Chapter 12: Shopping Spree

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As they walk through the city, everyone stares at Safira and Fenris, most notice their attire which prompts a bow from them, others high tail it not wanting to offend them. The boy is completely clueless and keeps playing with Safira's soft hair.

Fenris sees a clothing store called E.Y.S ( Emmortal Young Styles) and she points asking to go there. Safira nods so they walk over.

As they enter a beautiful smell tickles their noises, and bright lights shaped like waves fill the ceiling. The shop is massive with a few fancy people in it. A sales lady turns around hearing the door …

She is dressed in a stunning red dress, 1.5m tall her skin is blue-brown her ears are elongated with a few jewels on them, Safira recognizes her race right away she is a Swamp Hobgoblin.

While, the saleswoman turns she speaks:" How may I…." She stops speaking shock hits her but she quickly bows:" Your Majesty, how may this humble servant be of service ".

Everyone in the store that sees Queen Safira walk in stops what they doing and freezes some bow some stare in shock...

Safira pauses for a bit she's making sure the boy isn't scared of her, he doesn't tense up seeing her, so she proceeds:" Yes thank you, your assistance will be gladly needed, I'm looking for clothes for this one not too fancy more casual, and my little Fenris here anything she wants. Also, do you possibly sell jewellery preferably a memory locket "?

"Yes, your majesty…I can gladly assist you with all your needs… hmmm we do sell stunning lockets, but Your Majesty I think they won't be up to par for an extraordinary being like you, they are made from Eronel metal ". She stays bowing as a sign of respect

AN"Eronel metal will be explained later on "

Safira:" No that will be perfect for now, thank you very much, young miss, you can rise, can I get your name as well?".

The sales lady stands up straight and folds her hand:" Your Majesty, my name is Sharx ". Lowers her head again but not a full bow just a greeting bow after saying her name

Safira asks her to show them around the store so they don't get lost. Sharx then walks towards the women's side first leading the way.

"Wow these are so beautiful look Safira ", Fenris looks at all the dresses and robes

Queen Safira smiles:" They are super gorgeous sweetheart get whatever you want alright "

Sharx smiles and shows Fenris around picking up some outfits with her, then they head to the changing room to try them on...

"How do I look ", Fenris steps out in a blue dress with floral patterns on it in silver

Queen Safira claps her hands together:" Like a true beauty my darling, definitely get that one "

Fenris smiles:" Wait what does he think, she bows to the boy, beautiful?"

The boy claps his hands as well:" Beautiful "

Fenris smiles and starts straight:" Then it's settled I will take this one "

Fenris tries on many dresses and pants getting approval from Queen Safira and the boy, all he says is beautiful while Queen Safira gives honest reviews.

They then carry on through the women's section for a bit more and Fenris finds 5 more dresses she likes, 10 shirts, 4 pants, and 8 different shoes, the sales lady stores all of it in her dimension ring that is issued at the end of buying the goods.

Queen Safira:" Sharx can you take us to the boy's side now please "

"Right away Your Majesty, please follow me there ", Sharx bows and then goes towards the boy's section

Safira places him on her shoulders and points at things, he shakes his head at things he doesn't like and nods at things he does, he mimics Fenris minus the jump up and down. 15 shirts, 20 shorts and long pants and 11 shoes later he then completed his mission.

Queen Safira:" Sharx to the jewel please "

Sharx:" This way Your Majesty"', she walks off towards the jewel section

….The Jewelry section

The jeweller bows to Queen Safira when she arrives: "Your Majesty, how may I be of service to you?"

Safira notices he's a normal elf cross human possibly:" Thank you, can we please see all your memory lockets metal is not a problem and price isn't either".

The jewellery bows, gestures to one helper to go to the back and grab something, then go to one of the showcases and takes out all the lockets, then he brings them, a few a small with hearts

AN: "I'm talking real shape hearts"

Some are square with a pattern on them, but one catches Fenris's attention, it's one shaped like an eye and the story from this morning hits her. The eye had a shape like a dragon, she points at that one

Fenris " My I take this one please it reminds me so much of Safira ", the sales assistant hands it to her to view

Queen Safira:" That's very beautiful my dear, I like it a lot Fenris do you Love it ?"

Fenris loves it and says she wants it so badly, so Queen Safira agrees to get it for her. Sharx adds it to their shopping ring.

The doors to the back open as a helper come out and bows then bring out a box from his ring.

