Chapter 14: The Forest Elfs

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In the mystical forest of Illumidoriam, tall trees with vibrant green trunks and leaves loomed high above. Bluegrass blanketed the earth and the creatures dwelling within were as friendly as they come, with only a select few being fearsome predators. The lake was crystal clear, teeming with life, and surrounded by mountains and caves.

But what truly set this forest apart was the magical illumination that enveloped it every night. The whole forest would light up, with everything shining bright, even the plants in the lake and the mossy rocks on the mountains. It was a sight to behold, drawing countless visitors from far and wide to bask in its beauty.

Nestled deep within the forest, behind the imposing mountain range, was a massive city that filled the entire area. The mountains were protected by barriers and the towering central tree provided aerial coverage.

At the top of the tree stood the largest building of all, the Palace of the Forest Elf Clan.

King Aerin and Queen Estel sat down for breakfast with their children, Crowned Prince Logon and Princess Aeryn.

They were chatting away, enjoying each other's company, when suddenly, Princess Aeryn dropped her spoon and started to shake. The guards immediately moved into a defensive formation, but King Aerin spoke up to calm them.

"At ease everyone, including you, Aeryn. It seems your aunt has arrived. The last time you saw her, you were only one year old," the King said with a smile.

"Hahahaha, you should see your face, Aeryn. It's as pale as a ghost! Hahahaha," Prince Logon burst out laughing.

King Aerin joined in on the laughter, "Haha, is that funny because you're one to talk? I remember five years ago when you were practically jumping into your mom's arms in fear, pants wet, hahahaha."

"Dad, that's so not cool. I was only four years old back then," Prince Logon sighed, looking away in embarrassment.

"So, you get a pass because your sister is five now?" King Aerin teased with a grin.

Amidst the silence, Prince Logon chooses to remain mute, opting for the ancient Elf rite of silence:"..."

Queen Estel interjects, scolding her husband for his teasing: "Aerin, stop tormenting your son and your sister. I'm sure many are feeling anxious right now, even the adults."

King Aerin merely grins: "Guards, send word to the palace gates. Inform them that the Dragon Queen Safira has arrived and escort her to the palace. Assure the city that all is well."

Two guards quickly heed their king's orders and rush to carry out the task as the younger members of the royal family still stand frozen, having initially thought that the Dark Elf had finally found them.


At the main gate, the guards wait for 10 minutes until the sound of whistling wind can be heard.

Suddenly, a massive gust of wind blows the guards back, causing one to perform a mid-air somersault.

They pick themselves up and dust themselves off, only to freeze as they look up to see the imposing figure of the Dragon Queen Safira.

Quickly regaining their composure, they bow and greet her: "Your Majesty, we've been expecting you. This way, please."

Queen Safira smiles at the guards, before checking on a young boy who was protected in the gust of wind: "Are you okay, little one?"

He doesn't reply to her.

11 minutes later, the rest of the Queen's entourage arrives, landing beside her.

Safira scoffs at Kiron: "Took you long enough.

Are you getting slow in your old age, Kiron?"

Kiron, carrying Fenris, face palms himself, silently thinking to himself: "Is she kidding me? Not only is she an Ancient God Beast, but I was also carrying Fenris. How ridiculous." Despite his thoughts, he merely sighs and says nothing.

Safira then turns to the guard: "Lead the way, now that everyone is here." She feels someone hiding under her arm and giggles upon realizing it's Fenris: "Flying scared, Fenris? Did Kiron drop you or fly erratically?"

Fenris merely remains silent, hiding deeper under Safira's arm. Kiron merely rolls his eyes, resigned to his fate.

As they made their way to the Tree Palace, the Elfs were at a loss for words. But they quickly regained their composure and started leading the way.

Safira was shocked at the sight before her. She remembered when she last saw her friends, they lived in a small town, with limited technology and a simple, forestry style of dress. But now, she saw towering mansions, bustling stores, brilliant lights, and even chariots and small flying machines.

The Elfs were all dressed in opulent attire, some even wearing martial arts clothing with clan symbols. To her surprise, she also saw other races present in the city.

She asked the guards, "It's only been 5 years, right? How did you get to this point?"

The guard replied, "It's best if the King and Queen explain it. I'm just a warrior, after all."

Safira nodded, still in awe of the city and the Elfs playing and moving about with carefree abandon.

In return, the Elfs paused their activities to take in the sight of Queen Safira and her dragon clan.

They had only heard of dragons in classes and bedtime stories, and the prospect of seeing one in the flesh filled them with fear and wonder.

They knew the power dragons held, and all bowed in respect, worried they might have angered them and brought destruction upon their city.

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But soon, word spread that the Queen of Dragons was an ally and friend to the King and Queen of Elfs, and the envoy continued to the palace.

