Chapter 16: Not Right!!!

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"The Results Are a Shocking Discovery!"

Queen Safira, King Aerin, Queen Estel, Fenris, and even the royal guard stand frozen, their gazes fixed on the screen as the results of the test are displayed.

The children cling to their father's shirt, confused and scared, but no one dares to break the silence.

"Darling, I think you should run the test again. It must have glitched," Queen Estel said, trying to bring some hope to the situation.

King Aerin, his face solemn, nodded and went back to the machine, running the test once more. But as he worked, the boy squirmed on the table, making it difficult for her to hold him still.

"Safira, can you please hold him still? I need to run it again to be sure," King Aerin said, his voice tense.

Queen Safira snapped out of her trance, and with tears streaming down her face, she turned to the boy and held him still, but she couldn't bring herself to smile at him. Her heart was heavy with fear and anger.

Fenris tried to comfort her, but Queen Safira was too consumed by her thoughts to listen. Her mind was racing, trying to make sense of the impossible results. She refused to believe what she was seeing.

Five long minutes felt like an eternity as they waited for the results. And then, the sound of the machine ding echoed through the room, and King Aerin transferred the results to the screen once more.

Queen Safira didn't wait this time, and with a determined look on her face, she turned to the screen, holding the boy close to her. What would the results reveal?

When the results showed no change, everyone was left speechless, unable to comprehend how two errors in a row could happen. King Aerin was the first to break the silence.

"Safira, I may not be as old as you, but I've seen a lot in my time. What is this? Who would do this to a child? How is he even alive with such...I don't even have words for it," he said, his voice trembling with emotion.

Queen Safira held Damian close to her, tears streaming down her face. "What kind of sick existence would do this to a child? I know only a God could place such a supreme hex on a child, and a dark one at that," she said, her voice filled with anger.

Suddenly, Queen Safira released her aura, sending everyone flying away from her. Her aura kept growing, until it covered the entire forest, and kept expanding.

Meanwhile, Kiron, who was still talking with Drac, felt the Queen's aura and recognized it immediately. He started warping as fast as he could towards her, still speaking with Drac.

Drac kept asking what was going on, but Kiron only told him that the Queen was going nova for sure with that kind of energy signature.

When Kiron finally arrived, he saw Queen Safira's wings generating white light and her power was rising at an alarming rate. He knew he had to act fast before it was too late.

He pulled out a god formation and threw it on the ground by Queen Safira's feet. "Close your eyes or you'll never see anything again, and shield yourself" he yelled, his voice filled with urgency.

As they heard, the soldiers swiftly followed their orders. Some even crouched and wrapped their wings around them, ready for what was to come.

Suddenly, the room was filled with intense energy, as Queen Safira's power surged through the formation. The ruins around them began to glow brighter and brighter until finally, a bridge was formed.

The formation continued to absorb Queen Safira's energy, channelling it towards a lone star without any planets surrounding it. This was a precaution they had taken, knowing that at times, the Queen's anger could get the better of her.

15 minutes passed, as the heat and light gradually faded. The star, now ultimately destroyed, was torn apart by the Queen's energy, its light slowly fading into darkness.

Everyone in the room cautiously opened their eyes, trying to avoid being blinded by the intense light.

King Aerin and Queen Estel held their children's eyes closed, while some guards kept their eyes shut until Kiron gave the all-clear.

Drac, still on the phone with Kiron, asked, "Is the Queen alright? What's going on?"

Kiron, shaking with fear, slowly looked towards the Queen, who was holding a young boy, her face contorted with anger. He trembled as he answered Drac, and was ordered to put the Queen on the phone.

As Kiron approached, holding the earpiece and disk with the hologram, he was visibly trembling.

The leader of the stealth force was afraid, as his powers are light but now he was facing the true wrath of the Queen.

Queen Safira stood there, staring at the stats, cracking her knuckles as she made a fist.

Kiron, holding out the earpiece, stammered, "Your... Your... Your Majesty, Drac wants to talk to you."

Queen Safira didn't even spare Kiron a glance as she reached for the earpiece and put it in her ear, listening to Drac's voice.

"Safira, what's wrong darling? Please breathe and talk to me. I'm here for you," Drac tried to speak soothingly, knowing how dangerous it was when the Queen was in this state of mind.

"I'm going God hunting," she stated matter-of-factly, with full conviction in her voice.

Drac started to sweat, realizing the seriousness of the situation. He tried to calm her down, "Queen Safira, please explain to me what's wrong. Let me help you. I'll come to you. I'll tell the clan members to cancel the early combat training and we'll start nature training instead. Wait for me, and we'll talk about it."

Queen Safira let out a heavy sigh, "You have a day. The…", but she was cut off as she felt a soft touch on her face.

