says while feeding it her energy and it starts ringing, then it lights up, and four balls float up and start rotating around it.

2 minutes later….A face appears in the middle.

Drac:" Greetings Your majesty "

" Greetings Drac, how're the squads and the young ones doing after today ?"

Drac gives the Queen a full report, on how the squads are doing fantastic they working in groups and learning how to fight together, track, build and share. The young ones were scared today being there the first day, the older and stronger ones protected the scared younger ones, but after a while, they started helping fight beasts and fend off attacks, the older ones even sparred with the younger ones to teach them tricks.

They set up a basic camp with attempted defences, but he walked right past them 'laughs at them'. Some leaders have been increasing their understanding of their powers. All has gone smoothly since he had scared off the stronger beast the day before just to be safe.

" Any luck with the kid?", he decides to ask her curious

Queen Safira exhales in the relief while her eyes are closed, then opens them:" No luck, unfortunately, even the King and Queen have never seen any beings like him on this planet or others. The Queen listed plants she had been to and has information about, it a lot of planets so not looking good at all;

That's why I decided to call you Drac I think I'm gonna have to take him to Planet Asclepiu in the daytime, but I'm worried about leaving you, my clan, and the young ones here, I promised their parents I would keep them safe. I can't let Fenris go alone either or part ways from the boy ", tears fall down

Drac looks at Queen Safira getting all emotional and it hurts him to see that.

"Your Majesty, this boy means a lot to you, by the way, you are acting and everything you are doing for him. So I think you should go and to ease your mind, I'll get the squads to group up with the kids, so we all one unit, give them full team work and I'll be by them all the time…' deep sigh'….I'll even unleash you know what if the need arises, fight to the death while the clan escapes towards you. After I notify the leaders where you going. What do you say to that idea?".

Queen Safira gets more emotional:" Ahhhh Drac but you swore on your wife and child's grave, to never use that again unless it was to complete your revenge. How could I force you to do that, what kind of Queen am I to force a subordinate to break an oath…..

"One that has a huge heart towards her clan, this old man has seen better days, and he will lay down his life for the Queen he holds dear and for the clan, he loves so much as well ", Drac cuts her off quickly

Queen Safira smiles:" Ah Drac you are my oldest friend, so please take care of yourself and the clan while I am gone, you still have fight left in you, so never give up alright".

Drac smiles as well:" You keep safe as well, I can see the boy has changed something in you, Queen of Dragons, it sparked something I haven't seen in ages, so what do you think about that had you worried?".

Queen Safira takes a deep breath and exhales, then explains to Drac what happened with the boy and how he has crazy strength, she says she thinks she's going crazy.

She even went as far as to ask Fenris to try to cut her with all the strength she could muster, yet she felt nothing. She thinks the boys might have done something to her or she's imagining things.

Drac has a shocked face then clams her down and asks: " Did you ask Fenris to try to let him grab her ?", she replies she didn't know how to get him to try it on her, plus what if he hurts her more since she isn't a God Beast.

" Hmmm that's true Safira then let's keep this between all of us for now, let's get the boy tested maybe he's a Demi-God or a child of one, you know how Demi-Gods are to their children", he suggests to her

Queen Safira agrees, then says her goodbyes to Drac with a heavy heart.

Fenris sees Safira hang up the call so she makes her way to her:" All sorted Safira? , did Drac help you to clear your mind "

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Queen Safira wipes a tear away before turning around:" Yes my darling, he says we should go visit my friends on the other planet, he says he will protect the young ones with his life if it comes to it "

"Yay Safira that's super exciting, I can't wait to finally put a name to this little cutie ", she touches his nose and smiles at him

Queen Safira turns around looking out at the city she points at the city:" Beautiful city hey little one don't you think ?, Beautiful!!!", she points out at the city and he looks

The boy:" Beautiful "

Fenris looks out as well:" His language learning is extremely fast, why is that Safira? "

"He possibly could speak before but lost his memories, so now that he's safe they coming back to him like second nature or he's just a little genius ", Queen Safira explains a possibility

Fenris nods her head at her:" I see that kinda makes sense, well little one I hope you learn quickly so we can have a full conversations with you….Hey maybe he might also be able to tell us where he's from if he can "

"That's also a possibility darling, we will just have to wait and see like I said we don't know much ….I just hope we finally get the answer about him "

Fenris smiles and makes faces at him trying to make him laugh or smile but nothing, he face is still void of emotion which makes her sad.

Queen Safira finally decides to go inside and lay on the bed with both Fenris and the boy, he plays with her face and horns like usual.

Queen Safira feels something when he touches the diamond on her head like a jolt, she touches her head but it's gone so she thinks it was static.

After playing around in the bed with Fenris and the boy they finally decided to go to sleep, Queen Safira cuddles them both close to her and then hums a lullaby to help him sleep, once you pass out she goes to sleep as well.

…..In a place where no one can find is a monumental tree…this tree dwarfs the one Damian met his doom at as the branches extend endlessly. Someone sits on the tree looking at the spores floating around it

This someone sits up suddenly as a spore goes into her one she's been waiting for…

That someone speaks out loud for no one to hear except her and the beast around:" Hmmmm to think the Queen of Dragons of all beings was the one to find him…hahaha sorry Queen Safira answer you will not get certainly more questions will be asked though"

The existence looks around and then calls one of her beasts which comes right away.

" Deliver this note to my dear friend and don't tell her anything do you hear me", places a note in its hands before it flies away

"Time to move some of my pieces around the board in case it starts now since times running out"

….The Beast travels for a while as it uses special gates to get to its destination as instructed

Once it arrives it goes to look for the friend who's waiting and looking at it with wide eyes, the friend takes the note and opens it….

"It might be time "

The friend speaks:" Cryptic as ever what…Oh, I see...hmmm this isn't good or bad …. Little beast do you know where he might be ?"

The beast shakes its head at her since its not allowed to tell but it does

The friend makes a puzzled face at the beast before speaking in a gentle and calming voice:" You wouldn't lie to me sweetie would you ?", she touches its head gently

The beast's eyes roll back and it gets super jelly with her stroking it, it nods its head at her now

The friend smiles:" Tell Mommy dearest everything please and I'll carry on ", she turns her hand over and something comes out of it

The beast walks forward eats the treat and then places its head on her palm and closes it's eyes feeding her images, showing her everything it knows about the boy

"Such a good beast come here ", motions for it to sit on her lap

The beast jumps up and lays down as the friend strokes it and gives it love.

"The Queen of Dragons what a relief she found him and not something more sinister, then we might have had a big problem, hmmm well I will have to see how things go closely "

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