Chapter 3: “Title At The End”

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Next, a loud shout rings out from a scary voice and a massive pressure descends on the entire area stopping every being in their tracks….


Damian just watches and backs away from the horde of beings still alive, he knows they won't attack him now not after Gabriel just gave her orders for them to stop…

L:" They are going to attack now Damian be ready all right"

S:" You better beat that bug shits ass do you hear me!!!!!"

Necro just stands up holding his spear:" Ahhhhh so boring, I was enjoying the show ", then grabs a retreating Higher demon that says:" Sir what…ahhh". Necro crushes his head like a berry as brown blood squirts everywhere, other beings jump back in fear hoping not to get grabbed.

" What you want? keep moving unless you wanna join that last Higher piece of shit that thought sucking up to me was good….hahahahaha", he just laughs and drops the body to the floor

That's right out of all the Higher beings, only two angels and while only one Higher demon survived. The army consisted of one million two hundred and fifty thousand, of which had twenty Higher angels and thirty-one Higher demons. Now is less than five hundred and forty-three thousand give it since the injured might not make it.

Gabriel looks at the battlefield that's just filled with bodies, and also has beings that can't move and crying or withering in pain, she looks at Necro with pleading eyes:" Can you please give them mercy ?"

Necro looks at her and ponders whether she is for real, why must I show them mercy I'm enjoying myself listening to this symphony of screams: "Ahhhhh fine they'll get in the way anyway "

The five blades pointing up on his Shoulder guards connected to skull faces on them weeping and his shine spikes start moving as he says "Hixes and Nexus" and they shoot out then thousands of blades come out of nowhere stabbing them all in the heads. After killing all of them all the blades come flying back to him when he says: "Hixes and Nexus", the spikes reattach to his body armour.

S:" Wow Damian did you see those blades and spikes "

" Very hard not to notice, it was loud then a few seconds later quiet, plus he didn't even move that fast so I could see him flicking the blades out his storage dimension", he says as he watches carefully

L:" Not what he's talking about, 1st his armour spikes moved when he said "Hixes and Nexus", also the blades that come out of his dimensional storage are not just a small count of thousands they are also laced with poison "

He smiles behind his mask as he has a trump card that they don't know about apparently or they might but aren't showing it.

Gabriel lands in front of Damian her eyes are super bright red and her wings are much redder than earlier, the energy she's emitting is causing the body's around her to crumple under the pressure

'crack..pop..snap' sounds are heard as the bodies are forced downward away from her feet

Necro stands by the army turns his head and says" let us show you how it's done, don't call yourself powerful beings after today or I'll hunt you down myself ". He flies to the sky and lands next to Gabriel causing the bodies to evaporate into liquid vapour as he lands…..

" Now their bodies can't be put to rest with their families", Gabriel looks at him angrily and shoots him a death stare

"They don't deserve to be, anyway with us fighting nothing will be spared around here, that is why we been restricted to 5% power, this pathetic realm would crumble otherwise, can't even use my Void-Fiendagon", Necro retorts back quickly and crosses his arms in anger for being restricted by a God that will pay for sure

AN:" Void-Fiendagon will be explained later"

Gabriel nods after thinking that what Necro said is 100% correct, she turns to look back at the army and yells no longer in the beautiful voice, but in a scary angry voice: "ALL OF YOU GET 5KM AWAY FROM THIS AREA IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE CAUGHT IN THE CROSSFIRE".

The army doesn't even wait for a second they all start running for their lives, there's no way they can handle the fighting power that those two absolute beings can release.

Damian starts thinking about what Necro said he shouldn't be restricted so why have they for some reason, he understands the lower army was being restricted….but an Absolute being should not be and Necro ran his mouth again not being able to use his Void-Fiendagon and Gabriel's Novaleon gives Damian more of an advantage.

Necro just laughs as usual not realizing the blunder he has caused both him and Gabriel…..

