Chapter 2: Army Attacks

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Gabriel tells off Necro for a while and then says:" You ready to give the order now?….because they won't listen to me "

Necro stabs the bottom of his spear into the dirt which has two daggers coming out of it and looks at Gabriel, stands up then shouts…

" All of you fucken rejects of the lower order, listen to Gabriel's commands or I'll kill you, your family, and the whore you fucked last if you disobey her", then looks at Gabriel who has an astonishing face behind her helmet, sits on the floor next to his spear. "There they are all yours to deal with, even telling them to kill themselves if you desire, they will follow through otherwise demise awaits them either way"

Gabriel looks at Necro for a few seconds then looks up to the army that has angels smiling from ear to ear, but the lower demons are sweating and shaking a little in fear of the future now.

Gabriel thinks to herself, "I wish my astonishing luminescent God of Light didn't order me to work together with this monstrosity of unholiness. What a fantastic opportunity this would be for his children to serve the justice these things deserve. Tsk tsk nothing can be done about it I suppose, he knows the path that must be taken and we must follow him without question."

Gabriel flies up into the air and raises her beautiful voice:" all right we are all here for one thing and that's not revenge or tiny issues we have with each other, it's for that" and points at Damian

Damian then looks behind him like it's not him and says loudly " You who is hidden I would run if I was you this isn't looking good"

S:" Damian this isn't a time to joke, it's time to have some fun but that was a good one" a sinister laugh trails off.

Damian grips his duel short swards tightly and looks back sighing:" Thanks...I know, but why not joke a little before death "

The army that is looking at Damian in complete disbelief and amazement to the core, this guy still making jokes at a time like this. The demons start getting angry and radiate dark energy, unleashing their weapons. The angels also do the same releasing their divine energy.

Gabriel looks at them and thinks, you idiots he's trying to get you enraged so you can't fight with a clear mind, but who am I to be a hypocrite when it comes to keeping sane!!!!!

Gabriel speaks loud again: "Angels and Soldier demons to the front on the floor, ranged user in the air with the Higher angels and Higher demons, ranged user fire everything you got first, then ground troops advance after ranged attacks land and the target is still standing, don't fight each other for supremacy. Higher angels and Higher demons stay back and wait until I give the signal for you to fight "

Necro thinks to himself, as always stupid rings have battle strategies and formation...however they never work when chaos enters the fold.

Gabriel continues:" Now can everyone get into formation and prepares to attack and work together that's an order "

All the beings take their position, the ground troops create a semi-circle shape, well the range fighters hover just above them charging their attacks. The Higher angels totalling 20 and Higher demons with 31 are at the back of them.

Damian stands and stares at how they are actually working together and smoothly getting themselves in position, thinking to himself how long will this peacefulness keep up. Then he smiles under his mask as he unsheathes his duel blades (0.7m) long each.

S:" Those foot soldiers are not a problem, just have to dodge their weapons and block, their metal armour has longer durability than your armour, and they underestimate you with the beings they brought, we can help you with the absolute beings when the need arises...but it's gonna be difficult you can't kill them as you are now, especially those two"

Damian nods his head and tightens his grip on his swords and says "Thank you for the help"

L:" Don't thank us just yet. Remove your restriction bracelets, this is gonna be a hard fight and you will need everything, those Absolute beings are on another level, but we have an advantage- they have power restrictions, I agree with S it is achievable if you listen to my every order", Damian gets ready to do as he's told

Damian:" L good to hear your voice in this fight, I'm in your hands when it comes to fighting no better strategist "

S:" WTF, I'm right here you know, plus I say we just run straight at them sword swinging and heads rolling".

Damian "…"

L:" ahh, Damian when they launch the range attacks, they all gonna be blinded, appear behind the Higher Angels and Higher demons, and take as many wings close to the spine and heads as you can so they fall, their armour is light "

S:" Are you crazy the two Absolute beings are 200m behind them they won't stand by"

Damian:" Umm… L you sure"

L:" Trust me "

Damian thanks his bad luck he has his swords as he prepares to appear quickly behind them.

Gabriel shouts:" Prepare….. Range fighters attack"

Just then all the range fighters attack him on the island, dark/light arrows, fireballs, spears, poison darts, flying blades, Ice spears, and light and dark balls of energy are sent. An enormous arc of different attacks is fired at Damian in just a few seconds well he's standing still.

KABOOOOOOOOOOOM, Damian's body disintegrates into nothing as dark fights with light as his body disintegrates, the ground shakes like an earthquake, flames destroy the area for 500m, and the lake water heats so much it starts rapidly evaporating.

It takes 4 minutes for everything to calm down as a giant crater is left in the ground 20m deep, and the tree on the lake is damaged and on fire.

The once beautiful view is now a barren wasteland, it is such a sad view the waterfall still falling is trying to fill in the gaps that were created by the explosion.

All the Soldier demons erupted into creepy laughs, most are clapping and saying " He didn't even move ", "talks big but freezes ", and "what a joke". Angels are just irritated and saying, "really what a waste of time", "why did we even come", and " what a wonderful place destroyed ".

