Accidentally Married a Man Full of Vinegar

Chapter 17: CH 17

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Chu Yi had a dream that night. He dreamed of when he was in junior high school.

When he came home from self-study in the evening and just arrived downstairs, he could already hear the noises from his house. He felt that something was wrong, and hurried upstairs.

When he opened the door, he saw his mother fall to the ground with blood on her head.  She was clutching her stomach and groaning, while his father, Chen Jianshi, stood drunkenly at the side. He raised his feet and was about to kick again.

Chu Yi ran over to cover his mother. That kick landed on Chu Yi’s back.

His tears flowed down immediately, but it wasn’t because he felt pain. Instead, he felt afraid and sad.

Chen Jianshi drank so much alcohol that the whole house smelled like alcohol. After Chu Yi helped his mother block this kick, he turned around and pushed Chen Jianshi away. Chen Jianshi staggered a few steps and fell to the ground.

Chu Yi quickly helped his mother up. Seeing his mother’s half-closed eyes from being frightened. He dropped his school bag to carry his mother on his back, then went downstairs and stopped a car to go to the hospital.

In Chu Yi’s impressions, Chen Jianshi was always beating his mother. When he was a child, their family conditions were a little bit better and it wasn’t that serious yet. His mother always lied and hid it from him. Eight times out of ten, Chu Yi did not find out.

When Chu Yi entered junior high, Chen Jianshi got dumped by a woman outside. After losing money, he started to drink heavily, and then it became more intense.

Almost every day when Chu Yi came back from self-study, he could hear Chen Jianshi yelling at home.

This incident became traumatic later on. Now he can’t help but panic when he hears other people argue on the streets.

Chu Yi still remembers the feeling at the hospital with his mother that day.

His tears were flowing out the whole time but he didn’t dare to cry out. He was afraid that his emotions would overwhelm his rationality, making him unable to handle the matter in front of him.

Chu Yi was trembling the entire time. He was trembling when talking to the doctor and when the doctor bandaged his mother’s wound. Only when the doctor finally said that there was no major problem and that she would be fine after a few days of care, did Chu Yi take the weight off his heart.

That night he took his mother to get an IV drip. His mother was sitting on a bench with her face extremely swollen. But she still smiled at Chu Yi, touched his hair, and told him that mom is fine.

Chu Yi didn’t dare to cry out loud. He didn’t dare to hug his mother, for the fear of touching her wounds. He was so miserable that he could only squat down and hug his mother’s thigh while weeping unceasingly.

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All the neighbors know of Chen Jianshi’s domestic violence. Chu Yi had a lot of evidence and had been wanting to call the police long ago, but his mother never let him. For the sake of this so-called family, his mother endured it from beginning to end.

His mother was a very nice and gentle person. Chu Yi didn’t understand why Chen Jianshi treated her like that.

When his mother got beaten like this, Chu Yi finally couldn’t take it anymore. He asked his mother to go back to City A and live with his aunt for a while. He stayed in City B, sorting out evidence while going to school, and then finally called the police.

However, the result of the first time call to the police was not very satisfactory because he didn’t get his mother’s consent. After the police came, Chu Yi’s mother didn’t stand on his side.

Chen Jianshi showed a good attitude. The police just merely made a mediation and even educated Chu Yi before leaving.

It was also because of this police call that made Chen Jianshi hate Chu Yi as well.

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A certain day not long after, Chen Jianshi continued to get drunk and beat his mother. Because of Chu Yi’s obstruction, Chen Jianshi stabbed him with a broken vase.

Chu Yi dodged, but he couldn’t completely dodge it in time. A fragment of the broken vase pricked into Chu Yi’s thigh.

Then his mother finally agreed to call the police.

And they finally got divorced.

When Chu Yi woke up in the middle of the night. His body was wet from being covered in sweat.

It seemed like he fought with Chen Jianshi in his dream. But because he was Chu Yi from junior high, he was tiny and couldn’t beat Chen Jianshi at all.

In the last scene in the dream, Chen Jianshi picked him up and threw him onto a ground covered in glass fragments.

The feeling of being thrown to the ground felt very real. He opened his eyes and took a big breath. It was a little hard to breathe.

His heart is beating violently. The muscles on his arms are also pumping violently as if he really fought with someone.

The lights in the bedroom were off. In the darkness, Chen Jianshi’s savage face seemed to have a silhouette, which was floating under the ceiling.

Chu Yi closed his eyes and relaxed for a while before reaching to turn on the lamp.

Afraid of disturbing Qin Yiheng, Chu Yi didn’t turn the light on too bright. He had sweat all over, so he planned to take a shower.

It was four o’clock in the morning. Since Chu Yi suddenly woke up like this, his head felt a little heavy, but he was energized and not sleepy.

Before going to bed, he used his phone to check the conditions and amount for filing a case of extortion. He also asked a university friend who studied law.

But his friend told him that this matter was very unfavorable for him.

Although Chen Jianshi and his mother divorced, he is still his father. They are related and it’s logical to give money to his father. If Chen Jianshi refuses to admit it later, Chu Yi can’t even do anything about it.

Chu Yi doesn’t have a recording of their conversation, and the police department always takes a long time to deal with this kind of case. His mother is now living in his aunt’s community. Chen Jianshi, this loitering rogue, can easily find and take action.

Chu Yi raised his head to face the showerhead. The more he thought about it, the messier it became and the more he didn’t know what to do.

Returning after a shower, Chu Yi noticed that the bedside lamp seemed to be brighter, not the way it was when he left just now.

He walked over carefully and as expected, found that Qin Yiheng was awake.

Unsure if he was awakened by the light or awakened by him, Qin Yiheng had already sat up, leaning against the bed frame and looking in his direction.