Gabriel looks back to Damian, looking at the blood, brain matter, and flesh covering his body as it is falling to the floor from his body. A look of disgust and anger appears on her face, but she composes herself. "You didn't disappoint and live up to your name, destroyer of order….. "

Damian looks bewildered at that statement, he thinks why are they calling me that I never did anything to their so-called order, I don't even care about their order, all I wanna do is get stronger so I can get my revenge and move on to higher realms. Don't all races try to get stronger to reach higher ranks in life as well? He then tries shaking all the blood and stuff off.

L:" Damian listen to me closely, the angel you need to finish her quick, I've observed and the angrier she gets the stronger she gets, I think she's the legendary berserker "

"That's impossible, I thought the berserker angel was a bulky 3m size man, that died ages ago in the last war that's what the books said"

L:" I'm telling you what I've observed "

S:" Say this to test her….

Damian repeats it:" Say you guys wouldn't let me you know cool off and get clean by any chance ?"

Necro carries on laughing:" hahaha, kid don't sweat you will be dead in 1 minute, I'll burn your body to cinders afterwards then save the cleanup crew time"

" Darn your right, your friends didn't even lay a scratch on me though? I can't believe they are so weak and…..

Gabriel flares up:" You are done for ". She lifts her axe and jumps towards Damian and smashes it down at him

L:" It's her, finish her quickly. Move!"

S:" Told you I am magnificent"

The entire ground shatters as pieces fly up, the air blows outward levelling all the small trees, the mountain with the waterfall splits apart, the giant tree is still burning and branches start falling.

Necro swings to his left quickly as he senses danger, but he's slow as the short sword scratches and cracks his armour.

Damian does a spin, dodging the spear by a hair and retreating…..but Gabriel is on his tail swinging, he gets hit and flies 500m away rolling and hitting rubble around, spitting out blood as his left rib guard crumbles to nothing.

" You fucken little shit, where did you get Adimite blades from in this pathetic realm ", Necro looks at his broken armour and is highly pissed off, he didn't reinforce it thinking those were just normal blades

Damian pukes up blood, then wipes his mouth clean: "From your wife, after I showed her a good time, or was it your daughter"

Necro doesn't even talk back, all of a sudden he splits his spear in two and throws the spearhead like a shuriken so fast toward Damian…

L:" On your right"

Damian blocks Gabriel's attack and throws a high kick to the face that lands sending her flying for 30m

'Bang', she hits a tree dazed by the kick and a little stunned by it

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L: Duck and then leap 45 degrees back"

Damian does as told first he ducks and a blade spinning flies over his head then he leaps backwards as Necro smashes the ground….but looks out the corner of his eyes as Damian's in the air smiling under his mask…

L:" I'm sorry I miscalcu… "

Gabriel flashes by him swinging her axe

Damian lifts his hands forward in a V shape with his swords, and a massive 'BAAAAANG' with a shockwave appears in the sky making the clouds disappear, Gabriel stays flying in her position….but Damian goes flying far away rolling and hitting everything

After he comes to a stop, his arm guards are destroyed, his robe is completely shredded, his pants are no more, and his back guard is completely shattered because she hit him from the back, not the front.

He sits In a recovery position spewing blood as, 8 ribs and his spine are broken…..but all of a sudden 'cracking and pop' sounds are heard as he heals at a rapid pace.

He looks at his chest, sees a locket hanging there, and remembers the promise he made. Then he stands up, stretches, and shakes off the dirt and leaves, putting the locket back into his chest armour.

Damian sighs at not being faster and that his armour is destroyed again:" Fuck me that was a bumpy ride"


The next moment Gabriel and Necro land in front of him, Necro's on her right not too close. They both have shocked and confused faces when looking at Damian right now….

" That's impossible how are you standing so quickly and are nearly fully healed, you should be in immense pain, I hit you with maximum strength", Gabriel tries to piece things together so they can make sense…

L:" Distraction, Fake attack her right, aim for left ribs charged attacked"

Damian doesn't even answer her, earth rises at his command everywhere blocking their view.

Gabriel sees his lunge with an electrically charged sword at her right side. So she uses her red right wings to block the attack as sparks fly and an explosion is heard.