The jeweller:" Your Majesty, might you be interested in this piece ", he opens the box before handing it gently to her

It's a locket with claws running every 0.01m distance apart to the back of it, then the main locket is circular, he then opens it, it has a mirror on the one side while the other is where you capture memories and store them to view later. On the back is a section you can engrave something on…

Safira shows a big smile:" This is truly remarkable I love it, we will take these two please ", then tips both the jeweller and his assistants

Share:" Your Majesty is that all, is there anything else I can help with ?"

Safira thinks for a second:" A formal clan robe, do you know where I can get a custom one for this little guy ?"

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Sharx smiles:" Your Majesty please follow me we offer in-house custom robe making "

"Just wonderful please lead the way I want a few for him "

They start following her…

Fenris looks at her:" Safira are you gonna make one with your clan symbol on it, what if he gets harassed by them ?"

"Why not, plus I'll make sure he only wears it around friends and his family if we find them "

Fenris:" Alright Safira just be sure to tell him otherwise the other races might get…you know ruff with him "

"I will thank you sweetheart "

They arrive at the custom robe section….but the woman is busy tending to another group of beings, so Queen Safira and Fenris sit down looking and wait ….

The woman comes forward and bows:" Your Majesty sorry to keep you waiting, how may I be of service to you", and stands up straight

Queen Safira stands up:" I would like to have custom robes made for this little guy ", she pulls one out:" Like this, please? , can I also get it in green and brown without my clan logo on it "

The woman looks at the robe and admires its beauty:" Your Majesty how many? and when do you need them by ?"

"Four please two white and then one in the other colours, We are leaving early tomorrow morning so then would be fantastic, earlier even better "

The woman:" Hmmm I think I can get them done by this evening, where might you be staying I'll send someone to drop them off "

Queen Safira shakes her head:" I'm staying in the main castle I'll send Kiron to fetch them when would be best ?"

The woman:" we close at sunset so come before then and I'll have them done ", she bows to Queen Safira

Queen Safira:" Thank you very much, good day "

They go to checkout to pay for all the stuff the cashier is shocked to see a dragon but starts scanning everything into the system than with an even more shocked face:" Umm, Your Majesty that will be 5 Emlane coins "

AN" Comes to 5,000,000= platinum coins that are 50,000,000 gold coins ". "They called Emlane cause they are a digital currency that can be exchanged into solid coins of your choosing". Each realm has its kind of universal currency.

Safira doesn't even flinch as she makes the payment with her bracelet and faces scan/fingerprint/DNA your choice for confirmation.

Sharx is so happy she's gonna get a massive payday for the sales she did, but then she sees Queen Safira handing her a Platinum coin as well so she bows," Thank you, Your Majesty "

Queen Safira then takes them to go eat at a restaurant for lunch, they also walk through the marketplaces and look around. Once they are done they head back to the castle…

"Your Majesty welcomes back, good news I secured you a VIB (Very Important Being ) passes for early in the morning tomorrow. They even opened up earlier just for you so you don't get caught in the mayhem ", King Aroc tells her smiling

Queen Safira:" Thank you so much, you truly have my deepest sympathy "

"It's truly an honour Your Majesty ", Queen Lily also bows to Queen Safira

They all sit down and eat dinner and then head to bed…

'Knock Knock'

"Your Majesty I have the robes"

"Please come in I wanna see them ", Queen Safira answers him

Kiron comes in and sees Queen Safira in the bath with Fenris and the boy, he averts his gaze in respect and goes to the bed placing them on the bed.

Kiron:" Sorry for the interruption Your Majesty I'll leave you all be "

Queen Safira:" Thank you very much Kiron "

He leaves the room and after a while, they get out Queen Safira has a look and they are just wonderful, she puts the white one on him and smiles at him.

Fenris claps at it:" Just marvellous Safira, wow he looks so adorable "

"And what do you think little man, do you like it ?", Safira looks at his face

The boy plays with the robe and touches it, it feels so soft like Safira's clothing, he then touches the pattern on the chest recognizing it.

Queen Safira:" Come in smile at us little one "

The boy just claps:" Beautiful ", and points at Safira one

"Well at least he thinks is beautiful Safira and thinks he looks wonderful in it "

Queen Safira kiss his head and then puts some PJ pants on him, then she goes to get her hair brushed like usual before bed.

In bed, Queen Safira thinks about the boy and why he doesn't smile and it worries her, she eventually decides to go to sleep and worry about it tomorrow.

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