Qin Yiheng waited for Chu Yi to come near, then asked: “Why’re you taking a shower at this time?”

Chu Yi lifted the quilt and climbed in, without intending to hide: “I had a dream and I sweated all over.”

Qin Yiheng: “Nightmare.”

Chu Yi: “Mn.”

Chu Yi also leaned. His hair wasn’t completely dry yet and if at home, his mother would not let him sleep like this. So this habit has been preserved.

“Qin Yiheng.” Chu Yi thought for a long time before calling out to the person beside him.

Qin Yiheng: “Mn.”

Chu Yi: “Were you awakened by me?”

Qin Yiheng: “I was awakened by the sound of the bathroom door closing.”

So yes he was awakened by him, but it seemed like Qin Yiheng wasn’t actually mad, he even spoke the whole truth.

Chu Yi asked him: “Not sleeping?”

Qin Yiheng asked back: “You’re not sleeping?”

Chu Yi: “I’m waiting for my hair to dry before sleeping.”

Qin Yiheng said: “I’m waiting for your hair to dry before sleeping.”

Chu Yi took a deep breath, he suddenly felt so warm.

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So the two just sat like this.

Chu Yi often zones out and doesn’t think much of it. But Qin Yiheng is also zoning out with him at the moment, which made Chu Yi feel a little strange.

“Qin Yiheng.” He called out.

Qin Yiheng answered: “Mn.”

Chu Yi: “Before you came to find me, did you know that I’m from a single-family?”

Qin Yiheng said: “I know.”

Chu Yi: “Then do you know my father, that he’s not very good?”

Qin Yiheng: “I know a bit.”

Chu Yi said: “I dreamed of my dad just now.”

Qin Yiheng turned his head and glanced at him. Only after quite a few seconds, he said something that seemed to be a comfort: “It’s just a dream.”

Chu Yi didn’t know how much Qin Yiheng knew, and he never thought about talking to Qin Yiheng about Chen Jianshi at this time. He just felt that since he had such an awful background and Qin Yiheng was so good, why did he settle with him?

Chu Yi couldn’t help clasping his hands together, he lowered his voice and asked Qin Yiheng: “Won’t you mind?”

Qin Yiheng seemed to have copied him and also lowered his voice: “Why would I mind?”

Chu Yi suddenly smiled.

Qin Yiheng’s so nice.

The quiet night was perfect for chatting.

After sitting for a while, Chu Yi suddenly thought of what Qin Yiheng said about suitability.

He asked: “Why do you think we’re suitable?”

Qin Yiheng’s head suddenly tilted, as if he was thinking seriously, and then said, “I have seen your information and achievements, you’re very outstanding.”

Chu Yi grabbed on and didn’t let go: “There are so many outstanding people, why didn’t you choose them?”

Qin Yiheng turned his head to look at Chu Yi. From his expression, it seemed to be as if Chu Yi had asked another stupid question.

Qin Yiheng said: “A sexual relationship happened between us.”

Chu Yi: “…”

How could he forget about this?

Qin Yiheng continued to explain patiently: “I only got to know you because there is such a relationship first, then I thought you were suitable.”

Chu Yi nodded, in his mind: Ok Ok.

Qin Yiheng should be the most straightforward and least willing to talk nonsense person Chu Yi has ever met.

No wonder everyone at school called him the mountaintop flower[1]. If it wasn’t for Chu Yi’s label as his husband, Qin Yiheng would probably be too lazy to communicate with him.

Qin Yiheng successfully dragged Chu Yi back to reality and made him forget the dream he had just now.

“Qin Yiheng.” Chu Yi cast his eyes into the darkness and asked: “Have you ever liked anyone?”

The night was really too perfect for chatting. He even started to attack deep within Qin Yiheng’s heart.

However, his attack wasn’t successful, because Qin Yiheng quickly replied: “No.”

Chu Yi paused for a bit, and then seemed to have no more questions.

Qin Yiheng is indeed Qin Yiheng.

When he had no questions, Qin Yiheng had them.

It seemed as if he just learned how to chit chat, Qin Yiheng threw the question back to him: “And you? You have someone you like?”

Chu Yi pondered for a few seconds: “Don’t think so.”

Qin Yiheng raised his head slightly and turned to look at Chu Yi: “Xu Zhiming isn’t one?”

X-Xu Zhiming?

Chu Yi was shocked, and his voice became higher: “Huh? What? Who?”

Qin Yiheng with a dull tone: “Your senior, Xu Zhiming.”

Many guesses flashed by Chu Yi’s head, how did Qin Yiheng know about Xu Zhiming?

But his mind was still blank in the end. He opened his mouth for a long time before asking Qin Yiheng: “You also got to know this?”

Qin Yiheng’s voice remained dull: “No, you told me?”

Chu Yi was even more shocked: “Me?”

How could he possibly say that he likes Xu Zhiming?

Chu Yi: “When did I tell you that?”

Qin Yiheng: “That night you were drunk.”

After he finished speaking, he suddenly lifted the quilt and lay down. Only the lamp on Chu Yi’s side was turned on, so when Qin Yiheng lay down like this, he directly drowned into the darkness.

Qin Yiheng’s voice was stuffy: “I’m sleeping.”

And then he didn’t make another noise after that.

Chu Yi felt that it was a little inexplicable. The man beside him was full of I’m going to sleep right now, don’t disturb me. Chu Yi had no choice but to answer mn in a low voice.

And then no other movement came from Qin Yiheng after that.

Chu Yi: ?

No, I mean, what kind of situation is this?

He talked to Qin Yiheng that night?

They even talked about Xu Zhiming?

He even said he likes Xu Zhiming?

That’s not possible…


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