Acting Spoiled In His Indifferent Arms

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Acting Spoiled In His Indifferent Arms 01: Drawing Blood

 bibz  Uncategorized  July 19, 2020 9 Minutes

In the darkness, Ji Bai smelled the scent of disinfectant.

She opened her eyes, and the first thing that she noticed were the white ceramic tiles of the hospital.

Suddenly, she felt a faint sting in her left arm.

Jing Bai looked down and saw a sharp needle piercing through her pale flesh. Dark red blood was slowly crawling through the narrow tube like a worm.

She jerked violently, trying to pull out the tube out of reflex.

At that moment, a pair of warm hands firmly held her shoulders down.

“Bai Bai, don’t be scared. It’ll be over soon.”

Ji Bai turned to see her mother, Tao Jia Zhi, smiling gently at her.

The Tao Jia Zhi at this point in time still had a full head of black hair, and a face full of collagen. She had less wrinkles, and looked younger overall. Even her expression was gentler.

Ji Bai had experienced rebirth, and had returned to the year she was 17 years old.

“Don’t panic, it’s just a prick of a needle. Bai Bai is your sister’s hero.”

Ever since she could remember, her mother had repeatedly drilled this phrase into her head up until she was 25 years old.

Her sister, Ji Fei Fei, was diagnosed with hemophilia at birth. She suffered from severe coagulopathy and required regular blood transfusions.

TN: Coagulopathy is a condition where blood’s ability to clot is impaired, and will cause excessive bleeding spontaneously or following an injury.

Ironically, Fei Fei had the rarest blood type, AB-negative, otherwise known as “Panda Blood”. Hospitals constantly lacked AB-negative blood, and her parents blood types were A-negative and B-negative. Thus, they were both unable to provide for her transfusions.

TN: In China, an estimated 0.03% of the population have an AB-negative blood type. So it’s dubbed “Panda Blood” because it’s as rare as pandas. If you notice an inconsistency here, I’ve explained it in a note at the end of the chapter.

In order to treat Fei Fei’s illness, her parents put all of their eggs in one basket and decided to have another child. This child would essentially act as a “living blood bank” for their sister.

After two years, Ji Bai was born. Luckily, her blood type was also AB-negative, and was compatible with her sister.

Thus Ji Bai’s nightmare began.

In her early years, Ji Fei Fei’s body condition was okay. The health complications of her disease were not serious, and at most required a transfusion every 6 months.

But after entering university, her hemophilia complications worsened and the frequency of transfusions increased from every 6 months to every 3 month, every month, and sometimes every few days.

In her last life, Ji Bai wasn’t willing to continuously donate blood because of her fear of pain. Her parents would guilt trip her and convinced her that if she wasn’t willing, she was heartless and didn’t care for her family.

Because she was frequently donating blood, Ji Bai suffered from anemia and protested once more. She was fiercely scolded by her parents and forcibly kept in the hospital to perform transfusions.

After Ji Bai passed away unexpectedly, her parents cried and lamented that their blood supply was gone. What would they do now?

In the eyes of her “kind and loving” parents, her only purpose in life was to be a “living blood bank”!

Now that she had returned to age 17, Ji Bai didn’t want to live through the same tragedy. She wanted to live a regular life of her own.

In her dazed state, the doctor had already drawn 200cc of blood and turned to her mother.

“Once you’ve returned, make her some iron-rich meals like fried pork liver to help restore her body’s supplies.”

Tao Jia Zhi nodded, and rubbed Ji Bai’s head. “Bai Bai is so obedient. Whatever you want to eat tonight, Mom will make for you.”

Ji Bai dipped her head slightly, trying to escape her caress.

She got up to leave, leaning on the hospital’s ice cold walls. Her head was short on blood, and she felt a bit dizzy.

Coincidentally, Ji Fei Fei had just received her test results and was leaving as well.

“Xiao Bai, are you okay? Do you feel uncomfortable?” She asked concernedly.

In her last life, her sister had also treated her with loving concern and Ji Bai actually believed that Fei Fei was treating her well.

Under this hypocritical disguise, Ji Fei Fei endlessly oppressed her and stole from her, from their parents’ favour, to their relatives’ concern.

Growing up, Ji Bai had no resources; they had all been snatched away by Ji Fei Fei.

Now, she would not be fooled again.

Ji Bai turned around and avoided her indifferently, stabilizing her dizziness.

Tao Jia Zhi gently rolled up Ji Fei Fei’s sleeves while they waited for the doctor to complete the blood transfusion.

Ji Fei Fei glanced at Ji Bai and said worriedly, “I think sister blames me. She’s ignoring me… Mom, I feel really guilty.”

“It’s predestined that she donates blood to you. Afterall, you two are sisters,” Tao Jia Zhi comforted.

Ji Fei Fei lowered her head in sadness and said with sincerity, “Little sister, please don’t blame me, okay?”

Here we go again.

Ji Fei Fei had once again transformed herself into the world’s most pitiful child. Everyone felt sorry for her and loved her dearly because she was not only sick, but filled with guilt.

Whenever Ji Bai resisted fiercely, her relatives would criticize her for being heartless towards her pitiful sister. Her parents brought her to life, so donating a bit of blood should be nothing!

So under the pressure of her relatives, she ended up rolling up her sleeves again and again.

This very moment in the present was a perfect example of this. Her mother, Tao Jia Zhi, said in a reproaching tone, “Bai Bai, your sister just cares about you. How could you ignore her?!”

At this point, Ji Bai had calmed down, and said in a light tone, “Sister thinks too much. Helping each other is what is expected of us. I didn’t blame you.”

Ji Fei Fei was slightly stunned. Then, she nodded vigourously.

After the transfusion was complete, it was already 6 in the evening. Her father Ji Mingzhi’s Mercedes-Benz was parked outside of the hospital’s entrance.

