Chapter 8: Main City

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Two days ago Queen Safira squad S arrived in the city and has been running around it looking for clues.

….it's finally the day that Queen Safira arrives

Inside the city the Queen's troops are currently split up, some are in the library researching all the books about the planet, and the others are going to clans and asking them questions or any information about the boy. Others speak to bar owners since they usually know everything that goes on around a city, or know the right people to speak to.

S squad leader gets a call from the royal guard, saying they have arrived at the palace and they are awaiting their arrival.

The squad leader messages all his troops and tells them to finish what they doing and report to the palace to give him the information they have gathered. He then flies to the main city palace to wait by the main gate for all his troops to arrive.

The guards there don't say anything to him, they do not want to offend a God Beast General, especially after seeing that exact God Beast here as well.

Inside the place the King and Queen are on edge, they knew the Dragon Queen was on their planet from reports, but they didn't expect her to arrive at their palace they worried they did something wrong, possibly angered her in some way which they know they stand no chance against her.

King of planet Parcae is the most powerful Emmortal on the planet, he is born from a Wizard mother and an Orc father known as Oryd, His body is dark green, very tall at 2.5m, and he has a tusk and short black hair. Bulky but not overly, like a pure orc. He has green eyes like his mother. His name is Aroc and has light powers.

Queen of planet Parcae is a powerful Emmortal also, she's from another planet but came here and met the king in their younger years. She is born to witch parents, is 1.7m tall, with green hair and green eyes, she has four children with the king. Her name is Lily and has light powers as well.

Right now the most powerful existence

on the planet are kneeling and bowing to the Queen of Dragons Safira, as well as all their subordinates since they were ordered to.

Queen Safira holds the boy in her hands and Fenris at her right side back a bit, and the royal guards 2m behind her:" At ease King and Queen, I'm not here to cause trouble I'm just here to find out information about this boy I found in the beast forest. Then I want to help him get to his clan, race or even his home if possible, so your help will be much appreciated thank you".

The King and Queen stand but their subordinates don't move. The king then walks towards the boy slowly. The boy suddenly grabs Queen Safira hard and hides inside her hair.

"Wait he's scared of you don't come closer, ogres had him caged he might be traumatized by what they did to him", but she also thought what the fuck that made my scales tender that's impossible, how strong is this boy to do that.

The king stops in his tracks and backs up quickly at Queen Safira's request.

Queen Lily then steps forward to help " Your majesty, may I approach? Will he be alright with me having a look at him ".

Queen Safira nods her head….but is still puzzled, my power is restricted here, so my skin aura is weak as well, but my body certainly isn't I'm an Ancient God Rank Dragon, and my humanoid scales can't be pierced by any existence lower than a God. So why did I feel that then, he's so small his power hasn't even awoken yet I'm sure of that, I must have imagined it then…

Queen Lily slowly approaches not to scare the child, he's looking back and sees the monster has stepped back and now the woman is approaching.

She finally arrives in front of him and lifts her hands gently:" My I move your hair out his face, Your Majesty I can't see him properly ". Queen Safira nods and then Queen Lily slowly moves her hair out of the way to see his face...

She spends five minutes looking at the boy roughly, she takes much longer looking at him, because she not only going through her planet species but every plant she's been to in her travels. Every party she's been to, the hotel she's stayed at, the clan she's stayed at. Such features like those eyes should ring a bell in her mind at least…..but

Queen Lily sighs:" I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I have never seen an Emmortal with eyes like that in all of my years of living, there's nothing on this planet and my home world planet that might have eyes like that. Plus every planet I've visited as well has nothing like that".

Queen Safira sighs:" Thank you very much for your help it was worth a shot before I leave".

Queen Lily:" Is he, not an Immortal existence

that might have been lost here, is that even possible? , I mean there is a lot of Immortal existence in the higher realms so could it be ?"