Gabriel:" That's unspor….", hears 'It's fake, Nexes', burp sounds mixed with blood come pouring out her mouth before she can finish and process what is going on

L:"  Necro's Neck"

Necro at the same time: "It's fake, Nexus " as he commands the spikes on his body to fly at Gabriel's left side to defend from Damian's real attack...but he's no longer there where is he...

Necro feels his back tingle so he rolls forward, it is a little late as his back neck armour cracks with a 'Clang…crack'

L: "Her wing for cover".

Necro looks behind himself and shouts: "Nexus, boy how are you so fast ", Then he unleashes hundreds of blades in every direction, at Gabriel as well hitting her armour and cracking it.

L:"Her throat".

Gabriel gasped for air as she grabs her left side well blood pours out of it. She collapses to her knee her entire left side ribs are burnt and spilling blood. She's in utter disbelief at what just happened so she barely registers a voice….

"Gabriel watch out, for fuck sakes, move out the way, you are my halo to add ". He detaches his spear and throws the blade at her face directly at the same time….

Damian uses Gabriel's wing as cover from Necro's blades like L commanded. So he starts to swing his sword towards her throat…..but the next second a blade cuts his hand off and also shatters his mask cutting his cheek, his hand falls with his sword which then flies to his left sheath before it touches the ground.

Gabriel still in shock and battling to breathe flaps her wings so hard the ground shatters and she goes into the sky and falls 10m away because her right wing nerves are completely burnt and aren't responding. Damian falls on his butt from pulling away so quickly otherwise he would be dead right now…

L:" Damian dodge"

Necro retaliates at Damian with the other half of his spear and fires blades out of his dimensional storage:" kid you are another level of crazy, I'm impressed you would be a ruler of rulers if you continued to live after today "

While talking he's jabbing his spear bottom at Damian and firing blades, his spearhead comes back and reattaches as he does a 180-degree slam downward at Damian that can only block all the attacks with one hand as blades hit his armour and destroy all of it.

L:" Now Damian like I just said ".

Damian without a second thought throws a lightning ball at the spear making a blinding light and grabs the spear with his right hand as it gets pierced by a spike on the spear, his right sword flies through the air in the lightning and gets grabbed by his left hand that's grown back 75% and stabs Necro in his left shoulder all the way through.

Necro's black eyes look right into his eyes which are bright silver, unable to lift the spear that Damian is now holding down with his limited strength it should still be easy too.

Gabriel lying on the floor tries to get up to help Necro her arch-enemy as she staggers towards him closing the distance quickly...

" How did your hand grow back that quick that's impossible "

Damian:" Bug shit don't sweat you will be dead in 1 minute, what's the point in telling you "

Necro gets super mad but wickedly thinks of something:" You look just like her that whore you know", just as a blade starts coming at his head...

Damian tries to pull away, as he hears the words from Necro….but his right hand is already coming swinging toward Necro's head with his sword burning with lightning on it, he's trying to stop the swing…..but it's too late the timing was perfect

'Splat', blood squirts everywhere staining the ground, and a thump is heard as something lands on the floor, Necro body falls away backward…

Two fleeting thoughts go through Damian's head, L:" I'm sorry Damian I couldn't predict this ", S"…fuck", He hears in both ears two new voices. :"Die you abomination for good this time"

Damian can only say two words from his thoughts:"like who?", falls to his knees puking blood then lifts his hand as it is vanishing into dust so slowly, then he sees in his peripheral vision Gabriel is moving and talking soooo slowly that as if time is 1/10th of normal speed….but that's absurd no one can control time.

He looks down and sees a 1/3 of a sword tip through his chest he tries touching it to remove it….but his right arm was cut off as the sword slices through him he tastes more blood coming up…..

L and S:" Goodbye Dam.. ", they fade away

Damian thinks to himself, I see I remember this feeling again this is what death is like time slows to show you to savour it but whom was he talking about….wait what is this….no why am I seeing this no I don't want to see my life flash before…

Title: Death awaits you, Damian!

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