Chapter 5: A Unique Day

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The following dawn, Queen Safira wakes up, gets out of bed and tucks the boy in since he is still snoozing, she wants to let him sleep more since he's been through so much.

She gets changed into her Royal kimono and robe, puts her sword on as well before looking at the boy and then leaves her tent to see how things are doing.

"Good morning your majesty ", three voices speak in unison.

As she steps out two dragons in humanoid forms are bowing at her, the two are her royal vigils and the final one is none other than Fenris who isn't a dragon.

Queen Safira replies to them quickly and nods her head: " Good morning at ease, Fenris can you go look after the sleeping boy, well I manage things around the camp "

"Yes Safira with pleasure, I will feed him when he wakes ", Fenris rises and proceeds inside the tent to look after the boy.

Queen Safira smiles and then looks at her royal vigils:" how's camp doing ?"

The older one steps ahead and lowers his head then raises it in respect:" S squad left instantly as ordered Your Majesty, everybody else in the camp is packing up….but uhmm Your Majesty Drac stopped them and wants to speak to you"

Queen Safira nods and thanks them and makes her way to Dracs tent straight away to get explanations, it's the next significant tent within the camp area. She arrives and makes her way inside after passing the guards bowing since she doesn't need permission to enter...

"Safira good dawn, it's lovely to see you thanks for coming ", Drac stands and bows to her

Queen Safira glances roughly:" Good dawn Drac, I was informed you wanted to speak to me ? also why was my decree not obeyed ? ", she taps her foot well making an irritated posture

Drac nods his head and looks at his majesty Queen Safira that so beautiful...but he doesn't lust over her instead he has full admiration for her

"With all due respect your majesty the youngsters haven't done any survival training, we merely arrived two days ago and provided them with talking about the beast creek, so why are we departing ?, also what's this I hear about you housing a pararoach? " he answers her

AN( Pararoch, is a term given to lower lifeforms that breed and conquer because greed fills their eyes, raining destruction and spreading like wildfire. )

...Queen Safira walks around with her arms crossed as he speaks listening to him...but when the boy is mentioned as a pararoach, her wings extend 2.8m outward hitting the tent, her pupils get bigger and brighter and she tenses her fists a tiny power wave is discharged this aura would bring an Emmortal to the floor hurt

AN:" Emmortal will be explained later"

Queen Safira still releasing her aura:" Watch your mouth Drac…the boy is not a pararoach do you hear me…who I house in my tent is no one's concern I'm Queen Of Dragons . When I give decrees they are done without inquiries ". She takes a puff and rescinds her aura and closes her wings

Drac is in stupefaction since he isn't influenced by the aura...but by the way, Queen Safira reacted, she never exhibits wrath towards her clan members not onetime.

So he quickly bows:" Forgive me, Your Majesty, I meant no offence, just the other dragons conveyed their complaints because we traversed so far for nothing "

Queen Safira breaths in and out for a minute then goes and sits at Drac's desk, "I know we have traversed so far...the thing is I found ogres in the forest so close out of the perilous zones, with children's bones ubiquitous. This drove me to mislay my temper and obliterated a section of the forest. I also found the child caged up like a play pet, so I wanna proceed back to the central city, to find his race on this planet and return him if I can. I'm worried about the young ones without me here. The troops can be mobilized again after that, the time here will just be less"

Drac sits down: " Shit Safira that's brutal I am truly sorry for what I said about the boy "

Queen Safira gives him a nod telling him it's alright she knows he means well...Drac then thinks of a plan...

"Why don't we rather do this, you take your Royal vigils to the main city, see if you can find his race and return him, that way it's not a complete waste...

"But I don't want the same thing to occur to the dragon youngsters, I won't be here to safeguard them ". She retorts back in fury at the Orges still...

Drac:" Ah I see Safira as always concerned about her clan such an immense heart…hmm I will then personally protect them you know I'm the best combatant here…so no harm will come to them I vow it, I will put off exploring for new places like I usually do "

Queen Safira thinks for a period and maintains examining the map on the table then she stands and points at the map ;

" The central city is a 3-day chariot ride from here which is where I'll go…but the flight will take me 10 minutes to get back, you do not take my clan youngsters anywhere near the perilous zone, other squads also stay away you hear me, they contact you every hour to check in with there zone. I'll be gone for a week minimum, two weeks maximum, you contact me if something happens ", she tells him her plan

Drac smiles:" Yes Safira…thank you, wise and gracious as always, we will await your return, please journey safe and keep me informed as will I"

Safira starts walking out but halts," Don't be excessively ruff on the youngsters please ", before she gets a reply she leaves to tell her Royal vigils the new plans.

