Chapter 4: Boy With Nothing

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In a forest with tall blue trees, the ground is pink, the day is cloudy and raining hard, the lightning lights up the night sky with pink streaks, thunder drones out all the noise in the forest, and all the beasts are taking shelter from the storm.

There's smoke trailing up into the trees, a fire is lit around a campfire giving the place warmth and a welcoming look in this miserable weather…..but

'Clang…Clang..Bang…rumble' noises are heard in the camp as an attacker goes through the camp killing all the beings inside it, they scream for clemency…

"Ah please no no n.." 'Thud', a head rolls on the ground

Women's voice is heard by the Orges that are in the camp:" You revolting vulgar beast want mercy… hahaha what a joke, don't like it when someone grander battles back hey"

She then goes through the camp and kills all 63 Orges in the camp without compassion and compassion was not deserved either.

She walks to a tent and steps inside, her gaze locked on a child in a cage she stares at him for so long enthralled, and something happens well she stares like her soul quivers for a bit at the scenery she sees.

In the cage is a black short hair below moderate face rugged tanned human boy, dirty, bloodied with cuts, and bruises all over his body, his attire is ripped as well and he barely has much on….but what bewitches her is…

The most exquisite eyes that are bright silver pupils with purple hexagonal shape irises, when she looks into his eyes they are devoid like a soulless abyss and regardless still so extraordinary.

She quickly smashes the lock and opens the cage, the boy withdraws to the furthest end of the cage….unfortunately it's so tiny one can put their hand through it.

Lady lifts her hands in the air like a surrender and talks: "Don't worry I won't hurt you, my child"

The boy hears:"$^ha>]}< & #%=$ ]adf ۥop\>~" and cowers concealing his face with his hands at the being in front of him with three white horns coming out from her forehead.

Lady then talks to herself "Shit he probably can't understand me ", She touches her chest and says "Safira " and bows down attempting to introduce herself and be seen as friendly.

The boy looks at the display in front of him and tries to make a sound….however

'Ca…cough....cough' only escapes his mouth because it's so dried and cracked...

Safire looks up gradually not to terrify the child as she is concerned about him, she then makes a water satchel appear out of nowhere, demonstrates it to the boy and takes a sip and then slowly reaches forward towards the boy handing it to him.

He sees her move towards him and covers up again shutting his eyes, time passes and nothing transpires, he opens his eyes peaking through his fingers and sees her just standing there with the satchel. He slowly reaches forward and snatches it, and starts chugging it….unfortunately catastrophe strikes he spits some water out and begins coughing like mad as he chokes on it.


" Careful little one not so fast I have plenty of it ", Safira quickly reaches forward and grabs him and holds him well stroking his head and patting his back, she pulls out another one and hands it to him keeping him in her arms, he tries to struggle but fails miserably again.

So he takes it and starts drinking again to soothe his dehydration, taking small sips this time so he doesn't choke on it.

Safira keeps caressing him, humming and swaying: "there..there..little one, you must be famished as well", twists her hand and a small piece of meat materializes in it and she shifts her hand towards him gesturing for him to take it.

He looks at it for a bit, his nose catches wind of the scent and his stomach starts to grumble 'grrrrr' so he reaches out and takes it and starts devouring it.

Safira keeps doing this for 30 minutes till his complexion has returned to somewhat better. She pulls out a big cloth and wraps him in it, then she stands up holding him tight.

Looks him in the eyes and then lifts her hand to his eyes shutting them. He doesn't comprehend and opens it again, so she repeats it but holds her hand there longer and puts her head to his and removes her hand. This time he doesn't open his eye and she grins showing share teeth.

Safira steps out of the tent and it's just a bloodbath, blood, guts, arms, legs, heads if you can name it then you will see a body part everywhere.

She signs: "Fucken creatures wish I could slaughter you again much slower, for what you did to this child, I can't imagine what he's been through", and starts walking out of the camp. At the exit, he looks over her shoulder and notices the devastation of the camp.

He then looks up at her captivating face and says:" Ca..cafar "

Safira looks at him and giggles:" Hehehe close little one, Safira, then repeats Sa-fi-ra ", slowly for him to get it

He attempts again: " Ca-fia-rea"

Safira claps her hands and nods her head:" Good endeavour, you will get it soon ", then she points to him trying to see if he knows his name

He looks at her fingernail which is currently as sharp as a dagger, touching his chest and stiffness.