She looked down to see Damian, smiling despite his burnt hands, face, and missing hair. Most of his clothing was gone, but he still managed to smile, "Safira, so beautiful, light, brighter please."

Queen Safira fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face as she saw the state Damian was in. "What… What have I done? I hurt you, my sweetie. No, no, no, please no," she cried.

Kiron gazed at the two people in front of him, and his confusion was palpable. "How can he still see? Why isn't he crying in pain or anything? What's going on?"

The other people in the room were equally puzzled as they all stared at Damian. Suddenly, they heard cracking sounds coming from the boy's body.

Everyone's jaws dropped as Damian's body, which was nearly 60% burnt, started to heal right in front of their eyes. Even Drac, the powerful leader of the squad, was stunned.

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"What the hell? How is this possible? Not even angels can heal that fast! Safira, I'm coming right now with the children and squads. I want to know what you learned about him," Drac shouted as he gave orders to regroup.

Queen Safira just kept repeating, "I'm so sorry," over and over again until Fenris arrived and held her. Only then did she snap out of her lost state of mind.

Fenris comforted Safira, "He's fine, look at him. He's playing with your hair, not scared of you, and his wounds are healing. It's okay, you didn't mean to lose your temper. You haven't vented in ages, and you were just mad."

Queen Safira looked into Fenris' eyes and kissed him on the forehead. To their surprise, the boy giggled and smiled, a first for the couple. They couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Fenris took the opportunity to cheer up Safira, "Look, Safira, he's smiling! How is he smiling? See, he's alright. I told you."

Queen Safira gently stroked Damian's face, "Ah, little sweet Damian. I'm truly sorry. I promise I won't hurt you again."

To their surprise, Damian smiled back at her, "Safira."

The King and Queen approached them slowly, not wanting to disrupt their moment. King Aerin spoke, "Thank you, Kiron. That was close. We would have been obliterated." Kiron nodded in agreement.

Queen Estel bent down next to Safira, "You weren't joking, were you, Safira?"

Queen Safira looked around, seeing the destruction her outburst had caused. Her light had melted the machine, the roof, and some other laboratory equipment.

"I'm so sorry, everyone. I don't know what came over me. I should never have lost control like that. Is everyone alright?" she asked with concern.

Everyone quickly reassured her that they were just shaken a little, not wanting to worry her.

Queen Safira turned to King Aerin and asked directly, "Can you send me a copy of the results so I can show Drac when he arrives tomorrow? He wants to see it." The King nodded in agreement.

King Aerin walked over to the monitor and extracted the data onto a small device.

Queen Estel declared, "Come on, everybody, let's go have some tea and relax. And let's get Damian dressed. I think everyone deserves some treats." No one disputed the Queen, and they all headed to the dining hall.

Queen Safira gazed at Damian, still healing slowly in her arms. She refused to take her eyes off him until he fully recovered. Despite the pain she felt at the sight of him being hurt by her, he kept smiling at her, giving her solace.

"Look at his smile, Safira," Fenris said as she gently stroked Damian's head. "It's beautiful. What could have made him so happy and changed?"

Queen Safira replied, "I don't know, but it's truly magnificent to see him smile. I hope it never fades. I hope he's alright"

"I agree," Fenris said. "It's too precious."

King Aerin asked, "Has the boy never smiled before?"

Fenris shook her head. "No, not even once. We tried everything, but nothing worked."

King Aerin sighed in sadness. "That's heartbreaking. Poor child."

The trio continued their conversation as they made their way to the dining room for tea.

In a dreamlike world where plants would brave a mysterious void to reach her, a woman sits on a bench gazing into a tranquil lake, a serene smile spreading across her face.

"Finally, after waiting for so long, he has found help," she said to herself. "But is it too late? Evil is spreading like wildfire... only time will tell."

A younger woman approached, asking, "Mom, what are you talking about and looking at?"

The older woman smiled at her. "Come here, my sweet daughter. I want to show you something important. Have some tea with me."

The younger woman sat down, looking at the water. "What is it, Mom?"

The older woman pointed to the past. "That was me when I was younger, and that young gentleman is your uncle. Let me tell you a story..."

She tells her the story.


In a mystical realm, a woman stands tall, her voice echoing into the vastness of the horizon.


The beasts and the massive tree quiver at her words. Suddenly, she vanishes and reappears, this time at the base of her tree. With a flick of her wrist, a door opens up and she descends the stairs.

As she reaches the bottom, she arrives at a system connected to the roots of the tree. The woman's voice booms again.

"Useless. No, no, no... Ah, yes! Perfect."

The beast in the room doesn't respond, only staring at her intently.

"HA HA HA! You there! Get me a report on his location. Quickly! I need information on the Beast Domain and the God Sector Empires. Hmm... and also..."

She proceeds to explain to the beast what she needs, before disappearing again to continue her tasks.

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