Chapter 17: Calming Tea Time

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The group was gathered around the large oak table, sipping on the soothing elf tea blend. The warm liquid was known for its ability to calm the mind and bring peace to those who consumed it.

The group was grateful for the tea, for without it, they were unsure if they would have been able to get a good night's sleep.

The fear of death had brought new meaning to life for all of them. Queen Safira sat cradling little Damian, who was now giggling and smiling as she played with him.

This brought her immense happiness and allowed her to put aside her previous thoughts of embarking on a God-hunting quest.

However, the children at the table were still a little frightened, which made Queen Safira's heart heavy. She didn't want to come off as a monster to them.

Tears welled up in Queen Safira's eyes as she addressed the children. "I'm so sorry for what I did. Please believe me, I'm not a monster and I didn't mean to hurt anyone."

Prince Logon looked up from his tea, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Don't worry, Aunt Safira. Mom explained everything. I'm sorry about him, what was his name again?"

"Damian," Queen Estel quickly replied, her voice filled with love for her new charge.

"Yes, Damian," Prince Logon said, his eyes filled with empathy for the young child. "I'm sorry for everything he's been through."

Princess Aeryn sat quietly, her gaze fixed on the table.

"My sweet Aeryn, are you okay?" Queen Safira asked, a genuine look of concern on her face. "Is there anything I can do to help? Just name it and I'll do it, within my power or not."

Princess Aeryn lifted her eyes, a sad expression on her face. After a moment of hesitation, she finally spoke. "Can we play later or tomorrow?"

Queen Safira's face lit up with a warm smile. "Of course, my love. We will certainly play together tomorrow. That's how it should be. Is there anything else you want, my sweet? And what about you, little Logon? Do you want anything?"

Princess Aeryn shook her head, remembering her parent's teachings about the dangers of being greedy.

"I will think about it, I'm still processing everything that's happened," he said

"Take all the time you need," Queen Safira said with a nod.

"Thank you, Auntie Safira," Prince Logon said before going back to eating a slice of cake.

Queen Estel observed the children and then turned to Queen Safira. "Well, we finally have a name for Damian. Isn't that wonderful? What a beautiful name. What does it mean?"

King Aerin looked at Queen Estel with a curious expression. "Hmmm, I know that we Emmortals use the name for 'To Tame,' but I wonder what mortals might use it for."

Queen Safira chimed in. "The Gods use it for things like 'Master' or 'Conquer,' but it might have a different meaning for mortals."

Fenris couldn't help but admire a young child nearby. "A conquer…ahhhh, who would name their adorable child that. I mean, just look at him. He's gorgeous."

King Aerin chuckled. "Hahaha, he better not be a heart stealer, with all the women captivated by his… eyes. I don't think a word could do justice to their beauty."

Queen Estel smiled at her husband. "You might be right, darling. Maybe we should think about hiding them, or else the women might run after him."

Prince Logon joined the conversation. "Now I want eyes like that. Where can I get them?"

Queen Estel ruffled the young prince's hair.

"Little Prince Logon, don't say that. Your gorgeous hazel eyes are beautiful as well. I'm sure you'll grow up to be… I'll tell you when you're older."

The prince smiled. "You think so, Aunt?" He touched his face. "But Dad says always look for a kind-hearted girl, not a false one."

Queen Estel nearly choked on her tea as she glared at her husband, King Aerin, who tried to fake a laugh.

"Ha ha ha, son, you're funny. Jokes like that aren't fun," King Aerin said with a smirk. "Ouch! That hurt, darling."

Queen Estel continued to glare at him. "You want more, darling?!!"

King Aerin lifted his hands in surrender. "Please, don't. I'm stupid as usual. And you weren't supposed to repeat that."

King Aerin sighed as he looked at Queen Estel's stern gaze. "Don't blame your son for your foolishness," she scolded.

King Aerin simply shrugged. "I apologize," he said, trying to appease her.

Queen Estel huffed. "You'll be sorry later," she said before taking another sip of her tea.

King Aerin decided to change the subject. "Queen Safira, what do you plan on doing with Damian? He can't go to the Upper Realms with such a low power rank level."

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Queen Safira let out a sigh, "I know, he's a mortal who somehow managed to slip through. His body wouldn't be able to handle the power of the Immortal Sky River."

King Aerin nodded in agreement, "That's correct. And, strangely, we can't seem to find his race in our records. Why is that?"

Queen Safira thought for a moment before answering, "It could be a new race in the mortal realm or perhaps there's a hex that's preventing us from finding out. I think it's more likely to be the first option."

