Chapter 7: Zero Flexing

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Queen Safira thinks sorry Drac I couldn't even last two days hope you doing better, but I'll hold back so I don't destroy this planet, then speaks out loud:" So time to test your power, and skills or combat abilities, don't worry too much I'll hold back my strength to 5%, so you all have a fighting chance"

The bandits look at each other in fear, because they know even at 5% power this Dragon in front of them could level towns. They all nod at each other speaking a code to each other, one they made up long again when they started the gang but then they hear….

" Ah.Ah.Ah tsk, no running now we can't have that, don't make me extremely mad after I just offered you all a deal, I don't want to destroy 500m of this area in one blast. You took me away from my peaceful playtime so it's only fair you play with me ", Queen Safira speak to them not stopping glaring at all of them, her white eyes pulse with power and focus on everything around her

The bandit's faces turn completely pale because they realize she read them like a book, there's no escaping only death awaits now so beast they face it.

One starts begging for mercy:" Please all great one, God Beast of the dragon so beautiful and glorious, we won't do it again I swear on my mother's grave, we will change our ways and become better beings"

Safira stares at them blankly and doesn't say a word as she unclips her sword and throws it to one of her royal guards, that's dropped down and is now guarding the elders, well the other one tends to their wounds.

"Don't test my patience or take me for an idiot, I'm an Ancient God Beast, not some baby born yesterday, now prepare you….children, to be punished for all you have done. Karma has finally flipped on you and is here to cash in ", Queen Safira puts one hand behind her back a lifts one in the air…..then

She doesn't even wait for them to speak again and moves, lightning shoots out her fingers as they hit two bandits in the legs that try to run.

Then stabs one through the chest with her claws as her duplicate kills another two by making their head rolls on the floor.

One bandit swings his sword at another bandit killing him, he thinks it's the God Beast but he's under an illusion she cast on him.

The earth shakes as another two bandits get impaled by spikes made from earth and rock.

Real Safira blows fire killing four bandits in one quick breath and then the duplicate rips one bandit into two pieces.

All this happened in four seconds that's how fast she moved, the bodies fall to the floor only once she is done. Some bandit is proceeding to their deaths as they watch it in slow motion….but the fact is they are already dead.

All that's left is the bandit that got burnt from her lightning, and was screaming from it he looks around in horror at his dead gang members, they didn't even last 10 seconds.

He thinks is this truly the power of a God Beast, no she said she would use only 5% maximum of her power, so this is completely absurd how could they fight her? Seriously how can one fight this kind of power, it was a one-sided massacre. He starts trembling in fear and wets himself as he sees her walking towards him now fearing his pending death.

Safira fuses back with her duplicate and twists her hands, she is covered in 3 different types of blood, they are green, red and blue. She shakes her hands harder to flick off the blood and walks towards the one that's burnt on the floor.

The elders and children, even Fenris are staring in absolute disbelief. What did they just witness they didn't even see much, it was way too quick for them. Only blood and leftover smoke was seen nothing, no sounds, no fighting back just nothing.

"That's 5% of her power seriously, how does one fight that kind of power " an elder finally talks

A guard shakes his head at his comment:" No that was only 2% power tops, I would say her duplicate was the 2% the rest was nothing"

The elders turn ghostly pale no wonder all the lessons they go to tell them never to mess with Gods. One elder even starts preying right then and there, to be spared from dying everybody just stares at him before going back to business.

Safira arrives by the last bandit and places her foot on his chest and pins him down with her claws at his neck from her foot.

She looks at his body and face and says:" You are an elf, you spit in your ancestor's faces with what you doing you know that. Only Dark Elvin or Elfs resort to nasty and evil deeds like this. So why are you here with your beast summoning power you should be at least an Inner Warrior maybe a Core Warrior of a clan ", she just shakes her head in disgust and disbelief

The elf sweating and wriggling in pain cough out blood trying to speak:" Exhales…I 'cough'.. was taken as a child and sold 'cough'…I was a slave for years and then trained by them to steal, 'cough'…I had no choice they would starve me if I didn't, 'cough'….or they would hurt me when I did something wrong ", A tear rolls down his face. "Please I don't want to die….spare me please, I am innocent ".