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Once she's done telling them the new orders they scurry off to circulate the word. Then she enters her tent and notices a young man eating and Fenris bows as always.

….10 minutes earlier in Queen Safira's tent:

The boy is sleeping in harmony for once in his life, he's never slept in such comfort before. Fenris stands to observe him listing to his slumber, she can see he's at ease and dreaming.

All of a sudden she senses an immense energy wave in the area she recognizes the aura and isn't apprehensive. The boy unexpectedly jolts awake and sits up in terror, like his past few hours were just a promising fantasy and it's all going to be gone, then he sees Fenris and the captivating tent and calms down a little….but then looks around and panics not being able to see Safira...

Fenris rushes over to him noticing his anguish and puts her hand on his head caressing it. She then pulls a small object from her neck, it's a necklace more precisely a locket and displays to him the picture of Queen Safira. He takes the locket and holds it tightly staring at her appearance.

Fenris backs up and then walks over to the table and removes the chair out and indicates to him the food, he stands up and sprints to the table, sits down on the chair and starts to eat super fast...but never lets go of the locket he holds it close to his heart.

…After some time Queen Safira strolls in and he sees her, gets up and sprints into her arms so quickly….she gladly picks him up and holds him tightly missing him as well. She notices the locket in his hands it is the one Fenris usually wears given to her by Queen Safira.

" Thank you Fenris, I'll get you a replacement necklace ", she talks to Fenris well carrying him

Fenris smiles at her:" It's my delight Safira, I remember the day you saved me like it was yesterday, you care for this boy I can see that now"

Safira nods and then informs her of the new plans that are going to transpire, Fenris of course decides to go with Queen Safira.

Queen Safira sits down still carrying the boy and eats breakfast as well. Then they pack up and get ready to depart since everything is already prepared.


Outside the camp, a chariot awaits after being loaded up and Fenris and the boy are sitting inside, The boy has his head out the window looking at Queen Safira and other beings kneeling in front of her as she converses with them…

Queen Safira gave her final orders to each squad leader, there are 6 squads in the Emmortal Milky lane, and one proceeded to the main city they flew there straight away. Drac and five leaders kneel in front of her…

"My squad leaders, please take it comfortably I'm not here to protect you….but luckily Drac is here, even though you are powerful remember you are restricted here... the youngsters in your supervision wanna prove themselves…but preferably be safe please I would rather have you all perfect then lose you. I think team up in 2 or 3 teams together…. Hmmm contact Drac if you are in crisis, and stay close together as well somethings have altered since 5 years ago monsters have shifted around so always keep your eyes open".

An:" Emmortal Milky lane will be explained later"

All the squad leaders bowed on one knee saying " Yes your majesty, long live the Queen ", then they get up and walk towards the camp conversing about team-ups and which way they wanna proceed

Drac gets up and walks to Queen Safira's flank and sets his hand on her shoulder:" Truly a magnificent monarch as always, caring so much for her clan and others, I'll monitor them all and make sure the young ones don't come into danger, safe journeys and no combat ", makes a subtle laugh

"You one to lecture, be safe Overlord of Martial arts…. Hahahaha", Queen Safira looks at Drac whose face turns red and he conceals it quickly.

"Those were my youthful days" Drac quickly responds embarrassed though

Queen Safira then turns to the chariot that's not pulled by any beast no, this chariot is entirely automatic and is white with the clan logo in gold on the door, On the roof, it is like a small surveillance tower where 4 Royal vigils sit. The Interior is a spacial dimension that makes it look like a miniature flat.

She climbs up into it and sits by the window looking out at her clan. The boy scurries over and climbs into her lap facing out the window. Fenris also walks over and sits on her right side, positioning her head on her shoulders.

" Safira, what you gonna do if you can't uncover his race, we can only spend a month in this universe, and he won't survive the pressure from the God Beast Domain", Fenris asks her in concern since she knows Safira cares for him so much

Queen Safira takes a bottomless breath stroking his head and holding his chest so he doesn't fall," Fenris I hope we can...but like you conveyed we don't have much time here, so if I can't find anything about his race. I'll go to my friends the forest elfs, request them for assistance by utilizing their soul scanner so we can find out information about him, then get him home if we discover anything"

Fenris smiles and touches the boy's arm:" I hope so to Safira, he's such a precious child "

The boy slants back onto Queen Safira's chest and plays with her hair that's so soft...but keeps looking out the window as the chariot proceeds towards the city.

Queen Safira watches as her clan camp gets smaller and smaller as they depart. She hopes nothing will transpire to her clan well she's gone otherwise, she will never absolve herself if they get hurt.

Fenris attempts to play with the boy, well Queen Safira is resonant in thought. She doesn't want to disturb her at all because she knows she's bleak right now.

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