Queen Estel, who was still grumpy but also curious, asked, "Why do you think that, darling?"

King Aerin chuckled, trying to ease the tension. "There are so many mortals born every day, his eyes maybe just a natural trait for his species, much like our pointy ears, Queen Safira's wings, a merfolk's tail, or a werewolphs eyes."

"King Aerin and Queen Estel, the Future Parents"

Queen Safira gazes at Damian, extending her finger towards him. "Damian," she calls out, and the little one looks up at her. She smiles, clapping her hands.

"To answer your earlier question, King Aerin," she begins, a tinge of sadness in her voice. "When my month is up, I will have to return to the Beast Domain." A single tear falls down her cheek.

"But I won't let that stop me from helping Damian," she continues, determination in her voice. "I'll speak to my god friends and the Ancient God Turtle King. He owes me some favours, and I'll cash them in to find answers about the hex that's affecting Damian. But for now, I was hoping you could raise him for me. He's been through so much and deserves a stable and secure life."

King Aerin and Queen Estel reply in unison, "Of course, we will." Queen Estel adds, "It will be our honour to raise him. I was hoping you would ask us. I wouldn't want to see him in an orphanage home."

Kiron asks, "Do you have one of those? How many kids are orphaned?"

King Aerin sighs heavily. "The Dimensional gate games of the gods have gotten so bad, it's why we switched to peace. It's heartbreaking to see so many children without a home."

Fenris joins in, "What a bunch of monsters. I wish something could be done, but that god just had to change the rules."

Queen Safira, her heart heavy with sadness, points to King Aerin and Queen Estel and says, "Damian, these are your new parents. They will look after you." Though she speaks the words with a smile, her heart aches as she says them.

As Queen Safira pointed towards something, Damian looked in the direction she was pointing.

He then turned to face her and said, "Safira." With that, another tear fell from her eyes and she hugged him tightly, whispering into his ear, "I love you so much, thank you."

Safira stepped back and declared in a proud voice, "I'm your Aunt, Aunty Safira to you."

But Damian simply shook his head, melting her heart of steel even further. She decided to drop the matter and turned her attention to King Aerin, asking what had happened to their planet.

King Aerin began to tell Queen Safira about everything that had transpired. He explained that the Emmortals were losing the fight in the Dimensional Gates until the Queen of Wizards came up with the idea to unify everyone.

All races on the planet and other planets joined together to form the United Beings Council (UBC). They then worked together to create a schooling system for kids between the ages of 12 and 15, where they could learn and work together.

At 16, they still went to school, but as apprentices, they could secure one with their skills. Alternatively, they could take a break.

The UBC had also created a post-graduation camp for ages 17 to 20, where the kids would adventure together and learn different skills, increasing their power comprehension significantly. However, it was currently under construction to become a military academy.

Thanks to this union, they made great strides in technology, runes, skills, combat arts, powers, talismans, and more. The forest Elfs no longer had to run and hide, and there were no more wars between the different clans.

They had learned so much from the water elves and they, in turn, had learned so much from them.

Queen Safira was completely blown away by the idea and wanted to know more. She asked King Aerin and Queen Estel countless questions, eager to learn how it all worked and how they had sorted out their differences.

They answered all of her questions, leaving her with a newfound appreciation for the power of unity and cooperation.

As the night progressed, Fenris and Queen Safira retired to their bedrooms. Fenris started running a bath for himself and turned to Queen Safira.

"Safira, are you okay?" Fenris asked with concern. "Is there something troubling you?"

Queen Safira walked to the bed and helped Damian undress. "No, dear Fenris," she replied softly. "I'll talk to Drac about it tomorrow. They should be here in the late afternoon."

Fenris hugged Queen Safira tightly. "You're going to miss him, aren't you?" she said, her voice cracking with emotion. "I can see the pain in your eyes, knowing you have to leave him. You saved me from my father and raised me like your own. I love you like a mother, and I'm truly sorry."

Queen Safira's tears started to fall as she hugged Fenris back. "Thank you, Fenris. My daughter, you have helped me so much. It means the world to hear that from you. You are right, I am going to miss Damian. I wish I could stay here with him longer, but as a Queen, I have a duty to my clan."

"I'm sorry for the burden you carry, keeping the Dark Dragon King away," Fenris said, wiping away her tears. "If only he wasn't here, the other God Beast wouldn't have picked a fight with you. You are the strongest beast after all."

Queen Safira smiled through her tears. "Thank you, my daughter. Now let's get ready for a bath and then sleep."

And with that, Fenris and Queen Safira bathed and settled in for the night.

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