Chapter 11: New Plan

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Queen Safira wakes up with both the boy and Fenris cuddling in her arms. She smiles and strokes their heads. Fenris wakes and yawns and slowly gets up not to wake the boy.

Fenris bows to the queen and then goes to the bathroom. Safira kisses the boy's head and he slowly opens his eyes feeling her moving. She smiles at him, he leans over and kisses her cheek and says her name.

She then sits up and stretches clicking a few bones and gets up to get reading for breakfast, Fenris comes out fully dressed and goes to the boy to dress him in day clothing.

They make their way downstairs to the dining room, all the guards bow as the Queen of Dragons passes by them. The double doors are opened for them, and the King and Queen are already inside waiting for them, talking with their guards about what to do. They all stand and bow to Safira when she enters she tells them to return to what they were doing.

Safira sits with the boy on her lap and eats like royalty, the boy has finally realized that using his hands isn't polite, so he tries using the utensils Queen Safira giggles every time, then helps him because he battles doing it.

The full S squad finally shows up to breakfast. consisting of the leader and 7 others 3 of which are women, and the others are men including the leader. S squad stands for Stealth Squad, they are silent assassins that can blend in anywhere with special uniforms they wear and of course their powers.

Safira:" S squad of got some news, tomorrow I'll be leaving for Planet Asclepiu to take this little one to my friends that are there, hopefully, I can use their machine and get some answer about the boy, then we will go from there."

"Your Majesty " S squad all nod at the same time and say

Safira then sits back and looks at Fenris then back to the S squad leader:" Fenris is coming with me of course, do you want to join Kiron( S leader) you are not obligated to, you can go back to Drac and train with him, I wouldn't want to ruin your chances to increase your power since the comprehending powers here is very rich, plus you will only be able to return after 5 years with us".

Kiron looks at his squadron they all give him a nod then he turns back to Queen Safira:" We will gladly follow her Majesty wherever she goes, it will be our honour to help you with anything".

Safira smiles and nods her head at your clan members, then smiles at Fenris who's also happy now. Then she looks at the boy and has a thought that saddens her, she's going to have to hand the boy over and let him go soon.

The boy looks at Safira who's staring at him "Queen Safira ", then gives her a kiss and a tear roll down her lips. She then hugs him tightly like it's the end of the world and this is the final moment they will have.

"That's so adorable, Queen Safira you gonna make me cry as well ", Queen Lily looking at them

Fenris looks at Safira and holds her hand:" It's alright I know it's hard but you can always visit him "

Queen Safira nodes her head at Fenris's words:" Thank you dear that helped me feel better "

"Your Majesty if I may what if he's not from this realm ?" Kiron asks her curios

"Then I'll do anything in my power to get him if I can l, she answered back with resolution in her voice

King Aroc:" Imagine if he's a mortal that acceded, when was the last time a mortal come to this realm "

"That's impossible, look how young he is it would take a mortal a thousand years to reach that kind of power, plus like you said it's highly impossible ", Kiron stares at the king bewildered by his statement but gets more shocked when….

"It's possible actually, there are small tears that allow one to get through. It is very small but he might have fallen or been sucked into one….hmmmm what was that girl's name again..fa…nal…he..yes Halei a mortal that fell down a cliff and appeared in the Emmortal Milky Lane ", Safira speaks playing with the boy and can't see everybody's stunned faces

"Sorry what ?", everyone practically asks making Queen Safira lookup

Queen Safira smiles:" You don't know, owe sorry….hmmm well it was nearly 20 million years ago so that's probably why lost in history "

The King and Queen choke on their glasses of wine. Kiron just stares at a loss for words same as Fenris.

King Aroc:" Uhmm Queen Safira you say that so casually, we know you are old but 20 million years is no joke… around that time the Emmortal realm was still at war which it still is….how did you know she was a mortal ?"