They boarded the car, and Ji Mingzhi asked, “What did the doctor say?

“Fei Fei’s condition is fairly stable.”

“Alright, then I can rest assured.”

Ji Bai recalled that their highschool years were when her sister’s illness was the most stable, and the frequency of transfusions was rather low. Since they were at most once every half a year, she could endure this.

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But after Fei Fei turns 23, her illness would worsen, and Ji Bai would also develop anemia.

Ji Bai made up her mind. She secretly made plans in her heart to use the time that she had remaining to escape the claws of her parents, and not let them control her.

With this sudden change to relive, she did not want to become her sister’s life-sustaining accessory.

Ji Bai leaned her head against the car window, and contemplated her future.

Her mother saw the listless Ji Bai through the rearview mirror, and asked, “Bai Bai, are you tired?”

She made a noise of agreement and said, “A bit.”

Tao Jia Zhi said, “Then sleep a bit in the car then. You still have to memorize the script when you get home. The reporters are coming for the interview in jut a few days; you have to do your best to cooperate for your sister.”

“I know.”

Because of her brave struggle with her disease, Ji Fei Fei had previously been interviewed by the news media. She subsequently became a small celebrity, and was an inspirational influencer on Weibo with over a million followers.

To further promote her sunny and optimistic image, the school they attended, Dexin Highschool, invited news media reporters to organize a large-scale inspirational talk for Ji Fei Fei.

Ji Bai had also been invited to go on stage to tell her sister’s story about her fight against hemophilia.

In her last life, the reporter had asked Ji Bai if she willingly donated blood for her sister. She responded honestly, “No, I’m not willing, because donating blood hurts.”

Afterwards, she was attacked by angry netizens for this response.

“Selfish, no conscience!”

“Have you thought of your hemophilic sister? Are you hurting as much as her?”

“It’s only a prick of a needle, what are you being unreasonable for?”

Ji Bai suffered from countless attacks from anonymous netizens, and was emotionally ravaged.

This time, she wouldn’t make the same stupid mistakes.


The onsite interview was planned to be held in the school’s lecture theatre, and the two sisters arrived early to prepare backstage.

In the brightness of the makeup mirror, the makeup artist applied foundation onto Ji Bai’s fair skin. After testing numerous shades, she was unsatisfied with all of them. This young lady’s skin was too white! It was also moist and dewy, without any hint of flaws; even the lightest foundation could not be applied to her face.

“Young lady, your skin is so good!”

The makeup artist sighed. Not only was her skin fair, but her entire appearance was particularly beautiful. After all these years of working as a makeup artist, she had seen countless cute girls, but this young lady was different from others. Her shining dark eyes resembled those of a china doll.

“You don’t need to put on any makeup with skin like yours.”

“Thank you,” Ji Bai smiled politely, revealing her cute rabbit-like front teeth.

She indeed was enviously beautiful. But it was a pity that in her previous life, after suffering from anemia, her skin slowly lost its luster and became sickly in appearance.

Ji Fei Fei finished changing into a beautiful dress and walked out, just as the makeup artist decided on a foundation shade for Ji Bai.

“I’ve finished changing. Come help me put on my makeup,” she said to the makeup artist.

“I’m not finished over here yet, can you wait a bit?”

“She’ll only be filmed for a few minutes, so she doesn’t need to wear makeup. I’m the lead role today.”

The makeup artist glanced at Ji Bai, and Ji Bai said, “Don’t worry about it. Go help my sister.”

She could only take her cosmetic case over to Ji Fei Fei and help her instead.

Ji Fei Fei’s appearance was much more ordinary; she had a similar facial structure as Ji Bai, but because of her overly nutritious diet, her cheeks slightly bulged which resulted in a softer and less three-dimensional face.

Ji Bai sat alone in front of the mirror and applied her makeup herself.

It was at this time that Ji Bai’s phone received energetic stickers in the group chat with her girlfriends. The message read, “Bai Bai add oil! You’re the fattest!*”

TN: The pun here is that “fat” and “best” sound similar, and usually someone would say “you’re the best” here, so her girlfriend is teasing her.

Ji Bai laughed and responded with a “I really want to beat you all up, but I’m afraid of going to prison” sticker.

> Are you all on set right now?

> Yea yea, we’re all in the audience waiting for you. This broadcasting opportunity is rare, so don’t make a fool out of yourself!

Ji Bai was drafting a message, but her sisters abruptly changed the topic.

> Right, I think I just saw Xie Sui.

> What? The Xie Sui from our school? The Xie Sui who’s a pro at boxing and racing?”

> “Yeah! That one.”

> “Why would he come watch this interview?”

> “Who knows.”


Her close friends were the one to start this discussion.

Xie Sui was a sort of fantasy. Call him a delinquent, but he wasn’t the same as the arrogant and rampant delinquents at school. He was always low-key, and never caused a scene on campus, be it smoking or fighting.

But everyone knew that he wasn’t a good kid. He and his brothers would go to underground fights every day to earn money. At the same time, he also loved racing, and was one of the most daring opponents.

In her previous life, Ji Bai and Xie Sui never had much interactions at school. His smile was very devilish, and it always made her feel scared.

But it seemed that her sister Ji Fei Fei really liked this kind of bad boy.

That night Ji Bai had escaped the hospital, it was snowing heavily. Because of the extreme cold and her anemia, she fainted in the streets. And it was Xie Sui who brought her home and took care of her.

Throughout those short months they had together, Ji Bai could see a deep and tender love in his deep and seemingly bottomless black eyes.


Ji Bai took a deep breath, put down her phone, and proceeded to paint her lips with lipstick in the mirror. Unconsciously, she chose Xie Sui’s favourite shade of red.

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