Safira sees what she did and yanks her hand back and pulls out another meat cutting, he gladly takes it because they are the finest thing he's ever devoured.

Safira says out loud so hopefully everybody can hear her well looking into his exquisite eyes:" No one will hurt you little one well I'm around, I'll take you to your home or clan if I can find them "

He jumps out of his skin all of a sudden…..

'Kaboom, rumble, crackle' as the lightning rages on in the woods illuminating the dark sky and drowning out any other noises.

Safira thinks dammit if only I could control the weather and not just lightning. So she holds him closer so close he can hear her heartbeat. This helps to calm him down and he relaxes in her arms and conks out.

Safira makes her way to her camp quickly that's heavily guarded.

"Halt now who goes there, identify yourself ", The guards see someone approaching their campsite…

Safira just walks up towards them not halting:" it is me at ease you four I'm back", she finally comes into sight

"Your majesty please forgive us", The guards recognized the voice so they immediately drop to one knee and bow their heads to her.

Safira responds "Nothing to forgive, good job keep up the good work I'm going to my tent ", she nods at all of them to be at ease and then gets back to work before leaving them

She walks off not stopping once till she arrives at her tent, everyone bows as she passes them, and she nods at all of them with respect since she's their Queen.

"Fenris…owww Fenris sweetheart ": Safira enters her tent calling for her adopted daughter…

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A woman rushes over quickly bowing to her: "Safira..uhm back so soon, hope you found something to hunt "

Safira groans at her words and answers her:" Yeah disgusting ogres killed them all, will you be a dear and warm my bath water I want to wash this one ", pulls the cloth covering his face off and he jolts awake overwhelmed by such bright lights…

Fenris looks up and sees the child, a face of surprise occurs and disappears quickly:" Yes Safira right away ", she stands and hurries over to the bath and commences heating it with her hands using a flame ability, and applies various smelling salts to the water so the Queen can smell fabulous and majestic.

The boy looks around the space eyes wide open since it's so stunning, an all-white tent with wonderful glowing things on the ceiling, it smells so amazing and there's a massive bed that he gets placed on by Safira as she stares at him….

…..' Click'

" Hello..hello, ah there you are, we are gonna take a bath to get you cleaned up little one…Don't be scared now", Safira tries to talk to him…but he's not comprehending a word of it and just looks around still astonished by the room.

He looks at her and notices he's made her dirty and looks at her robe in dread, worried he might get injured so he stiffens up again...

Safira sees what he's looking at and shakes her head, quickly removes her robe and tosses it to the corner of the room, pulls out another piece of meat hands it to him and caresses his head.

"They can be washed dear no dread and worry here", she cuddles him to soothe him furthermore

"Safira please permit me to bathe him ", Fenris rushes over to take him to the bath with open arms…

Safira shakes her head and unclips her belt holding her long sword and hands it to Fenris. She starts undressing and then walks over to him, two giant wings flick open and a tail comes out from her back...

"Good to be unrestricted from that harness"

Only now does he stop gazing around and notice the wings and also the tail. The long snowy white hair falls to her hips, with sharp ears going upwards. After she unwraps her hair from the cloth she had it in to protect it from blood.

Safira stands in front of the boy and starts giggling because he's enchanted by her now, she slowly lifts his shirt off…she almost gets super enraged when she sees all the cuts and contusions he has…but then she removes his pants and strolls towards the bath to clean him as to not frighten him by getting mad.

Fenris looks at the situation concerned so she speaks out:" Safira are you sure this is very unorthodox of a Queen"

" Fenris, I am Queen of the Dragons an Ancient God beast…I do what I want….when I want….just because my powers are restricted here doesn't imply, other beings can look down on me. This boy has lived through..' sigh'...I don't want to imagine, he's skittish and badly hurt just look at his body". A tear slips from Safira one eye looking at him in her arms.