"I was flying around the universe looking at all the planets when I found a girl hiding in a cave sacred for her life, I went down and spoke to her…uhmm sorted she fainted like 15 times… I eventually spoke with her and she told me her story…so I helped her as best I could ", she explains to them about her

Kiron:" Wait wait where is she now? , what exactly happened to her…since no one knows about it clearly "

Queen Safira sighs:" Unfortunately back then I had no friends so I couldn't take her anywhere….so I trained her a little before leaving her with some stuff and then I was kicked out of the universe "

Queen Lily:" Wow that's remarkable, what did you leave with her ?"

Queen Safira thinks hard, like 20 million years is no joke she doesn't have a memory like that turtle:" Hmmm…well obviously a sword..some clothing and armour..food and ahhh yes a necklace with snakes around an eye, it had a photo of me since she wanted to remember me "

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Fenris smiles:" That's Queen Safira for you are always there to help when some being needs it. You are truly wonderful "

"Thank you sweetheart but now I feel guilty I never checked up on her, I feel so terrible now ", she sighs and thinks

King Aroc:" Queen Safira you did more than most beings would do, you gave her a chance to live. I think that speaks volumes about how kind you are "

"Thank you King Aroc that means a lot to me ", she smiles at him and nods her head," But so as you can see a mortal can slip into this realm. It just takes the right time and place "

Everybody now questions their thought process and teachings…

"Wait could there be more mortals here then ?", Queen Lily suddenly realizes

Queen Safira nods her head:" Indeed there might be, but you have to realize it's super small unless they find the gate….

"THERE'S A GATE!!!!", King Aroc stands up completely blown away right now

"Of course, there's a gate in the mortal realm, there's a gate in every realm floating around or in a set position. The gates automatically appeared when the realms were created. If they didn't then what ?", Safira smiles at them

Fenris:" But how come more mortals don't use it then? , wouldn't they flood here for more power and life force ?"

Shakes her head " No No No, yes there is a gate but unlike our one Fenris, the Emmortal and Mortal one is hidden and very hard to find. You have to realize the mortal universe is massive, the Emmortal Milky Lane is like a section of the mortal universe. Now the Emmortal one is just very well hidden but could be found given time "

Everyone sucks in a cold breath of air now, their minds are blown away by this revelation.

"Plus I'm 100% sure Emmortals wouldn't line up to go to the Immortal realm with the way they treat weaker beings ", she tilts her head

Kiron:" How do you know all of this, Your Majesty ?"

Queen Safira smiles at him:" I'm old Kiron do you forget that, watched a lot of things happen in my lifetime "

They all just nod at her in full respect of what she's been through and seen.

After breakfast, Kiron requests from the Queen, if they can call their respective family members and friends still on the planet before leaving. Then if they can go out shopping and she agrees without a heartbeat.

Queen Safira walks towards her bedroom, this time she's holding one of the boy's hands, while Fenris is holding the other, she asks" Fenris would you like to explore around the city for the day, maybe pick up some things ".

Fenris nods so quickly and gets super excited about shopping with Safira

"Then let's go we need to buy the boy some other clothing as well since he only has two outfits, I want him to have so much more " Safira smiles at him…

Fenris watches and gets super happy as well:" Thank you so much Safira "

"Don't thank me, sweetheart, it's the least I can do, we haven't been shopping together in so long and you have grown into a fine-looking woman. I have been an awful mother haven't I ", Safira sighs and looks down

They entered the room while Fenris talking…

"No you haven't it's just been super busy Safira, plus you have a whole clan to manage don't worry about me I'll always be by your side, I love you lots and lots and will always be eternally grateful to you "

Queen Safira turns and kisses her head:" Thank you, sweetheart, no come let's grab something before we go "

They rush around the room getting some items for shopping…

After 20 minutes of getting ready while the boy sits on the bed waiting. They head downstairs to go, the king requested a chariot but Queen Safira declined to say she wants to walk around. They then depart the Royal main gates, of course, the Royal Guards are trailing behind them while the S squad gets their affairs in order.

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