Necro says in a very low voice: " Idiots dropping your defence don't you even realize "

Gabriel also thinks to herself you younger generation don't know fighting, why were we ordered to stay back and watch this My Light? I'll step in when the numbers drop below half I can't watch innocent juniors die.

Gabriel then mind talks to Necro:" I know you won't do anything even if they all die, but will you help me when they go down by half?"

Necro looks up and makes a wicked laugh noise but nods his head.

Well the explosion still happens and the beings laugh and whine amongst themselves, all of a sudden a lot of loud pained screams fill the air, and all the demons and angels stop and look back as 21 Higher Demons are falling to the ground and 12 Higher angels. 20 Higher demons are dead 1 are gravely hurt, 7 Higher angels are dead well the rest wings are clipped or damaged at the spine.

All the beings are startled at how did this happen they saw the attack land, his body even disintegrated, how did he get behind them, and even take out so many higher beings in a few minutes without them noticing?

L:" Damian move don't stop jump into the middle of the ground soldiers, the range fighters can't attack you fully then"

Damian does as he's told and starts cutting the lower beings into pieces. Aiming for the heads of the beings to make sure death is certain.

L" Damian cast a lightning net, making the rest of the higher beings, also ranged one dazed and fall on the lower ones"

Damian channels all the static in the air from the explosion earlier looks towards the beings still in the air and cast a net the size of 50m by 50m and motion downwards for it to fall.

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All the angels with earth powers see the net and cast protection, while the demons with fire powers coat their bodies to protect themselves from the incoming net, Damian also coats his body in lightning to protect from the electric shock.

'Cracks.BANG..' bright flashes fill the area, as beings scream, are burnt, limbs fall, blood sprays everywhere, and some lie on the floor convulsing unable to move.

Gabriel speaks in a low voice:" Why are none of you working together, you all trying to get recognition, the ones with protection abilities aren't shielding the others that can't, they are even killing each other in this madness", Gabriel closes her bright red eyes in sadness

Necro just wickedly laughs so loud that beings even look back, some with fearful eyes others with pleading eyes for help as they lie on the ground hurt and screaming:" Don't look at me you weaklings I'm not gonna help "


L:" Damian the angels have weak armour by the ribs and knees, while the demons are weak by the hip and under arm"

Damian thanks him while targeting those areas that L told him about...

S:" Use those new earth powers"

Damian makes pillars appear causing vision to be impaired and then he uses lightning to generate steam from the water attacks...

'Clang, slash, Bang,

"Die you disgusting spawn"

Damian dodges a twin blade coming at him while cutting into a demon's body…

Damian looks at her:" Ladies first…Lightning Smite", huge spikes of lightning explode from the pillars and charring beings around them

He then rushes to the angel lady who is attempting to shield herself from the lightning…

"Times up", Damian swings his blade from behind her cutting at her neck

"Splat", blood comes pouring out her neck as she falls forward

"Someone…help…me…please", she grabs her neck dropping her weapon

A demon comes rushing towards them, her faith levels start to increase even though it's a demon…

The demon smiles:" Fire Whip", a lengthy whip with spikes and six sabres swings towards Damian and the angel

"Sorry about this", Damian lifts her as protection and raises his swords to block…

'Whooosh, Boooom', Damian goes soaring as the six sabres cut through her killing the angel

"That wasn't very pleasant she asked for your aid", Damian stands and shakes off the mud mixed with blood

"Hahahaha she was already deceased so fuck her, you are mine", he rushes towards Damian pivoting his whip quickly

"Vine and Earth Cage", Damian lifts his hands and a huge prison covers everyone around him…

The sun begins to fade as the ceiling closes in seconds…the darkness makes it problematic for them to see…but the demon's whip lights up the inside helping…

"Steal the air", 'Clap' the plants begin to steal all the oxygen in the cage

Damian stands in the epicentre of the cage looking around everyone readies their weapons…but then the fire whip starts withering away…

Demon:" What the fuck, Fire…Fire..what do you think I'm terrified of the dark…I am born of darkness "He grins at Damian while the other beings make lights to see

"Then bring it on demon why are your legs trembling like the others"

'Bang, Bang, Bang', others outsides attempt to smash into the cage

The demon rushes towards him with two black curved blades…he jumps into the air at Damian

"Natures Protection", a creature comes out of the ground and grabs the demon by the hands

'Bang, Smash, Bang', the creature repeatedly pummels him into the floor breaking his body

"Shit these earth powers are insane", Damian examines the creature before it vanishes

The different beings try to get out but Damian cuts them down quickly before they can...

"Hmm, I wonder if barbs...

On the outside, all the beings are still trying to break in when massive barbs impale all of them and send others fleeing away.

The cage then begins to collapse as the Angels and Demons fall dead from the barbs

Damian comes into perspective and all of them start backing up away as they see the carnage inside…

L:" Damian don't halt they are scared now persist in your assault", he smiles under his mask before carrying on his assault

Damian continues his attacks with his weapons, powers and martial arts for 30 minutes and listens to L's every order.

The Angel and Demon army launch Earth spikes, light lasers, plagues, curses, lightning strikes, fireballs, acid, and all kinds of different attacks at Damian hitting each other more than him, as Damian deflects them or warps away stabbing another being.

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