Finally, they arrived at the magnificent palace, surrounded by a lush garden filled with vines, moss, and earthy hues. A fountain, shaped like the clan's symbol, a tree with a knife facing down and arrows crossing through it, flowed with water and was located at the centre of the garden. A beautiful family was waiting by the fountain to greet Queen Safira.

Safira's eyes twinkled with delight as she whispered, "I never imagined that the young boy I rescued would go on to build such a magnificent empire, especially after that tyrant wrought havoc on them with the evil Dark Elves."

As King Aerin, Queen Estel, and their children waited by the fountain, they heard the lift open.

To their excitement, Queen Safira emerged and they rushed over to greet her, leaving the young prince and princess standing alone.

King Aerin and Queen Estel eagerly called out, "Queen Safira! Queen Safira! Que-".

But Safira interrupted, "Yes, yes, I heard you the first time. It's only been five years, but there's no need to get overexcited. And you left my sweet children behind, too." With a gentle smile, she handed the boy to Fenris.

King Aerin and Queen Estel were caught off guard when they noticed the children still by the fountain.

The king rubbed his forehead in frustration and the queen let out a sigh of regret.

King Aerin beckoned the children over, "Come here and meet your Aunt Safira." But before he could continue, he heard a whisper.

Safira chuckled, "Don't worry, child. Lots of people get excited to see this old dragon still, but they don't forget their kids."

King Aerin spun around in surprise, shocked that Safira had gotten so close to him. He thought, "I'll never hear the end of this from her."

Queen Estel greeted Safira with a half-smile, "Greetings, Safira. How are you doing?"

Safira replied with a mischievous grin, "Greetings, Estel. I'm doing well now that I finally see my friends' faces, but I was disappointed to see that my children were left alone."

King Aerin and Queen Estel thought in unison, "We're in for it now."

As Prince Logon and Princess Aeryn finally reach their father's side, the princess nervously hides behind him.

Bowing respectfully to Queen Safira, the prince is suddenly grabbed by the face before he can even lower his eyes.

Queen Safira kneels before him, gazing into his mesmerizing hazel eyes that rival the autumn leaves. She places a tender kiss on his cheek and embraces him tightly, leaving the prince in a state of shock.

As the hug lasts for two blissful minutes, Queen Safira stands and walks over to Princess Aeryn, kneeling once more.

"Hello, Aeryn. I am your aunt Safira," she says with a warm smile, "the last time I saw you, you were this big." She gestures with her hands, "But now, look at you! You have grown into such a beautiful young girl. Please, won't you give your aunt a big hug and a kiss?" She opens her arms wide, making adorable dragon eyes.

Holding her father's hand, Princess Aeryn glances up at him for reassurance. He nods and pushes her forward into Queen Safira's embrace.

But as she moves her arms around the queen, she suddenly hits something, making her eyes widen in fear. "I...I'm sorry," she stammers.

Queen Safira chuckles, "Don't be, my dear Aeryn. Your father did the same thing when he was small, and even fell on his bottom! Hahaha."

King Aerin blushes and tries to hide his face, whistling awkwardly.

Princess Aeryn giggles, "Really, Dad? You did that?"

King Aerin interjects, "Alright, enough storytelling. Don't I get a hug too?"

Queen Safira sighs dramatically, "Fine, come here, my boy." She kisses him on the cheek and embraces him tightly, whispering, "I've missed you so much."

As Queen Estel approaches, she overhears what Safira says and giggles.

Queen Safira, the fierce ruler of the Beast Domain, approached King Aerin and Queen Estel with a warm embrace and a loving kiss. "My dear friends, I hope King Aerin has been behaving himself," she teased with a mischievous grin, "or else I might have to give him a good thrashing." Queen Estel chuckled, relieved that her husband was safe from harm nodding at her.

King Aerin, sensing the serious tone in Safira's voice, asked with concern, "Safira, what brings you here so early? Are the young dragons alright? Please tell me you're not training here in our new forest."

Queen Safira shot a playful smirk towards the king and gestured for everyone to gather around.

"Fear not, my friend," she declared, "the young dragons are in good hands. As for why I'm here, let's just say it's not for combat training."

At that moment, a young boy with Fenris caught Queen Safira's attention with a tug on her hair.

"I've come because of him," she said, gesturing to the boy. "Let's find a place to sit and I'll tell you the story."

King Aerin nodded and ordered his guards to prepare some rooms. Leading the group to the spacious courtyard. The children bombarded her with questions about flying, strength, the Beast Domain, and even the size of her dragon form.

Queen Safira indulged the children with tales of adventure and laughter, playing along with their innocent curiosity. Meanwhile, the young boy from Fenris simply gazed in wonder at the magnificent palace and played with Safira's hair.

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