Safira looks at him and then makes a tsk sound, "Tsk Tsk…You all truly do take me for an idiot don't you, the tears were impressive I'll give you that kid, but your heartbeat is way too fast and your mind is so easy to read is such a pathetic elf"…

The elf tries to wriggle free:" You fucken ugly bitch, why don't you go back to your domain, you filthy beast this isn't your business so pisses off and leave", he swings his arm towards her leg with a knife in it….

Safira just stays completely still as the knife comes towards her leg, as it touches the entire blade snaps and doesn't even pierce her skin.

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"You truly are a fool, your universes metal can't even scratch my skin idiot, you should know better a runaway elf should have some knowledge, what couldn't you handle being treated badly ?", Queen Safira speaks to him in disgust

The elf exhales and winces in pain:" I killed my parents and sister in their sleep, they loved her more because her talent for summoning was better, they never even looked my way when I did something, I showed them hahahaha look at me now I'm a king".

She gets super angry at what he said:" You showed them nothing you coward killing someone in their sleep, couldn't even face them awake. You aren't a king just a pararoch ". Then Safira lifts her leg and smashes it down crushing his head with so much rage. "Disgusting roch die for your sins ". Then she hears behind her

" Queen Safira " clap, clap, clap "Queen Safira " clap, clap, clap

Fenris looks at the boy clapping and saying her name and smiles and also claps for Queen Safira.

Safira turns around and her angry face is gone immediately as her heart warms and she smiles at the boy and also Fenris she then takes a bow towards them.

A guard rushes over with a jug and towel so Safira can clean up her face and hands, it's the same guard holding her sword. She washes up and dries her hands.

The guard takes the cloth and washes her wings that are covered in blood, it takes not too long and once he has done….

She then flaps her wings causing a dust cloud to form, but it dries her wings so quickly In 2 shakes.

The elders can't stop staring at her majestic body, and how beautiful her face is even if she's a dragon in humanoid form. The one elder that rushed to ask for help has opened the door and is checking on the kids.

The kids all hug him and some burst into tears including Mira.

Safira walks towards the elders and asks:" Hello which one of you is the main elder here".

All the elders quickly snap out of their glaring state and bow.

The one that cut off the bandit's hand then speaks:" Your Highness, I am the Grand Elder Cona, I would like to thank you for your help, also kindly repay the enormous debt we owe you for saving all of our lives ". He Keeps bowing, but thinks do we even have something to offer a God beast to settle the debt

Safira looks at the children and says:" At ease please, also you don't owe me anything seeing those children safe and sound is all the debt I need . Is your chariot functioning fully ".

All the elders ease up but stay kneeling to show respect to a God Beast. The children also kneel after seeing the elders. This makes Queen Safira a little sad in the heart, but she knows the elders might scold them if they don't.

" Your majesty, the chariot is fictional, just the protection seals have been damaged ", he knows since he checked it before they were attacked

Safira places her hand under her chin and her finger on her lips and looks up as she's thinking and processing. "Alright you guys stay in front of us and we will escort you to the main city, that is where you going right ?".

"Yes your majesty, thank you so much for your protection we will pay you once we arrive, the Patriarch will be so happy his children are safe and sound, as I am for saving my daughter Mira ", Cona speaks quickly to not cause the god beast to become angry

Safira:" No payment required so long as the children arrive safe and sound I will be super happy then ".

Safira walks towards her chariot where Fenris and the boy are waiting she stops and then says:" Grand Elder Cona, could you help me with something please, do you know where this boy might come from or what race he belongs to".

Cona jumps up so quickly and rushes over to Safira's side and looks at the boy she's pointing at. He looks at the boy thoroughly for a minute and shows an amazing face and a puzzled one as well…

Cona:" Your majesty, I'm so sorry I don't, I know all the beings on this planet, my beast knowledge is about 80%, and monster knowledge is 100%, but no being on this planet has looked like that, especially those extraordinary looking eyes, amazing I've never seen eyes like that, please forgive me for not being of help". He bows to her

" No thank you I've learnt a lot more now, and no need to forgive you it was worth a shot thank you ". She then opens the door and grabs the boy and hugs him and kisses his cheek, then gives him to Fenris and walks to go get changed.

15 minutes later the chariots depart for the main city.

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