"He might likely be, that's why I'll need to get him tested do you by any chance have a soul scanner ?", She asks her hoping her luck might be high

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Queen Lily shakes her head:" I'm sorry Your Majesty again we don't have one unfortunately since they are very expensive, we also don't need one on this planet all the clans are friendly "

'Sigh' "My I ask when's the next portal to the portal hub?, I will have to take him to see my friends on another planet far from here ", Queen Safira ask her worried now that she has to leave the planet to get an answer...

King Aroc:" 2 days from now your majesty, the main hub will open to travellers over long distances ".

The boy gets scared again and tightly grips Safira's arm and hides again. She again feels something and realizes it wasn't in her head now. She looks at her arm where he's holding her and sees a red mark appearing on her milky white scaled skin.

Queen Safira thinks this is impossible, that knife from that bandit snapped and I didn't even feel like a prick, how can he do this to me have I gotten weaker staying in this realm, is there a new rule that zaps power? This is bad I might need to warn Drac right away if something is wrong.

Queen Safira speaks out loud after ranting in her head:" Then may I be a burden on you and stay here for 2 days and use the portal, I need to get to planet Asclepiu to see an old friend", just then she hears the doors behind her opens.

A Guard bows and say:" Your majesties, The Dragon Queens squad is requesting permission to enter ".

The King answered quickly:" Let our esteemed guest in right away, and all of you prepare the best rooms, and food, and get the best wine brought up for the Queen Of Dragons we have the pleasure of hosting her", the guards nod and then rush off to do as ordered…

The boy groans and squeezes even harder this time, yet not one tear falls from his eyes. Safira holds him tighter and strokes his head and says in a whisper:"there-there I'll kill anything that harms you I swear it, I'm here to protect young man and you saw how strong I am"

She then rotates her shoulder which is now burning in pain from the death grip that he slowly eased up on

3 minutes later, the S squad walks into a dining room they were escorted to, the big double doors open and the guard bows, and motions for them to enter. Upon entering they all see their Queen at the head of the table they rush over and kneel in front of her.

" Your Majesty, I regret to report we have turned up nothing on the child", S leader speaks for his squad since he failed, but he's calm and relaxed knowing she won't be mad at him but he's mad at himself.

Queen Safira who's holding the boy tightly as he plays with her hair and face looks at her general and troops: " At ease all of you and sit down to eat" they stand but don't sit yet….," Queen Lily has already told me she doesn't recognize the child as any race from here, seems I gave you all a hard task and wasted your time, forgive me please 'sighs', you all could be training and protecting your children but I had you rush around for nothing".

"No Your Majesty, it was an honour to serve you, and we would gladly do it again in a heartbeat we are proud to serve you " S leader quickly comes to reassure his Queen

The Queen smiles at him, thinking my soldiers truly are loyal, she gives the boy a kiss on the cheek and giggles then says with a heavy heart:" S squad I ask one more thing of you, you don't have to obey and can go back to your children in the camp. If possible can you stay one more day here if it doesn't impose on you King and Queen, I need to talk with Drac and make plans with him about departing "? Then strokes him because she knows what's coming and kisses him again.

Everyone speaks at once:

King "No your presence is a blessing ". Queen" What an honour it will be ".

S squad leader " It's our duty and we would be honoured Your Majesty to stay with you, if there is anything you need please ask".

The boy doesn't squeeze Queen Safira's arm or hide, he just looks into her eyes and touches his cheek. Then kisses Safira back on the cheek now, this makes Safira surprised by the sudden move, but happy at the same time so she giggles again playing with him.

Fenris, The Royals, Safira's Royal guard, S squid, and the kingdom's guards are shocked by what happened.

This boy just kissed a God Beast like it was not a huge deal, yet it's the biggest deal in all the universes if that happened a planet might get levelled depending on the God, especially if it's a Dark God or a prideful one.

Yet Queen Safira smiles at the boy so happy and plays with him and doesn't care at all.

Fenris just smiles at her mother whose so happy, she is usually always burdened by protecting her clan from evil forces.

Well S leader has never seen Queen Safira so friendly and loving, she is usually very strict and follows a strict attitude. Of course, he knows she loves children but he thought it only extended to her clan members and Fenris.

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