" Yes Safira of course I understand that", Fenris bows and nods her head to Safira

She slowly climbs into the huge oval-shaped bath, the water is milky white, with a lavender aroma to it. Her wings sit comfortably against the circumference of the bath and her tail hangs out with a leg. She positions the boy against her chest and slowly runs water through his hair

Queen Safira:" Fenris, please get me some clothing for this little man, there must be some in this camp, also tell my royal vigils outside to circulate the word in the camp, we going to the main city tomorrow, I also want S squad to go beforehand and gather knowledge about this child see if they can find anything about his race in this globes codex"

AN:" Vigils are Queen Safira's royal guards"

" Yes Safira right away ", Fenris stands, goes to a table and writes down decrees, folds the documents and stamps them with an insignia. Then she goes back to the bath and jots his appearance down quickly, then bows to the Queen and rushes off to get her duties accomplished.

Queen Safira cleans the boy well he touches her horns and plays with her long hair unfurling it. Then taking satisfaction in having her hair twirled, she closes her eyes and thinks about ...

" What are you boy, I've never noticed a being with eyes like yours on this planet, your silver pupils are so uncommon, and the purple irises are shaped like a hexagon even more unique". She abruptly opens her eyes cause she hears her name and glances around….then it comes again.

The boy:" Safira" as he stares at her horns, the one in the middle is the longest, and the other two are long as well, pointing backwards at a sixty-degree arch, scaly obsidian look to them, in the middle horn is a white diamond crystal.

Safira's eyes widen, she smiles and giggles, nodding her head then she claps her hands together for him "Hehe well done, such a clever boy ". She touches her hand to his face and kisses his cheek. He touches his hand on his face and has a blank face. Safira makes a giggling sound again at his dumbfounded look.

After 30 minutes of laying in the bath, Fenris comes scurrying in holding spotless new clothing and places them on the bed all neatly.

Then she walks over to the bath bows to the Queen then kneels to inspect the temperature of the water. Then arises to go grab the Queen's bathrobe...yet suddenly she is grabbed by Queen Safira...

"Safira, how can I assist you ", Fenris twists quickly to look at her thinking she requires something from her

Queen Safira grins then point to Fenris and says her name then peeks at the boy

The boy looks at Fenris and then back to Queen Safira:" Fenris"

Queen Safira claps and smiles:" Such a smart boy" then makes a cute giggling sound. She then points to the light, "Light ", he repeats to her, and she touches the water, " water" he says as well, she then goes around the room labelling things and he repeats it.

Fenris just stands...but deep down she's astonished she's never seen the Queen of Dragons like this, she bows and inquires:" Queen Safira, may I prepare your robe and a towel ". Queen Safira just nods her head, so Fenris gets up and strides towards the chest of draws, then arrives back with it

Queen Safira stands up and gets out of the bath and places her robe on then covers the boy and positions him on the bed. She looks at the clothing, plain with the dragon clan printed logo on them.

The logo is a dragon flying up amongst stars with two dragon eyes like Queen Safira's by the wings and the dragon's tail is wrapped around a sword just like the Queen's sword.

Safira starts putting the clothing on the boy then carries him to her chest of draws and seats him on top of it. Brings out a brush and starts brushing his hair...

Fenris steps forward:" Queen Safira, please permit me to do that ", Queen Safira shakes her head and replies " My daughter you can brush my hair afterwards " Fenris bows her head.

After 5 minutes Fenris steps forward and brushes the Queen's long hair and cleans her horns.

After some time the Queen stands and gets into PJs. She then goes and sits at the table with the boy and Fenris brings in dinner. Queen Safira eats with genuine royalty and elegance....but then glimpses over and can't help but giggle, the boy is going to town with the food. She picks up a glass of dragon wine and drinks it.

The boy looks at Queen Safira then says:" Fenris ", and points to the Queen's glass

Fenris just stands in concern, the Queen laughs and then shakes her head: " Fenris Sweet water for him ", she walks over to the glasses and gets the water and pours it, the boy just looks at it.

Safira leans forward and grins then points at another glass for Fenris to pour her water then brings it to his and clinks it:" Thanks Fenris " then takes the glass and drinks. The boy looks at her then repeats her "Thanks Fenris" and drinks.

After dinner, Queen Safira finally climbs into the bed and cuddles with the boy on her chest. She looks at Fenris and points then says:" Night Fenris" which the boy mimics. Fenris smiles and bows:" Night Safira and night young man" then Fenris departs. Queen Safira sings him a lullaby for him to sleep which he does after a while and then she goes to sleep.

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